ø Name: Sophie Wilson
ø Birthdate: September 8th, 2003
ø Archetype: Local Celebrity
ø Associations: The Wilsons
Those who remember Sophie Wilson from her younger years might recall a reserved child with an exceptionally busy schedule. Today, she's reintroduced herself to Haven as an outgoing, sociable young woman, back home to complete her final year of college. The transformation may seem dramatic, but all for the better, surely. Graduation is on the horizon, and with it, an official place in the family business - though proximity to the Wilson Empire has ensured she's already had a taste of it.
Talk of the Wilsons increasing their activities in the criminal underground and building new bridges for their less than savory operations is surely nothing more than speculation… right?
Roleplay Hooks
ø Socialite: Being a Wilson means knowing how to spot potential in people and how to make the most of it. Of course, that doesn't mean Sophie can’t genuinely enjoy making friends - it just happens to be one of her favorite hobbies.
ø High Tastes: A lover of the finer things in life, Sophie has a weakness for luxury. Whether it's fashion, gourmet food, designer coffee, or shoes, if it's high-end and interesting, she's probably into it.
ø Classical: Sophie dances ballet, plays the violin, and even partakes in the occasional floral arrangement. None of it professionally; the family business comes first.
ø Underworld Connections...?: Rumors like that are always so dramatic, aren’t they?
ø OOC: Antagonism is encouraged, though nothing overtly sexual. Feel free to reach out OOC if you're unsure of boundaries. Trying to no-sell Sophie's political and economical influence as a Wilson will probably not end well in-character.
"You've got plenty of nerve but no brains, Wilson." - Colt
"I think I want to be you when I grow up." - Fiona
"She shines so bright that you meet her for a moment, but the impression lasts a lifetime. Don't get me started on the fashion sense, it's impeccable." - Vic
"vouch. impeccable all around, absolute peach. both repartee and 🍵on point. also only occasionally threatens to break kneecaps bc of puns. 5.0" - @maladapted
"Comment goes here." - Your Character