\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Encounterlogs/Calistas Odd Encounter Sr Gabriel 240701

Calistas Odd Encounter Sr Gabriel 240701

On a tranquil afternoon at Sidney Beach, Calista, adorned in casual summer attire, enjoys a contemplative stroll along the shore. Unbeknownst to her, this peace is about to be shattered by an unexpected encounter. A seemingly innocuous interaction with a stranger, a woman with a soft voice and gentle demeanor, quickly spirals into an unsettling reality shift for Calista. The serene beachside setting abruptly changes to an upscale restaurant, where Calista finds herself across from the same woman, now elegantly dressed and posing probing questions about her association with the Knights of the Silver Dragon. Calista's sudden transition from a relaxed beachgoer to a captive in an unknown location marks the beginning of a sinister interrogation.

Caught unawares and bound by chains, Calista faces her captor's demands for sensitive information with a mixture of defiance and loyalty to her sect. Despite the threat of violence, highlighted by the captor brandishing a knife with a chilling casualness, Calista's spirit remains unbroken. She cleverly deflects the questioning, emphasizing the strength and unity of her sect. As the tense exchange unfolds, Calista's wit and steadfastness frustrate her adversary's attempts to intimidate her. Ultimately, the captor acknowledges Calista's resilience, leaving her unharmed but with a wry admiration for her "spunk." In the end, Calista is rescued by her allies, a testament to the strong bonds and loyalty within the Knights of the Silver Dragon, with the peculiar ordeal concluding on a note of unexpected mutual respect between captive and captor.
(Calista's odd encounter(SRGabriel):SRGabriel)

[Sun Jun 30 2024]

At Sidney Beach

It is afternoon, about 88F(31C) degrees,

(Your target has been picked up by members of an opposing faction or subfaction keen to get some intelligence from them. While the villains must abide by the understanding they will work their hardest to get the information, your target must resist for long enough or throw them off the trail for their allies to arrive and help get them out.
Calista is just wandering down her favourite section of beach, her sneakers held by hooked fingers in one hand as she lazily walks and looks out over the waters with the sun high. She's quiet and contemplative but looks untroubled this afternoon.

It is a tranquil afternoon in Haven for the moment. While the sun at its apex beats down upon Calista, she fits the casual vibe with her lavender blue cotton tank top, and denim shorts. Strolling along barefoot. The beach isn't frequented, long stretches of unobserved land in Haven, largely due to its presence at the edge of the woods where people don't tend to tread. The squawk of gulls in the distance heard while they flap, looking for scraps. Yet, she hears for a moment, footsteps.

Natural curiosity more than any concern has Calista turning to look over her shoulder and then the other, to try and discern where the sound of footsteps might be coming from. Certainly she hadn't noticed anyone joining her, but she doesn't have eyes on the back of her head.

There is a woman, fit, yet pale, with cascading blonde hair. She's dressed in decidedly less showy clothing. A shawl, tanktop, long sleeve thin sweater, a long pair of jeans and running shoes. As well as a large sun hat that makes her look like she might be better suited to gardening in a back yard. She has languid steps yet, she does appear to be closing with Calista. She offers her a gentle smile. "Hello," she says when she speaks at last.

"Afternoon!" Calista calls out happily in return, lifting up her sunglasses from her eyes to be polite though it causes her to squint at the other woman against the sun. She flashes a smile as she goes on to say, "Bit hot but beautiful isn't it?" She gestures out at the water, making her small talk greeting but then still taking some backwards steps to signal she isn't planning to stop for long pleasantries.

Of course, lifting those sunglasses proves to be a mistake. The woman smiles and she finds her gaze locked. For a moment she speaks. "It is." She replies in a soft pleased lilt.

Like a poorly cut movie, Calista's reality jump cuts forward. She is sitting in a restraunt, empty save for one other person seated across from her. It's the same woman, though she is dressed more appropriate for the evening with an elegant purple dress, that shawl still worn around her neck. She seems pleased and nods to Calista.

It's an upscale dining, italian, she might figure from some greco roman inspired art decor, and the windows reveal a city street at night. The woman gestures gently to Calista. "I took the liberty of ordering," she notes, a glass of redwine and a chicken parmesan dish which both looks warm and plated for presentation before her. "But I can get you something else if you'd like. Tell me, you work for the Knights of Redemption, yes? How is that going thus far?"

ahems gently. "The Knights of the Silver Dragon," she corrects herself graciously.

She ahems gently. "The Knights of the Silver Dragon," she corrects herself graciously.

Foolish. Calista should know better by now. She blinks blearily at the food in front of her before straightening up suddenly with a sharp inhale, the reality of her situation hitting her all of a sudden.

