\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Family/Lionel Arkwright

Lionel Arkwright





Lionel Arkwright



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Is it worse to fail at something or never attempt it in the first place?



The Arkwrights?
Haven Academy

March 23, 2000

Haven, MA

Basic Information

How do you know that your experience of consciousness is the same as other people’s experience of consciousness? The structure of DNA appears to be intelligently designed, what are the implications? I'm not trying to be pretentious, I come off as that a lot. You will no doubt, already have views on some of these questions, and may have formed quick views on others. I'm interested to hear them.

Personal Information

Favorite Movie:


Favorite Song:

We're all Wasted, by the Cartel

Favorite Book:

The Complete Collected Works of Edgar Allen Poe


“You seriously put the gayest shit up here, man. And dude, what's up with the crow tattoo on your hand, you should've told me you were getting a tat.” – Johnny Moore? [1.18.2015 @ 1:14]

“I'm fine, really. I did have a dream about your uncle, Hayden, though. Text me?” – Sofia Inigo? [8.23.2015 @ 7:09]

“Hey, Lionel, you coming to the party? Johnny says it's in the dorms, so if I don't see you, I'm dragging you by your ear in.” – Laura Wilson? [9.4.2015 @ 11:20]

“If Declan doesn't let you party at his place, you can come to mine. Just don't tell everyone I leave the beer in the open, Leo, there's only so many things I can handle at once.” – Adriana Arkwright? [10.02.2015 @ 1:24]

“Hey man! We need to hang out so I can take you away from those gay ass books you read! Besides I have a new song I want to you to listen to. Hit me up! Don't be hiding in your fucking room, I'll drag you out I swear!” – Johnny Moore? [10.30.2015 @ 09:10m]

“We really should do another collaboration piece, don't you think? You still owe me dinner, and a dance too, Mr. Haven. Don't make me tell Grandma on you. ” – Sof [03.19.2016 @ 02:45]

“Privyet Lionel! Kogda my sobiraemsja vstretit'sja na pervoj ezhegodnoj vstreche udivitel'noj tajnoj vstrechi poliglotom obshhestva? My dolzhny imet' ego v biblioteke, i ja budu videt', mogu li ja kupit' kvas na Amazon! Ona chuvstvuet sebja tak horosho, chtoby ne byt' v odinochestve, i ja vzvode imet' kogo-to, kto po krajnej mere, vrode ponimaet, tak chto ja ne dolzhen stradat' na anglijskom jazyke. Udivitel'nye tajnye poligloty, soedinjajtes'! ” – Katyushka? [11.01.2016 @ 19:17]

“As blind as you are treacherous, Arkwright. And I expected so much more from James' progeny. I am the queen, and I can't be killed.” – Wendy? [11.02.2016 @ 00:33]

“ Thanks for getting the kid out. I hope I didn't ​entirely fail you guys.” – Mr. Reeves [05.19.2017 @ HH:mm]