\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Encounterlogs/Alexanders Odd Encounter Sr Jodie 240204

Alexanders Odd Encounter Sr Jodie 240204

Alexander's tranquil afternoon is shattered by the sound of frantic knocking at his door, revealing a bruised, dirty girl in desperate need, repeating a plea for help. Wearily, he lets the frightened girl in, fetching a gun for his own safety. The girl, who introduces herself as Joyce, reveals she was bitten by a wolf and transformed during the full moon, losing control and even biting someone else. Despite his own reservations, resulting from a recent burn injury and the constant threat of being tricked, Alexander can't turn her away and offers his assistance.

Joyce, still reeling from her ordeal, is uncertain how to cope with her new werewolf existence. Alexander, though new to these supernatural situations himself, tries to comfort her. He speaks of The Order, an organization that helps individuals like her to navigate this newfound life. He promises to connect her with his contact at The Order, reassuring her that her life does not have to change completely. Her spirit slightly lifted, she accepts the information and plans to stay at a motel, hoping her old life will somehow remain intact. As she leaves, Alexander reflects on the bizarre nature of the town called Haven, contemplating on the possibility of good prevailing amidst chaos.
(Alexander's odd encounter(SRJodie):SRJodie)

[Sat Feb 3 2024]

In a luxurious cool-toned bedroom with a platform bed
In this sanctuary of sleep, the bedroom basks in cool-toned luxury. A centerpiece platform bed, low and sleek, anchors the space, adorned with linens in a palette of soft silver and tranquil blue. The walls, a soothing slate grey, serve as a serene canvas, complementing minimalist art pieces that whisper tales of abstract beauty.

The room glows softly under recessed lighting, while chrome-accented bedside lamps offer a focused luminescence. A grand window, dressed in sheer silvery curtains, invites daylight to dance on the polished hardwood floors and, by night, frames the starry sky, marrying the rooms elegance with the beauty of the natural world outside.

It is afternoon, about 37F(2C) degrees, and there are a few dark grey stormclouds in the sky.

(Your target comes across a recently-turned werewolf, who is scared, confused, and has no control over their transformations. The characters need to decide whether to try and help the werewolf adjust to their new life, kill them, or find a way to cure them.)
It's a calm, regular afternoon in Haven, there are dark grey stormclouds in the sky out the window and its quite chilly outside. Fortunately its cozy in this bedroom where Alexander resides.

Things seem rather boring for a saturday even, but this is Haven and anything can happen in this small town. Even things that begin innocuous such as the knock on the front door that occurs. A normal occurance..but the knocking seems frantic.

Alexander is exhausted. The burned hand from thwarting evil magic still pulses in pain and interrupts his sleep. He staggers out of his bedroom and lets out a yawn, wincing at the hour. So late, even for him to sleep. Still, he needs his rest, and the last thing he needs is more nonsense.

"Hey!" he shouts at the door. "Settle down, who is it? What's going on?" he insists.

"Help me!" replies, though its not really a reply, its a constant chorus as the feminine voice repeats it and continues to knock with urgency. It seems genuine and the desperation comes across as real, but not everything in Haven is as it might first seem.

Alexander exhales sharp. He knows this place well. But the risk is his to take. The words of someone reminds him, of his own security, not that he cannot be harmed but that...

The costs awaiting him for being tricked outweigh the risk of someone innocent being hurt.

Still he's not entirely stupid, he fetches his gun, slips it quietly into his pocket. His knife hangs just out of reach and he unlocks and pulls the door open suddenly, stepping out of reach.

"In," he hisses and slams the door shut behind them.

Alexander exhales sharp. He knows this place well. But the risk is his to take. The words of another reminds him, of his own security, not that he cannot be harmed but that...

The costs awaiting him for being tricked outweigh the risk of someone innocent being hurt.

Still he's not entirely stupid, he fetches his gun, slips it quietly into his pocket. His knife hangs just out of reach and he unlocks and pulls the door open suddenly, stepping out of reach.

"In," he hisses and slams the door shut behind them.

Well, rather the costs are outweighed by the risk to Alexander.

Stumbling in a bruised and dirty girl with stringy blond hair gasp as if receiving her first breath of air in some time. But its done out of relief of being allowed to be inside. Outside there does not appear to be any immediate threats. Still a bruised and dirty girl with stringy blond hair is in roughed up shape in her torn clothes, bruised and cut up features and over all dirty appearance. Once inside the woman recoils from Alexander and makes some distance from him by back stepping out of fear, "Stay away from me!" she cries.

Alexander ignores her sudden cry and locks the door. He pivots and appraises her, scanning for weapons. "Odd choice to beg to be let in then demand I stay away," he says. But his tone is not sharp or cruel, merely stated words, perhaps an attempt to amuse. But as his eyes trend along her body, the bruises, the filth, the torn clothes he exhales a long deep sigh.

"You're safe in here," he assures her and lifts his hands. "How can I help you?" he asks.

Elaborating her fear, SRJodie tells Alexander with a hushed voice, "No I don't want to hurt -you-." she explains. But her explanation raises more questions than it answers. The blonde wipes some grit from her face with her arm then she slowly begins to gather her senses and talks more clearly, "Last week something happened to me..it's hard to describe.."

Elaborating her fear, a bruised and dirty girl with stringy blond hair tells Alexander with a hushed voice, "No I don't want to hurt -you-." she explains. But her explanation raises more questions than it answers. The blonde wipes some grit from her face with her arm then she slowly begins to gather her senses and talks more clearly, "Last week something happened to me..it's hard to describe.."

