\ Haven:Mist and Shadow HavenCourier/3-10-2013


The Haven Courier

Sunday, March 10th, 2013


  • A recent string of vandalisms and assaults have taken place over Haven. Incidents are connected to a group known as The Raptor Gang. It had previously seemed like mild occurances, until Sergeant McHarris of the Haven Sheriff's Department was gunned down in the main reception area of Department Headquarters by a man wearing an armband of this gang. Four others were wounded and a woman with dreadlocks and a man with a white hoodie were seen fleeing the scene of the crime shortly after.
  • The Arkwright Cemetery remains closed to visitation. Officials continue to urge citizens to remain calm pending further investigation.


'''Our reporting team went around Haven, stopping people on the street and wanting to know personal answers to our questions!'''

  • "How do you feel about immigration laws?

"I think everybody deserves to live well." - Minnie Cobb, 19

"I would say in a country such as this, one whose foundation and growth came specifically from immigrants looking to make a better place for themselves, that the current laws are out of date and no longer valid for the function of the country." - Spencer Worthington, 24

"Immigration? I lived in a trailer park where people, if they were lucky, had two bedrooms and enough food to live day by day. Until that changes, I like the stiffer immigration laws." - Janice Wright, 21

"I think they should be laxed some. This country was founded on immigrants." - Judith Vargas, 30

"I think immigration should be easier. And I think there should be more room for... internal immigration. If you know what I mean by that? I don't get very political, really. But America is, as I understand it, one of the most difficult countries to immigrate into. I'm not sure that's how it should be. Everyone deserves a fair shot at life, don't you think?" - Joaca West, 23


A professional-quality photograph has been inserted on the page:
Anyone familiar with the Fallout series might recognize the background of this picture to be a replica of the post-apocalyptic geared vaults often used in the games. Casually standing in front of it is an attractive youthful man with a wiry build. A collection of black sooty locks are flipped in careless disarray over the fair skin of his forehead, almost long enough to hide the ornate yin and yang studs adorning his ears. His angular, masculine features are marked by a stylish black goatee and a strong jawline. A brown bottle which presents the readable label of 'Sunset Sasaparilla' is held in one hand. The image captures his striking ocean-colored eyes with good humor, a big full-lipped grin set in comedic mid bite of a gummi candy iguana on a stick. What is visible of his clothing is relaxed and casual, a graphic black tee shirt with a black leather duster.

     Name: Zeke Crowley
     Occupation: Owner of Avalon

Although Mister Crowley was born and raised in Haven, he left to travel about the country, telling fortunes and saving up. After six years, his return to our wonderful community a few weeks ago has brought the onslaught of colorful posters that most of Haven's residents have seen around town for the opening of his new business Avalon! Even though it hasn't been open very long, the establishment has already been a big hit with ample room for growth in the future. This conversational and polite young man described it best as a novelty shop, diner and theatre: for nerds by a nerd.

Q: How did you get started in this business, Mister Crowley? When did you first find you have a love for this sort of thing?
A: Well, I've always been a nerd. I grew up being one. Comics, books, movies, video games. Loved them all. So while I was wandering the country it hit me: I don't like having a boss or waking up early. Why don't I run my own business? And then the two kind of merged together. At that point I just needed to get the capital together and a location. Well, I thought why not Haven? It's my hometown, it doesn't have that sort of thing.. So.. that's about it really.

Q: Tell us more about your establishment. Are their prices for using the console games? Do your change your featured snack treats? How often do you rotate out your movies and how many play?
A: Let's see. We have a 'Chill Out' room for console gaming, those are free but the public selection we have is small, game-wise. We have an attendant there who changes out games for customers if they bring their own. The arcade upstairs is also free. As far as the feature snacks, I do plan to change those and I actually recently changed out some of our stock for oh... a half a dozen or so new items. I suspect this will continue as supply and demand changes. Finally, the movies rotate like any other theatre. I play mostly new movies, though some Tuesday and Wednesday nights we play older movies.

Q: Can you give readers a sneak peek of some of the fun events you plan to be doing in the future at your establishment?
A: You know, we just opened and I really have been so busy with the opening that I hadn't thought about it too extensively. If there was enough interest, though, I'd love to host a costume slash cosplay contest though, now that I think about it. I think that could be nice.''

Q: You mentioned 'nerding' out in your advertisement? What do you feel is the difference between a geek, a nerd, and a dork and what is your personal opinion about the terms and how they're used?
A: Good question. A geek is just someone, in my opinion, who is overly devoted to a certain thing, like computers or programming or the like. A dork is just a dweeb, a weird person who smells and is super skinny or fat. The kind of person who lives with their mother until they're fifty. A nerd, on the other hand is a proud member of society who enjoys immersing themselves in great works of fantasy. Either by watching or playing with those works or by contributing to them or both.

Q: Can you give Haven a juicy little tidbit about what the 'real' Zeke Crowley is like? What's a printable innocent secret!
A: Hmm. Let's see.. I made Avalon because I decided even if it failed, I'd have my own personal 'Nerdvana' for a couple of months until the bank foreclosed on me. Most of my spare time I'm there, nerding out. I'm pretty addicted to the novelty drinks we have, especially in our Fallout stand an I really hope that people find me approachable, I'm not really a stuffy businessman. I like nerdy things and nerdy people. So I hope if people recognize me on the street they'll say hello... if they feel like it of course.

30 Maple Street
Phone: 774-2955


  • Have the urge to protect and serve? The Haven Sheriff's Department and Haven Fire Department are looking for loyal and brave men and women to serve within their ranks. We serve and protect with integrity, respect, courage and a strong sense of justice. Call the HSD or HFD today.
  • Looking for a house to buy? Just off the corner of Emery and Plymouth is a lovely four bedroom home with a dining room, kitchen and living room. Owner is looking for a quick sale and there is no credit check required. Please text: 1207249 for more information.


Have a story? Want to have you as a person or your place of business spotlighted on the Courier and can't wait until we come to you? Have a classified ad, an obituary, or an opening that you'd like to get in next weeks paper? Do YOU have a question for April? Look us up and let us serve you, Haven!

The Haven Courier: www.thehavencourier.com

  Avery Duvall:  1209652
  Caprice Walther: 1208771