\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Operationlogs/The Scalebound Covenants Operation In Tokyo Japan 240511

The Scalebound Covenants Operation In Tokyo Japan 240511

In the shadowy depths of the caves near Tokyo, the Scalebound Covenant initiated a ritual to sanctify the domain in the name of Shemra, their dragon deity, aiming to enlist the support of the local populace who revered dragons as part of their culture. Amidst whispers of strategy and hurried sprints across the rugged cave floor, Meridith, Autumn, Selina, and Harriet found themselves entwined in a desperate struggle to secure or sabotage the ritual site. The early moments were marked by tactical maneuvers, as each combatant sought advantageous positions, with Harriet preparing for a confrontation she believed would be her last stand, signaling the high stakes of their mission.

As spectral samurai warriors materialized to challenge the intruders, the fight intensified. Arrows whistled through the dim air, missing their marks more often than not, as both sides dodged death by mere inches. Harriet, with her steely resolve, managed to soften the cave's central cover, a strategic move acknowledged by Selina amidst the chaos. A ballet of blades ensued, with each parry and thrust bringing the participants closer to their ultimate goal. Autumn and Selina worked in harmony to protect the sanctification process, while Meridith took the lead in deflecting the spectral samurai's relentless assaults. The culmination of their efforts saw Selina continuing the ritual, undeterred by the spectral challenges, and ultimately succeeding in sanctifying or defiling the caves for their draconic patron, thereby achieving victory for the Balanced Alliance and securing the future influence of Shemra in the region.
At Fri May 10 2024, in caves near Tokyo, Japan

Mission: Get to the designated site and continue to sanctify or defile the caves of Mount Fuji until the process is complete.

With an alliance push to wrench control of Tokyo from both the Temple and the Destined Host, the Scalebound Covenant seeks to solidify their hold by performing a draconic ritual in the caves of Mount Fuji! If they complete this ritual, it will sanctify the area to act as a domain for Shemra, where she can gather new devotees to her cause from those that already revere dragons culturally. Of course, there are those that would seek to defile the caves and prevent the Covenant from influencing the region.

the caves of Mount Fuji
It is before dawn, about 51F(10C) degrees, and there are a few grey clouds in the sky. There is a waxing crescent moon.

Autumn chants a few words and a puff of black smoke appears.

Harriet charges toward corner.
Meridith says "Bad position..."
Autumn charges toward outcropping.
Selina says "Southern cover."
Meridith nods.

Meridith whistles harshly and sprints towards the spot.

And so it begins, Harriet versus the rest of the world. She stares out into the cave before her, moving up alongside the rock wall.

Autumn charges toward outcropping.
Selina takes off sprinting for the outcropping specifically, motioning for the soldiers to follow her on that path. "We will need to get to the center to do the ritual," she mentions for next steps for everyone to be aware of.

Meridith says "We have the numbers, maybe we just head there right away?"
Meridith says "Go for the boulder?"
Harriet takes in a deep breath. It causes her chest to rise and then fall as her lungs expand. A sigh is had through her exhale, and her posture relaxes some for a moment. She shakes out her limbs before taking up her rifle and prepares to be slaughtered, no doubt. Having found a somewhat safe-ish place around a bend in the cave's tunnels, she positions herself, ready for battle.

Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor, it misses him.

Autumn charges toward outcropping.
Selina charges toward outcropping.
Selina shouts, "Raui-o Echor!" then points at spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor. A chilly ray blasts out toward him and misses him.

A nearby object suddenly flings itself into spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor.

Spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor draws and quickly fires an arrow at Autumn, it misses her.

Spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor draws and quickly fires an arrow at Autumn, it misses her.

Meridith fires a fulldraw shot at spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

Meridith charges toward boulder.
Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor, it strikes his armor with bruising force.

spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor fades out of the nightmare.
Autumn charges toward outcropping.
Selina charges toward outcropping.
Meridith shifts directions moving toward the spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor. Her arrow flies out and she grins as she rushes towards them.

Selina shouts, "Raui-o Echor!" then points at spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor. A chilly ray blasts out toward her and misses her.

Selina ducks into the cover of outcropping and throws out a few chilly beams toward the spectral samurai warriors to help soften them a bit. She takes a brief break in cover to survey the field better.

Spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor swings her weapon at Selina, it is parried by her rapier.

Meridith fires a ranging shot at spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor

Autumn swings her weapon at spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor, it is parried by her.

Meridith charges toward boulder.
Selina swings her weapon at spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor, it deflects off her armor.

Spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor swings her weapon at Selina, it is parried by her rapier.

"Positioning the soldiers at the boulder. We'll head for the central cover momentarily," Selina informs the team as she dances with spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor.

