\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Operationlogs/The Golden Shadows Operation In Lima Peru 240620

The Golden Shadows Operation In Lima Peru 240620

In the shadowed streets of a mirrored Lima, under a sky heavy with storm clouds, Peyton and Viktorin found themselves locked in a tense conflict against the Golden Shadow mercenaries. Their mission was clear yet daunting: to intercept The Eye of Madness from its guardians within the cathedral's mirrored depths and secure it at the extraction point. The artifact, a beacon of terror and power, was the key to shifting the eerie balance that held Lima's psychic territories. The battle commenced with a flurry of missed shots and close calls, as bullets sparked off the cold ground and armor. Peyton, making strategic use of a sedan for cover, set up her sniper rifle and returned fire, while Viktorin, fearless in his charge, lent his strength to the skirmish, firing off rounds that bruised but did not deter their spectral adversary. Amidst the cacophony of gunfire and the ghostly echo of commands, they pushed forward, a determined duo against the looming threat of the Golden Shadow.

However, the tide of battle was relentless. Despite their valiant efforts, the mercenaries’ tactics grew smarter, their shots finding their mark more frequently as the fight dragged on. Peyton, suffering wounds yet undeterred, sought refuge and a momentary respite behind a corner, only to fade from the nightmare—a beacon of hope extinguished. Viktorin, now alone, found himself bathed in moonlight as he pressed on, his resolve unbroken despite the increasing injuries. With his allies vanished and the enemy closing in, Viktorin’s final moments were illuminated by the defiant destruction of a bus used for cover by the mercenaries, a last stand that echoed his determination. However, the shadows crept closer, the inevitability of the nightmare’s grip tightening. In the end, Viktorin too faded from the fray, marking the Golden Shadow victorious. The streets of Lima, once a battlefield of wills and wits, fell silent, the Eye of Madness remaining within the clenched fist of the Golden Shadow, its destiny unaltered by the night's events.
At Wed Jun 19 2024, in the city of Lima, Peru

Mission: Intercept The Eye of Madness and bring it back to the extraction point.

At the center of Lima's psychic echo lies a powerful artifact, The Eye of Madness—an object of great terror and power. It resides in the depths of the mirrored Cathedral of Lima, guarded by legions of phantom faithful and shadow priests. Success in this operation will not only ensure the artifact's destiny to fall into the hands of the victor, but it will also shift the balance of power, opening Lima's psychic territory to control by the victorious group.

Mirrored Lima
It is morning, about 11F(-11C) degrees, and the sky is covered by dark grey stormclouds.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Peyton which misses her.

Viktorin says "Fight night, fight night!"
Peyton charges toward sedan.
Viktorin charges toward Peyton.
Viktorin fires off a shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear which sparks off the ground near his feet.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which misses him.

Peyton fires off a shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear which sparks off the ground near his feet.

Peyton charges toward sedan.
Viktorin says "Blondie, where to?"
Viktorin charges toward Peyton.
Peyton says "I'm at the Sedan."
Viktorin fires off a shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear which misses him.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which misses him.

Peyton fires off a shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear which sparks off the ground near his feet.

Charging forward, Viktorin ducks and weaves, lifting his rifle to pound out rounds at the nearest mercenary. Towards Peyton, the dusky thing cheers, "Fight Nighr, Fight Night!"

Viktorin charges toward Peyton.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Peyton which misses her.

Viktorin fires off a shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear which misses him.

Peyton fires off a shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear which impacts against his armor.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Peyton which misses her.

Peyton moves quickly to cover, setting up the bipod of her sniper rifle on the hood of the car, and taking picked shots at the mercenaries as she does her best to gather her composure.

Viktorin fires off a shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear which strikes his armor with bruising force.

