Benjamin Fettes
Benjamin Fettes
The road to Haven
A student in New York at a community college, Benjamin happened upon some Alpha Gamma Omega fraternity brothers while out on the town. After hitting it off and them taking a unique interest in him, he was told about the fraternity as well as White Oak and the fact it has some alumnis on Broadway. Some student aid and a trip late he arrived in Haven as a theater major at White Oak.
A supernatural world
Some have called this man anti-aware and others have claimed he is selectively willing to believe the stories of their experiences inside and out of Haven. Whether he simply has his head in the sand or is actually that skeptical he seems aware enough to know to avoid most things to do with supernatural politics.
How I cope
Coping implies there is anything wrong. Campus activities, that's how to stay active and happy. Active and happy doing things with people that are definitely not supernaturally related. Except extra-credit classes... Those can be supernatural but only because Broadway probably requires a good GPA.
Make Your Mark
"I will never financially recover from this." - Professor Deputy
"Add your comment here." - YourCharacter
"Add your comment here." - YourCharacter