\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Patrollogs/Fayads Decursing Attempt 240724

Fayads Decursing Attempt 240724

(Fayad's decursing attempt)

[Tue Jul 23 2024]

In Apartment 104's Bedroom
This small bedroom is mostly unadorned, but at least some expense has been spared to make it vaguely comforting. On a nightstand underneath the window, a large figurine of Klauth, the ancient red dragon of Dungeons and Dragons, sits gazing out over the room, with a handful of very old coins carefully assorted around it. The room is very neat, with any clutter kept to a minimum.

The fresh white paint on the walls has small bubbles and cracks throughout, as though attacked by some great heat. Some care has been taken to keep the paint-job looking uniform, but it is a losing battle.

It is night, about 88F(31C) degrees, and the sky is partly covered by wispy white clouds. There is a waning gibbous moon.

Janette hisses suddenly, her foot shuffling back with a muffled scuff against the floor. She reaches down under the bunk and immedietly winces, coming up with a small wooden pendant on a thin simple rope chain. "Well fuck. No wonder you feel like shit... Did you even sense that?"

"The hell you will, not in your condition." Janette hurredly gets to her feet, holding the necklace danging from her fingers. "I have to get out of here. If you can sense this so can every other arcanist in town and I don't wanna lure them straight to you like this."

Janette winces, a pained expression crossing her features. "I'll come straight back. But you're in danger if this thing stays here..."

Janette frowns, glancing back towards the bathroom. "Shit... I'll head to the store to do this. It isn't far and I can come straight back here in a bit..."

The artifact emits a flash of blinding light.
Janette winces, but doesn't dare to blink or take her focus off the item, one hand raised and moving closer to the wooden pendant as if she's pushing against some unseen forse.

The whole room shakes.
Janette grits her teeth against another wave of pain locking her fingers, her other hand gripping the edge of the desk to keep her balance.

A section of Janette's clothing catches fire.

For several seconds the room grows painfully cold.
Janette shivers, her fingers clenching to a fist around the thin rope chain of the necklace

With a final burst of power the curse on a wooden necklace is broken.