\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Operationlogs/The Hands Operation In Merida Mexico 240702

The Hands Operation In Merida Mexico 240702

In the sweltering morning heat of a Merida warehouse, a high-stakes operation unfolds as members of The Hand launch a daring assault to establish digital dominance over the local data networks. Korina, Konstantin, and Nikolai, with Wings of agility, charge into the fray, their sights set on a critical container amidst the maze of machinery. Breathing life into their mission, a tailor-made computer virus stands ready to infiltrate and disrupt, laying the groundwork for a cyberwarfare takeover. The datacenter becomes a battlefield, crisscrossed with intentions and ambitions, as Selina, wielding elemental fire, seeks cover and engages, her movements swift against the charged atmosphere.

The contest of wills and skills intensifies, as Nikolai, with his hammer conjuring flames, leads the charge towards the heart of the server security defenses. Shots fire and miss, carving moments of narrow escapes and near hits, while Korina’s protective instincts flare, accompanying Nikolai’s attempts to breach the server’s core. Konstantin, amidst the technological and magical onslaught, demonstrates valor and quick-thinking, extinguishing threats with his shadowy flames and securing the objective alongside his comrades. Through chaos and convergence, their collective efforts bear fruit, pushing back against the advancing PMC operators with a blend of strategy, sorcery, and steel. Beneath the pressure, alliances are tested, skills are honed, and in the wake of digital skirmishes, The Hand emerges victorious, a testament to their resilience and resourcefulness in the shadowy world of cyber warfare.
At Mon Jul 1 2024, in a warehouse near Merida, Mexico

Mission: Get to the designated site and continue breaching server security until the process is complete.

The Hand conspires to take fresh ground; starting by establishing
control over the flow of information and communication in Merida.
A tailor-made computer virus is the tool selected for the job,
to be deployed in a datacentre in one of the city's industrial

A success would pave the way for Hand cyberwarfare agents to sieze
control of the systems remotely; rendering the local cybersecurity
specialists inattentive and lax for the time required.

A cramped datacentre in Merida
It is morning, about 85F(29C) degrees, and the sky is partly covered by wispy white clouds.

Korina charges toward machinery.
Konstantin charges toward machinery.
Wings appear on Nikolai's ankles

Nikolai charges toward machinery.
Nikolai says "I Selina to the west-northwest."
Korina charges toward machinery.
Konstantin charges toward machinery.
Konstantin says "I see her"
Nikolai charges toward machinery.
Selina lands in the battle and immediately scans her surroundings then takes off sprinting toward something that can serve as cover. But it is pretty far from her and will take a fair bit of time to reach. She focuses on that though, ignoring most of the rest of the field for the moment.

Konstantin charges toward machinery.
Nikolai says "We should move for the container, away from the operators."
Korina charges toward container.
Nikolai says "We don't want to be tangled up with the PMC when she comes."
Konstantin calls out, skittering over towards the solid bulk of a server rack, aiming to take cover; "Right, good idea. Let's run before they close!"

Nikolai charges toward container.
A well-armed PMC operator fires off a shot at Nikolai which misses him.

A well-armed PMC operator fires off a shot at Nikolai which misses him.

Nikolai points his hammer at a well-armed PMC operator and focuses for a moment before a gout of flame leaps from his weapon towards her that sparks off the ground near her feet.

Nikolai charges toward container.
A well-armed PMC operator fires off a shot at Konstantin which misses him.

A well-armed PMC operator fires off a shot at Konstantin which misses him.

Korina says "Hmph. Running away."
Nikolai taps his neck twice and activates a distress beacon.

Korina charges toward container.
Konstantin says "Cover me!"
Nikolai says "Get to the container!"
Nikolai charges toward container.
Selina charges toward crates.
Konstantin hurtles forward, already on it! "Dawai! Dawai!"

A well-armed PMC operator fires off a shot at Konstantin which misses him.

A well-armed PMC operator fires off a shot at Konstantin which ineffectually wounds his forehead.

Konstantin charges toward container.
Nikolai moves protectively towards Konstantin.
Nikolai says "Go. "
Selina charges toward crates.
Nikolai points his hammer at Selina and focuses for a moment before a gout of flame leaps from his weapon towards her that

A well-armed PMC operator fires off a shot at Nikolai which sparks off the ground near his feet.

