\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Patrollogs/An Arcane Battle 240710

An Arcane Battle 240710

(An arcane battle)

[Tue Jul 9 2024]

In a lavishly-appointed master bedroom

The cloudy-blue walls of this room coupled with gentle mahogany accents give it a cozy, inviting feel. The bedroom is kept comfortable and well-appointed with a luxurious king-sized mattress flanked by an elegantly hand-crafted nightstand. Across from the bed, a sleek dresser and walk-in wardrobe provide ample room for outfits.

A vaulted skylight in the textured ceiling's center bathes all below in a gentle wash of changing light, warming through the cozy, muted palettes arranged throughout the decor. Artificial lighting design shines too, pulled together with ultra-modern shades and fixtures. From heat to light to sound, there's nothing in the room that can't be adjusted at the press of a remote, app, or the touchscreen on the wall.

It is about 75F(23C) degrees.

A glimmer of prismatic light builds in the surroundings, slowly intensifying in brightness.
Warmth envelops the area as a red-orange glow pulses.
Shimmering motes of iridescent light pulse in and out of existence, like an impromptu disco has decided to start up in the area, except /this/ particular disco ball brings with it forty others of its kind that light up the surroundings brilliantly - and also threaten a terrible headache if you stare at them for any longer than entirely necessary.
As the temperature begins to rise, the pulsing warm glow grows more brighter, casting shadows of flame. Harsh whispers can be faintly heard, and some of the shadows change shape into fiery demonic figures
Nikolai reaches over to tweak Korina's nipple to distract them from their spellcasting. Heh heh heh; evil mastermind.

The glowing balls of light decide to take on just a singular color now - white shifts to yellow, yellow brightens to orange, orange intensifies to a deep, deep red, like blood moons hung from the ceiling, menacing -- @line @line And then they brighten abruptly, as though the caster's just suffered a distraction.
Korina had been deeply engrossed in sending over her magic to the far end of town, a sheen of sweat coating her skin as the temperature gradually rises - she yelps abruptly, blinking at Nikolai. "I will eat you," comes the warning.

Korina retrieves a syringe filled with a glowing red liquid - definitely not menacingly. It's supposed to go into Nikolai.

Korina brandishes it menacingly. "Give me your arm."

Korina just used menacingly twice.

Things are getting hotter as the glow starts to take shape, forming into a glowing form of a salamander with fiery wings. Letting out a hiss, it flies in circles around the mind, nipping it occasionally.
Still focused on the battle, Autumn's lips curl into a smirk as the nude woman channels her magical energy.

"Nyet." Nikolai peers over at Korina and her proffered syringe. "You can stick me with your potions when you are done getting my bedroom set on fire. I am assuming is Autumn on the other end, given the... fire lizard." He may not know the word salamander.

"If this fails, I will have to find other way to contribute to those I serve," Autumn speaks to herself as she closes her eyes.

Korina suddenly siezes up, her back going completly rigid and arching painfully as a stream of faintly glowing red energy flows out of her mouth and disappears into the air.

All the nearby lights flicker and die for a second before a stream of faintly glowing red energy coalesces out of the air and flows into a small gem in Autumn's hand.