\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Timeline/2016-08-01



The mayor, Augustus Inigo, has put out a message that he's taking an extended vacation. Similarly, Patricia Wilson has disappeared without so much as a reason as to why. The Dive has been closed down.

Mon Aug 1 15:49:50 2016
- (Daed)

Area: IC - Note #10254
From: Daed
To: all
Subj: Venetian Law
Time: Mon Aug 1 15:26:16 2016
Greetings. Per the laws of the Venetian faith and due to our command of Haven, the following new laws are to be followed effective immediately. The punishment for each crime is listed along with the new law itself.

  • You shall not engage in adultery, defined here by engaging in any form of intimacy (kissing, touching of the chest, rear or groin, sexual intercourse, oral sex). The punishment for adultery will be your spouse being made aware immediately, and a chastity belt to be put on and worn for a week.
  • You shall not engage in premarital sex, defined here by engaging in any form of intimacy (kissing, touching of the chest, rear or groin, sexual intercourse, oral sex). The punishment for premarital sex will be a public march through the streets without clothing, and then a chastity belt to be put on and worn for a week.
  • You shall not engage in sodomy, defined here by the insertion of any foreign object or body part into one's anus. The punishment for sodomy is harsh coporal punishment followed by a public march through the streets without clothing, and then a chastity belt to be put on and worn for a week.
  • You shall not engage in homosexual sex, defined here by engaging in any form of intimacy (kissing, touching of the chest, rear or groin, sexual intercourse, oral sex) with someone of the same gender. The punishment for homosexual sex is the same as premarital sex, as well as forced induction into one of our re-education programs.
  • You shall not engage in incest, defined here by engaging in any form of intimacy (kissing, touching of the chest, rear or groin, sexual intercourse, oral sex) with someone of the same bloodline as you, to be traced back to five generations. The punishment for incest is the same as sodomy, as well as the removal of all body hair if at all possible.
  • The following faction members are not to display or mention their membership in public in any way: TAU, the Disciples, the Labyrinthine Covenant, the Dark, the Red Gold Society, the Blackthorn Coven, the Saoirse Pact, the Association, Wolves of Wroggar, and the Scions. Any faction that is associated with crime, demons, the study of magic, pagan religions, Fae, vampires or werewolves fill this criteria as well. The punishment for such displays or proclaimations are the confiscation of any symbols, harsh corporal punishment, and forced induction into one of our re-education programs.
  • All laws of the United States are to be followed otherwise, though due to the nature of Haven, leniency may have to be shown in the duration of imprisonments. Lawbreakers will be subject to corporal punishment. Knights of Saint George have full authority when it comes to the enforcement of these laws. Concepts like police brutality and restrictions on how Knights enforce the law are virtually removed.
  • The praise, worship, or fraternizing with demons is a grave sin against humanity. Those who throw in with them are sentenced to death, and if it is not possible, imprisonment and extreme torture and corporal punishment.
  • The study of magic requires forced induction into the Venetian Order, as well as penance for all spells, use of sorcery, conjuration or mancing. Apostates who refuse to submit to this law will have all their magic focuses confiscated, and will be forcibly inducted into one of our re-education programs.
  • The praise, worship, or fraternizing with pagan gods is against God. Those who throw in with them are to be forcibly inducted into one of our re-education programs, after the confiscation of any religious contraband.
  • The praise, worship, or fraternizing with Fae is against the law. Those who throw in with them are to be forcibly inducted into one of our re-education programs.
  • Vampiric feeding on the blood of any sentient creature is against the law. Vampires who do will be locked into a coffin for as long as possible, and staked and de-fanged if possible.
  • Lycanthropy is seen as the disease of the Devil, wolves among the flock. Those infected are not to change, or they will be forcibly naturalized, neutralized, and forcibly inducted into a medical regiment as well as one of our re-education programs.
  • The public consumption of alcohol from the hours 5 AM to 5 PM is now illegal. Violaters will be escorted home. Repeat violaters spend 24 hours in Solitary Confinement after corporal punishment.
  • Skirts and shorts must end at just above the knee or longer. Any shorter and violaters will be escorted home to change. Repeat violaters will be forced to walk through the streets nude after harsh corporal punishment.

- Yours Sincerely, Gregor Ulfursson