\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Patrollogs/Minas Ghost Banishing 240721

Minas Ghost Banishing 240721

In the eerie atmosphere of Arkwright Cemetery, Mina, alongside Korinaand Morgan, confronts the spectral haunting of three pirates, armed with ancient weapons and donning a mix of ballroom and pirate attire. As the ghosts emerge, driven by an unsettling piano melody, Mina quickly takes the initiative, creating a circle of purifying salt and employing a blood magic ritual to weaken the spirits. Korina, in her snow leopard form, proves to be a dynamic ally, leaping through the ghosts in attempts to bring them down, all while leaving traces of her presence on Mina in the form of white fur. Morgan, though present, remains mostly on the sidelines, her role more observatory, marked by a notable disdain for the methods employed in the ghostly confrontation.

The battle intensifies as the spectral pirates exhibit their ability to materialize and attack, forcing Mina to concentrate her efforts on trapping and weakening the ghosts with her dark, blood-infused magic. Korina’s physical attempts to bat and pounce at the ghosts, combined with Mina’s potent spells, gradually sap the spirits of their strength. Throughout the skirmish, Morgan remains critical of the use of visceral and dark magic, suggesting an underlying disdain for the methods used to handle what she perceives to be mere mischievous spirits. The narrative concludes with the weakened state of the ghosts, trapped within Mina's bloody tendrils and Korina's light, symbolizing a contentious yet successful collaboration to stall the spectral threat, despite Morgan's evident contempt for their techniques.
(Mina's ghost banishing)

[Sat Jul 20 2024]

On the Sprawling Hillside of Arkwright Cemetery

It is afternoon, about 93F(33C) degrees,

A haunting piano melody suddenly creeps over the graveyard as one by one, three spectral forms raise up into sight. Each is somewhat decayed and dressed in a mix of ballroom gown and old pirate garb, one wields a pair of flintlock pistols, another a wicked cutlass and the third a pair of sharp looking knives.

"Of course it is the pirates again," Korina sighs, gravely disappointed. Haha, get it. Gravely.

Morgan sobers up and nods to Mina. She tilts her head. "Spirits, restless...but agents," she muses. "These are stirred up by something. To what end I wonder?" She sighs. "Let us get to work then."

"Ah, the pirates," Mina says, the familiar, if nostalgic piano rings out laconically. She looks to Korina, and agrees with a faint nod, moving into the shimmering area near the woman. "To work," she affirms, taking out a salt shaker from her pocket. Moving around in a wide circle to encompass the other women and the graves, she lines the area with purifying salt. With a needle, she pricks her finger, bathing her signet ring in drops of blood to tarnish its silver surface.

Korina(snow leopard) snarls at the flintlock ghost that appears for just long enough to shoot at Mina, jumping at - and right through - it before she tumbles onto the grass after a roll.

Morgan lets out a low growl as Korina(snow leopard) appears, but it's quiet, reflexive, she tilts her head away and looks towards Mina, and nods. "Morgan, nice to...meet you..." she sniffs the air suspiciously.

Mina curses under her breath, trying to dodge the flintlock's shot. Watching the transformation of the leopard, she stands near the wild, fluffy winter-beast with an odd glance to the spectral images. While Korina(snow leopard) goes right through them, she is careful to stand clear in case she takes another pounce. Cool hazel eyes lift to Morgan, "Morgan. I am Lowell." No nonsense introduction.

Morgan turns her gaze away from Mina and nods once. She doesn't speak further. She takes a deep breath. "Spirits are nasty business, what brings you here?"

One does not simply growl at Korina(snow leopard) without earning a growl in return. Korina(snow leopard)'s tail swishes back and forth rapidly and agitatedly in the air while she considers Morgan, then turns away with what may pass as a cat-like 'hmph' to prepare to bat at the next ghost that appears with large, razor-sharp clawed murder mittens.

Mina weaves her hand in a slow circle, and gradually a neon crimson glow builds from the tip of the signet ring's bejeweled surface. A raspy mutter moves low, and intangible in her throat as she invokes a dark force. The words hang on the air, creating wavering sigils of gore that push and press against the spirits here. Her eyes diverge once to Morgan, "To put them to rest once more. And you?"

Morgan gazes at Mina. "...To put to right that which is unnaturally disturbed, yes, likewise." She sniffs the air and steps lightly about the cemetary. "What is it that agitates them so?" she asks.

The dual-knife wielder disappears before her arms suddenly emerge from the ground, stabing into the feet of Mina to keep her in place as the cutlass wielder swoops forward.

"There is a convergence of gates all around Haven, to other worlds," Mina remarks, her voice flat and expressionless. "It likely stirs them to come forth, along with violent deaths, memories, torture, things that haunt them." Her icy hazel eyes glance aside to Korina(snow leopard) to ensure she is clear of her next pounce. Deadly footwork shivers along the savant's limbs as she tries to avoid such, throwing a web of bloodied tendrils in return against the spirit and their cutlass to slow their attack.

Ah-ha, there it is! Korina(snow leopard) leaps right at the knife-wielder, jumping through the air with those strong hind legs of hers to scratch at the ghost; she comes to land right through it and at Mina's feet, threatening to send her tumbling down if she hadn't moved out of the way with the anticipation of her pounce. Does make for a great foot warmer with that soft, soft fur though...

While she's here, may as well butt against the woman's shins too. She leaves white fur all over Mina's skirt.

