\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Encounterlogs/Fayads Odd Encounter Sr Aristotle 240726

Fayads Odd Encounter Sr Aristotle 240726

Fayad's experience by the poolside at dusk quickly transitions from a mundane attempt to recover from recent traumas to a nightmarish ordeal orchestrated by a dream stalker. Having already suffered from the tortures inflicted by high-tier werewolves, Fayad seeks solace in sleep, only to find himself plunged into an eerily altered version of his surroundings. The pool transforms into a dark, stormy sea, and the air grows unnaturally crisp for Haven's climate. This surreal setting serves as the stage for a confrontation with a terrifying entity, one that manipulates Fayad's environment and preys on his fears. Despite initially feeling rejuvenated, Fayad's strength ebbs as he faces the specter of his past torments, the werewolves, now resurfacing in this distorted dream reality.

The dream quickly spirals into a fight for survival. Fayad, driven by a mix of fear and determination, attempts to fend off his assailants using his pyromantic powers. However, the dream stalker, manifesting through the wolves, overwhelms him, turning his dream into a feeding ground for fear and despair. As Fayad's situation becomes increasingly desperate, he reaches a point of utter exhaustion, his powers waning against the relentless assault. The culmination of this battle sees Fayad, despite a final, spite-driven assault on the wolves, succumbing to his injuries, only to awake back at the poolside, the horrors of his dream leaving him shaken and more traumatized than before, a poignant reminder of the vulnerabilities and battles that lie within the depths of one's mind.
(Fayad's odd encounter(SRAristotle):SRAristotle)

[Thu Jul 25 2024]

In the pool

It is dusk, about 102F(38C) degrees,

(Your target has been singled out by a dream stalker who's invading their dreams. They cannot be woken, but their allies may be able to go into their dreams after them to help them fight off the invader and survive the nightmare.
OOC: Hello! Go ahead and emote what you were up to, and we'll get started! :)

Fayad is laying, exhausted, on one of the lounge chairs facing the pool. He looks exceptionally weak and fucked up since he's been recovering for days from being tortured by two extremely high tier werewolves. Life force in the 30s. He's up to the 50s now.

Exhaustion is an understatement to describe how Fayad may be feeling at the moment. Every blink becomes longer, and it's hard to ascertain where consciousness stops and slumber begins. It's made worse by the heat, barring down on Fayad and encouraging him to rest and recover. It's a task made easy by how relaxed he starts to feel. Though, one moment it's daylight - the next, a blink away, it's night. It may be startling for a moment, but perhaps he'd fallen asleep.

The olive skinned man easily permits sleep to conquer him, Fayad splaying out on the lounge chair. The sound of the water circulating through the filters lulls him away. He'd often lost entire days to napping and sleeping, having to have his cult bring him food and water in his apartment, having reverted almost entirely to the shut-in he had been for decades.

Losing a few hours pales in the face of a proven history of losing days to napping, and despite the recent experiences of being tormented by wolves, Fayad would find that short nap having him feel more than rested. He feels -perfect-, unnaturally so. The air beside the pool is crisp and cool, perhaps not quite right for the season in Haven, but delightful nonetheless. The pool sloshes and laps against the edges of where it's placed, sounding like gentle waves crashing along a beach. There's no wind that blows that causes it to do so, but the sound is gentle and soothing.

Fayad's eyes flutter open as he groggily sits up, casting his eyes around what was previously simply the apartment complex's fenced in pool. Something wasn't right... He felt too good. He never feels good. Thus, that's suspicious.

The feeling of rejuvination is enough to assault his suspicion, and as his eyes cast around the apartment's pool, he'd notice that the scene looks more like someone's retelling or re-description of the scene. Second-hand. Certain details are missing. Certain colors are off initially, but as Fayad notes the discrepancies, they mend themselves a blink later - as if correcting what is incorrect with the area. The pool, though, continuous to slosh around, as if trying to beckon more of his attention. A glance at the pool would show it starting to look darker - like ocean water in the night. Shadows swim from beneath it, but the shapes aren't clear at the moment.

Fayad clutches at his pendant, eyes narrowed. He can call upon some pyromantic power thanks to his pact with the red dragon. It's not much to defend himself with, but it's something. He slowly slides his feet off the edge of the chaise and stumbles to his feet, taking a few steps back and glaring at the pool in suspicion.

