\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Patrollogs/Miless Ghost Banishing 240320

Miless Ghost Banishing 240320

On a chilling, snow-draped evening at Arkwright Cemetery, a motley group led by Miles faces off against three menacing spectral pirates, looming with intent amidst the gravestones. As these ghastly figures, armed to the ethereal teeth, encircle Miles and his companions, Annie and Veronique, a strangely juxtaposed scene unfolds. Miles, bracing against the cold and the supernatural threat, attempts to lead with a mix of courage and desperation. He distributes his jacket to Annie for warmth, revealing the informal camaraderie among them. Annie, distracted by the spirit's sudden appearance, offers whimsical but fitting suggestions like using salt for banishment and even considering negotiations, hinting at their prior knowledge or experience with such entities. Veronique, with her blend of sarcasm and nonchalance, munches on pocky sticks, suggesting poking fun at the dire situation.

The spectral confrontation escalates as one of the ghost pirates stabs Miles, turning the encounter from an eerie standoff to a physical skirmish. Despite the danger, the group’s dynamics flicker between the urgency of the spectral assault and a peculiar domestic banter over pocky sticks and misplaced jackets. Miles, bearing the brunt of the ghostly aggression, scatters salt in a desperate attempt to ward off the spirits, hinting at a blend of hope and improvisation in their strategy. Annie, drawing upon lessons vaguely remembered, sketches a protective circle, aiming to reinforce their defense with a blend of earnestness and uncertainty about its effectiveness. Veronique’s suggestion to use blood for the ritual adds a grim note to their efforts, yet her participation remains oddly detached, bordering on the amused observer rather than an active combatant. Throughout, the trio juggles between the immediate physical threat of the spectral pirates and the flimsy hope tied to their impromptu defensive rituals, painting a vivid picture of desperation, camaraderie, and the surreal calm amidst chaos.
(Miles's ghost banishing)

[Tue Mar 19 2024]

On the Sprawling Hillside of Arkwright Cemetery

It is after dusk, about 36F(2C) degrees, and the sky is covered by dark grey stormclouds. It's snowing. There is a waxing gibbous moon.

A haunting piano melody suddenly creeps over the graveyard as one by one, three spectral forms raise up into sight. Each is somewhat decayed and dressed in a mix of ballroom gown and old pirate garb, one wields a pair of flintlock pistols, another a wicked cutlass and the third a pair of sharp looking knives.

"Hi Miles," Annie calls out with her voice raised so it can be heard when she spots Miles coming in from the distance. She is holding onto her sides to brave the cold, as Veronique pointed out. "Pocky stick?" Annie wonders back at the other woman, staring around her with faint interest. "I don't really mind those as a snack but-" Then what sounds like a piano starts to sound out, prompting her to pipe down.

"I was thinking the same thing." Miles notes in agreement with Veronique as he glances aside to Annie, peeling off his jacket and handing it toward her, "Alright, Annie? I guess we're all here for the same reason. The vibes, clearly." The man drawls out, and peers back to the short woman.

The three spirits encircle the group, flicking in and out of reality as they coral them.

"It's the good vibes," Annie agrees, speaking on behalf of Miles and Veronique, likely not the mysterious piano player. She is all too happy to appropriate Miles's jacket, making a quick excuse in her defense. "Thanks. I was shopping at Harper's and then I left my jacket there. It's supposed to be spring anyway."

"If you don't mind one, you should just have it!" Veronique reasons as she takes a small box out of her hoodie, popping one of the sticks into her mouth before offering the others. She glances aside, irritated, as the piano plays. "How very, very, very rude! We were still making conversation! I like the tune, though." She crosses her arms. "...I'll forgive it."

"It's a cruel, cold spring in that case." Miles opines in response to Annie, affording her an amused look and twist of the lips. He rubs his hands together then, spreading some warmth as he peers warily toward the spectral figures. "I'm hoping that at least one of you have some magical nonsense to deal with these things?" He asks of Annie and Veronique then, adding to the later, "Miles Hull, and you are?"