Meridith says "Securing it as the leader!"
Meridith says "Lead, sorry!"
Harriet watches as the groups fight against each other. She maintains her position, quite intent on staying put for now. Her lips purse a bit as the salamander begins to get angry at some rocks, and then the soldiers appear to experience the same great offense.

Selina swings her weapon at spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor, it strikes her armor with bruising force.

spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor fades out of the nightmare.
Meridith says "No we need the depression..."
"Correct, but we don't need the soldiers to take out Harry," Selina points out as she takes a break from the outcropping to head for the depression.

Meridith nods some

Harriet utters out, "It is a bad day to be a rock formation of any kind," to no one in particular, still viewing the way everyone is trying to destroy an outcropping of solid mineral materials.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at depression, and damages it.

"She has likely been softening the central cover anyway," Selina points out as she gets close enough to confirm this.

Harriet finally decides to join in on the destruction of rocks.

Meridith says "Likely. "
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at depression, and damages it.

Meridith whistles in Harriet's direction. "Ma'am! If I were you, I'd have taken the depression, and used the corner there as a fall back!"

Meridith charges toward depression.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at depression, and damages it.

"That's fine. My way is a little more sporting," Selina offers against the criticism, rolling one shoulder. "We are not even certain if we will get the appropriate results from this mission. No need to be ruthless," she adds, even though this costs her some breath she could use for running instead.

Selina charges toward depression.
Once again, Harriet takes a shot at those variously sized rocks. The bullet clashes against the hard material, nicking off some of the stone.

Meridith shakes her head. "It's sporting to fight with sincerity, but without bitterness. We play to win, but we don't begrudge or mock our enemies."

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at depression, and damages it.

Selina charges toward depression.
Harriet takes aim at another rock, trying to impart some damage.

Selina gets into the cover of the depression and shakes her head a little at Meridith. "I was going to say start the ritual, but you seem to want to fight with Harry," she says before letting out a sigh.

Spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor draws and quickly fires an arrow at Meridith, it sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

Meridith says "I wouldn't dare start while she can fire upon me."
Selina shouts, "Raui-o Echor!" then points at spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor. A chilly ray blasts out toward her and misses her.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at depression, and damages it.

Autumn charges toward Meridith.
Selina charges toward corner.
Meridith charges toward Harriet.
Meridith fires a ranging shot at spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor misses her.

Harriet takes in a much sharper breath and then exhales it all out, focusing on Meridith now.

spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor fades out of the nightmare.
Meridith nods to Harriet, glancing as an arrow sails nearby, she steps out of way and returns fire, sighing some. She gives a coy smile in Harriet's direction.

Spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor draws and quickly fires an arrow at Autumn, it sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

Spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor draws and quickly fires an arrow at Meridith, it misses her.

Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor, it sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at Meridith, and sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

Autumn charges toward depression.
Meridith charges toward Harriet.
Meridith swings hard at Harriet is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.

Spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor draws and quickly fires an arrow at Autumn, it misses her.

Meridith closes and brings her blade down harsh against Harriet's massive hammer. She shifts back readying herself for a harrowing counter.

Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor, it sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

Selina charges toward spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor.
Autumn charges toward depression.
Selina swings her weapon at spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor, it is parried by her.

Harriet nods to Meridith as she raises up her warhammer.

Meridith swings hard at Harriet is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.

Spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor draws and quickly fires an arrow at Autumn, it sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

Spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor swings her weapon at Meridith, it is parried by her an elegant rapier with a slender, straight blade and intricate hilt.

Harriet peers at the weak, weak attack Meridith has just provided.

Harriet lifts her heavy warhammer effortlessly, fluidly swinging it in a wide arc at Meridith as its platinum surface gleams and is parried by her an elegant rapier with a slender, straight blade and intricate hilt.

Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor, it misses him.

Selina charges toward Harriet.
Selina swings her weapon at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.

Autumn charges toward depression.
Meridith does a feint, smiling as she draws Harriet into a massive swing and then pivots with a fierce stab. The spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor barely gets any attention from her.

Meridith swings hard at Harriet deflects off her shield.

Harriet fades out of the nightmare.
Selina steps in to lay out a real attack for Meridith after the look from someone and says, "Well done." Then she turns to handle the spectral samurai.

Meridith twirls her blade some and pivots to the spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor. "Rude, now die."

Selina steps in to lay out a real attack for Meridith after the look from Harry and says, "Well done." Then she turns to handle the spectral samurai.

Spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor draws and quickly fires an arrow at Autumn, it sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

Spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor swings her weapon at Selina, it is parried by her rapier.

Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor, it strikes his armor with bruising force.

