\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Encounterlogs/Korinas Odd Encounter Sr Trevor 240624

Korinas Odd Encounter Sr Trevor 240624

The story unfolds in the midst of Korina's diligent efforts to imbue her new apartment with her distinctive scent, an endeavor that takes an unexpected turn upon the abrupt intrusion of a ghost haunted by fragmented memories. As Korina, in her snow leopard form, meticulously navigates the maze of construction clutter to mark her territory, the disturbance of a bucket heralds the arrival of an ethereal presence. Confounded but undeterred by the ghost's seemingly harmless fixation on cleaning, Korina instinctually challenges the interloper with a ferocity only a large predator can muster. Yet, despite her formidable display, the ghost remains engrossed in its obsessive compulsion, oblivious to the territorial claims of the living.

As the confrontation escalates, Korina realizes that primal instincts alone will not suffice to reclaim her domain. With a transformation that marries the elegance of her leopard form with the capabilities of her human guise, she confronts the ghost with an ultimatum, harnessing her supernatural abilities to enforce her will. The ghost, momentarily perplexed by the transformation and the firm demand to cease its intrusion, resumes its task with an unsettling zeal, brushing dangerously close to violating Korina's personal space in its relentless pursuit of cleanliness. In a climactic assertion of her authority, Korina decisively expels the specter, restoring tranquility to her abode. The tale concludes with Korina assertively reinforcing her claim to the space, her actions serving as a potent reminder of the boundaries that even the spectral should heed.
(Korina's odd encounter(SRTrevor):SRTrevor)

[Sun Jun 23 2024]

In a bathroom in progress
Tarps and tools, ladders and buckets, the spacious apartment looks as though it's under attack by a hardware store. While it certainly isn't much to look at right now, in time, this barren concrete box will be transformed into a luxurious home for fit for Haven's elite. Rome wasn't built in a day, as they say.

It is morning, about 85F(29C) degrees,

(A ghost with only fragments of memory that have driven them near insane is attacking your target. They must either defeat it or find a way to calm it down.
Korina(snow leopard) is just continuing with the tedious, hard work of rubbing herself along each and every wall of the apartment that's been newly moved into, ensuring it smells sufficiently like her for the time being. There's been no peeing involved, just so that's clear, though the floor does call for a nice rolling - which is what she gets up to, twisting around and rolling on her back, her tail smacking against a stray bucket along the way and resulting in a heavy clang of metal that momentarily startles her. Almost done with this room, and then she'll move on to the bathroom. There's a lot of ground to cover before a well-earned nap in the summer sunshine.

Just so it's clear, Korina(snow leopard)'s is going to move on to the /other/ bathroom.

It's another normal day in Haven - at least, well, as normal as it can be. The Haven lodgings seem to not have rules against big cats in them - and Korina(snow leopard) herself seems to be making that pretty clear with all the marking of territory she's doing in her new apartment. It's a pretty nice day, one that's very nice to be relaxing in the summer sun - great cat weather.

Haven doesn't really stay normal for long. Anyone experienced in house cat, will have some idea of the fact that cats like to stare at certain walls or corners of the house - some cat owners will assume their house is wanted, once the cat runs away.

Right before Korina(snow leopard) can make her way into the other bathroom, that same bucket makes a loud clattering sound - this time, it doesn't seem to be Korina(snow leopard)'s fault. A figure moves across the floor, directly towards Korina(snow leopard) - in a somewhat threatening manner, muttering something under its breath.

is already on her way out of the room, only pausing briefly to rub the top of her head against the doorframe, scratching that little itch behind her ear satisfyingly when there's that other clattering. This time, it definitely wasn't Korina(snow leopard)'s fault because her tail was safely and securely held in the air without bumping into anything major.

The obvious reaction, therefore, is to make a 180 degrees turn and leap straight for whatever it is intruding in /her/ space with claws out and teeth bared, a low, rumbling growl starting deep in her throat as she jumps at the figure, no holds barred.

That 180 degree turn would reveal, a ghost in all its ghosty nature. It seemed to have been fixated on the loud sound that the bucket makes, because it once again, clatters the thing. Muttering something in a low, low, whisper that sounds very much like 'cleaning'. A moment or so later, after the bucket settles that ghost moves throughout the bathroom, like it's inspecting the space curiously. This may be Korina(snow leopard)'s space, her scent marking it, but this ghost does not seem to care too much about smell - or large snow leopards.

The growling does not abate. In fact, it may only rise in volume, with Korina(snow leopard)'s tail fluffing up even further and the hair all along her spine rising in response to the being's presence. There's a loud hiss at the ghostly ghost, and Korina(snow leopard) attempts, once again, to bat at it with one large claw-tipped murder mitten, with no care given to the fact that it's an ethereal being rather than a physical one. Her tail lashes around through the air in irritation, rounded ears lying low and close to her head, and she doesn't let the figure out of her sight for even an instance, sharp, glacial blue eyes fixed upon the ghost while she attempts to scare it away. Shoo, ghost, be scared of Korina(snow leopard)'s growling. Her pride demands it.

The rising sound of cat growling at least seems to phase the entity at this point - and it turns, a slow, intrigued circle to find out what is invading /it's/ new space, new home. 'Clean', the ghost mutters again, staring with its ghosty eyes directly at the cat. One of Korina(snow leopard)'s claw-tipped murder mittens pass within an inch of the ghosts form and gives it pause, it glances down, in what can be described as shock or surprise. It never actually got hit, but, whatever is going on in that ghost brain of theirs seems to be confusion. It looks up now, towards the ceiling, before it comes back to Korina(snow leopard).