A well-armed PMC operator fires off a shot at Nikolai which misses him.

Korina moves protectively towards Konstantin.
Loosely drawing back her bowstring, Korina takes aim at a well-armed PMC operator and lets an arrow fly where it may; it sparks off the ground near her feet.

Selina gestures frantically and shouts, "Naurcorn!" A fireball forms in her hand. she launches it toward Korina, and it sparks off the ground near her feet.

Konstantin charges toward container.
Nikolai charges toward container.
Selina charges toward container.
The strength in her muscles is evident when Korina pulls her bowstring back with full force, the wood filled with tension before she lets go. The arrow whizzes through the air towards Selina and misses her.

Selina gestures frantically and shouts, "Naurcorn!" A fireball forms in her hand. she launches it toward container, and it damages it.

Korina moves protectively towards Konstantin.
Konstantin rolls over his shoulder from server rack to server rack, finding a covered position behind a heavy duty protective case. "Right!". He breathes in deeply, leaning aside before exhaling!

Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a well-armed PMC operator, it sparks off the ground near her feet.

Nikolai points his hammer at Selina and focuses for a moment before a gout of flame leaps from his weapon towards her that misses her.

Korina's claws of steel swipe in a languid slash towards a well-armed PMC operator, aiming to nick instead of kill as she repositions for a follow-up; the attack is parried by her.

Selina gestures frantically and shouts, "Naurcorn!" A fireball forms in her hand. she launches it toward container, and it damages it.

A well-armed PMC operator launches a stab at Korina, it is parried by her set of graceful, wickedly-bladed claws.

Selina steps toward the Hand team and their cover to lob a fireball from her left hand, even as an arrow goes whizzing past her. She gets out another fireball, then ducks back out of the way.

Konstantin launches a stab at a well-armed PMC operator, it is parried by her.

Konstantin meets the charge of the operators, whipping out with his knife to fend them away!

Nikolai points his hammer at Selina and focuses for a moment before a gout of flame leaps from his weapon towards her that ineffectually wounds her left shoulder.

A svelte woman in a three-piece suit fires off a shot at Selina which ineffectually wounds her chest.

Korina's steel claws slash through the air savagely towards a well-armed PMC operator, their viciously-bladed edges seeking to rip and tear without restraint, and the assault impacts against her armor.

a well-armed PMC operator fades out of the nightmare.
Selina charges toward crates.
Nikolai charges toward Selina.
A well-armed PMC operator fires off a shot at Selina which ineffectually wounds her forehead.

Selina shouts, "Raui-o Echor!" then points at Nikolai. A chilly ray blasts out toward him and sparks off the ground near his feet.

Nikolai points his hammer at Selina and focuses for a moment before a gout of flame leaps from his weapon towards her that ineffectually wounds her left leg.

A svelte woman in a three-piece suit fires off a shot at Selina which deflects off her armor.

Selina charges toward crates.
Korina's steel claws slash through the air savagely towards a well-armed PMC operator, their viciously-bladed edges seeking to rip and tear without restraint, and the assault is parried by her.

A well-armed PMC operator launches a stab at Korina, it is parried by her set of graceful, wickedly-bladed claws.

Wings appear on Nikolai's ankles

Nikolai charges toward container.
Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a well-armed PMC operator, it misses her.

Nikolai swings his weapon at a well-armed PMC operator, it is parried by her.

A svelte woman in a three-piece suit fires off a shot at Selina(nanger dama ruficollis) which ineffectually wounds her stomach.

Selina makes a supernatural leap to crates.
Korina's claws of steel swipe in a languid slash towards a well-armed PMC operator, aiming to nick instead of kill as she repositions for a follow-up; the attack impacts against her armor.

a well-armed PMC operator fades out of the nightmare.
Nikolai says "I lost Selina. She may have hidden."
Korina says, with a hiss, "The gazelle."
Selina(nanger dama ruficollis) starts to glow slightly.

Nikolai charges toward Selina.
Korina moves protectively towards Nikolai.
Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at Selina(nanger dama ruficollis), it ineffectually wounds her stomach.

