\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Patrollogs/A Battle In The Nightmare 240410

A Battle In The Nightmare 240410

(A battle in the Nightmare)

[Tue Apr 9 2024]

On Cemetery Lane

It is afternoon, about 52F(11C) degrees, and there are a few dark grey stormclouds in the sky.

"It might not, some of those things are quite interesting," Silas says to Rachel as he turns to regard her with a faint smile, but he doesn't seem to want to intrude on her personal time for this visit here and he says, "Sorry to have kept you from your visit. I need to probably go find myself some work to do today to feel productive."

Alexander winces gazing at Carmine. "Damnit, I'm really not in the condition for this!" he insists, springing back a bit as he pulls a rifle out.

Carmine moves closer to Alexander and settles down on one knee to take a shot at them from an extreme range. She doesn't voice any complaints about this situation

"No, it's nice to have run into you." Rachel's sounded a bit distant, but the reciprocal smile she gives Silas, however small, seems genuine. "Good luck with your work."

"Thank you, Rachel, let's get together sometime? I really do think we should probably get to know each other more. I'm not so bad," Silas suggests to Rachel now, with a parting wave as he starts to look around for his car, "Now where did I even park..."

Alexander winces and springs a little further back. He exhales as the round slams nearby, seeming to try to come up with something.

Carmine keeps Alexander in range. Well her range with that accurate rifle. She follows after the man and takes another shot. Attempting to close in on his position with her rounds. But so far missing

Alexander exhales, unable to summon power here, the liht on his ring flickers and he moves to cover, firing back

"Whenever," Rachel says pleasantly. She cranes her neck, looking beyond to see if she can find a car here, or a car there. "Um. Is that it?" Her finger indicates something in the distance. If Silas's vision is any better than hers, he'd know it for a mass of rocks.

Carmine does not take a shot this time, instead she ducks trying to avoid being shot back.

"We'll play it by ear," Silas says to Rachel, and he seems to smile at the statement but looks with his blue eyes over towards that mass of rocks in the distance, "You might be on to something." He's clearly playful, because he can probably see they are just rocks but he says to her, "Thanks, Rachel, see you sometime soon."

Alexander fires off a second round, wincing as he flits away

Carmine marches foward and takes a shot. Her expression is hidden behind her gas mask but her movements display confidence and military like practice

Alexander looks a bit panicked as he is thrown off his feet by the slam of a round against his jacket. "Fuck," he mumbles, rolling to a prone position and firing back.

Carmine takes another shot, hitting the man in the shoulder to send him out of the fight

Alexander fades out of the nightmare.