\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Gameplay/Compete


Syntax: compete against (person) with (stat) and (stat) and (stat)

This command allows you to test your stats against someone elses, up to three at a time.

For instance if you wished to armwrestle with someone, compete against (person) with strength

Would test your strength against theirs, or for a game of darts you might enter compete against (person) with games and dexterity

On completion of the command it will send an echo to the room of who won.

Normally the winner will always be the person with the highest stat total, if the stat totals are equal it will be a fifty/fifty chance. However this may change based on the inclusion of certain stats.

Currently games is the only stat which deviates from this, when adding games as one of the stats tested it will always introduce an element of randomness to the calculation while still significantly favoring the person with higher stats.

For each 1 point below the other person you are in a game calculation, your chance of winning will lower by a multiplicative 20%. So if stat levels are the same you'll have 50% chance, if you're one lower 40%, if 2 lower 32% etc.

As optional syntax you can also drop the 'against' and simply type compete (person) with (stats)