Nikolai points his hammer at Selina(nanger dama ruficollis) and focuses for a moment before a gout of flame leaps from his weapon towards her that ineffectually wounds her left shoulder.

A well-armed PMC operator launches a stab at Konstantin, it is parried by his small hunting knife.

Konstantin inhales sharply, drawing his chest inwards and huffing in a deeeeeep breath. the air around him warms and a sulphurous stench blossoms as he prepares to douse his next target in a pillar of black smoke and crimson flame

Selina(varanus komodoensis) launches a slashing rake attack at a well-armed PMC operator with her claws which is dodged by her.

Konstantin launches a stab at a well-armed PMC operator, it is parried by him.

Nikolai points his hammer at Selina(varanus komodoensis) and focuses for a moment before a gout of flame leaps from his weapon towards her that ineffectually wounds her right arm.

A well-armed PMC operator launches a stab at Selina(varanus komodoensis), it ineffectually wounds her left arm.

The strength in her muscles is evident when Korina pulls her bowstring back with full force, the wood filled with tension before she lets go. The arrow whizzes through the air towards Selina(varanus komodoensis) and ineffectually wounds her forehead.

A well-armed PMC operator launches a stab at Konstantin, it is parried by his small hunting knife.

Konstantin yelps, twisting, the flames dissipating as he is stabbed. He returns with his own, exchanging checked blows with a well-armed PMC operator.

Selina(varanus komodoensis) launches a slashing rake attack at a well-armed PMC operator with her claws which impacts against her armor.

Nikolai charges toward Selina.
Konstantin launches a stab at a well-armed PMC operator, it is parried by him.

Nikolai sweeps his hammer in a shallow arc towards Selina(varanus komodoensis), scattering a trail of flames into the air which

A well-armed PMC operator launches a stab at Selina(varanus komodoensis), it ineffectually wounds her right arm.

Loosely drawing back her bowstring, Korina takes aim at Selina(varanus komodoensis) and lets an arrow fly where it may; it ineffectually wounds her right leg.

Korina moves protectively towards Konstantin.
A well-armed PMC operator launches a stab at Konstantin, it is parried by his small hunting knife.

Selina(varanus komodoensis) launches a slashing rake attack at a well-armed PMC operator with her claws which impacts against her armor.

Nikolai charges toward Selina.
Nikolai is bathed in sunlight.

Konstantin launches a stab at a well-armed PMC operator, it is parried by him.

Nikolai's hammer flicks speedily towards Selina(varanus komodoensis) in an attempt to whittle down her defenses and ineffectually wounds her left leg.

Selina fades out of the nightmare.
A well-armed PMC operator launches a stab at Nikolai, it is parried by his oversized steel hammer.

Korina's steel claws slash through the air savagely towards a well-armed PMC operator, their viciously-bladed edges seeking to rip and tear without restraint, and the assault is parried by him.

a well-armed PMC operator fades out of the nightmare.
Nikolai says "Selina's down."
Korina moves protectively towards Konstantin.
Konstantin enters a furious toe-to-toe duel with the operator. Both stab at eachother, jamming their knifes into vests and the metal of the equipment surrounding them. the trailing wires make things difficult

Korina says "Very good."
Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a well-armed PMC operator, it strikes her armor with bruising force.

A well-armed PMC operator launches a stab at Nikolai, it is parried by his oversized steel hammer.

Loosely drawing back her bowstring, Korina takes aim at a well-armed PMC operator and lets an arrow fly where it may; it

Gripping his hammer in both hands, Nikolai brings the massive weapon down upon a well-armed PMC operator in a crushing blow that strikes her armor with bruising force.

a well-armed PMC operator fades out of the nightmare.
Korina isn't even breaking a sweat. She runs all the way south to help Nikolai with the komodo dragon, then all the way back north to stab this one guy, and then she's sprinting way back south towards the other PMC operator and the control point.

Konstantin runs towards the objective.
Konstantin runs towards the objective.
Nikolai runs towards the objective.
"The objective! Go!" Konstantin lurches forwards, almost tripping over a stray wire knocked free by the exchange of gunfire. Sparks and minor electrical fires light the shadowy datacentre now, the rows upon rows of servers half-ruined by the wanton violence

Konstantin runs towards the objective.
Nikolai runs towards the objective.
Nikolai continues breaching server security.