Peyton fires off a shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear which strikes his armor with bruising force.

a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fades out of the nightmare.
Viktorin says "Seems we're the only two dorks."
Peyton says "Ideally we can take them out from cover but there is a lot of them, and we need to kill them all to win i think..."
Viktorin says "We need to pop the guy carrying... whatever thing we're after. Killing the rest is just survival."
Viktorin says "They're moving east?"
Peyton says "Not sure why I'm not recovering."
Peyton says "Moving to the Taxi"
Peyton charges toward taxi.
Viktorin charges toward Peyton.
Viktorin says "Strange. If we can't recover, let's play this cautiously."
Peyton charges toward taxi.
Viktorin says "I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest that pack of enemies is attacking someone to our east."
Viktorin charges toward Peyton.
Peyton says "If we're lucky"
Viktorin says "I see no other reason why they'd move eastward."
Peyton says "Random wanderlust, a sense of adventure."
Peyton charges toward taxi.
Viktorin says "They're not exactly smart."
Viktorin charges toward Peyton.
Peyton says "I miss my power armor, I want to JUMP"
Viktorin says "There's our- what?"
Glancing towards someone, Viktorin amusedly remarks, "You want to jump?"

Peyton charges toward taxi.
Peyton says "I used t o have a suit of power armor, it made me much stronger and capable of jumping long distances!"
Peyton manages to bandage up her wounds and adjust her armor.

Peyton says "Ah that's better."
Glancing towards Peyton, Viktorin amusedly remarks, "You want to jump?"

Viktorin charges toward Peyton.
Peyton says "I have sight on them again"
Peyton says "I'm going to see if I can draw them in"
Viktorin says "I know... they're not in range though."
Viktorin charges toward Peyton.
Viktorin says "We can shove to that corner."
Peyton says "Will try"
Peyton says "I see a lot of folks that way"
Viktorin says "Mmm. "
Viktorin charges toward Peyton.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Peyton which misses her.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Peyton which sparks off the ground near her feet.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Peyton which misses her.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Peyton which sparks off the ground near her feet.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Peyton which sparks off the ground near her feet.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Peyton which sparks off the ground near her feet.

Viktorin charges toward Peyton.
Viktorin fires off a shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear which strikes the bus he's taking cover behind.

Viktorin says "They're behind the bus... fuck."
Peyton fires off a shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear which strikes the bus he's taking cover behind.

Peyton charges toward corner.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Peyton which misses her.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Peyton which sparks off the ground near her feet.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Peyton which misses her.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Peyton which ineffectually wounds her forehead.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Peyton which ineffectually wounds her stomach.

Squinting, Viktorin remarks, "They've grown smarter... God damn it."

Viktorin charges toward Peyton.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Peyton which ineffectually wounds her forehead.

Peyton charges toward corner.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Peyton which impacts against her armor.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Peyton which impacts against her armor.

Peyton fades out of the nightmare.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Peyton which mildly wounds her right arm.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which misses him.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which misses him.

Viktorin says "Ugh "
Viktorin fires off a shot at bus which damages it.

Viktorin charges toward corner.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which misses him.

Viktorin is bathed in moonlight.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which misses him.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which misses him.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which misses him.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which misses him.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which ineffectually wounds his chest.

Viktorin fires off a shot at bus which damages it.

Viktorin charges toward corner.
Viktorin fires off a shot at bus which damages it.

Viktorin fires off a shot at bus which damages it.

Viktorin fires off a shot at bus which damages it.

Viktorin fires off a shot at bus which damages it.

corner fades out of the nightmare.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which misses him.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which misses him.

Viktorin fires off a shot at bus which damages it.

Viktorin charges toward sedan.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which sparks off the ground near his feet.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which misses him.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which misses him.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which misses him.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which ineffectually wounds his left shoulder.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which ineffectually wounds his left shoulder.

Viktorin fires off a shot at bus which damages it.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which deflects off his shield.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which deflects off his shield.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which deflects off his black kevlar vest.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which ineffectually wounds his right leg.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which ineffectually wounds his left arm.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which deflects off his black kevlar vest.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which ineffectually wounds his chest.

Viktorin fades out of the nightmare.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Viktorin which mildly wounds his right leg.

The Golden Shadow has proved victorious.