\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Patrollogs/Meridiths Nightmare Battle With Alexander 240420

Meridiths Nightmare Battle With Alexander 240420

(Meridith's nightmare battle with Alexander)

[Fri Apr 19 2024]

At the Front Bar and Lounge of The Succubus Club
Though the thrum of club music greets visitors fresh in the door, the
sound is muted in this front partition bar, granting space for
conversational drinks and a place to request bottle service. The building
itself is a converted club warehouse, design sleek with the flash of modern
club setting and new renovation. Floating shelves with LED accent lighting
and a lit glass back drop lays scene for a multitude of liquor bottles
behind the bar, ranging from well club swills and beer displays to premium
bottles with prettier and pricier labels. The bar itself is long and topped
with smoked, sheened glass on the top surface, space for standing lounge
available toward the ends, past the available line of seating. A few pieces
of lounge furniture is on the other side of the room for more intimate
gathering away from the music and a smoking patio is visible through the
front doors when they open.

The bar area extends into a wide open dance floor ahead with waitress
service and wall lounge seating, the energy of the dance and trap music
compelling movement.

It is about 55F(12C) degrees.

Stepping into the Nightmare, Solomon scans around -- and then sees Meridith. "Why," he says. "I'm... surprised, Miss Walker, to see you. I guess you truly have embraced power."

Solomon asks Meridith, "I wonder who our opponents are?"

Alexander blinks and looks around in a sudden panic. "A-ah! What?" She panicks briefly. "What's happening?"

Solomon calls out, "Good evening! Who is it that has drawn us all into some conflict!?"

Meridith gazes at Solomon and asks "What is it you mean by that?" she glowers.

Alexander says "I don't...I don't know what's happening?"
"I mean you fight with me," Solomon tells Meridith. "On the side of power." He raises his voice. "This is no place for those who don't understand what they are about."

Alexander says "Where are my pants...!?"
Meridith shrugs to Solomon. "I fight with you because Venice is stupid," she says somewhat indifferently.

Alexander panicks and bolts, unsure what do with the rifle in her hands.

Meridith grimaces and looses an arrow at Alexander. Hardly fitting prey.

"It would be wise, all things considered, to set aside some items and mark them with the ritual to be ready for you here in the Nightmare," Solomon offers. "It's not that I don't enjoy the view -- I am Solomon Inigo." He looks at Meridith. "Venice is not stupid, Miss Walker. You serve an entity much like the one I do." Then, as battle is joined, he strides towards her, summoning a low chant -- and as he does, the very fabric of reality rips asunder to send some hellish line of fire in a lance towards Alexander.

Meridith shrugs. "You're the one presuming the will of Venice. Most likely they realized you needed a hand from some capable people, forced us to be your friend." She lifts Alexander up and looses a ranging arrow. "It'll be over soon!" She promises

And then -- small graces -- there is no more fire, as Solomon, his nightmare form trailing horns, draws his terrible black sword, his hands firm around the hilt wrapped tight in human skin. He moves with devilish, unearthly grace, a bruising blow with inhuman strength. "At least give me your name," he says as he cuts into the young woman. "Though I will remember the fear in your face when I find you in the mortal world."

Alexander snarls, "I'm Alice! You freak!" she cries out and pivots, her blade meeting against against the blade as she slashes out with a knife, a speed surprising even her, it seems. She screams a moment, unable to back up.

A shift to the side -- "Alice," Solomon says. He does appear to be some kind of freak, all awful, red-eyed devil as his sword comes to parry Alexander's blow effortlessly. Then he spins -- the terrible grace of the man, full of uncanny speed -- and the black sword weaves through her defenses to cut some painful slice across the young woman's right arm. Blood does not flow, in a battle like this -- but as Alexander fades, the red-eyed devil tells her, "I'll see you soon."

Alexander fades out of the nightmare.

Alexander yelps