Korina moves protectively towards Nikolai.
Konstantin runs towards the objective.
Nikolai continues breaching server security.

"Jane is fucking off over there," Korina tells Nikolai, the tattletale that she is, "And I am here protecting you." Now which one of them is better? It's obvious.

Konstantin runs towards the objective.
Nikolai continues breaching server security.

Grinning broadly under his mask, Nikolai seats himself down, trusting Korina to guard him while he's vulnerable, and begins to employ some of that divine gift with technology, tapping his hammer to what appears to be a simple, unmarked credit card - or something like that. Its signal chip lets out a mosquito-quiet whine as whatever internal computer is within it begins to overclock and cut through the facility's digital security, all from the safety of the nightmare.

Konstantin runs towards the objective.
Nikolai continues breaching server security.

Nikolai says "I told Jane to guard Konstantin, then I told her to fight autonomously and not shadow us when Selina went down. She is doing good work."
Konstantin runs towards the objective.
Nikolai continues breaching server security.

Korina lets out a huff, and storms off into the distance.

Nikolai continues breaching server security.

Nikolai says "Cyka, you do not leave me exposed when I am working. Come back, Rina. This is your job."
Konstantin contributes also. The terminal sits among the morass of now-mutilated machinery, having narrowly missed its own share of flying slugs. He notes a potential problem; a tangle of burning cable hanging above and to the left of the terminal's screen. Not a problem yet but if it's important to the operation of the computer or if it burns out enough to fall and swing towards Nikolai, it could cost precious time. He looks around, eventually spotting what he needs, wrenching a fire extinguisher up from where it has been set to prop open a door before unleashing a spray of CO2 at the blaze, putting it out with a couple of short bursts. SAFETY OFFICER IN CHARGE!

Korina moves protectively towards Nikolai.
Nikolai continues breaching server security.

A well-armed PMC operator fires off a shot at Konstantin which misses him.

A well-armed PMC operator fires off a shot at Konstantin which misses him.

Korina is back, but she's not happy about it, and she's gonna stab a well-armed PMC operator about it.

Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a well-armed PMC operator, it misses her.

Nikolai continues breaching server security.

A well-armed PMC operator fires off a shot at Konstantin which ineffectually wounds his chest.

A well-armed PMC operator fires off a shot at Konstantin which ineffectually wounds his left leg.

A well-armed PMC operator fires off a shot at Konstantin which impacts against his armor.

Loosely drawing back her bowstring, Korina takes aim at a well-armed PMC operator and lets an arrow fly where it may; it sparks off the ground near her feet.

Korina moves protectively towards Konstantin.
Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a well-armed PMC operator, it misses her.

Nikolai says "Jane is laying down some cover fire. President, perhaps you find cover."
Nikolai continues breaching server security.

A well-armed PMC operator fires off a shot at Korina which misses her.

A well-armed PMC operator fires off a shot at Korina which misses her.

A well-armed PMC operator fires off a shot at Korina which misses her.

Konstantin hisses as he sees three mercenaries pull up and aim at the trio. They take aim, aiming to unseat the three, and he dives to distract their fire from Nikolai.

The strength in her muscles is evident when Korina pulls her bowstring back with full force, the wood filled with tension before she lets go. The arrow whizzes through the air towards a well-armed PMC operator and misses her.

Konstantin charges toward crates.
Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a well-armed PMC operator, it impacts against her armor.

Konstantin picks himself up, moving with a swiftness towards some crates nearby

Korina says "Wha- HEY!"
Korina moves protectively towards Konstantin.
Nikolai continues breaching server security.

Nikolai says "Da, that works."
Korina says "Don't run away when I am protecting you."
A well-armed PMC operator fires off a shot at Korina which misses her.

A well-armed PMC operator fires off a shot at Nikolai which misses him.

Loosely drawing back her bowstring, Korina takes aim at a well-armed PMC operator and lets an arrow fly where it may; it strikes her armor with bruising force.

a well-armed PMC operator fades out of the nightmare.
Nikolai says "It was my suggestion."
Nikolai says "Good job, keep him safe and I will get you that steak."
Konstantin ducks from rack to rack, bullets cutting throught he fragile machinery sending showers of scrap over him as he ducks and runs. "The boxes!"