"I think I'll need one," Annie figures, snatching one of the chocolate biscuits from the box Veronique holds. She pops one in her mouth, opting not to bite into it yet so it flails about her lips like a cigarette. Her stance grows more guarded as she gets the idea they aren't exactly alone now, some very very strange activity happening in their vicinity. "From my lessons on this sort of stuff. Drawing a circle on the ground and throwing salt at things seems to work well." Maybe in pissing spirits off. "You can also try to parlay with them," she suggests, noticing some of the garb on the spirits and relating it to a certain piratey movie.

Miles flicks off another text, and shakes his head slowly. "I swear to god." The man mutters under his breath, before tucking the device away. He reaches into a pouch on his belt then, producing a bag of salt.

The double knife weilder appears suddenly behind Miles, cackling right in his ear before rearing back to stab him in the back.

"Oh, I wouldn't call it cruel. If anything, it is quite friendly don't you think? The plants are already dead since autumn, but the snow - well, the snow gets a bit more time." Veronique opines with a small smile as her offer of pocky is taken, pocketing the box again after. She squints her eyes at someone after. "...Hull? Like from a ship?" That could be useful against pirates! She makes a playful curtsy, smiling all the while, "...Veronique. Veronique de La Tremoille." A hint of a French accent betrays her origin as she speaks her own name, though her english accent is impeccable otherwise. "I don't have any magical nonsense I fear. Magical toys, yes. Magical words, sure. But no nonsense." She shakes her head, "...I can take care of it if it gets out of hand."

"Oh, I wouldn't call it cruel. If anything, it is quite friendly don't you think? The plants are already dead since autumn, but the snow - well, the snow gets a bit more time." Veronique opines with a small smile as her offer of pocky is taken, pocketing the box again after. She squints her eyes at Miles after. "...Hull? Like from a ship?" That could be useful against pirates! She makes a playful curtsy, smiling all the while, "...Veronique. Veronique de La Tremoille." A hint of a French accent betrays her origin as she speaks her own name, though her english accent is impeccable otherwise. "I don't have any magical nonsense I fear. Magical toys, yes. Magical words, sure. But no nonsense." She shakes her head, "...I can take care of it if it gets out of hand." She points after, "Uh, you're getting killed."

There's another text flicked off to another member of the Damned before Miles gets a rather rude reminder of not to be on his phone while fighting ghosts. The spectre stabs him in the back, and he jerks forward suddenly, snarling out in pain, "Son of a bitch!"

Annie can't help it and brings her phone out to send out some text or two. Maybe even looking up some tips on banishing spirits in a cemetery. When miles someone his phone away, she can only follow suit. Reaching into her holster to produce a small, compat revolver. "Uh. Behind you, Miles," Annie warns when he's busy with that salt and his phone. For all the good it'll do, she points it in Miles's direction, brandishing it threateningly in a ploy to ward them off. "Annie," she adds her name into the mix, though at this point she's very distracted with the company.

Annie can't help it and brings her phone out to send out some text or two. Maybe even looking up some tips on banishing spirits in a cemetery. When Miles tucks his phone away, she can only follow suit. Reaching into her holster to produce a small, compat revolver. "Uh. Behind you, Miles," Annie warns when he's busy with that salt and his phone. For all the good it'll do, she points it in Miles's direction, brandishing it threateningly in a ploy to ward them off. "Annie," she adds her name into the mix, though at this point she's very distracted with the company.

"One down, one to go!" Veronique declares on behalf of the ghosts, apparently already counting someone amongst the dead. And not counting one of the survivors - for whatever reason. She snaps another pocky in her mouth as she watches the spirits, "Lively aren't they? I wonder if they have a pirate ship..." She trails off, "Oh! Maybe they want rum? Do we have any rum?" She suggests, probably thinking of the same movie someone was, looking around as if expecting to find a stash in the graveyard.

