\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Gameplay/Roleplaying Explained

Roleplaying Explained

Roleplaying is the art of being someone else, of creating and embodying a fictional character. Roleplaying is mandatory on Haven, your character must act like they are a real person at all times and not someone's game avatar. The exception to this is a few OOC channels.

Emote allows your character to do describe what your character is doing at any given time. Used like emote does a dance. Would show up as (your character name) does a dance. To everyone else in the room. Additional functionality for the emote command can be found under help emoting.

Say is used for when your character just wants to talk, although you can mix your conversation into an emote, this saves a lot of time and allows conversations to flow quicker and easier.

Whisper can be used to convey a private message to someone, used like whisper to

Socials are pre-written emotes for doing very common things, they cover things such as nodding or smiling and are a little quicker and easier to use than emotes.