\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Patrollogs/Korinas Syndicate Bargain 240713

Korinas Syndicate Bargain 240713

(Korina's syndicate bargain)

[Fri Jul 12 2024]

In Town Hall Southern Meeting Room

It is about 75F(23C) degrees.

Nikolai says "It's someone from the Hand."
Korina says "Oh. "
Korina says "Which one of you got kidnapped."
Nikolai says "I'll bid $20 for now."
Nikolai says "I'll bid $20 for now."
Nikolai says "It is probably the President."
Korina nods her head slowly. "Silly of him," she says, like he chose to be kidnapped.

Konstantin says "Oh "
Konstantin says "okay "
Korina would never choose to be kidnapped.

Konstantin says "Hello? "
Konstantin says "I am thirsty, I need a sippy"
Rogan lifts his phone in a polite if inofficious looking salute.

Korina stands leaning against Nikolai's side, just zoned out while she waits for the auction to be over.

Nikolai, on the contrary, turns to eye Rogan a little more distrustfully. "Hello, Professor," he grunts. "Have you come to trade in flesh? Distasteful for a faculty member." When he actually places a bid, he bares his perfectly normal human teeth. "You fuck," he swears. "What do you even want with him?"

Nikolai's lip curls with distaste, and he flicks his hand in the air. "Nyet. He is yours to deal with; we will respect the dealings of the Syndicate." He eyes Konstantin as he's tracked in, then continues talking as if he'd not been distracted to begin with. "But he can tell me of what happens under your stead, and I can come extract compensation in triplicate from you, da?"

is marched into the room with a black bag over his head. His captors tug it off as they toss him to Rogan, and he twists to try and kick at one of their legs with a heel as he loses his balance. "Fucking Syndicate", Konstantin hisses, before taking stock of his surroundings. First, he looks over Rogan before looking aside to see Nikolai and Korina. He wets his lips then with the tip of his tongue, face showing evidence of fresh bruising yet to fully colour.

Konstantin tilts his head back with a face like thunder, looking up at Rogan as he shifts onto his side, bound wrist and ankle. "Who is this?"

Rogan moves over to Konstantin, "Now there feller, I've seen you about the place. Pretty sure we're neighbours," he says, placing a hand under the man to support him.

Konstantin blinks a few times, bleary eyed from whatever sedative was employed in his capture. He refocuses his gaze on Rogan. "Da? Well, let's talk cash then. What did you pay?"

"Tch," Nikolai scowls, watching Rogan haul Konstantin up to his feet. "Best of luck, Kostya. If you get hands free, call us over. We can come get you if -"

"I can do without hospitality", Konstantin mutters, testing his bindings. The Syndicate does good work; his wrists remain firmly stuck.

Rogan pauses, sliding his gaze from Konstantin to Nikolai. "Can you confirm you know this big feller here?" he asks, moving to unhood Konstantin

"Nikolai", Konstantin responds to Rogan simply, his right eye's surrounds slightly swollen where a blow has been dealt to him during his capture. "A friend, da." He looks to Rogan then, a suspicious furrow of his brow holding as he takes stock of his new captor.

"And you?", Konstantin demands as he ticks an upnod to Rogan.

"If you get hands free," Nikolai echoes to Konstantin. "Call for us. Intervening now would be bad faith with Syndicate. Intervening /later/, no problems." He sniffs, then leads Korina out and away with an angry grumbling.

If ever there was a need to demonstrate a sour facial expression, Konstantin embodies that entirely, silently grinding his teeth as he is hauled.

Rogan slides Konstantin into the back seat and gets in.

Konstantin works his jaw left to right slowly, shaking his head. He is in no small way furious, but doesn't pay much mind to Rogan specifically.

Konstantin works his jaw left to right slowly, shaking his head. He is in no small way furious, but doesn't pay much mind to Rogan specifically.

Konstantin is dragged along bodily, hopping lightly to help himself along where his legs are able to make contact with the ground. "What is your plan here, stranger? I assume Nikolai made clear who you are dealing with?"

Rogan half helps half marches 'loken to a seat on a table. "Not the best hospitality I suppose but you appreciate being out of those cuffs sooner rather than later aye?"

Konstantin sucks his teeth breathly, canting his head to the right conceding a nod. "Da. Certainly."

Konstantin sucks his teeth briefly, canting his head to the right conceding a nod. "Da. Certainly."

Rogan eludes to Konstantin, "Oh, nothing too nefarious. I just wanted to have a brief chat, mostly to get to know you a little. I did offer water and pain killers before but can I assume you're far too suspicious to take anything from me just now? No matter, you'll remember i offered later on so that's good enough for me." His words come offhandedly, answering his own request before Konstantin is likely able to. "So then, I'm Rogan J, let's do the basics. What do you go by?"