\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Operationlogs/The Scalebound Covenants Operation In Ulaanbaatar Mongolia 240521

The Scalebound Covenants Operation In Ulaanbaatar Mongolia 240521

In the shadowy embrace of the Mongolian mountains, a tale of courage and confrontation unfolds as the Scalebound Covenant embarks on a secretive mission to fortify their mystical presence. Amidst this backdrop, a determined group, including the resilient Selina, the strategic Meridith, and the steadfast Autumn, finds itself embroiled in a conflict against Carmine, a formidable opponent with a knack for sniping and unconventional warfare. As the battle rages near the Noyon Mountain, the clash of metal and the swish of arrows set the scene for a confrontation that transcends mere combat – it's a struggle to either secure or disrupt a ritual pivotal for the Covenant's control.

As the night progresses, the area resonates with the sounds of battle and the roaring determination of those fighting. Selina, transforming into her protective furry form, and her allies showcase their valor and tactical ingenuity in facing not only Carmine but also the agents of Gonthorian, thwarting their attacks while attempting to secure the sanctity of the ritual. Amidst tear gas grenades, tranq darts, and the cold embrace of steel against kevlar, the group fights tooth and nail, with Meridith revealing her prowess even amidst setbacks and Autumn dedicating herself to the completion of the ritual. As allies cover and protect each other, an intricate dance of offense and defense unfolds, leading to a crescendo where determination meets destiny. Finally, with their foes repelled and the ritual successfully completed, the Balanced Alliance emerges victorious, a testament to their unwavering spirit and the unbreakable bonds that tie them together in their quest against the encroaching darkness.
At Mon May 20 2024, in mountains near Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Mission: Get to the designated site and continue to complete or disrupt the ritual to conceal Covenant soldiers and dragons until the process is complete.

With dragon roars in the mountains of China, it stands to reason that the Scalebound Covenant would wish to find a secure point from which they could watch the activities. While physical proximity is not necessary, they seek to setup a base of operations in the Noyon Moountain in the north central area of Mongolia. This is also the location of over 200 burial dig sites from the Xiongnu era, meaning there are many artifacts and relics to be had in that mountain. Near in proximity to that mountain is also the famous Tomb of the Silver Dragons, naturally earning some interest from Shemra. In order to secure the mountain as part of their new base, the Covenant cultists have dispatched agents to setup a ritual that will conceal Covenant soldiers and dragons on the mountain and create another safe space in the world for dragons to lair in the near future. Naturally, there are those that will want to see this ritual fail.

the area near Noyon Mountain
It is night, about 46F(7C) degrees, and the sky is partly covered by dark grey clouds. There is a waxing gibbous moon.

Selina charges toward rock.
Carmine charges toward rise.
Meridith charges toward Selina.
Autumn charges toward rock.
Autumn chants a few words and a puff of black smoke appears.

Meridith says "We all charge her."
Selina immediately heads for the rock for cover and motions for the soldiers to come with her. At least she can get her bearings there and figure out the next move. She glances over at Meridith and says, "Now show us what you can still do."

Autumn says "Carmine the sun human is here. Be wary of her sniping, but yes."
Selina charges toward rock.
Meridith charges toward rock.
Autumn charges toward Selina.
Meridith nods. She uses her bow as a crutch, and it's troublesome for her. She's clearly still extremely capable, but she is reduced.

Selina says "I do not see any other combatants at all."
Meridith says "Autumn should take point, while the two of us advance."
Selina seems to be waiting for the soldiers to catch up. But then she spots the agents of Gonthorian and points toward them to the east.

Autumn charges toward Selina.
Carmine fires off a shot at Meridith which sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

Carmine charges toward rise.
Selina charges toward Carmine.
Selina says "Agents to the south."
Carmine settles in at the rise and turns her rifle on the nearest enemy. She's yanked forward by telekinetic force to thud against her cover and she lets out a huff of air as a result.

Selina says "Meri, you have the soldiers."
Carmine fires off a shot at Meridith which sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

Autumn charges toward Selina.
Carmine fires off a shot at Meridith which sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

Autumn charges toward Selina.
An agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor draws and quickly fires an arrow at Selina, it misses her.

An agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor draws and quickly fires an arrow at Selina, it misses her.

Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at an agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor, it misses her.

Meridith charges toward Carmine.
Meridith swings hard at Carmine is parried by her a discreet switchblade with a wooden handle.

Meridith winces deeply as she manages to avoid fire on one leg. She takes a deep breath and pivots, blade flashing out at Carmine.

Carmine shoots Meridith with a tranq dart.

Carmine launches a stab at Meridith, it grazes her right arm.