"One down, one to go!" Veronique declares on behalf of the ghosts, apparently already counting Miles amongst the dead. And not counting one of the survivors - for whatever reason. She snaps another pocky in her mouth as she watches the spirits, "Lively aren't they? I wonder if they have a pirate ship..." She trails off, "Oh! Maybe they want rum? Do we have any rum?" She suggests, probably thinking of the same movie Annie was, looking around as if expecting to find a stash in the graveyard.

The cutlass-wielder attacks Miles, driving him back as the flintlock lady appears behind him, using the distraction to go through his pockets.

"Ow." Miles groans from his place on the ground, and texts again, because he never learns his lesson apparently. He rolls onto his back then, shoving a hand into his bag of salt and then flinging a handful toward the spirits, "Shoo! Banish! Be gone!" He yells at them roughly.

And then Miles's is just assaulted again. It's always the case, really. He scrambles away from the cutless wielding ghost, throwing salt at it, even as the other rummages through his pockets. "Hey!"

"I've dealt with my share of ghosts, but I don't think I expected to run into ghost pirates here," Annie says in mild disbelief at the gall of them to gang up on Miles like that. It takes her a second or two to realize she should take advantage of that, planting herself onto her knees while Miles acts as the grand distraction, taking attention from her and Veronique. "The salt's probably working," she says in encouragement. "I can try shooting them, but I think this works better," she reckons, digging her finger deep in the soil. She makes a quick, nearly perfect circle around her. "You're doing great, Miles."

Veronique claps in encouragement, "That's it Miles! It's like children! Or was it cats?" Beat, she considers. "...Be firm with them!" She watches the display with great amusement, speaking aside to Annie as she does so, "I suppose he's not quite done yet. So brave. Even while he's being killed he's protecting his stuff. You think his stuff is worth something? We should take a look when he dies."


"Victory is assured, Miles!"

"Jesus christ!" Miles complains as continues trying to escape from the assault of the pirates. He uses a gravestone to help himself up, dodging around it and running like a scooby doo character from the ghosts. The man notices the circle, and tries to lead the spirits toward it, "I hate this!"

"Hopefully it doesn't come to that," Annie voices with mild concern, picking up some of the scattered salt. She starts to sprinkle it over the banishment circle she's sketched. She's impressionable enough that seeing it done time and time again from specialist arcanists that it ought to work for them here. "In any case, I think all that attention on Miles will like. Tire them out," she tells Veronique. "They need to expend a lot of energy to manifest like that. Especially against someone like Miles." She talks a little too casually now, almost like Miles is having an intimate romp than fending off ghostly pirates.

The three spirits encircle the group, flicking in and out of reality as they coral them.

Veronique smiles gleefully at Miles' suffering, "This is some quality entertainment." She opines to Annie. Heartless, then. "Someone like Miles though? Is he very special?" She wonders of Annie, "He looks pretty normal to me... But I suppose the pirates really like him. Maybe one of his ancestors was a pirate? Could be how he got his last name." She steals one glance at the circle, giving a small snicker before redirecting her attention to miles, "Not long now Miles! Try to avoid the pointy bits!"

As she continues giving her 'advice', she reaches into her box of pocky sticks, taking one out before gesturing towards the circle, "...Could put a rune there."

Well, that's not good. Miles's attempts to outrun the ghosts doesn't end too well as they end up just warping around. Supernaturals, right? Is there any advantage they can't take advantage of? The Deputy is coralled backwards towards the others, shaking his head all the while. He stares aside at Veronique for a moment or two there, "Don't just stand there eating sweets, Veronique. Do something. Throw a pocky at them?" The man suggests, digging out more salt to fling at the pirates.

"Pretty special," Annie decides after a quick scan over Miles's person, surveying any damage done to him. He survived the ghostly combined triple assault special, so there ought to be something unique about the guy. "In any case, he's giving it his all," she says kindly, if a little dryly of him. She braces her back against the cold, hard surface of a gravestone they're all congregating, and probably disturbing with their antics. "I dunno what kinda rune..." she says wryly, but draws out something near the centre of that circle anyway. It looks like another circle, but is more special than the one confining it because it has a line inside of it. "That should do the work." She then turns her head, wrinkling her nose. "Begone, foul spirits. Your time has come to an end. Be at peace."

