\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Encounterlogs/Meridiths Odd Encounter Sr Sara 240611

Meridiths Odd Encounter Sr Sara 240611

In a tranquil cabin nestled amidst the wilderness, Meridith found herself rudely interrupted from her contemplative swordplay by persistent knocking at her door. A mysterious note, crudely written and demanding her help to rescue a civilian lost in the woods, quickly propelled her into action. With nothing but the vague directive of "Haven Woods" and her keen senses, she set out, following a trail marked by a musky scent mixed with vanilla, lavender, and the unsettling smell of fresh blood. Her journey led her to discover a young girl, barely alive, hidden under leaves and showing signs of a violent encounter. Meridith's protective instincts kicked in as she fought off creatures drawn to the girl, ensuring her safety. The girl, identified only by her necklace as "Lexie," held a clue in her hand, urging Meridith towards her next adventure.

Meanwhile, Miranda faced a different challenge as she embarked on a quest to contain a potential threat to the supernatural world's secrecy. Tasked with dealing with Luis Corazor, a conspiracy theorist and paranormal investigator who had stumbled upon too much truth, Miranda found herself at Beacon's Point. There, she encountered Luis, busy hiding USB drives with damning evidence of the supernatural in geocaches. Pretending to be a curious tourist, Miranda cleverly engaged Luis, coaxing him into revealing his findings. What she discovered was shocking: clear evidence of werewolf existence and a direct lead on one named Devon Foster. Both Meridith and Miranda's stories intertwined with the supernatural, each on their path, setting the stage for further entanglements with the hidden truths of their world.
(Meridith's odd encounter(SRSara):SRSara)

[Mon Jun 10 2024]

In A Small Cabin
In this small but well-designed living space the walls are adorned with wooden panels, giving a sense of nature indoors. To your left, there's a black sofa with plush cushions, and warious throw pillows. The sofa is strategically placed near a large window that allows natural light to fill the room during the day. The window also provides picturesque views of the surrounding wilderness.

On the opposite side, there's a neatly arranged bed with green linens and various mix-matched pillows. The bed is framed by a wooden headboard, adding to the rustic feel of the cabin. Overhead, a warm and subtle lighting fixture casts a soft glow, creating a tranquil ambiance in the sleeping area.

Adjacent to the bed, a built-in closet is seamlessly integrated into the wooden wall. The closet features sliding or folding doors, maximizing space efficiency. Inside, there are shelves, drawers, and hanging rods for organizing clothes and personal items, keeping the cabin clutter-free.

Overall, this one-bedroom cabin combines the comforts of modern living with the tranquility of nature, providing a serene retreat for those seeking a peaceful escape.

It is afternoon, about 90F(32C) degrees,

(Your target's been contacted to help find a civilian who's become lost in the woods.
Meridith is laying back in her cabin staring up at the ceiling. In her hands is a swoord, beautifuly ornamented. She swings it at the air, the wind whistling as she parts it with force. She's restless, dwelling on other things.

A sudden series of hard knocking on the cabin door interrupts Meridith's thoughts. The rapping of knuckles refuses to let up, turning into pounding on the door before muffled voices are heard through the other side. "Leave it, let's just go!" comes one man's voice, heavily accented. "Yeah, c'mon. I hate it out here," says another. A whoosh accompanies a piece of paper that is slid under the door, and the noises stop abruptly.

Meridith sits up as the door knocks and she springs from her bed in a graceful arc, gliding across the floor of her cabin to take a position behind the door, blade held loosely in her hand as she draws a breath and waits. As the paper slides underneath her door, she leans forward and skewers it with her rapier, lifting it in front of her face. She let's out a soft hmm. reading it.

In sloppily scribbled writing, something akin to a toddler's doing and written in many different colors, Meridith sees on the paper the words- We hear you can help. Civilian in woods, need rescue. Despite the hole created by her rapier, she can also make out, in all capital letters and written in red- THEY ARE NOT AWARE. There are no further instructions, no signature. At the very bottom is a P.S- Haven Woods.

Meridith shrugs and flicks the paper off her blade, and delivers a stacatto of strikes to reduce it to small pieces before she suits up and slides out of the door. She lets out a sigh, and if those people are still about, she'd whistle and try to get their attention, but failing that, she walks out to search

As Meridith walks out of the cabin, she spots one of the men, barely out of sight.Dark hair adorns his head in a mess, possibly from the ordeal he's been tasked with. Dressed in dark clothing as well, it's difficult to discern where he may be from. He freezes in place immediately, not turning around. "Not for us, for you," he calls, then breaks into a sprint, vanishing as though in fear of her.

Meridith rolls her eyes a bit as the man takes off. She closes her eyes and focuses. A slow inhale, as she sorts the scents hanging in the air, making slow steps to unravel this mystery.

A tinge in the air hits Meridith's sense of smell. It's a mixture of many things-musky, woodsy smells, a hint of vanilla and lavender...followed by an unmistakable scent of fresh blood. After the departure of the letter-writers with the horrid handwriting, it has become eerily still.