A sound comes out of the ghost's 'mouth', one that sounds like air being blown out of a tube, "I need to clean," it says finally really spotting Korina(snow leopard). And then, it kneels down beginning to mime scrubbing at the floor with some sort of cleaning instrument. The motions look like they'd be a sponge of some sort, really putting force into the action.

That floor the ghost's scrubbing? That's the spot on the floor Korina(snow leopard) was just rolling around on, and she doesn't want all her hard work spreading both her scent and her fine, white-gray strands of fur around ruined by some jerk who couldn't have the decency to stay dead after passing on. There's a loud, offended yowling, exactly as agitated as one ought to be when someone they didn't invite into their house is coming in and phasing through walls and scrubbing floors with imaginary sponges and refusing to leave.

Her leopard-brain did its best, but really, some things are best handled when you've got opposable thumbs and vocal cords capable of human speech.

Spotted gray fur recedes to reveal sun-kissed skin, claws shrinking to elegant fingers and paws morphing into hands and feet. Her spine straightens as bones and joints fall back into a human configuration, though leonine grace remains in her form even after the transformation from leopard to woman is complete - and then does Korina(snow leopard) snap her fingers at the ghost for its attention, though there's no actual attempt to /banish/ it through magical means yet.

Korina says, in case the spirit would be willing to listen to her, "Stop and leave, or I will make you stop and leave."
The ghost seems to have responded better to words, instead of cat growls, and cat hissing. At Korina's words it does stop - looking up to find a human. "But.. there was a cat?" the voice lets out, strained, but still with that raspy sound. It's attention on Korina doesn't seem to last long, because, it immediately starts scrubbing again, and actually, begins to hum. Some peaceful little tune. The ghost really does seem to be at peace, it definitely seems to be 'enjoying' itself. Korina doesn't even seem to be a thought in its mind at this point, even so far as to scrub closer to her, a few more moments and the ghost would probably start trying to scrub Korina, she's in the way - and this ghost really, really needs to clean up. Look at the bathroom! Covered in tools, and unfinished construction work. Gotta clean. Gotta make it spotless.

"It." A narrowing of gelid eyes.

"Is." A shifting of stance, claw-tipped fingers brandished as though she's ready to leap again at any second. She's learned her lesson though, hopefully?


Her words are more growl than anything else by now, and there's glowing motes of multi-hued light floating in the air near Korina, a sure sign of her patience nearing an end.

The room is certainly not clean, but hey, one of them can actually do something about it and it's not that guy who can't even figure out if he's dead or not. Cleaning it is not really a concern of Korina's however; she mostly just wants the ghost out of her space, hopefully never to return ever again. It's totally acceptable as far as the woman is concerned, as long as it's got her scent on it, and so...

There's a clap of hands, prismatic light budding within. She fixes a challenging stare at the ghost. Five more seconds, and it's going to be gone, one way or another.

The ghost, even through the clapping, through Korina's words continues. Scrub, scrub, scrubbing away. No cares in the world. It does avoid Korina though, scrubbing a small circle around the obstacle.


Time seems to slow down in that five second window, the ghost scrubs to another corner, knocking the bucket over again with a loud crash.

Three. That time, much like Korina did earlier startles itself, it looks up - no leaps up to a stand and stares at Korina. The weight of her words, of the actions seems to finally sink in.

Four. "NOOOOOOO," it cries out, stalking on ghostly feet towards Korina, it's close, covering the distance with supernatural speed. "PLEASE! DON'T DO THI-"

Five. And the bathroom is quiet again. No trace of Callum the Cleaning Ghost in sight.

At least, in its last moments it did get to do some cleaning. Though, that's probably what happens when a ghost, or other figure breaks into a house and intrudes on someone's privacy, on someone's territory marking. What a rude thing to do.

(fixed) Even with the clapping, even ththrough Korina's words the ghost continues. Scrub, scrub, scrubbing away. No cares in the world. It does avoid Korina though, scrubbing a small circle around the obstacle.


Time seems to slow down in that five second window, the ghost scrubs to another corner, knocking the bucket over again with a loud crash.

Three. That time, much like Korina did earlier startles itself, and it looks up then leaps to a stand and stares at Korina. The weight of her words and of the actions seem to finally sink in.

Four. "NOOOOOOO," it cries out, stalking on ghostly feet towards Korina, it's close, covering the distance with supernatural speed. "PLEASE! DON'T DO THI-"

Five. And the bathroom is quiet again. No trace of Callum the Cleaning Ghost in sight. At least, in its last moments it did get to do some cleaning. Though, that's probably what happens when a ghost, breaks into a house and intrudes on someone's privacy, on someone's territory marking. What a rude thing to do.

Korina almost jumps from startlement herself at the loud crash of the bucket so that's a two-for-one, and there's a hiss leaving her instinctively even when her vocal cords seem terribly equipped for such feline noises. Far be it for her to let such physiological restrictions get in the way of her vocalizations. Sadly, Callum the Cleaning Ghost's protests will fall on deaf ears, because she's all instincts and no mercy when she follows through with her threats. A splash of blood from claw-like nails digging into her palms, a bright burst of light, and the ghost is no more to be seen.


Korina stares at the walls some more, just in case he decides to come back.


Another few moments, and she finally lets the tenseness to her muscles fade away, shaking her head to herself with annoyance at the spot the ghost once occupied, and she makes a point of walking all the way up and down the bathroom.

... after she's thrown that one annoying bucket out the window, of course. The neighbors are going to love having her here.