\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Family/Tiffany Swann

Tiffany Swann

T i f f a n y   S w a n n

Birthdate – May 23, 1982; Birthplace – Haven, MA; AssociationsThe Swanns?, Haven Courier; Occupation – Newswriter

The Skinny

Tiffany Swann loves her father very much. She loved, most of all, his stories, stories of how he'd expose the horrors the Wilson Family are committing, stories on how he'd investigate the shadow that walks the graveyards sometimes at night. Stories about the supernatural, stories that he claimed were true, and stories about modern-day heroes and villains. When Peter Swann used the wealth his father gave him to purchase the Haven Courier, she knew she'd have to follow in his footsteps.

Deeper Investigation

The Truth
    To Tiffany Swann, the truth is not only owed to the people, but it is the most important thing in the world. Everyone deserves the truth. Most of all her, of course, after all, she is a Swann. She'd stop at nothing to learn it.

    Tiffany believes in risks in all its forms. She gambles, dives into strange waters, sneaks closer to violent situations and asks Wilson associates the hard questions. For better or worse, this has affected her reputation as brave.

    If you're not a Swann and you're trying to investigate something when she was there first? Tiffany will get ready to take down anyone who tries to steal her story, with words or, if she feels she really has to, violence. She knows her way around a weapon.


“Off the record, of course.” – Tiffany Swann

“Tiff! I miss you so much! We have to get together for Girl's Night soon and laugh until the dawn, just like old times.” – Coral?

“There will be many times you regret the depths you plumb to fill that void, Miss Swann.” – Doctor Arkwright