\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Resources/Experience


Combat Experience

In-game documentation on combat experience can be found at HELP EXPERIENCE.

Combat experience is a type of experience spent solely on disciplines (HELP DISCIPLINES). It is limited by your combat experience cap (found in SCORE), which in turn is related to your character's class? (HELP CLASSES).

Note: Going over half your experience cap will turn your PC supernatural if s/he is not already.

Shroud Hunting

There are several ways to gain combat experience. The primary of these is by hunting in the shroud (HELP SHROUD).

To enter the shroud, you either need to be supernatural (marked so in your SCORE) or have and be wearing a shroud device. Shroud devices (also known as a black bracer) must be bought in the newbie area or else acquired from a faction -- there is no other way to get one in game.

If your room title moves from a simple [Shrouded] message to [Shrouded #], you're in the right area. Simply move around and you'll spawn enemies to fight.

Note: The forested areas of the shroud are currently bugged. Current known accessible points of the shroud are at stops 26 (northeast) and 40 (east).

Other Ways of Gaining Experience

  • You may convert influence to raw experience with the command 'influence buy experience #' at a 1:1 rate.
  • You may convert karma to raw experience points with the command 'karma buy experience #" at a 1:5 rate.
  • You can convert plot experience? to raw experience with the 'plot learn' command.
  • Some experience is also awarded for participating in faction battles.