Selina swings her weapon at spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor, it deflects off her armor.

spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor fades out of the nightmare.
Autumn charges toward depression.
Meridith runs towards the objective.
Selina runs towards the objective.
A nearby object suddenly flings itself into spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor.

spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor fades out of the nightmare.
Meridith fires a ranging shot at corner damages it.

Autumn charges toward depression.
Meridith runs towards the objective.
Autumn charges toward depression.
Selina runs towards the objective.
Autumn says "Gonna rest here and recover."
Autumn runs towards the objective.
Meridith runs towards the objective.
Selina runs towards the objective.
Selina continues to sanctify or defile the caves of Mount Fuji.

Autumn moves protectively towards Selina.
Meridith runs towards the objective.
Selina continues to sanctify or defile the caves of Mount Fuji.

Meridith clasps Selina on the arm and nods gently. She gazes off at the horizon, through the light given through the cave of the sun rising over mount Fuji, buried within its depth.

Selina continues to sanctify or defile the caves of Mount Fuji.

Autumn moves protectively towards Selina.
Selina settles in at the site and starts doing her typical ritual setup. This one involves icy beaming some ice onto the ground to make some circles, connected by lines.

Meridith smiles at Autumn. "Thanks for your help today."

"No problem," Autumn nods at Meridith while she scans the caves. "I wouldn't want to miss it."

Selina continues to sanctify or defile the caves of Mount Fuji.

Meridith says "Make sure to mix it up, always best to deploy for Order planned ops. We don't want Harry to think we're poaching...er no pun intended."
Meridith stretches to touch her toes. "Unless you wanna join us fully that is."

Autumn says "I'll make note of that. Gotta balance between duties."
Selina continues to sanctify or defile the caves of Mount Fuji.

Selina continues to sanctify or defile the caves of Mount Fuji.

Selina continues to sanctify or defile the caves of Mount Fuji.

Spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor draws and quickly fires an arrow at Autumn, it misses her.

Selina continues to sanctify or defile the caves of Mount Fuji.

Meridith fires a fulldraw shot at spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor misses him.

Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor, it misses him.

Meridith charges toward spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor.
Autumn moves protectively towards Selina.
Meridith says "Stay with Selina, Autumn. I'll hunt them down."
Autumn says "On it, Meri."
Meridith nods to Autumn, seeing her already on top of it. She grins bright at her and pivots back to her opponent. "Don't you dare try to break past me you dumb bastard"

Spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor swings his weapon at Meridith, it is parried by her an elegant rapier with a slender, straight blade and intricate hilt.

Selina continues to sanctify or defile the caves of Mount Fuji.

Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor, it misses him.

Meridith swings hard at spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor deflects off his armor.

Selina just continues with the ritual, as this team has done previously. She nods over to Autumn, then cuts herself on the hand to supply some blood to the icy ring she has formed around the site. She does some chanting in Draconic to help with sanctifying the area for future draconic habitation.

Autumn moves protectively towards Selina.
Spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor draws and quickly fires an arrow at Autumn, it misses her.

Spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor swings his weapon at Meridith, it is parried by her an elegant rapier with a slender, straight blade and intricate hilt.

Selina continues to sanctify or defile the caves of Mount Fuji.

Meridith swings hard at spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor deflects off his armor.

spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor fades out of the nightmare.
Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor, it misses him.

Autumn moves protectively towards Selina.

spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor fades out of the nightmare.
Spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor draws and quickly fires an arrow at Autumn, it misses her.

Selina continues to sanctify or defile the caves of Mount Fuji.

Meridith fires a ranging shot at spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

Meridith charges toward depression.
Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor, it misses him.

Spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor is picked up by an invisible force..

Autumn moves protectively towards Selina.
Spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor draws and quickly fires an arrow at Meridith, it misses her.

spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor fades out of the nightmare.
Meridith seems ecstatic. She moves across the field, blade and bow, darting through the cover, firing arrows at her spectral foe, blade slamming into them

Selina continues to sanctify or defile the caves of Mount Fuji.

Meridith fires a fulldraw shot at spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor misses him.

Meridith charges toward depression.
Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor, it strikes his armor with bruising force.

spectral samurai in feudal arms and armor fades out of the nightmare.
Autumn moves protectively towards Selina.
Selina continues to sanctify or defile the caves of Mount Fuji.

Meridith charges toward depression.
Autumn moves protectively towards Selina.
Selina continues to sanctify or defile the caves of Mount Fuji.

Meridith runs towards the objective.
Meridith moves back to Selina's side. "All clear, good work, Autumn," she wags a wave to the soldiers

Autumn says "Thanks. "
The Balanced Alliance has proved victorious.