\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Characters/Casey Fairbanks

Casey Fairbanks

Name:Casey Avalon Fairbanks
Hometown:Las Vegas, Nevada
Occupation:Waitress, Student, Ghost Hunter

Growing up in the hospitality business with her family's hotel on the outskirts of Vegas exposed Casey to the bad side of life very, very early. But, after discovering her penchant for seeing spirits, and enduring accusations of schizophrenia, she instead elected to flee the state with only the clothes on her back, and had been performing exorcisms and cleansings for people in need across the US, sparse as they were. After going to Haven on a whim, she decided to stay - the spiritual activity in the area was incredible, and she felt she found a place she could do the most good in. And the nearby White Oak College provided a safe haven to learn more about the supernatural world they lived in.

“Replace this text with your comment.”

- Your Character?

“Replace this text with your comment.”

- Your Character?

“Replace this text with your comment.”

- Your Character?

“Replace this text with your comment.”

- Your Character?

“Replace this text with your comment.”

- Your Character?