\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Patrollogs/Jodies Bargaining 240701

Jodies Bargaining 240701

(Jodie's bargaining)

[Sun Jun 30 2024]

In Town Hall Northern Meeting Room

It is about 75F(23C) degrees.

"I'm here for the Temple. We seem to have aligned goals." Jodie tells the rep as she comes in. Her tone is blunt and forward, "I don't care much for witches either personally."

Jodie reaches up to touch the cigarette on her ear as if she's about to take it and light up, but she realizes where she is and drops her hand empty, "Besides, who else shares your interest?"

Gabriel nods to Jodie. "Are you working on this already?" He asks her striding in, adjusting his clothes

Jodie is already here but she's not really talking to the rep anymore as she dicks around on her phone, she looks up from her phone at Gabriel and says, "Uh, yeah but I'm not convincing."

Gabriel clears his throat and nods to representative of The Witch Hunters. He moves inside with a briefcase in hand and sets it on the table, deigning not to sit. "I had a meeting here earlier with the White Circle. As before, the purpose of such alliances is an acceptance that the Supernatural remains. And that we have greater threats. Both those more deeply corrupted, and the end of the world is our focus." His gaze traces to Rachel. He hmms a moment. "Miss Cai, extra curriculars?" He asks. "Gabriel Williams," he introduces himself a moment later then turns to the representative. "No other organization save the temple shares your goals and amibitions. We are naturally allied, and you would be a natural fit as an asset. I am confident my offer is strong enough."

Rachel shows face presumably last. There's no one following in her immediate footsteps. She walks straight up to the representatives and - with irreverent glibness - makes her offer: "Should deal with us, or I get into trouble. And if I get into trouble..." She cocks her head. "You get into trouble."

Jokes. Likely.

"Mister Williams," she deigns to greet with some measure of seriousness.

Jodie gives Rachel a curious once over at her arrival, then a second when she speaks. SHe upnods towards her and offers an introduction towards the rep, but clear enough for Rachel to get the name too, "Jodie Moore."

Gabriel gazes upon Rachel with some pity in his expression. "You should abandon those whom you serve and find protection elsewhere. There is nothing worthy of you on the road you remain on. I am here, should you ever need assistance," he promises her.

"I'm perfectly fine where I am," Rachel says smoothly. And fine she is - if underfed is synonymous with the word. It does little to put a dent in her attitude; she's maintaining a calm neutral for their lovely, officially-garbed friend. "But appreciate the generosity."

The representative of The Witch Hunters decides to support The Temple.