Autumn moves protectively towards Selina.
Selina charges toward rise.
Meridith's blades start to glow red with heat.

An agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor draws and quickly fires an arrow at Autumn, it misses her.

An agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor draws and quickly fires an arrow at Selina, it misses her.

Meridith winces as the dart strikes her. "Rude," she insists, as her body slackens some. A bow hooked under one arm keeps her up on one foot as her blade is too slow to stop the stab, she pivots and slashes back at her, trying to make some distance.

with intense focus behind her gas mask, Carmine meets Meridith with her blade lashing out.

Meridith swings hard at Carmine is parried by her a discreet switchblade with a wooden handle.

Carmine launches a stab at Meridith, it is parried by her an elegant rapier with a slender, straight blade and intricate hilt.

Autumn moves protectively towards Selina.
Selina charges toward Carmine.
Selina swings her weapon at Carmine, it is parried by her a discreet switchblade with a wooden handle.

A nearby object suddenly flings itself into Carmine.

An agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor swings her weapon at Autumn, it is parried by her steel khopesh.

an agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor fades out of the nightmare.
Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at an agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor, it misses him.

Meridith swings hard at Carmine is parried by her a discreet switchblade with a wooden handle.

Carmine throws a tear gas grenade at rise.

Carmine launches a stab at Meridith, it is parried by her an elegant rapier with a slender, straight blade and intricate hilt.

Autumn moves protectively towards Selina.
Selina swings her weapon at Carmine, it is parried by her a discreet switchblade with a wooden handle.

An agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor swings his weapon at Carmine, it impacts against her worn kevlar vest.

Selina jumps behind the rise and joins Meridith in the battle behind that cover, even as the agents start to close in. "Duck out if you need," she tells Meridith, even as she starts stabbing and slashing toward Carmine

Meridith swings hard at Carmine impacts against her worn kevlar vest.

Meridith says "She's pumped me full of shit..."
Meridith retreats from Carmine.
Autumn charges toward Carmine.
Carmine launches a stab at Selina, it grazes her ribs.

Autumn swings her weapon at Carmine, it ineffectually wounds her left arm.

Selina swings her weapon at Carmine, it ineffectually wounds her forehead.

Carmine fades out of the nightmare.
Selina says "Poison. This is not an honorable way to fight..."
An agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor swings his weapon at Autumn, it is parried by her steel khopesh.

Autumn says "Yeah. One of cheap tricks Sun Humans use."
Autumn swings her weapon at an agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor, it is parried by him.

Selina swings her weapon at an agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor, it deflects off his armor.

an agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor fades out of the nightmare.
Meridith says "We got her?"
Autumn says "Carmine is down."
Selina says "We're clear. Back to the rock we were at originally. One of you start the ritual. I am wobbly."
Meridith says "Likewise... "
Autumn charges toward Selina.
Meridith says "Even with one foot I almost took her alone..."
Meridith laughs weakly.

an agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor fades out of the nightmare.
Autumn charges toward Selina.
"See? Still plenty of spirit," Selina says as she sprints back toward where the group started. She wobbles and zigs and zags on the way, then the soldiers are shooting at an agent. She focuses on running instead, because she does not have the coordination for much more with the poison working through her.

An agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor draws and quickly fires an arrow at Meridith, it ineffectually wounds her left arm.

Autumn charges toward rock.
Meridith fires a ranging shot at an agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor misses him.

Meridith charges toward an agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor.
Selina shouts, "Raui-o Echor!" then points at an agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor. A chilly ray blasts out toward him and sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

Selina runs towards the objective.
Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at an agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor, it misses him.

An agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor draws and quickly fires an arrow at Meridith, it ineffectually wounds her stomach.

Autumn moves protectively towards Meridith.
Meridith manages into cover, still half asleep and yawns sleepily as she trades fire with an agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor.

Selina shouts, "Raui-o Echor!" then points at an agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor. A chilly ray blasts out toward him and misses him.

Selina runs towards the objective.
Meridith when she fires, she crouches leg on one leg bow drawn taut and released.

Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at an agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor, it strikes the rock he's taking cover behind.

An agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor swings his weapon at Meridith, it ineffectually wounds her left shoulder.

Autumn moves protectively towards Meridith.
A nearby object suddenly flings itself into an agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor.

Meridith swings hard at an agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor is parried by him.

Selina runs towards the objective.
An agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor swings his weapon at Meridith, it ineffectually wounds her left leg.

Autumn moves protectively towards Meridith.
Meridith says "She used a mix if toxified ammos..."
Autumn swings her weapon at an agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor, it deflects off his armor.

Meridith swings hard at an agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor strikes his armor with bruising force.