The dual-knife wielder disappears before her arms suddenly emerge from the ground, stabing into the feet of Miles to keep him in place as the cutlass wielder swoops forward.

Veronique stares blankly at Miles, "...Wasting food is not a solution to anything." She opines as she nibbles on her pocky stick, then shrugging. "...If you ask me really nicely, maybe I'll help more?" She taps a finger on her chin, "...I don't see why I would need to though. Me being here is pretty helpful. For one, who else would observe your lovely display?" She seems profoundly unbothered by the nature of it as she gives Miles a broad smile, "It /is/ lovely too. Why, I could watch you run for days..." The smile fades as she narrows her eyes at Miles, as if she is actually considering just that.

What Annie lacks in experience in battling spirits, Annie makes up for it in spirit. She sends off another chiding command to depart the realm under her breath, and really gets into the whole banishing endeavour, focusing on the nice circle within a circle she's decided will be integral in assisting with the banishment. She's able to do all that thanks to Miles continuing to be an extra tempting target to the wayward spirits. "What'd you do to piss these guys off?" she wonders aloud, glancing aside at Veronique with a quirk of her brow. Not like she would know, but she seems to be enjoying herself with an impromptu show.

Whatever pithy response Miles may've had for Veronique is swallowed up by another yelp of pain as the pirates once again close in upon the man. This time he's stabbed in the feet, through the ground, only for a cutlass to come sweeping in for his throat. "Son of a-" He can't move now, but he does manage to duck it, just, losing a few errant hairs in the process. "God damn it." The man nearly sobs as nearly his entirely body is aching with phantom pain now. He throws more salt, vainly, at the ghots.

The three spirits surround Miles, attacking and harrying him from all sides.

It is a very ineffective attack, apparently, as all three ghosts surround Miles and start just beating the snot out of him. He raises his hands to shield his head, tucking into a ball as spectal blades, fists, and peg legs beat down on him, "Banish them, Annie! Please!" The man blurts out, grunting, and groan and wincing beneath the assault.

Whatever Miles has done, and is doing, it continues to draw their attention from the two women. Who are quite clearly hard at work trying to put an end to the spectacle. One of them at least. "Oh right. Then you gotta do this," Annie murmurs, more engrossed with her task that may as well be an art project while poor Miles is doing some P.E. Veronique must be the one overseeing class, making sure all is well. "I am," she insists, digging out small pits inside of the circle. These she fills in with some of the salt that Miles's has helpfully scattered.

Veronique waves one hand in the air, "You can do it Miles! Tell your new friends to go back home!" She 'helpfully' suggests to Miles, still very much having fun with it even as the ghosts completely gang up on the man. She sighs, glancing aside to Annie, "These circles work better with blood." She suggests casually, looking Annie up and down. "Though it is a bit more messy." She slowly starts to stretch her limbs, as if expecting something to happen soon, finishing her pocky stick with one last nibble.

"Gah! Gwah!" There's no more helpful information from Miles, really, as he just curls up into a ball, getting beaten on by the ghosts. At least he provides a decent distraction?

"Oh yeah," Annie replies idly to some of Veronique's points. "Blood. I almost completely forgot about that part. She stares down the length of her arm, but seems dissuaded with trying anything, since her form is just about enveloped in a leather jacket that looks a little too big for her. She is encouraged by Veronique's advice though. "Must be doing something right then. "The salt thing comes from this priest at White Oak," she shares idly with class.

"Oh yeah," Annie replies idly to some of Veronique's points. "Blood. I almost completely forgot about that part." She stares down the length of her arm, but seems dissuaded with trying anything, since her form is just about enveloped in a leather jacket that looks a little too big for her. She is encouraged by Veronique's advice though. "Must be doing something right then. "The salt thing comes from this priest at White Oak," she shares idly with class."