\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Encounterlogs/Eliass Odd Encounter Sr Victoria 241021

Eliass Odd Encounter Sr Victoria 241021

Elias, while leaning against his car near a cemetery in Haven, encounters Maia, a newly turned vampire unknowingly wandering the streets. Her strange behavior and physical symptoms, such as red-tinted eyes, pallor, and pointed fangs, quickly draw Elias's attention. Despite her denial of drug use, her thirst and confusion about her condition lead Elias to suspect her true nature. Maia, seemingly detached from the severity of her situation, fluctuates between aggression and confusion, clearly struggling with the urges of her newfound vampirism. Elias, employing a combination of straightforward conversation and subtle evaluation, attempts to guide her toward understanding her condition, utilizing his own magical abilities to maintain control of the situation.

The encounter escalates when Maia, driven by her insatiable thirst, makes several attempts to physically engage with Elias. In response, Elias resorts to using his own powers, including a display of cryomancy to cool the surrounding air, and projecting an aura of supernatural dread to repel her advances. Despite his efforts to connect with her and offer assistance by recommending she seek out the Order for help with her vampirism, the situation culminates in Maia fleeing, confused and overwhelmed by Elias's display of power. Left alone, Elias contacts the Haven Sheriff's Department to report the incident before questioning the reality of the encounter, underscoring the surreal and isolated nature of these interactions in the night of Haven.
(Elias's odd encounter(SRVictoria):SRVictoria)

[Sun Oct 20 2024]

At Sheriff's Run, Hanging Hill, and Cemetery Lane

It is night, about 57F(13C) degrees, and there are a few dark grey stormclouds in the sky. There is a waning gibbous moon.

(Your target and their allies encounter a newly made vampire who hasn't been taught by their maker and doesn't know what they are.
Leaning up against his car, Elias seems to just be hanging out at one of the bus stops not too far from the cemetery. Whatever the reason may be, he keeps looking towards the sky as the storm clouds drift overhead.

Dusk has overtaken the light of Haven, and it's a seemingly normal, quiet evening for Elias, or as normal as it could be when you choose to be outdoors alone in the night. As he watches those clouds, Elias might be able to sense that he's not quite alone, and he'd soon enough find himself right if he did, as soft footsteps soon come from behind him. There's a girl wandering just off the street, mostly hidden by the inky darkness that only seems to get deeper the longer the night goes on. It seems she hasn't seen him.

From a distance, this young woman looks well enough off, neat in appearance with a dainty build. Strangely, she seems to lick her lips every few seconds, glancing about with wild eyes that don't seem to really take in her surroundings fully. Her breath can be heard in the stillness of the evening, and it almost sounds choked, as though she were wandering a desert. She suddenly stops, frowning and wrapping her arms about herself as she stares off with her back to Elias.

Pulling his gaze from the sky and settling it down on the girl in front of him, Elias asks, "Can I help you? You lost girly?"

The young woman goes rigid when she hears Elias speak, clapping her hands over her ears, feet absolutely leaving the ground as she jumps, startled. In the next breath she's whirling around with an almost crazed expression, looking wary. Seeing the man, and that he's alone, her features twist into a frown, and with hands over her ears she says, "You don't need to yell. Why has everyone been yelling?"

After a moment to study him cautiously, she takes another step towards him, and Elias can see her eyes are tinged with red, her complexion pale. When her tongue darts out to lick her lips again, they don't appear to be chapped, but the faintest hint of slender pointed fangs can be seen in her mouth.

"Yeah? I don't need to do anything I suppose. But you know, sometimes you just got to be a yelling mood. You been chasing snow angels? Huffing the powdered sugar? What is wrong with you girl and why are you?" Elias asks as he pushes himself off from his car, taking a few steps closer to the girl as he looks her over, "Do you just hang out around the cemetery?"

With several slow blinks, the pale hands surrounding her ears lower, and the girl simply stares at Elias. "Are you serious?" she asks, deadpan. "Never touched the stuff." She eyes him with clear suspicion, before drawing a breath that leads to a sigh of air that has more force than it should. "I don't know why I'm out here," she frowns. "What cemetary?"

There's another swallow, and in the next beat, that young woman has seemed to cross several feet of space, appearing directly next to Elias. As she continues to regard him, her hands ball into fists that cause her nails to begin to cut into her palm. Staring at his throat she offers, "I was out with friends. Woke up near the woods," before another slow draw of her tongue across pale lips.

"So, out with friends after dark, can't remember why you are here, but drugs aren't involved hrmm? Sounds like shitty friends if you ask me. Letting you get high as fuck and then ditching you to whatever." Elias says as he crosses his arms as he keeps looking at her, "So, what do you feel like right now? Like you are floating?"

"I'm thirsty," comes the parched response. "Really thirsty." Her icy blue eyes narrow at Elias. "You don't listen. I've never touched drugs." In a beat, her face lifts and her eyes close as she catches a scent in the air. She leans herself toward Elias subtly.

