\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Patrollogs/Sarahs Bargaining 240127

Sarahs Bargaining 240127

(Sarah's bargaining)

[Fri Jan 26 2024]

In Town Hall Northern Meeting Room

It is about 15F(-9C) degrees.

Sarah seems to be having a rather casual conversation with representative of Russian Mafia, familiar, somehow. She's pointing out something on a stack of papers, "...Trust me. Once we've estabilished order in Hell, profits will double. With the way our network is go-" She looks aside to Claire as she enters, "...Ah. It seems someone decided to make a showing..." She murmurs before noticing Casey as well. "...Yet this deal will be mine."

Casey pauses a few moments, glancing around the gathered group. "Hey," Casey says, with a little casual shrug of her shoulders, a little shimmy sort of dance. She had a manilla envelope, and... scootching towards representative of Russian Mafia, Casey cuts her eyes across the others in the area, sliding the envelope to representative of Russian Mafia. Casey had a Pusheen sticker on her envelope. "You'll make the right choice," Casey says, with a dramatic wink to representative of Russian Mafia. "Hello, Doctor Wilson!" Casey chirps, in a peppy fashion, fanning her hair out behind herself.

Claire strolls in and plops herself down into the chair alongside the the representative of Russian Mafia. Offering a cordial smile, she says, "I am assuming the opposition already made their pitch. I won't argue against their strength, but, I will argue their coordination. Can they protect your interests? Will they? How about you ask the Vampire Court of New York how that went for them? If you can find any of them." She gives a little shrug as she says, "As for the cell they run here, they have their offworld interests and that is where their attention goes. They only send their b-squad for saps like you." Leaning back in her chair, she says, "So why not throw some support behind someone who will actually give a damn."

Claire nods her head, remarking to representative of The Gamemasters mid conversation, "Certainly our organizations have never seen eye to eye, but with Lauriea suffering a massive refugee exodus and that entire border region having fallen under the influence of a pack of bumbling malcontents who immediately turned their eye to other outworlds in lieu of administering the territory they already took, I don't imagine that you have too many options at the moment."