\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Operationlogs/The Black Flames Operation In Rhagost 240707

The Black Flames Operation In Rhagost 240707

In the lush woods of northern Rhagost, a covert operation unfolds as a group of warriors makes a daring maneuver to intercept a powerful nullification relic. The relic, capable of changing the balance of power between the factions of the dream realm and the physical world, lies hidden within a shrine deep in the forest, guarded by mythical creatures and riddles only the worthy can solve. Selina, quick and agile, scouts ahead, narrowly evading arrows fired by the Black Flame warriors, a group set on claiming the relic for their own dark purposes. The tension builds as the battle lines are drawn between the protectors of the realm and the encroaching Black Flame warriors.

As the skirmish intensifies, Nikolai, Korina, Konstantin, and their companions showcase their bravery and strategic prowess. Nikolai activates a distress beacon, signaling a full-on assault towards the goal. Korina, with her keen aim and vicious steel claws, becomes a fierce adversary on the battlefield, claiming the relic after a climatic confrontation with Selina, who fades away after valiantly defending her position. The tables turn several times, with the relic changing hands amidst chaos and carnage, but ultimately it is the cunning and resilience of Korina and her team that prevails. In a stunning display of power and determination, they fend off the relentless Black Flame warriors, securing the relic and ensuring their faction's dominances. As they make their escape toward the extraction point, they know that their victory is not only a testament to their strength and courage but also a crucial step in maintaining the delicate balance of powers in their world.
At Sat Jul 6 2024, in a forest near Rhagost

Mission: Intercept A powerful nullification relic and bring it back to the extraction point.

Deep within the towering, ancient trees of northern Rhagost, a powerful relic lies hidden, a gift from the elder gods capable of nullifying magic within a vast radius. Its possession could potentially change the balance of power between the factions of the dream realm and the physical world. The relic is rumored to reside in a shrine guarded by mythical creatures and protected by puzzles only the worthy can solve. A successful operation involves the retrieval of this relic, ensuring its power cannot be used against the interests of your faction.

The lush woods of northern Rhagost
It is morning, about 62F(16C) degrees, and there are a few dark grey clouds in the sky.

Selina charges toward brush.
Nikolai taps his neck twice and activates a distress beacon.

Korina charges toward depression.
Nikolai charges toward depression.
Nikolai says "Into the depression for now."
Konstantin charges toward depression.
Korina says "I do not see anyone else."
"Da, just us?", Konstantin calls out as he launches forward for the depression, knife in hand

Korina charges toward depression.
Nikolai charges toward depression.
Nikolai says "I see Selina to the southwest."
Korina says "I see Selina now."
Nikolai says "She's probably getting quite tired of us. She's at the brush there."
Konstantin says "No eyes, no eyes.."
Korina says "We will move for her?"
Nikolai says "Move for the log first."
Konstantin charges toward depression.
Nikolai says "Wait for Kostya to get here."
Korina charges toward depression.
Korina says, running in place, "Okay."
Konstantin charges toward depression.
Konstantin runs along, sadly only mildly superhuman at this point and totally unmechanised.

Konstantin nods amicably aside to someone as he arrives.

Nikolai says "Okay. We're moving for the log next."
Konstantin nods amicably aside to a svelte woman in a three-piece suit as he arrives.

Nikolai says "Ready? "
Korina steadfastly ignores a svelte woman in a three-piece suit. "Ready."

Konstantin doesn't respond, simply moving!

Konstantin charges toward log.
Nikolai charges toward log.
Selina crouches down behind her brush and watches what is happening. There are lots of people on the field down to the south. More than she can probably handle on her own. But also far enough away to not be problematic immediately.

Nikolai says "I see the carrier. He's past Selina."
Konstantin calls out as he splashes through the water just behind his trusted ally, a svelte woman in a three-piece suit, "By the brush, da. I see her."

