\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Patrollogs/Fayads Decursing Attempt 240719

Fayads Decursing Attempt 240719

(Fayad's decursing attempt)

[Thu Jul 18 2024]

Near the Pool of the Elm Street Apartment Complex

It is night, about 88F(31C) degrees, There is a full moon.

Fayad suddenly dives into the pool and comes up with a bracelet someone'd tossed into the pool, made of bone.

Fayad suddenly dives into the pool and comes up with a bracelet someone'd tossed into the pool, made of bone.

After a few more laps, Marian pauses to think on Fayad's words. "It's just a thought of mine. Oh, what do you have there?" She notices what the man has retrieved with interest. She choruses with Jordan.

Fayad says "Uh...something someone...discarded, I think. We should probably...head to the lost and found."
Fayad's face is full of fear, despite his attempt at making a calm, rational sentence. He heads for the side of the pool and climbs out.

"Oh, well, at least it isn't a shark!" Marian cheerily declares.

"What is that?" Irma asks Fayad, tilting her hair curiously. "Everything okay?" she asks, watching him.

Fayad says "Uhhh...will be. I hope."
Fayad says "It's, um..."
Irma says, "Okay." There's a little concern.

Fayad casts Marian an uncertain glance. "I know where it's from and they don't like losing things like this, is all. I'm just hoping they don't think I stole it."

"Oh, there's sense to that, you're very kind to think of them," Marian says to Fayad with a dewy, dimpled smile.

Fayad says "Thank you."
Fayad says "Fuck, um. I've never found one of these ebfore."
Fayad says "It's cursed. You don't want to see it."
Fayad says "I'll ask Autumn."
Fayad says "Who the hell is Josh?"
Fayad says "She said no, so ify ou know this Josh guy then I do need his help."
Fayad stares at Jordan, baffled.

Jordan says "Oh! "
Fayad unwisely attempts to start the decursing on his own, essentially, just to see what'll happen.

Jordan says "We can always just ask in the chatroom, of course."
Jordan sets their phone aside, focusing now on the ritual to decurse the object.

Fayad raises the heat in the air by a few degrees as he carefully channels heat, trying to burn away the magical bonds on the object.

Jordan says "I wish I had some of my stuff from home...."
A blast of force sends Jordan flying into Fayad.

Fayad sprawls out on the groan, groaning, Jordan pressed up against his hairless, sleek body, still damp from the pool.

Fayad on the floor, even.

Jordan curses, after a large "Ah! Fuck!" They grumble, before getting up, wiping at the damp moisture on their own bare chest before looking back at the item with narrowed eyes.

Fayad says "S-seems like it doesn't like that!"
Jordan grumbles, "Yeah... I don't think it does. Here, let's try..." They get up, heading to the kitchen for a moment, then comes back with salt. "So glad Don went shopping for baking shit right now. Let's see...."

Jordan motions for Fayad to place the necklace on the floor, then starts pouring out salt in a slow, but even stream, forming a circle. Then, a standard pentagram, before they start with the more complex outer circles.

Fayad puts the bone bracelet on the floor, stepping back as he continues to channel fiery mana into the object's curse..

A section of Fayad's clothing catches fire.

Fayad's swim trunks are literally on fire. Liar liar, pants on fire? He panics. "I can't fucking - help! I can't move my hands right now or it'll get worse!"

Jordan bites the back of their pinky, then lets the blood squeeze out on the floor, using a finger to smear sigils into the circle. "You, uh... fireproof, ye- oh!"

Fayad says "I am definitelY NOT FIREPROOF!"
Jordan curses, jumping up to fold the doormat they have inside out, so the less furry part is on the outside, and smack it repeatedly against Fayad, beating out the fire while carefly positioning themself so as not to disturb the salt. It is not easy.

Jordan sighs in relief when the fire is out, saying, "Hey... blasphemy, I know... but STOP using FIRE. We established that it doesn't like it!"

Fayad says "I don't exactly have much other mana!"
Fayad says "And of course it doesn't like it, I'm literally burning it to death!"
Jordan sighs in exasperation, going back to the circle. "Neither do I! You don't always need fucking mana... rituals work because of the power in the air and land. You don't have to pull from within, just consecrate it."

A section of Fayad's clothing catches fire.

Fayad says "FUCK "
Fayad jumps around, doing his best to keep his hands still. It's agony.

Jordan checks over the circle, looking over to see if there's any mistakes to make, before continuing the process, dabbing it with their blood... then sighing. They beat Fayad a bit more vigorously this time, with the mat.

Jordan says "Just use blood! If ya get too fucked up, Samson can fix ya!"
Jordan says "Fuck, I feel like we need a third person for this...."
Fayad says "She'll fucking help a vampire for free but won't help me."
Jordan reaches into a pocket and pulls out something sharp. "Huh? Who... oh, Autumn?" They stab their palm, needing more blood, and hurries back with the ritual, muttering to themself agitatedly.

Fayad grumbles, nodding. "Can't believe that," he pants, wiping at his forehead.

A section of Jordan's clothing catches fire.

Jordan puts some finishing touches on it, before going for the lookover again. They're about to start chanting, when-

Jordan yells "FUCK!" before throwing themself to the side to perform one of the earliest rituals they ever learned: Stop, Drop, and Roll.

Jordan pants, sitting up to look their skirt over before hurrying back to the circle, shooting Fayad a glare that could melt steel. They move into position, and cuts their other hand, letting blood drip out as they start chanting.

With a final burst of power the curse on a bone bracelet is broken.