\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Patrollogs/Fayads Ghost Banishing 240720

Fayads Ghost Banishing 240720

On a humid night at the Arkwright Cemetery, amidst a haunting piano melody, Korina and Fayad confront a trio of ghostly apparitions, each bearing weapons from another era. Fayad, who is initially ensnared by the supernatural entities and subjected to their torment, including ghostly bullets that cause pain but leave no visible injuries, relies on his magical pendant to create a protective heat haze around him. Amidst this chaos, Jordan arrives, anxious and overwhelmed, only to find themselves caught up in the fray alongside Fayad and Korina. As the spectral assailants continue their assault, Korina, wielding magic of her own, attempts to banish them with a ritual circle of light, while Fayad summons a small dragon figurine enchanted with an elemental spirit to aid in their defense.

The battle intensifies when one of the ghosts materializes behind Fayad, delivering a paralyzing stab that leaves him twitching on the ground. Despite their initial panic, Jordan begins to take a more active role in attempting to assist Fayad, pulling him towards safety. Korina, showing a rare hint of impatience, urges them to focus as her ritual nears completion. Through a combination of Korina's light-based magic, Fayad's enchanted dragon, and Jordan’s reluctant assistance, the group manages to navigate the terrifying ordeal. Yet, as they grapple with the spectral foes, it becomes clear that their fight is as much about survival as it is about understanding the mysterious forces that have converged upon them at the cemetery.
(Fayad's ghost banishing)

[Fri Jul 19 2024]

On the Sprawling Hillside of Arkwright Cemetery

It is night, about 84F(28C) degrees, There is a waxing gibbous moon.

A haunting piano melody suddenly creeps over the graveyard as one by one, three spectral forms raise up into sight. Each is somewhat decayed and dressed in a mix of ballroom gown and old pirate garb, one wields a pair of flintlock pistols, another a wicked cutlass and the third a pair of sharp looking knives.

Korina yawns, standing near a headstone, and turns to regard Fayad with bleary eyes. "The thing," she agrees dryly.

Fayad clasps the pendant about his neck, which begins to heat up with eldritch focus. It becomes ninety degrees or so around him, the night's air warming up. Unnatural heat haze gives him the impression of being within a mirage.

Fayad says "The old ghosts I understand, but what's the piano thing about...?"
The dual-knife wielder disappears before her arms suddenly emerge from the ground, stabing into the feet of Fayad to keep him in place as the cutlass wielder swoops forward.

"It is too hot," Korina claims to Fayad as though he's doing this just for the sole purpose of making it even hotter, fanning herself with a hand while she ponders the ghosts casually, ignoring Fayad getting done dirty by that one guy. "Find something to hide behind if they are focusing on you."

Fayad gasps in pain as the phantoms stab through his feet, but with a force of will, he attempts to remind himself that they're Fucking Ghosts and aren't actually going to harm him instantly in that way. He scrabbles back, taking thea dvice to hide behind a tombstone.

Fayad's shoulder suddenly burns as the flicklock wielder materializes long enough to fire a shot into him, there's no visible wound.

Fayad says "Ow, fuck! Where do ghosts get bullets?!"
Fayad reaches a hand up to his shoulder, then gasps in relief as there's no entrance wound. Or blood.

Another yawn. Korina must be very eepy indeed. She stretches out her arms above her head, a soft noise at the back of her throat, then stretches her neck from side to side. "Okay," comes the eventual murmur, along with a slash of her own claw-tipped finger across her palm blood oozing from it. She waits for one of the ghosts to materialize again - oh, there it is, shooting Fayad - and flicks some of the blood on it, heedless of whether it hits or just passes through its ephemeral form.

Jordan says "Uh... hey?"
Jordan glances around nervously.

Fayad is presently hiding behind a gravestone from a trio of ghosts - one dual-wielding knives, another with a flintlock rifle and another with a cutlass. Strange, discordant piano music comes from nowhere.

Jordan moves over to Fayad and huddles behind a gravestone nearby, already hyperventilating. Color drains from their face, a desaturated, clammy brown as they look over at the ghosts.

Fayad snaps at Jordan, "Did you just come here to panic with me or something?!"

Fayad's shoulder suddenly burns as the flicklock wielder materializes long enough to fire a shot into him, there's no visible wound.