Nikolai charges toward log.
Nikolai says "I've lost sight of Selina."
Korina charges toward log.
Nikolai charges toward log.
Nikolai says "Oh, west. Nevermind."
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Selina, it misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Selina, it sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

Korina charges toward log.
Nikolai charges toward log.
Konstantin charges toward log.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Selina, it sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Selina, it sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

Konstantin calls out, settling into cover beside the log. "Right. She is in the open. Let her tangle a little and then charge her to collect after she deals with those two?"

Selina charges toward tree.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Selina, it misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Selina, it sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

Korina glances over at Konstantin and back at Nikolai, looking ready to charge out of cover already if he hadn't proposed a plan that involved /waiting/.

Nikolai says "Jane, go mop up those warriors for now."
Selina charges toward tree.
Selina swings her weapon at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it is parried by her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Selina, it is parried by her rapier.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Selina, it is parried by her rapier.

Nikolai says "We're going to move for the brush."
Nikolai says "Ready? "
Korina says "Okay. "
Korina charges toward brush.
Nikolai charges toward brush.
Konstantin grunts, "Securing extract?"

Selina swings her weapon at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it is parried by her.

Nikolai says "Nevermind, go for that tree. I didn't see it. We'll hang out with Selina."
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Selina, it is parried by her rapier.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Selina, it is parried by her rapier.

Korina charges toward tree.
Nikolai charges toward tree.
Nikolai says "Extraction isn't clear yet, so don't rush."
Selina dives into the action, rather than wait for the wave to consume her. She gets to the tree and starts cutting into the enemies there. Perhaps she can get out before the others arrive. But odds are against it. She made her tree, and she will climb it.

Selina swings her weapon at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it deflects off her armor.

a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
Selina has A powerful nullification relic.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Selina, it ineffectually wounds her right shoulder.

Korina charges toward tree.
Nikolai charges toward tree.
Actually that tree was already there, so Selina didn't even make it! She's a tree-colonizer, it would appear, and Korina takes great offense to this when she rushes in, on her way towards the tree in question with bow in hand.

Loosely drawing back her bowstring, Korina takes aim at Selina and lets an arrow fly where it may; it ineffectually wounds her forehead.

Selina swings her weapon at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it is parried by him.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Selina, it ineffectually wounds her left leg.

Korina charges toward tree.
Nikolai charges toward tree.
Korina's steel claws slash through the air savagely towards Selina, their viciously-bladed edges seeking to rip and tear without restraint, and the assault ineffectually wounds her right shoulder.

Selina fades out of the nightmare.
Korina has A powerful nullification relic.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Korina, it is parried by her set of graceful, wickedly-bladed claws.

Konstantin charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it strikes the tree he's taking cover behind.

Nikolai doesn't seem to particularly care about tree rights - but he does lob a neutraliser towards the shifter to deny her whatever passive strength she draws from her other forms. "Sorry it has to be this way," he calls - and then she's gone, and he nods at Korina approvingly. "Okay," he says. "Time to clear out these warriors. Get a little closer to the extraction point, but there's no rush."

Nikolai charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
Nikolai's hammer flicks speedily towards a Black Flame warrior in dark robes in an attempt to whittle down his defenses and is parried by him.

A sheathed broadsword appears on Nikolai's hip.

Korina's claws of steel swipe in a languid slash towards a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, aiming to nick instead of kill as she repositions for a follow-up; the attack is parried by him.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Korina, it is parried by her set of graceful, wickedly-bladed claws.

Konstantin charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it strikes the tree he's taking cover behind.

Nikolai swings his weapon at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it is parried by him.

a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
Korina seems very enthused by her possession of the relic, and instead of moving for the extraction point, she huddles up beneath the tree to examine the thing in great detail after the Black Flame warrior is dealt with, 'ooh'ing and 'aah'ing all the while.

Nikolai says "Okay. Time to go northeast."
Nikolai says "Let's move towards the extraction point."
Konstantin spits a little bit of flame at the tree

Konstantin spits a little bit of flame at the tree

Korina charges toward brush.
Konstantin sprints as fast as his little legs can carry him, having neither winged feet, power armour, or whatever it is that lets someone zoom around.

