\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Family/Billy Moore

Billy Moore

Billy Moore

Birthday: April 16th, 1981
Birthplace: Haven, MA
Groups: The Moores?, Westhaven
Job: Career Criminal

Billy does a lot to keep his family away from the politics of the Wilsons. This includes the occasional shitty job for them, but this also includes getting on their bad side more often then not. If it weren't for Sanctuary, Billy would have probably been dead a long time ago. His son, Johnny, was abandoned by Cindy Dawson, an old flame of Billy's that couldn't handle the woes of motherhood.

RP Hooks
The Motorcycle - Billy drives a 1965 Electra Glide, an old school Harley Davidson bike that some claim he cares more about than his only son. Whatever the case, Billy takes care to keep it polished and repaired, though he does have a tendency to ride it into dangerous situations.

Nemesis - Billy and Sean Wilson do not get along. They have came to blows so many times it's a bit of a tired affair, with the Wilson man coming out the victor most of the time. Billy has even dabbled in the supernatural to try to find a reason why this is, and despite it, still can't figure out why Sean seems like the better fighter.

Matricide - Though his mother died during complications of childbirth, his father always blamed him. After hearing horror stories about the Moore's luck with children, how many die or get taken away by the cousins that affiliate themselves with the Redwood Pack, Bill can't help but wonder if there was any truth to his father's suspicions.

"You got a problem?" - Billy Moore

"I don't want trouble, okay? I'll leave Westhaven like you said--you won't see me, promise." - Dakota?

"Growing up, no one made me speechless quite like you. Some things never change." - Coral?

"You're both frightening and fascinating, you know that, Billy? Protector and ass kicker in one." - Bish?

"You think I'm trouble? I learned from the best." - Your Wee Sister?

"Triple dog dare you to do that thing! And stay out of the hospital, it makes you so crabby. Big Bertha didn't even want to give you your sponge bath with happy ending." - Braces?

“Outside of my world, you are the only individual who's shown any particular interest in me, Billy Moore. I find you strange.” – Roxane?

"Nights like last night help me understand more fully the rage I think you have so much trouble with." - Benny?

"Trouble with a capital T." - Rita?

"I'm sorry. I tried. Just not hard enough, I guess." - Naomi?

"You are an interesting man, Billy - and more changeable than Haven's weather I think. Still, I enjoyed our talks and your fashion critiques." - Tori?

"Strength like that doesn't go without notice, bebe." - Regina?