\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Characters/Antoinette Daniels

Antoinette Daniels

The following section relates to the character picture that will appear on the page for the individual character and the table beneath it. Replace with a link to an image of your choice. Replace the words "Your name here", "Archetype", "Your age here", "Your faction Name here", "What You do for income", and "Where you're from" with the appropriate information. "FactionName" also needs to be replaced with the name of your faction without spaces. The link http://www.youtube.com can be replaced with a link to a theme song for the character and "Theme Song Title" can be replaced with the name of that song.

Antoinette Daniels


Sex: Female
Birth Date: 06/24/1996
Race: White
Occupation: Nurse at White Oak Clinic
Theme Song: Alkaline - Sleep Token

Supernatural Outlook

She appears intensely curious about the supernatural and exploring the various facets of it. One might even say she has a Gift.

Noteworthy Abilities Medicine 3
Alchemy 2
Illusory Mancing 1

Known Around Town

  • She claims to be in town pursuing a nursing degree and getting work-study credit for working at White Oak.
  • She is performing some kind of research involving blood and memories and seems open to discussing it with those who ask.
  • She is always looking for people who are interested in helping her further this research and anything else she may be experimenting with.

Known in Supernatural Circles

The comments section is used by other players to leave feedback and shout outs to your character. "CharacterName" is replaced with the name of the character as seen at the top of their character page. "Said person" can be replaced with a more informal name.

Notes on file

"Vouch. Ideal landlady, doesn't get in my business, great conversation when we do cross paths, and -- lemme tell you, Tones makes a hell of a cocktail." - By Malcolm

"Note" - By person?