Konstantin sprints as fast as his little legs can carry him, having neither winged feet, power armour, or whatever it is that lets Korina zoom around.

Korina's got the zoomies.

Nikolai runs towards the extraction point.
Konstantin calls out, the first one there in a totally planned hang-back-and-protect-the-extract play; "Extract secure!"

Konstantin runs towards the extraction point.
Nikolai runs towards the extraction point.
Konstantin calls out across the river; "Jane! Jane! Wrong one!"

Korina charges toward Konstantin.
Korina charges toward Konstantin.
And now that she's finally here after a refreshing little swim, Korina seats herself on the ground, motes of glowing light floating in the air around her like an impromptu middle-of-the-woods disco party while the continues her examination of the relic.

Nikolai says "Blyat, that is a lot of them."
Korina glances up quickly. "Where?" she hasn't been paying attention.

Nikolai says "Southwest. "
Korina says "Oh, I see them."
Nikolai says "Jane is fighting them. Good luck, Jane."

a svelte woman in a three-piece suit fades out of the nightmare.
a Black Flame warrior in dark robes has A powerful nullification relic.

Korina says "Oh... my relic..."
Konstantin says "Alright, away we go?"
Nikolai says "So it seems."
Wings appear on Nikolai's ankles

Nikolai charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
Konstantin screams out as he charges, sprinting across the open ground with wild abandon; "OOOOORAAAAAAHH!!!"

Korina charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
Steeling her gaze and perfecting her aim at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, Korina lets loose a flurry of arrows in rapid succession, all of them flying out one by one in a spray that misses her.

Nikolai charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it sends up a spray of water near his feet.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it misses him.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it misses him.

Nikolai lifts his hammer to the sky and points at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, spraying her and those around her with falling embers which misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it misses him.

Korina charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
Steeling her gaze and perfecting her aim at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, Korina lets loose a flurry of arrows in rapid succession, all of them flying out one by one in a spray that misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it misses him.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it misses him.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it misses him.

Konstantin charges toward log.
Nikolai charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
Nikolai lifts his hammer to the sky and points at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, spraying her and those around her with falling embers which sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it sends up a spray of water near his feet.

Korina charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
Steeling her gaze and perfecting her aim at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, Korina lets loose a flurry of arrows in rapid succession, all of them flying out one by one in a spray that sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it misses him.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it misses him.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it misses him.

Konstantin charges toward log.
Nikolai charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
Nikolai lifts his hammer to the sky and points at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, spraying her and those around her with falling embers which sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

Korina charges toward tree.
Steeling her gaze and perfecting her aim at tree, Korina lets loose a flurry of arrows in rapid succession, all of them flying out one by one in a spray that damages it.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it misses him.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it misses him.

Nikolai charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

Nikolai lifts his hammer to the sky and points at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, spraying her and those around her with falling embers which strikes the tree she's taking cover behind.

Nikolai throws a tear gas grenade at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.

Konstantin charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it strikes the tree she's taking cover behind.

Nikolai says "Let them choke."
Korina charges toward tree.
Steeling her gaze and perfecting her aim at tree, Korina lets loose a flurry of arrows in rapid succession, all of them flying out one by one in a spray that damages it.

Nikolai charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Nikolai, it is parried by his oversized steel hammer.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Nikolai, it is parried by his oversized steel hammer.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Nikolai, it is parried by his oversized steel hammer.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Nikolai, it is parried by his oversized steel hammer.

Nikolai swings his weapon at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it is parried by her.

Konstantin charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it strikes her armor with bruising force.

Korina moves protectively towards Nikolai.
Korina's claws of steel swipe in a languid slash towards a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, aiming to nick instead of kill as she repositions for a follow-up; the attack strikes her armor with bruising force.

a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
Nikolai says "Perfect. "
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Nikolai, it is parried by his oversized steel hammer.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Nikolai, it is parried by his oversized steel hammer.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Korina, it is parried by her set of graceful, wickedly-bladed claws.

Nikolai says "I will move away when I get too sore. I'm good for now."
Nikolai swings his weapon at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it is parried by her.