Konstantin charges toward crates.
Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a well-armed PMC operator, it sparks off the ground near her feet.

Nikolai continues breaching server security.

A well-armed PMC operator fires off a shot at Nikolai which misses him.

A well-armed PMC operator fires off a shot at Konstantin which impacts against his worn kevlar vest.

The strength in her muscles is evident when Korina pulls her bowstring back with full force, the wood filled with tension before she lets go. The arrow whizzes through the air towards a well-armed PMC operator and strikes the crates she's taking cover behind.

Korina is paying more attention towards shooting the PMC operators in the distance than she is towards Konstantin, but she notices when he runs the fuck away again. "Stop!"

Konstantin spews flame whenever he has a chance!

Korina moves protectively towards Konstantin.
Korina growls loudly at Konstantin.

Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a well-armed PMC operator, it strikes the crates she's taking cover behind.

Nikolai continues breaching server security.

Konstantin takes a shot to the arm, spinning like a top and hitting the dirt. Engrowled by Korina, he opts to take cover in place, letting the rounds whip overhead

A well-armed PMC operator fires off a shot at Nikolai which misses him.

A well-armed PMC operator fires off a shot at Korina which misses her.

Loosely drawing back her bowstring, Korina takes aim at a well-armed PMC operator and lets an arrow fly where it may; it strikes the crates she's taking cover behind.

Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a well-armed PMC operator, it strikes the crates she's taking cover behind.

Chuckling quietly at Korina and Konstantin's antics as the two run around, Nikolai settles in with a quiet contentedness. He's confident in his leet haxxor skills, and he's confident in his allies - including Jane. Ever dutiful Jane.

Nikolai continues breaching server security.

A well-armed PMC operator fires off a shot at Nikolai which misses him.

A well-armed PMC operator fires off a shot at Korina which misses her.

The strength in her muscles is evident when Korina pulls her bowstring back with full force, the wood filled with tension before she lets go. The arrow whizzes through the air towards a well-armed PMC operator and strikes the crates she's taking cover behind.

Nikolai says "We are about seventy percent through."
Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a well-armed PMC operator, it strikes the crates she's taking cover behind.

Nikolai continues breaching server security.

A well-armed PMC operator fires off a shot at Nikolai which misses him.

A well-armed PMC operator fires off a shot at Korina which misses her.

Korina draws and quickly fires an arrow at a well-armed PMC operator, it strikes the crates she's taking cover behind.

Korina squints now at Konstantin, after she's finished judging the distance from here to the guy hiding behind the crate. "Are you dying?" she questions. She may wish to finish the job, maybe.

Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a well-armed PMC operator, it strikes the crates she's taking cover behind.

Nikolai continues breaching server security.

Konstantin calls out loudly between belching lungfuls of flame at the operators, the streams of crimson death lighting the dingy space of the datacentre as it passes; "Great job Jane! Killing it!". He looks up to Korina, then, pissing blood from a bulletwound in his thigh. He explains through gritted teeth; "Been better. Not as bad as could be."

A well-armed PMC operator fires off a shot at Nikolai which misses him.

A well-armed PMC operator fires off a shot at Korina which misses her.

Korina draws and quickly fires an arrow at a well-armed PMC operator, it strikes the crates she's taking cover behind.

"I hope you do," Korina says, and strolls off leaving Konstantin without cover.

Korina charges toward crates.
Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a well-armed PMC operator, it strikes the crates she's taking cover behind.

Nikolai continues breaching server security.

A well-armed PMC operator fires off a shot at Nikolai which misses him.

A well-armed PMC operator launches a stab at Korina, it is parried by her set of graceful, wickedly-bladed claws.

Korina's claws of steel swipe in a languid slash towards crates, aiming to nick instead of kill as she repositions for a follow-up; the attack damages it.

Konstantin calls out, desperately, "Bozhe moi! Jane!"

Konstantin charges toward crates.
Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a well-armed PMC operator, it strikes the crates she's taking cover behind.

The Balanced&Corrupt Alliance has proved victorious.