"I'm Maia," she continues as her eyes open slowly and she stares to him like he's a steak freshly cooked. "And you smell good." A hard swallow, and she clears her throat. "I'm sorry," she says softly as she peels eyes away. "That was forward, and kind of rude. I just feel confused," she offers, taking a phone out of a pocket and staring to the screen.

"So, increased libido, loss of inhibitions. Issues with impulse controls and dry mouth, but not drugs." Elias says as he idly places his hand on the knife on his belt, "So tell me, is it cold out to you right now? How about warm?"

"Libido?" Maia blinks. "I think you're mistaking something." Still, she's leaning into Elias, but her eyes are wide and only fixated on one spot as she talks. "It's comfortable," she answers absently, before the very slight tilt of her head. "What's with all the odd questions? Do you just hang around at night interrogating people?" she asks him rather crossly, folding her arms after the slip of her phone back into her pocket. "And how far are we from something to drink?"

The temperature begins to rapidly drop as the cryomancer starts dumping magic into the surroundings. Elias asks to Maia, "What sounds good to drink?"

Pensively staring into nothing, Maia takes a moment to think about the question. "That's the thing," she sighs to Elias, seemingly entirely oblivious to the temperature change. "I've found stuff while wandering. Water, tea, soda. None of it tastes good," she complains. "I'm still really, really thirsty."

She trembles slightly, another lick of her lips. "Like my throat is on fire," she muses, teeth clipping together at the end of her sentence. Unconsciously to her, her lips draw upwards in an almost hiss toward him the more she talks about the prospect of getting a drink.

"So, do you know what makes this town special?" Elias asks Maia, his gray-blue eyes focusing on her as the occasional lightning bolt arcs across the stormclouds above.

Shrugging, Maia looks annoyed at the questioning. "No, I haven't been here too long," she says with a hint of bite to her words. Eyes flit upward as lightning lights the sky. "I hate storms," she sighs.

She glances to a spot behind Elias and almost as if willing herself to be there, she indeed finds herself there with more speed than intended. A cautious hand begins to reach for the man, and her lips part as she draws closer to him with no regard for the knife he has his hand set upon.

"Do you know what vampires are?" Elias asks Maia as he takes a half step back from the girl squinting his eyes at her as she advances on him, "Not like the Twilight vampires I am afraid. You won't glitter."

"I won't glitter?" Maia looks confused as she stares to Elias, allowing eyes to meet his for a moment. "What the hell are you talking about? I'm just thirsty." Seeming unable to contain herself further, her hand reaches out to snatch the dark haired man's shirt in a surprisingly strong attempt to yank him towards her. In her hiss of frustration, Elias is proved correct when her fangs gleam, lit by the glow of lightning.

Leaning in like he might give in to Maia's advances, like he might be looking to plant a sweet sweet kiss upon her lips, but Elias instead has a different kind of kiss in mind. He lurches forward with his head, aiming to smash his forehead into her nose with a good deal of force, pretty much anything he can muster.

"Ow!" the young woman shrieks out, hands immediately coming to her face, which twists with pain and anger. "What is your problem?"

Drawing away, her arms wrap around herself and her visage takes on the look of a pouting teen who's just been scolded. "Why does everyone move away from me or try to hurt me?" she sniffs.

"Welcome to the cold hard world twilight. So, listen to me for a second. You are a vampire. You really should seek out like the Order or something. I can give you a few numbers so they can take you in. Or fuck it, don't. I really don't care a ton at this point." Elias says as he holds out a hand as cold mists start to form in it to display magic to her in a basic way, "You are going to have a big problem if you don't do somehting about it though."

"Vampire?" Maia's brown knits and she scoffs slightly. "I swear, this town is odd. Who's the Order, and what numbers?" She stops, looking offended at Elias's statement. "Why does nobody understand I'm just thirsty? So thirsty." Her hand reaches back out and with unnatural grace she moves to snatch Elias's shirt.

And then Elias starts to seem very annoyed at the very clear use of force, the dark haired man stands tall as he looks down at Maia with his voice stern and commanding, "You will get your hands off me before you lose it." And with that, supernatural waves of raw psychic emotion roll off of him, projecting an aura supernatural dread upon those around him.

All of a sudden, Maia recoils, and the next Elias sees of her, she's quite far down the street, and seeming confused at how she got there. "I...something's not right about you," she stammers, pulling her phone out again in a desperate attempt to check it, only to find nothing. "I need to go." She whirls about, seeming intent to set off down the street, tongue still drawing over her lips.

Looking up towards the clouds, Elias seems tempted for a moment before he decides better on it, picking up his phone and dialing the Haven Sheriff's Department and informing them of her description and the situation.

When Elias looks up again from where he's dialed on his phone, he finds nobody. Noone out with him in the night, and no trace of the woman he just encountered, only the chill of the air and the glow of light from the lightning he summoned, leaving him to question if anything really happened at all.