Konstantin charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
Nikolai disarms a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.

Korina says "Okay. "
Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it deflects off her armor.

Korina's steel claws slash through the air savagely towards a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, their viciously-bladed edges seeking to rip and tear without restraint, and the assault is parried by her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Nikolai, it is parried by his oversized steel hammer.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Korina, it is parried by her set of graceful, wickedly-bladed claws.

Nikolai swings his weapon at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it deflects off her armor.

a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
Konstantin charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it strikes the tree she's taking cover behind.

Korina's steel claws slash through the air savagely towards a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, their viciously-bladed edges seeking to rip and tear without restraint, and the assault strikes her armor with bruising force.

a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
Korina has A powerful nullification relic.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Korina, it is parried by her set of graceful, wickedly-bladed claws.

Nikolai swings his weapon at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it is parried by her.

Konstantin charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it deflects off her armor.

A sheathed broadsword appears on Nikolai's hip.

Konstantin calls out; "Get that thing our of here! Let us deal with the robed prick!"

Korina lets out a little purr once she's back in possession of her rightful relic.

Korina's claws of steel swipe in a languid slash towards a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, aiming to nick instead of kill as she repositions for a follow-up; the attack strikes her armor with bruising force.

a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
Nikolai says "Wow. "
Nikolai says "Claim them all for yourself, da, fine. Davai, go extract."
Nikolai says "I will rest here for a moment."
Korina says "Oh. "
Korina says "Five of them."
Steeling her gaze and perfecting her aim at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, Korina lets loose a flurry of arrows in rapid succession, all of them flying out one by one in a spray that misses her.

Nikolai says "Get to cover. I'm coming up"
Nikolai moves protectively towards Korina.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

Nikolai lifts his hammer to the sky and points at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, spraying her and those around her with falling embers which sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

Steeling her gaze and perfecting her aim at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, Korina lets loose a flurry of arrows in rapid succession, all of them flying out one by one in a spray that sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

Nikolai charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it misses him.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

Nikolai lifts his hammer to the sky and points at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, spraying her and those around her with falling embers which strikes the tree she's taking cover behind.

Nikolai throws a tear gas grenade at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.

Steeling her gaze and perfecting her aim at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, Korina lets loose a flurry of arrows in rapid succession, all of them flying out one by one in a spray that strikes the tree she's taking cover behind.

Konstantin charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it strikes the tree she's taking cover behind.

Nikolai charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Nikolai, it is parried by his oversized steel hammer.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Nikolai, it is parried by his oversized steel hammer.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Nikolai, it is parried by his oversized steel hammer.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Nikolai, it is parried by his oversized steel hammer.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Nikolai, it is parried by his oversized steel hammer.

Nikolai whips his hammer in a full arc around himself, bearing down on a Black Flame warrior in dark robes and those near her in an attack that is parried by her.

Konstantin starts to shower a deluge of flame and smoke from his maw, arcing crimson ember over a distance as he moves in, struggling to sprint and spit flame

Loosely drawing back her bowstring, Korina takes aim at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes and lets an arrow fly where it may; it strikes the tree she's taking cover behind.

Konstantin charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it strikes the tree she's taking cover behind.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Nikolai, it is parried by his oversized steel hammer.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Nikolai, it is parried by his oversized steel hammer.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Nikolai, it is parried by his oversized steel hammer.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Nikolai, it is parried by his oversized steel hammer.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Nikolai, it is parried by his oversized steel hammer.

Nikolai is bathed in sunlight.

Nikolai whips his hammer in a full arc around himself, bearing down on a Black Flame warrior in dark robes and those near her in an attack that is parried by her.

The strength in her muscles is evident when Korina pulls her bowstring back with full force, the wood filled with tension before she lets go. The arrow whizzes through the air towards a Black Flame warrior in dark robes and strikes the tree she's taking cover behind.

Konstantin charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it deflects off her armor.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Nikolai, it is parried by his oversized steel hammer.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Nikolai, it is parried by his oversized steel hammer.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Nikolai, it is parried by his oversized steel hammer.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Nikolai, it deflects off his shield.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Nikolai, it deflects off his shield.

