\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Gameplay/Jobs


After your character's first week in Haven, he will need to get a job in order to receive the full benefits of his wealth stat. Characters who do not work will receive a greatly reduced paycheck.

Full time supernaturals cannot hold a non-cover full time job, and receive only 20% of their maximum paycheck with a regular job.

Syntax: job take (job type) (job title)

 Take a new job. Job types are explained below. You may take up to two
 jobs, but only the best-paying job will affect your paycheck.

Syntax: job quit (exact job title)

 Quit a current job. You must type the job title by its exact name in
 order to successfully renounce it. It will disappear from job info.

Syntax: job info

  Returns information about your character's current jobs.

Local Job Types:

 Local job types can be taken inside the bounds of Haven. When taking a
 local job, you must go to the location you wish to work and enter the
 job take syntax. In order to be paid for a local job, you must go to
 that exact room every 2-3 days.

 !!!Syntax: job take parttime (job title)
 Work part time at a local business. Part time work awards 65% of a full
 paycheck if taken at a shop property, or 55% if taken at a home business.

 !!!Syntax: job take fulltime (job title)
 Work full time at a local business. Full time work awards 100% of a full
 paycheck if taken at a shop property, or 80% if taken at a home business.

Commuter Job Types:

 Commuter jobs do not require checking in at a local property, but instead
 represent a character working anywhere outside the bounds of Haven. This
 means whatever Sanctuary protection they have will be spottier from
 traveling outside the town's borders.

 !!!Syntax: job take parttimecommute (job title)
 Take a part time commuting job at 65% of your regular pay.

 !!!Syntax: job take fulltimecommute (job title)
 Take a full time commuting job for 100% of your regular pay.

Student Job Types:

 This type of job represents your character currently attending school.

 !!!Syntax: job take parttimestudent (job title)
 Study part time, awarding 45% of your regular pay.

 !!!Syntax: job take fulltimestudent (job title)
 Study full time, awarding 45% of your regular pay.

Cover Job Type:

 Cover jobs are only relevant to fulltime supernaturals.  A cover job is 
 a faction-funded or entrepreneurial job that allows a fulltime supernatural 
 to pretend they hold a regular job and receive pay for it. Like a local job, 
 characters who hold a cover job must check in at that room every 2-3 days.

 !!!Syntax: job take cover (job title) 
 Work a full time cover job for a local faction. The faction sets your pay