It's just another normal start to a Friday. Korina gives Jordan a long, long stare where she's started gathering motes of colorful light around her like a mini disco is going on here, though she doesn't launch at the ghosts just yet. Mostly on account of Jordan and Fayad being really distracting back there.

Jordan holds back a strangled shriek, nearly bolting. Their eyes are wide in absolute horror.

Fayad grunts and yelps, and then shakes his head. "Assholes are just spooking me.", he grumbles.

Fayad reaches into his bag and retrieves a small figurine of a fat looking dragon. He clenches his pendant in his hand and begins to chant under his breath, and a circle forms underneath the dragon miniature - the articulated joints increasing in size as it emits a fierce roar, inhabited by some kind of elemental spirit. Of course, because it's about the size of a small dog, its roaring sounds more like adorable squeaking, but it skitters forwards from behind the gravestones to join battle with the ghosts!

There's even more light bursting forth from the cut on Korina's hand, like a beacon of light that's not very subtle at all if they're trying to keep their ghost-banishing to a down-low - though, to be fair, the piano music isn't very subtle either. She's watching though, and there's a scrunching of her nose as Fayad brings out the figuring - not a fan at all, it would appear.

Fayad's shoulder suddenly burns as the flicklock wielder materializes long enough to fire a shot into him, there's no visible wound.

Fayad says "Fuck's sake that burns! It keeps hitting me in the same goddamn spot!"
Jordan brings a hand over their eyes momentarily from the light, then turns their eyes back to Fayad, keeping Korina in the corner of their saucer-like eyes. They wince as Fayad is shot again. "What can I do?"

The question was certainly not meant for Korina, but she answers Jordan anyway with: "Maybe if you find the gravestone and smash it they will stop," she tells him with a sweet smile that's certainly not hinting at any mischief at all, nope, no sirree.

Meanwhile, she's sending her rotating disco balls of light out at the ghosts in an attempt to encircle them with a makeshift ritual circle of light.

Jordan looks around, starting to move - then pauses. "Wait... why would that help? Their bodies are in their coffins, not their gravestones...." Logic cuts through their panic, almost like a switch was flipped, frowning. "Does Haven use binding enchantments on their gravemarker or something?"

Fayad's shoulder suddenly burns as the flicklock wielder materializes long enough to fire a shot into him, there's no visible wound.

Fayad says "Yes, I get it, you're a fucking marksman, holy shit!"
"Do you want to help or not?" Korina questions Jordan, judgment clear as day upon her face and no actual answer to his questions forthcoming. "He might die with the next bullet." she points at Fayad who looks pretty fine after taking like four of those things, actually.

Fayad in fact has stopped being spooked and appears just genuinely outraged, like an archer who has had four arrows split by another man in a competition. They're just fucking with him.

Jordan starts to calm down, ironically, eyeing Korina suspiciously. "You think you're cute, don't you?"

Jordan calms further, texting on their phone furiously while the physical keyboard makes soft tac-tac-tac sounds.

The double knife weilder appears suddenly behind Fayad, cackling right in his ear before rearing back to stab him in the back.

Fayad says "Oh fu-"
Jordan says "Wh- Fayad! Is-is dat.... "
Fayad gets stabbed and winces, falling over onto the grass as if paralyzed.

Korina eyes Jordan back with raised eyebrows. She knows she's cute. "I think there is one of you being useful," she claims, eyes flicking over to Fayad and all his heat-uppery and back - aaaand then he's typing. Korina sighs and shifts one of those balls of light to reflect its glare right off Jordan's screen, and then sits back to watch the screaming, head tilted to a side. Her ritual circle of disco balls is almost complete up there in the air.

Jordan rushes over to Fayad, taking this more seriously than the gunshot, leaning over their friend and checking his body for wounds, cursing under their breath.

Fayad just seems to be twitching from a nerve misfire. "Fuck my spine," he pants.

Fayad's cute little minion is biting at ghost heels, but the fat dragon doesn't seem to be doing much.

Jordan says "Shit, no, fuck, we're not doing this... c'mon."
Jordan tries to get Fayad up, lifting his arm and putting it around their's, grunting with their lack of strength, tugging towards the street. "You're just a fucking distraction for her, anyways."

A sigh. "Get your shit together." Korina says in the general direction of Jordan and Fayad, so either she means it to the man who got ghost-stabbed, or to the person who's obviously entirely out of their depth here and could use some patience. Not Korina's strong suit, it would seem. "It is almost done."