\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Gameplay/Operation Fields

Operation Fields

  • Description

-This is the description of the operation, it should generally be at least three lines and explain the basic details of the operation, such as the history, why people want to do whatever they want, who the adversaries will be and so on.

  • AdversaryName

-This is the string that the adversaries in the operation will appear by, such as X shoots you. X changes to coordinates.

  • AdversaryType

-The type of adversary you'll face, current options are archaic and modern.

  • AreaName

-The name of the room the operation will take place in.

  • Territory

-The supernatural territory the operation will take place in or, Other, Godrealm, Wilds in the case of offworld operations.

  • Type

-The type of operation, see operation types.

  • ItemName

-In operations that are targeted at a specific item this is what that item will appear as, such as person has X, person gives X to other person. E. G. 'the ancient tablets'

  • Capture Process Name

-In operations in which one or more locations much be captured this sets the name of the process that must be completed, such as person continues X, or you are 10 percent done with X. E. G. 'uploading the virus'

  • Terrain

-Sets the type of terrain you will be fighting over, options are: Forest, Field, Town, City, Desert, Mountains, Warehouse.

  • MaximumCharacters

-Sets the maximum number of PCs from any faction that can go on the operation with a value of between 2 and 8. Non supernaturals count for 2/3ds of a supernatural. So 3 non supernaturals could go on an operation with a maximum size of 2. The number of NPC soldiers you can deploy to any given operation will be twice this number.

  • Competition

-Set to Open/Restricted/Closed. Open is the default type of operation.

Restricted operations only give half the resources to the winner but no other faction can send a PC force considered more powerful overall than the one sent by the creating faction. This makes it a good choice for operations made by or designed for newer characters or non-combat characters.

Closed operations cannot be seen by or attended by anyone outside of the creating faction but also reward no resources. They can be set with 0 in the day field however. They are well suited to practice or within faction group activities.

  • Challenge

-Allows characters to make the rewards of winning an operation higher by making the NPC adversaries more numerous. 0 is the default and is generally recommended. NPC adversaries base number is determined by the overall power of the most powerful attending faction.

  • Priority

-This allows you to list players which will be taken over others if more than max is present, you can include yourself on this list and should leave a space between the names of every character on it.

  • Speed

-Sets the speed of the battle, speed 1 is the same speed as the game uses by default when engaged in combat in the forest against mobs. Speed 2 is twice as slow, speed 3 is three times as slow and so on. Maximum speed is 6 which makes each combat round a minute and a half long.

  • Hour

-The hour of the day in Haven time you want the operation to occur.

  • Day

-The number of days from now the operation will occur. This counts down every time the designated hour passes. So if the current time is 10 and you set hour to 11 and day to 1 it will occur tomorrow at 11. But if you set hour to 9 and day to 1 it will occur the day after tomorrow at 9.

  • Timeline

-An optional field, if complete the operation will create an entry in the territory timeline which will appear as (name of the winning faction) (message). No message will appear if nobody wins the operation.

  • Storyline

-An optional field which will make the operation part of a storyline and involve all participants in that storyline.