She ignores the food and wine and stares openly at the woman in front of her with a great deal of concerned assessment though not malice at this point. "What do you really want to know? She asks pointedly. "Surely you're not from human resources, concerned about my work life balance.""

Foolish. Calista should know better by now. She blinks blearily at the food in front of her before straightening up suddenly with a sharp inhale, the reality of her situation hitting her all of a sudden.

She ignores the food and wine and stares openly at the woman in front of her with a great deal of concerned assessment though not malice at this point. "What do you really want to know?" She asks pointedly. "Surely you're not from human resources, concerned about my work life balance." (fix)

There's a brief moment where she gives Calista a toothy grin. "You have this somewhat backwards dear," she begins, and if Calista tries to move her foot she hears a jangle and sees a set of cuffs around her ankle, keeping her to the chair. "I am asking questions and you're providing answers." She laughs softly. "Now, let's try again. What is your position in the sect, and how has it been going?" She repeats, demeanor still friendly, though the tone threatens that might change.

Calista extends her foot out, testing the limits of that chain with a decided frown on her face while still openly looking back at the woman across from her before finally deciding to plant her eyes on the table just between them. "I am a Knight. As the name would suggest. And it is a great honour, to carry Shemra in my heart and work towards a world that she wanted to see." Her words are clipped and stubborn, answering the question though there's a proud set to her chin.

She laughs gently towards Calista and shakes her head, "That's one question, at least but I asked how it has been going. I suppose that's your way of saying well." She lets out a sigh and her hand drops to the table to her own plate, which is empty, but she takes into her hand with slow deliberate movements to hold the knife at her place setting.

"I want you to tell me the list of members at present, and any allies who would not make the roster." She leans in, but her hand remains at the table, gently holding the knife.

Calista notices the chain is long enough to be seated comfortably, but it would make it hard to stand. The chair however is not secured, but the cuff is secure to the chair.

Calista sits primly at her dinner table, body alert and eyes now on the hand that holds the knife. She snorts a little at this. "If you wanted to join us, there are nicer ways to ask."

She shifts and lifts the knife raising it eye level to Calista. "There are, I suspect. But if I intended to interrogate the weakest link in the organization for information, I think I'd ask exactly this way."

Calista rolls her eyes at the woman then, looking dead pan. "As the weakest link, do you actually think I'd be privy to any information you really want to know?" She casts her glance sidelong then, with a soft shrug. "You're wasting your time."

A shift of movement and suddenly the knife is held inches from Calista's cornea in a moment. "Well good for me then, that I benefit from hurting you whether it leads to answers or not?" Her voice is sweet yet amused, delighted perhaps, to end the foreplay of this interrogation.

"Is it?" Calista wonders, trying to remain calm in the face of this threat, though her pupils have dilated in a natural fear response. Deliberate breaths are taken, her muscles still sprung with a tension that is near palpable. "You're going to risk the backlash of harming me for no actual reward? Just a little bit of fun?" Her voice darkens now, taking on a serious and foreboding tone. "I'm going to be more trouble than that's worth - I guarantee."

"Backlash?" She snickers and shakes her head. "Backlash that's funny." She leans back and grins. Setting the knife down. "You think a dysfunctional sect full of cosplay dweebs is worried about a single capable fighter from another world and her assembled dweebs? If you had any potency you'd have won an operation, I suspect." She gestures to Calista as if to see if he has a retort.

"Backlash?" She snickers and shakes her head. "Backlash that's funny." She leans back and grins. Setting the knife down. "You think a dysfunctional sect full of cosplay dweebs is worrying to me? A single capable fighter from another world and her assembled dweebs? If you had any potency you'd have won an operation, I suspect." She gestures to Calista as if to see if he has a retort. (fix)

"Don't know why you're here asking me questions then if you've got it all figured out," Calista answers with a stubborn set to her jaw, looking perhaps slightly insulted by the jab - though there's something else that twinkles in her expression like a deep loyalty. "Potency in loyalty is something maybe you can't imagine. Pity." She shifts in her chair, shaking off a bit of that nervous energy to regain her focus and affect a cool professional tone once more. "I'm just trying to fight climate change, one fundraiser at a time. What's your beef, lady?"

Her assailant smiles broadly. "You've got spunk, Calista. I like that. But it seems our time has run out." She lets out a weary dramatic sigh and stands. "Please, enjoy the meal." She offers as she moves to depart. And like magic, moments later members of her sect, whether faced or faceless, move in to save her. If she does wind up trying the food, she's right, it is pretty good.