Morgan raises her brows some. "I am not so sure of that. This is unique for spirits. Have they not emerged many times before?" she asks Mina. She peers around studying them intently. She leaves the banishment and conflict largely to the pair, content to observe, and study.

The flintlock wielder unleashes a stream of spectral bullets, somehow not needing to reload as the group is forces to drop to the ground to avoid getting struck.

Mina clicks her tongue, taking a sharp glance at her skirt. But she lets one non-bloodstained hand brush against Korina(snow leopard)'s spine, that should be an okay zone to touch on such a massive beast. The ghost looks to weather, claw-shaped marks along its form that are taking longer, and longer to reform now. "There is no permanence in Haven," says in a monotone that denotes her concentration. Putting her palms flush together, she claps out a bloodied malaise along the air just in time for the hail of ghostly bullets to be still for a short moment -- just in time for her to drop to the ground aside Korina(snow leopard), resting on her knees.

Morgan crouches low after being struck by a spectral round. She lets out a low irritible growl. She looks over to Mina and considers that statement a bit, she gestures some, signalling some kind of agreement. "That cannot be entirely so, but it does appear to be an endless battle with such spirits." She muses.

"Make sure the salt circle does not break," Mina directly commands of Morgan, no longer, perhaps, interested in what the distant woman is wanting to commit to: A debate. It is clear it will get worse before it gets better.

For all that she may be impulsive and not very invested in actually ghostbusting instead of burning energy, Korina(snow leopard) does cover Mina as she drops to the ground - Morgan's left to fend for herself though. Her tail puffs up, as does the rest of her fur all along the spine, and she lets out a low growl as she prowls close to the ground, angling herself between Mina and the spirit.

Morgan blinks glancing at Korina(snow leopard) and Mina. Perhaps trying to guess at their relationship. Stay cat, gal who leaves water out? She wonders. "Of course, I won't tread on your magicking," she murmurs, some distaste on her lips at the notion of it.

Mina's shoulder suddenly burns as the flicklock wielder materializes long enough to fire a shot into her, there's no visible wound.

Hey, there's no one left to call, so it just has to be Mina on this one to do said ghostbusting. Ensuring her sunglasses are in place, Mina keeps close to the ground this time, should other bullets ricochet about. "I'll weaken them," she murmurs, under her breath to the great cat close by -- Korina(snow leopard). "You try to eat them."

With those suggestions now in mind, the savant takes along a low chant. The dimensional web of scarlet gore, bleeds out the pungent, sickly scent of strong iron and coppery scents of stolen life and viscera. Point two fingers to the flintlock wielder from her eyes, and then to the ghost's own, luckily the burn darts down to one of her shoes. Slowly, the web of sigils begins to close, sinking around the gathered spectral pirates to begin to boil their ectoplasmic radiance into nothingness.

Korina(snow leopard) doesn't need further convincing. She licks at her maw, eying the spectral, ephemeral forms with alert eyes and pricked up ears, crouching low, loooow to the ground like a loaded spring. There's even some of that characteristic cat booty wiggling to get into position properly; she's ready to try and chomp down on the next ghost who tries to float by this way, once they're close enough to reach with a single leap.

The three spirits encircle the group, flicking in and out of reality as they coral them.

Morgan lets out a very low growl, anxious and uneasy as Mina works her magic. It's the blood, the viscera, the stolen life. Anathema. She watches her, hawklike, as she works what appears to her to be a rather foul kind of ritual.

Who needs water when you have blood? Shivering, pulsing tendrils of blood throb across the air. Through shots of sunlight, the scarlet color of the oxygenated blood ripples with an eerie glow. The net closes tighter and tighter, even as the triad of spirits come in closer. Gradually the arcane net forms briar-like barbs that pierce the spectral forms, sapping them of their strength as they begin to flicker and weaken. No revenge will be taken this day against the party of ghosts, nor the pirates.

Remaining on one knee, Mina's focus is drawn inward with all concentration focused on the blood-stained binding. Her chant is dark, and melodic, her eyes beginning to ooze and weep with crimson light. The savant's expression is calm, stone, and distant. Should Korina(snow leopard) strike, soon will come the time.

The double knife weilder appears suddenly behind Mina, cackling right in her ear before rearing back to stab her in the back.

As the three spirits move closer, so does Korina(snow leopard) lash out with claws and fangs, snapping and batting at whatever she can get her hands upon - it's not much more than empty air, as is the nature of ghosts, but she's doing her best here while Mina sets up with her tendrils of blood and gore. Morgan gets a side-eye too, just because.

Though her arcanism is not too much help this way, Korina(snow leopard) still controls the balls of light that light up the place - while Mina's blood pierces like barbs, her light surrounds, bright and dizzying in a larger, outer circle, that entraps the spirits within its bounds. She growls, low, then pounces, barreling right into the ghost that attempts to stab into Mina's back, her jaws snapping, teeth closing around the ghost's neck, biting cleanly through empty air and spectral memories that is still sure to leave the spirit weakened for Mina's magic to bleed dry.

Morgan watches the duo of them with something akin to contempt. It's a stink in the air that turns the womans nose, makes her look naseous like, well, she's witnesses some twisted abomination of magic in order to quell what are essentially a couple of mischevious pirate ghosts. Juice and it's value to the squeeze maybe. She says nothing, just...observing.