Autumn says "Anyone need bandage?"
Selina says "Meri probably could."
Meridith nods.

Selina shouts, "Raui-o Echor!" then points at an agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor. A chilly ray blasts out toward him and strikes his armor with bruising force.

Selina runs towards the objective.
An agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor swings his weapon at Meridith, it ineffectually wounds her right leg.

Meridith swings hard at an agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor strikes his armor with bruising force.

an agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor fades out of the nightmare.
Selina runs towards the objective.
Selina(nanger dama ruficollis) bursts out of her heavy equipment into her furry form. She shakes her head for a moment to work some of the poison out of her system then starts leaping her way toward the ritual site. She may have to do it naked, but the magic will work regardless.

Autumn runs towards the objective.
Selina runs towards the objective.
Autumn runs towards the objective.
Selina runs towards the objective.
Autumn moves protectively towards Selina.
Selina(nanger dama ruficollis) is far better able to shrug off the poisons than Meridith, but she waits in furry form at the ritual site. She stamps her foot toward Autumn, then nudges her toward the ritual stuff. She then steps protectively in front of the other woman.

Meridith leans on the rock, staring off into the distance some, distracted it seems.

Selina moves protectively towards Autumn.
Autumn continues to complete or disrupt the ritual to conceal Covenant soldiers and dragons.

Selina moves protectively towards Autumn.
Nodding her head, Autumn turns to deal with the completion of the ritual.

Meridith runs towards the objective.
Meridith says "Autumn, start the ritual..."
Autumn continues to complete or disrupt the ritual to conceal Covenant soldiers and dragons.

Autumn says "I'm on it."
Selina moves protectively towards Autumn.
Selina(nanger dama ruficollis) is a strangely effective shield when it comes to blocking Autumn from potential incoming projectiles. She is a major distraction while also resembling an easy target for most would be rifle users.

Meridith runs towards the objective.
Autumn continues to complete or disrupt the ritual to conceal Covenant soldiers and dragons.

Selina moves protectively towards Autumn.
Meridith runs towards the objective.
Autumn continues to complete or disrupt the ritual to conceal Covenant soldiers and dragons.

Selina moves protectively towards Autumn.
Selina(nanger dama ruficollis) starts to shake off the last of the effects of the poison in her, then stamps her foot and regains her footing, looking much improved in almost no time flat. She glances over at Meridith then nods before focusing on where the next enemies might be coming from to the east and protecting Autumn for the ritual.

Autumn continues to complete or disrupt the ritual to conceal Covenant soldiers and dragons.

Meridith fires a fulldraw shot at an agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor strikes her armor with bruising force.

A nearby object suddenly flings itself into an agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor.

an agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor fades out of the nightmare.
Selina moves protectively towards Autumn.
Autumn continues to complete or disrupt the ritual to conceal Covenant soldiers and dragons.

Selina moves protectively towards Autumn.
Meridith fires a ranging shot at depression damages it.

Meridith says "I'm going to go through with it."
Autumn continues to complete or disrupt the ritual to conceal Covenant soldiers and dragons.

Selina moves protectively towards Autumn.
Meridith fires a fulldraw shot at an agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

Autumn continues to complete or disrupt the ritual to conceal Covenant soldiers and dragons.

An agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor draws and quickly fires an arrow at Meridith, it misses her.

Selina makes a supernatural leap to an agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor.
Selina(nanger dama ruficollis) launches a slashing rake attack at an agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor with her claws which is dodged by him.

Meridith fires a ranging shot at an agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor strikes his armor with bruising force.

Autumn continues to complete or disrupt the ritual to conceal Covenant soldiers and dragons.

an agent of Gonthorian in red scalemail armor fades out of the nightmare.
Selina charges toward Autumn.
Autumn continues to complete or disrupt the ritual to conceal Covenant soldiers and dragons.

Selina moves protectively towards Autumn.
Autumn continues to complete or disrupt the ritual to conceal Covenant soldiers and dragons.

Selina moves protectively towards Autumn.
Autumn continues to complete or disrupt the ritual to conceal Covenant soldiers and dragons.

Selina moves protectively towards Autumn.
Autumn continues to complete or disrupt the ritual to conceal Covenant soldiers and dragons.

Meridith crouches, observing Autumn performing the ritual. Watching her with casual interest, thoughtful. Elsewhere.

Selina moves protectively towards Autumn.
Selina(nanger dama ruficollis) continues bouncing around Autumn, making sure enemies have a better target than the one performing the ritual.

Autumn continues to complete or disrupt the ritual to conceal Covenant soldiers and dragons.

Selina moves protectively towards Autumn.
The Balanced Alliance has proved victorious.