Meridith logs the scents in the back of her mind. Right right, horrible monsters, track them down later, she seems to think. She's trying to suss out a scent that isn't the duo's as she follows the trail. Eyes flicking towards the woods in a quiet way.

The scents of vanilla and blood are nearly overwhelming to Meridith's heightened senses as she follows along the trail, coming from her right. Looking into the woods, one could barely make out a branch broken in a strange way on a tree, a tiny piece of torn clothing snagged on it, a sign whoever is out there didn't go willingly.

Meridith strolls over to the cloth, taking a whiff of it, but gazing more towards what she presumes will be obviously visual evidence. Blade in hand, she steps confidently through the brush following signs of any trail she can find.

What is found with that confident step off the trail is a mess of broken branches, leaves everywhere, and a barely detectable footpath leading deeper into the trees. As Meridith moves along, miniscule blood droplets can be found in a spatter here and there along the ground, along with a single pearl earring, standing out amongst the dimness of the woods. Set in white gold, the backing is still on and smeared with blood as well.

Meridith picks up the evidence with little regard, giving it a gentle sniff. She holds it in her right hand, blade in her left as she strolls slowly through the woods along. "If I find a corpse I am going to have to kill those two," she announces to the world around her.

As Meridith moves further within the woods, it seems she's not the only one who has noticed that someone has perhaps become abandoned out there. Across the distance, eyes can be seen glowing within the trees, and chittering teeth can be heard. The sudden woosh of leaves to her left reveals a hand lying palm open. It is pale skinned and the nails are ragged, signs of a fight. This is all that can immediately be seen, leaving it to Meridith to find out if it is still attached to its owner.

Meridith pulls her bow free and lets out a sharp whistle, alerting the critters if they had not spotted her. She draws an arrow taut and looses it, firing towards them. She she gases to the hand, the attempts to brush the leaves free, frowning.

Once the leaves come free, it becomes apparent that the person in question is still intact, at least for now. Meridith has revealed a girl, not more than the age of 15. She would appear asleep, if not for the evident trauma that has happened to her. She is sprawled out,unconscious, and had been hastily covered up, head turned unnaturally one direction. The reason for the blood found becomes clear, as Meridith spots the distinct marks on her neck, and the torn earlobe where her earring had once been worn. While the creatures in the trees retreat, several rats have already come to attempt to nibble on the girl, suggesting she's been there a while.

Meridith shifts back and her rapier flashes. It's a furious if short lived effort. She fights creatures like this all the time. A mix of telekinetic force, and vicious onslaught of her blade to protect the poor sleeping woman. Step one, secure, step two, rescue.

The rats squeal in anger as Meridith faces them and swiftly dispatches them one by one. She finds that only one bite has been made on the girl, save for the one to her neck. Someone was apparently not at all careful with their meal, it seems. She wears a school uniform, and a backpack. Likely that she was lured out there, but who knows? Closer inspection reveals a wound to her head, blood in her light blonde hair. Dropped next to her messily is a rock with matching blood spatter.

Meridith lets out a gentle sound, and moves to perform first aid to the young girl. She wraps bandage and mostly just wants to make sure she is breathing if not conscious and secure to move.

Meridith finds the girl is still alive, even if barely. A rustling sound, and the peering of features from a distant tree draw attention. "She found her!" one of the figures whispers. "She'll take care of it- we need to go!" and then they are gone. It seems Meridith was chosen to clean up the mess, and perhaps make sure the girl doesn't recall what happened to her. Having moved closer to give aid, she finds herself in a strangely drawn circle, and realizes the girl was positioned purposely inside it.

Meridith gazes at them, considering for a real moment, leaving the girl to hunt them down. But she doesn't, because she gazes down at that innocent face and something stirs.

Meridith moves to get to the road with her prize, to call for help, she can handle the responsible party later, deeming the world too small for them to get aaway from her forever.

The girl's fingers twitch suddenly, and she draws a breath. A small necklace she wears spells out the name "Lexie". Clutched within her other hand is another paper, perhaps leaving Meridith with a clue perhaps as to where she can later find the people who left this girl in her state. For now, she is safe with Meridith, and they have vanished, but will they return for her?

Meridith sets her carefully beside the road. She calls 911 for an ambulance and is busy trying to make sure she's as stable as possible for the ambulance when it arrives. She's moving to study the paper with curiosity.

(An amateur paranormal investigator has stumbled onto the truth of the supernatural world and has evidence. Your target and their allies are tasked with containing the situation.
OOC - Feel free to set and we'll give this a college try.

Miranda is somewhere out in the forest with a sword in hand and a vest overtop of her clothing. She is fussing with the runes on her ring, trying to pick out some dirt with a nail. "It's so embarassing that this didn't work." she says to herself, likely referring to her inability to summon a minion in a recent battle.

It's not only the failure to summon minions that will Miranda this hot and humid day. Her phone buzzes and lo and behold a notice has gone out with details on someone who knows things they shouldn't. It appears Luis Corazor has traveled to Haven as an amatuer conspiracy theorist and paranormal investigator. There is a picture of a dark haired individual, olive skin, in their twenties, with a canvas jacket (Despite the heat) a t-shirt and jeans. Whatever they've found it's worth it enough to have him "contained" whatever that ends up being. He was last sighted near the light house and Beacon's Point.

