\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Characters/Konstantin Guryev

Konstantin Guryev

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Name: Konstantin Guryev Should be easy to edit colours here

Archetype: Demonborn

Faction: The Hand

Occupation: Hand President / Importer



What I'm Doing in Haven

Whatever is required of me. First driven here by conflict in the supernatural criminal circles I worked in back home in St Petersburg, I have shifted my focus to the Hand almost entirely. At first an enforcer belonging to the Shadow Hand, I have risen to Presidency since my coming and endeavoured to establish myself and my cell as a force to be reckoned with. I apply to my role as President the same cold and calculated brutality with which I operated as a Shadow.

Where I fit in a Supernatural World

My start in the world of the supernatural was in Russia, where traditionally the Temple holds the greatest strength. Thrust into the criminal world as a result of my lineage's manifestation, early conflict with Templar extremists whet my appetite for revenge and inured me to the cruel methods of warfare in the supernatural world. While an established supernatural with a little under two decades operating for the Bratva and the Hand in Russia, I am very much still just an individual and of moderate power... for now.

How I Cope with the Lurking Horrors

Familial connections destroyed by myself in my teens as my infernal bloodline manifested, youth robbed by the penal system, and a life spent in fear of ambush by Templar agents has left me seeking comfort in the control afforded by my supernatural ascendancy and my reputation within the Hand. God forbid that control be threatened. The ill-gotten gains of my criminal enterprises are of course a pleasant distraction, though I can't break my utilitarian bent. At surface level, though, I find solace in dissociation from emotion when plying my trade, something I am seldom not doing. A clear head is a calm head, and ultimately concepts such as kindness and decency are just obstacles to the means to our ends. At the end of the day; it's just business.

RP Hooks

Career Criminality - I had little choice in my introduction to the world of organised crime but I have little to complain about now. I have succeeded in this environment, and come to enjoy it, establishing myself well in the Bratva. A criminal looking for an employer? Down on your luck and in need of a quick loan? Speak to Konstantin.. what could go wrong?

Corruptor - Loyalty and competence are paramount; in Interns, Operatives, and Presidents all. What better way to ensure your agents have these qualities than moulding your own? The sweet suffering of pushing our more empathetic prospects to engage in the brutal but necessary methods the hand employs is a balm to my blood's yearning. Raw clay taken from the institute, directionless freshly-manifested supernaturals, or those that find themselves in dire straits. We can help you.. for a price.

Rivalry - Might makes right. I respect strength in all its forms; strength of arms, strength of will, and even strength of character as much as I take opportunity to subvert it. I enjoy roleplaying rivalries, especially across society lines where we might vie against eachother operationally.

Antagonism - I'm not a hero. By my nature I cannot help but enjoy suffering and I comfortably lean into that to some degree. An easy victim is an easy feed, and we all get hungry sometimes.

There are many that would oppose the Hand's grand march of progress towards a supernatural led future, and I have no qualms with dispensing whatever brutality is required to sweep them aside. We'll have no quarrel if you simply accept your part in our vision, but otherwise.

(I am always open to OOC discussion during antag via tells. If now isn't a great time for you, let me know, or if something in particular is specifically uncomfortable for you as a player then I will steer away from it as requested.)


"Finish your tentacle if you want dessert." - Korina

"Ты друг, or however you spell it." - Rachel

"Ты мой братан до самого конца, Костя." - Николай

"My favorite tormentor, I come to him when I need to suffer to be better." - Ash Starling, Clifftop Darling

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