Alexander lets out a knowing, 'ah'. He exhales softly then gestures for her to follow him. The kitchen would do, where the bathroom might be too off-putting. "Fangs? Wolf? Fairy? Horns?" he asks somewhat matter-of-factly.

Carefully and with obvious reservations about trusting Alexander or herself. a bruised and dirty girl with stringy blond hair follows Alexander along at the beckoning. Her breath catches at the 'wolf' part of the list and she bobs her head once, "Yes..well..so last month I was bitten by a wolf." she breaths out slowly, "Then last week on the full moon something happened to me. I lost control of myself..I think I became one of 'them'. I haven't been normal till today.."

Alexander strolls into the kitchen and nods. "Unfortunately that's one of the few I don't know terribly well," he exhales softly and fetches a cloth, running warm water and then ringing it out he offers it to the girl to help clean herself a bit. "My name is Alexander. And you've had a pretty rough awakening into this weird old world of ours," he gives her a look of pity.

As Alexander talks to her, the blond seems to grow more comfortable. She reaches for the cloth and accepts it to begin to wipe her face, revealing that beneath she's just a regular college aged girl who's not unattractive. "One of the few you don't know? Oh god there is more than this? What do I do? I could barely control myself, I think I even bit someone else."

Alexander lets out a sharp exhale as she shares that fact. "Fuck," is all he can really say in reply. "Do you know who? Or where?" he asks, alarmed. He gives a soft groan and reminds himself, that if they were bitten during they probably have more time than anyone, at least, he thinks? "Not to overwhelm you, it's just..." he gestures emphatetically. "The bite is what transfers it," he tells her. "So, if we can find whoever bit you, and whoever you bit, we might be able to help them."

Alexander fetches her a glass of water as well.

"Help them? I just want this to never happen again." a bruised and dirty girl with stringy blond hair tells Alexander, looking defeated and absolutely exhausted from her week long wolf adventure. She takes the water from Alexander and thirstily drains it completely. "Whats the cure? Do you know?"

Alexander nods to her and leaves it be. He reminds himself of his place, of the roles of others in this whole business. It isn't his place to drag them into his crusades. The burn on his hand pulses a wicked reminder, apathy was a survival instinct. "Don't worry about it," he tells her. The Order, he'd investigate, run his contacts out on this, see what he could do. "But as for a cure, I don't..." He exhales sharply.

"I don't believe there is one, not once you've turned. I'll ask, but..."

Dejected, a bruised and dirty girl with stringy blond hair sits on some furniture in the room, looking distantly in silence for a while as she tries to come to terms with the situation. "No cure? What do I do then? I can't go back to Ohio if this can happen to me. Where do I go? How do I live with this?"

Alexander raises his hand. "It's...not..." He hesitates then moves towards her setting another glass of water down for her. "I think only during a full moon will you be compelled to change. And, there are those who are able to resist it, through drugs or just securing themselves somewhere safe." He tells her. "It's important, as...you may hurt innocent people as you were hurt if you don't."

In an effort to cheer her up he continues, "It isn't all bad. Stronger. Fast. Sharper senses. You'll be able heal faster and I'm sure some other cool stuff I'm not aware of...?" He exhales, a bit strained. "It isn't all...terrible...?"

The girl slowly but surely comes around to Alexander's words, stressing when he highlights the bad parts of her change but easing somewhat at the upsides. She still looks lost, confused and terrified by her situation but at least she can now ask logical questions and her next one is simple, "Is there somewhere I should go to get help?"

Alexander nods. "I work for some people, they're called The Order, largely committed to helping people in positions you find yourself," he tells her. "They know more than me and are much more situated, I've only fallen into this rabbit hole like...a week ago."

"I'll get you the number for my friend and I'm sure she'll get you sorted, I promise." He exhales softly. "It's going to be okay," he promises her.

With a gentle nod to Alexander, the blonde girl has a path to follow and this seems to be what she needs to come to terms with her new situation. She stands from her seat and hands the empty glass of water back to Alexander while she says, "Thank you..I'll take that number..I'll get out of your hair and go stay at the motel. Hopefully they stored my luggage while I disappeared for a week."

Alexander smiles softly. "Yeah," he says non-commitally. He knows better, this is just...a single rough step on a much longer path. Her cheer is emphemeral, temporary and fragile but that's a win, whether he likes it or not in this place. "I'll walk you if you want, but you're not far," he tells her.

"Just don't let anyone convince you your life has to change much. You've got some options, new ones, but they're yours to pick from. Whatever life you had laid out can still be yours, you know? Just...with some tweaks."

"It's okay, don't let me keep you anymore. My name is Joyce by the way. Hopefully I see you around sometime." a bruised and dirty girl with stringy blond hair says to Alexander as she shuffles to the door with him. Of course she wont leave till she gets that Order number as a point of contact. From then on she's faced with the life of the wolf, but with the Order's guidance and not some more corrupt influence, she may have a chance to do some good and follow the right path.

"No trouble at all. It was a pleasure, Joyce," Alexander assures her. And as she goes and he locks the door he gazes out the window at the town and wonders how the hell the world is meant to keep spinning when everything seems designed to grind it down. Still, for a moment at least, he feels a quiet sense of warmth that doing good things is possible.

(A local shopkeeper approaches your target, claiming that an ancient artifact in their possession has been causing strange occurrences in their store. The characters must investigate, and possibly deal with, the supernatural forces attached to the artifact.)
Alexander shakes off the last bits of the vision of the naked wolf lady he just stepped away from as he makes his way home, easing his tension some.