Miranda checks her phone when it buzzes at her, she's forced to clear a few notifications from Tik Tok, Insta, Tinder, Myhaven, etc. It's quite obnoxious, all so she can find the message. She blows a raspberry, "Lame." she says, but then perks up as a thought strikes her. She makes for her tesla at a leisurely stride, entering it and driving off towards the lighthouse with terrible driving skills.

Not only do Americans drive on the opposite side of the road but they also seem to not take kindly to potentially swerving between the lanes willy nilly and there are many honks and horns and one particularly cheeky fellow who yells "Damn hippies" out the door at a Tesla. It all makes sense. It doesn't take Miranda more than twenty minutes to reach the rising outcropping that is beacon point. The benefit of this local is the sea breeze hitting the raised cliff and creating an actual cooling affect even if it does smell strongly of the ocean. There appears to be a cheap beater van parked nearby with a few decals like: Aliens are watching , Believe! , See the world for what it is! , and the obligatory COEXIST sticker. There's no sign of the owner in or nearby, but there is a path leading towards the lighthouse / beacon itself.

Miranda parks and gets out of her vehicle. Upon seeing the van she decides her sword and vest will not be necessary for this. She's not done however, she fixes up her hair in the reflection of the window tint on her driver side door then she adjust her tube top to accentuate 'assets' a little better. Once she's ready she sets off down the path, looking like a well dressed tourist.

It's a nice tourist spot really, beautiful views, nice even if the heat might be more than most would prefer. Judging from parked cars it's just Miranda and presumably her target. Ten minutes from the parking area she finds a hunter green jacketed man with dark hair crouched near a wooden bench. There is a toolset case next to him and what appears to be an open laptop with some program running on files, encryption, copying, sending... something that might need to be checked for more clarity. The man's back is to Miranda and the sound of a -zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzey- drill can be heard so he approach is likewise unnoticed.

Miranda makes no effort to mask her approach, her heels and boots crunch gravel with each step till she is looking over the man's shoulder to check on what he's doing with feigned interest. Her voice is friendly and cheery as she ask, "Hello, what are you doing?"

"Woah!" the dark-haired man says as he looks up and over to find Miranda with those startling bright blue eyes. He puts the drill on the ground and grips the bench so he doesn't tip over from his crouching posture. "You scared me..." and then he looks around a little more as if to check no one else is around. "I thought you were a Park Ranger or something, I'm adding a Geo cache. Ever heard of those?" he asks the attractive tourist showing interest in his strange activities.

Miranda looks absolutely nothing like a park ranger and she smiles at the suggestion. She continues to act very interested in what the dark haired man is doing, "Oh that's neat, whats a Geo Cache." she smiles as she ask this.

Despite his seemingly chatty nature the dark-haired man closes the laptop hiding whatever was going on the screen and likely re-locking it from nosey nellies before saying, "Hidden usb in towns, cities, out in nature. They have data dumps on them that you can only get if you physically visit the location. A lot of them are hidden and it's a hobby finding them and adding yourself to the guest list." and then he adds the part that might annoy Miranda , "I've been setting up a few in Haven with some real good stuff."

Miranda leans forward with her chest pushed forward a bit and she smiles sweetly, "Oh that's so cool. Can I see what you are putting on there?" She bats her eye lashes at the guy and tries to seem as innocent and full of curiousty as possible.

Oops he looked and then he looks back up at Miranda's eyes with that I just got caught guilt. "Yeah. Yeah sure. I want everyone to know, but they won't believe unless they have to work to get it. People are so stupid you could have the obvious right in front of their eyes but if they didn't have to give something up they don't even notice." he says somewhat ironically and moves to stand from his crouched position at the edge of the bench. "The Geo cache I was installing is bluetooth and USB," and he pulls it out of his pocket, "So I was going to hide it in that side of this bench and people would be able to plug in or bluetooth the data dump and the visitor log was going to be in a tree over there. I need to hollow it out." he explains while offering the USB to Miranda , "Just hold your phone over it with the bluetooth on."

Miranda slips her phone from it's hiding place down the front of her tube top. She enables the bluetooth and waves it like the man said and she ask, "So now what?"

There's a little bzzzt and Miranda's phone recognizes a device trying to connect. If she accepts it will open up like any bluetooth periphal and allow her to access the files on it. The files appear to be numerous newspaper articles from Haven about animal attacks and missing persons and what appears to be a disturbingly not grainy video of someone transforming grotesquely from a man into some hybrid beast in the woods. In addition to the video is a bunch of doxxing information on who the man might hypothetically be based on appearances and identifying markings like tattoos that were in the video prior to the transformation. The dark-haired man pockets the USB after she connects and watches somewhat excitedly for her to see everything. "Wild right... Werewolves are real and this guy... This Devon Foster is one of them just living in this nowhere town for some reason."