Nikolai whips his hammer in a full arc around himself, bearing down on a Black Flame warrior in dark robes and those near her in an attack that deflects off her armor.

A pillar of prismatic light breaks free from Korina's form, illuminating her surroundings brilliantly in a signal for something or someone.

Konstantin charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.

Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it deflects off her armor.

Nikolai lifts his hammer to the sky and points at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, spraying her and those around her with falling embers which

Konstantin charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
Konstantin spews flame as he hurtles towards the action, once again left chasing after the scrap

Korina draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it deflects off her armor.

Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it deflects off her armor.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Konstantin, it misses him.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Konstantin, it misses him.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Konstantin, it misses him.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Konstantin, it misses him.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Konstantin, it misses him.

Konstantin charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
Konstantin launches a stab at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, it deflects off her armor.

Nikolai points his hammer at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes and focuses for a moment before a gout of flame leaps from his weapon towards her that strikes her armor with bruising force.

a Black Flame warrior in dark robes fades out of the nightmare.
Nikolai charges toward a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Konstantin, it is parried by his small hunting knife.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Konstantin, it ineffectually wounds his stomach.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings her weapon at Konstantin, it impacts against his worn kevlar vest.

Konstantin fades out of the nightmare.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes swings his weapon at Konstantin, it mildly wounds his right leg.

Korina runs towards the extraction point.
Nikolai hurls a bola at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes's legs.

Nikolai says "Run. "
Nikolai points his hammer at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes and focuses for a moment before a gout of flame leaps from his weapon towards her that strikes the tree she's taking cover behind.

Korina runs towards the extraction point.
Nikolai lifts his hammer to the sky and points at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, spraying her and those around her with falling embers which strikes the tree she's taking cover behind.

Nikolai points his hammer at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes and focuses for a moment before a gout of flame leaps from his weapon towards her that deflects off her armor.

a wind-up fairy with mechanical joints fades out of the nightmare.
A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it deflects off his shield.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it deflects off his shield.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it deflects off his shield.

Korina runs towards the extraction point.
Nikolai points his hammer at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes and focuses for a moment before a gout of flame leaps from his weapon towards her that deflects off her armor.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it deflects off his shield.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it impacts against his suit of mechanised armour.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it impacts against his suit of mechanised armour.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it impacts against his suit of mechanised armour.

Korina runs towards the extraction point.
Nikolai says "I think your fairy is dead already. Blyat."
Korina says "Almost there..."
Nikolai says "I was so careful to not blow it up."
Korina says "Did it take anyone out?"
Nikolai lifts his hammer to the sky and points at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, spraying him and those around him with falling embers which misses him.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it impacts against his armor.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it impacts against his suit of mechanised armour.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it impacts against his armor.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it impacts against his armor.

Korina runs towards the extraction point.
Nikolai says "Oh boy."
Nikolai says "They have reinforcements."
Nikolai says "I'm looking at thirteen."
Korina says "Easy. "
Nikolai lifts his hammer to the sky and points at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, spraying him and those around him with falling embers which misses him.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it impacts against his suit of mechanised armour.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it impacts against his armor.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it ineffectually wounds his right leg.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it ineffectually wounds his left shoulder.

Korina runs towards the extraction point.
Nikolai says "I am keeping them off you, at least."
Korina is so close to the extraction she can smell it.

Nikolai throws a tear gas grenade at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes.

Korina can also probably reach it if she just falls over and stretches out.

Nikolai lifts his hammer to the sky and points at a Black Flame warrior in dark robes, spraying him and those around him with falling embers which misses him.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it ineffectually wounds his left shoulder.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it ineffectually wounds his chest.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it ineffectually wounds his stomach.

A Black Flame warrior in dark robes draws and quickly fires an arrow at Nikolai, it ineffectually wounds his forehead.

Korina runs towards the extraction point.
The Balanced&Corrupt Alliance has proved victorious.