\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Encounterlogs/Ethans Odd Encounter Sr Claire

Ethans Odd Encounter Sr Claire

Ethan's ordeal begins in a decrepit, deserted stairwell, where an unforeseen attack leaves him unconscious and subsequently abducted. When he awakens, he's bound to a chair in a dilapidated room, greeted by the ominous presence of a man whose voice drips with disdain. This man, a member of the diminished Vampire Court of New York, taunts Ethan—known as Mister Reines—remarking on his past destructive involvement with the vampire community. Despite the threatening situation, Ethan remains composed, displaying a familiarity with this type of peril. His half-hearted provocations tinged with dark humor indicate he is weighing his options, mentally calibrating his next move. Ethan's captor reveals the grudge he bears, but also hints that he plans for Ethan to meet his end not by his own hand, but rather through a cruel twist of fate.

As the alarming situation unfolds, the captor's malice is palpable, and he implies that Ethan's demise will be handed over to something sinister beyond the chained double doors. However, before the plan fully hatches, the echo of a gunshot reverberates, disrupting the air of imminent doom. The plaster ceiling crumbles under the bullet's impact, raining debris upon Ethan. The noise attracts the attention of whatever malevolent entities lie in wait, causing an uproar as they begin slamming into the doors with increased fervor, eager to reach the source of the disturbance. This sudden escalation ignites the chaos, indicating that Ethan's time is running out as the monstrous forces behind the doors grow increasingly frantic, setting the stage for a potentially catastrophic showdown.
(Ethan's odd encounter(SRClaire):SRClaire)

[Tue Nov 28 2023]

In an empty, trash-laden stairwell
At the base of this hallway, a nearby stairwell ascends, flanked by two doors parallel to one another. The nearby door, with peeling paint, leads further into the building and hosts a delapidated sign that simply reads 'Narnia' upon its surface. The outer door, leading to an adjacent alleyway, is flanked by brick walls and bears the scars of urban life. An assortment of refuse dots the floor, serving as some implication that no one really tends to clean this area.

It is afternoon, about 44F(6C) degrees, and the sky is covered by dark grey stormclouds. Ankle high mist flows through the area.

(Your target is abducted in their sleep, waking up alone in a locked room. They need to either escape or draw attention to them so their allies can come and provide assistance.
Ethan is here seated at the stairwell, his finger trailing down the surface of his smart phone as he reads a series of reports, each of them detailing current ongoing events in New York.

You don't even manage the sense the danger before a heavy blow slams into the back of your head, followed by the dim thump of your body hitting the ground and whirlwind of darkness swirling up to consume all your senses. There are snapshot bits of awareness from there. The thrum of a running engine, the flash of a streetlight. When you come to, though, the flickering blink of a dying bulb in a lonely room is the only thing that greets you. Rope binds your hands and legs, propping you upright in a heavy, wooden chair. Judging by the stiffness in your legs and joints you've been out and in a series of uncomfortable positions for a number of hours. A light hand falls on your shoulder from behind, and a deep, masculine voice thrums in your ear, "Welcome back to New York, Mister Reines. It hasn't been that long for you, has it?"

For a moment, Ethan does not respond at all, and the man seems to be blinking a few times as the reality of the situation only now slowly dawns upon him. Dilated pupils as light from the dying bulb above plays havoc on his senses, but eventually time seems to set him up for some degree of normalcy. A grunt as the man gives a cursory test of the bindings that hold him and, once thoroughly convinced of their sturdiness, Ethan cranes his head upwards to catch sight of his would-be captors. "New York, huh?" Ethan asks, the man tilting his neck left and right in an effort to shake off either excess tension or the headache he's likely nursing. "If you wanted to ask me twenty questions, we could've done that in a way that doesn't eventually end with me putting a bullet in your skull." With a half-lidded gaze, Ethan doesn't seem particularly enthused with his situation, but he doesn't seem particularly afraid of it either. Rather, his body language seems to suggest that it isn't the first time, and he emphasizes this with his next words: "Dark, dank. Smells like piss. I take it you're a 'leech'? Vampire Court of New York, or am I talking to the Empire?"

The grimace is evident in the tone of his voice as the man says, "The former.." scalding venom slips into his voice as he remarks, "what is left of it anyway after your little series of interventions." As he speaks his hand slips into your hair and long talon-like nails scrape against your scalp. He sneers, "Oh the things I could do to you, but I am not here to dirty my own hands simply to allow one who has wronged me and mine to die a gruesome death by happenstance." Even as he says that you can here shuffling on the other side of the chained double doors in front of you. Groans and moans slip through from whatever lies beyond, though that changes as a gunshot rings you behind you, rotting plaster from the new hole in the ceiling rains down on you from above. Almost immediately you hear 'things' shuffling beyond the door slamming against it, rattling both the chain and the lock at the loud noise seems to have gathered a lot of attention.