\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Characters/Dean Whitaker

Dean Whitaker

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Name: Dean Whitaker Should be easy to edit colours here

Archetype: Werewolf

Affiliation: The Redwood Pack / Wolves of Haven / Vaelys

Occupation: Elusive Proprietor



What I'm Doing in Haven

What am I doing in Haven? Same thing I’ve always done - surviving, fighting, and making sure no one forgets who the hell I am. This place... it’s chaos. Supernaturals running wild, factions plotting in the shadows, and gates that lead to places no sane person would dare tread. To most, it’s a nightmare, but to me, it’s an opportunity.

The Redwood pack initially sent me here to get "better," as if they could leash what’s inside me. Haven’s supposed to break me down, make me compliant by laws and restrictions I've already broken through, but I knew better. Every corner of this place drips with power, ready to be plucked, to be devoured. No one knows what I'm really capable of, and that's the way I like it. I’m not here to pick sides or play their game. I’m here to bend Haven to my will, to carve out my own territory amidst the chaos, and remind everyone that dominance leads to strength while I grow my own pack.

Haven is a crucible, and I’m the fire that’s going to forge something they’ve never seen before.

Where I fit in a Supernatural World

I don’t.

That’s the point.

The supernatural world is full of creatures pretending there’s a place for everyone, acting like they’ve got some divine right to rule or a moral code to uphold. Balance, order, peace - all lies to keep the strong in check. Covens, councils... they want to mold you, control you, but I was never meant to fit into their neat little boxes. I was meant to lead the pack, and every wolf will realize they'll find power they seek with me.

I was born an outlier, the one who broke the mold. In a world filled with rules and hierarchies, I don’t belong. But that's not weakness - that’s freedom. The others, they cling to their factions, their tribes, their loyalties. They’re too scared to stand alone. But me? I stand outside all that. I don’t need anyone’s approval, and I won't apologize for what I am. I’m making my own path, one where only strength, cunning, and sheer will decide who survives.

How I Cope with the Lurking Horrors

I confront.

The horrors that make others lose sleep? They’re just reminders of what’s out there, waiting to test me. I’ve seen enough darkness to know that fear is just another leash, and I’ve already worn one of those for too long. Those horrors lurking in the shadows, the ones that keep clawing at the edge of your sanity? I stare them down, remind them that I’m worse.

Don’t get me wrong - I feel it. The gnawing unease, the whispers in the back of my mind, the nightmares that don’t stop when you wake up. But I don’t run from them. I take that fear, that madness, and I twist it into something useful. If it makes me more dangerous, if it fuels the fire inside me, then good. Every monster, every unseen terror in Haven, it’s just another chance to prove I’m stronger than the things that make others break..

RP Hooks





I almost admire
The way you sweeten shit like honey
Do you think I'm that naive
To pull the rug out under me
You don't know me but I'd sure like you to.
I'm not sure I exist, but now I'm sure that you do.
I'd give everything away for one day with you...
Can open up reveal to none except you.
If you're drunk on life, babe, I think it's great
But while in this world
I think I'll take my whiskey neat
My coffee black and my bed at three
Hello, he lied
Beware, belie his smile
As warm and calculated as heroin
Beware the Contrarian
No more love to purchase
I've invested in myself
You know nothing about me
Keep opinions to yourself
I don't need your condescending
Words about me, looking lonely
I don't need your arms to hold me
'Cause misery is waiting on me



I've never had a best friend before... Or a worst friend. You're both. - JR

He's an absolute monster, a black hole that draws us into the void. As such, this loyalty, attraction, could only be explained by Freud. - Ash Starling, Pack-Pet Darling

Five millenia, I have never been routed to a standstill. You have the respect of the First Kine.

Bastard. - Jayarr?