The thought of calling on power from his patron likely would instill him with a sense of comfort, but as he rises to his feet to glare at the pool, he's met with silence. The pool, however, continues to splish and splash, going from a gentle lap to a raging storm. It all remains contained to the pool of this apartment community, pointing signs all to a supernatural influence of some kind. Fayad can see those shapes swimming beneath the surface of the waters, body teasing the surface and periodically a bit of this being's body breaches. Fur. Wet fur is what Fayad is able to make out, and it is only beats that pass of this before howls can be heard from around him. Wolves.

Fayad responds with shock and fear, stepping backwards, beginning to attempt to run away, prey instinct overtaking him. No. Not again. Never again. He'd rather fucking die than get taken by the wolves again. Were they here to finally kill him, finish him off this time? He knows he can't heat the water enough to kill them with what meagre power he has, so his only option is to flee.

That initial shock and fear that flows through Fayad seems to make those howls around him more intense. Something responds to the sensation he feels. Something hungers for it. The moment Fayad's eyes are off of the pool - when he turns to run, he'd see he's not at the complex any longer. It's an abrupt change - startling even, but he finds himself in the woods. Perhaps he'd fled all the way from the apartment in a blind flight and his brain is only now giving him awareness again. That rejuvination he felt from his nap earlier has vanished - no longer is he revitalized; he is drained, feeling worse than he had when he was first lounging. It feels, if he's familiar with this sensation, that something is slowly feeding off of him. There's little time to dwell on that, though, when a snap of a branch behind him would reveal he is still in danger. An exhale, heavy behind him can be heard as it heralds a growl, and then another howl.

Fayad emits a constant mantra of "fuck, fuck, fuck" but now that he's feeling even worse than he was, he simply collapses onto his knees, sweating profusely from every pore in his body. There's nothing left in the poor guy to feed on - a human constantly fed upon and taken advantage of by others. "Gonthorian, where the FUCK are you?", he wails at nothing, and then his face plants into the dirt of the road.

As he calls out for Gonthorian, he is met with silence. Pure isolation made worse in the face of a wolf hungry for his fear. Abandoned. When Fayad collapses onto the ground, he soon feels the crushing weight of an animal on his back - a sensation he's likely felt recently turned into a survivors worse nightmare as it seems whatever was tormenting him before has come back to finish the job. Searing hot pain tears through his shoulder as teeth puncture him and spill blood, and those howls from wolves continue to resound around him - echoing off of in his mind like a cacophony of torment.

Fayad whimpers, the agony of the bite being awful but not much in comparison to the physical, searing torture Gonthorian had been putting him through to 'toughen him up'. Funny that in a situation like this, all it meant was that he wouldn't cry out and scream as much as a normal man would. "Help," he rasps, at nothing, hands scrabbling at the dirt, trying to find a stick or something he could try to jab at whatever was pinning him down.

That help is met with another howl. Nothing comes to his rescue as his whimpers are drowned out by the sound of flesh tearing. It goes for long enough, that the pain starts to dull just as his vision begins to fade. The wolf that tears into his flesh is stopped for the moment when a stick is reached for that thwacks him on the head, providing a distraction enough that may allow Fayad up to his feet once more.

Fayad rolls over onto his back, his one instinct stronger than the prey one being the spite-fueled, 'fuck you you're going to die with me' ethos. His pendant warms against his chest and his hands heat up to a dangerous degree, and he tries to grab the wolf - by the throat, by the head, by the side, by the fur, by anything - and channel every inch of occult power he contains into the wolf to cause the fur to blacken, smolder, char, to inflict as much pain as possible.

The attempt to grab at the wolves' throat is met with Fayad's wrist going into the maw of the beast, and the snapping that occurs when this beast bites down signals a broken limb. The pendant still warms, and Fayad's magic takes affect but the only thing its able to do is warm the beast up and make it sweat. It isn't enough to save him, and the beast makes sure Fayad is aware of such by the way it tears into him with tooth and claw. The pain is immense, but soon it dulls into a blissful state of not being eaten, as Fayad's vision takes him. This wolf seemed to want more than just his fear - it calls for flesh and it takes it with every bite. No longer can Fayad feel it - the sensation too much for his broken body to detail for him.

When Fayad blinks again, he finds himself back on his lawn chair by the pool of his apartment community - awake, alive, but feeling worse than he did previously. He's left with the lingering sensation that something was tormenting him, despite it all being, by appearances sake, a dream.

Fayad grunts and joltsa wake, tired eyes staring into the early evening sky, glassy and traumatized. He shifts uncomfortably and gives a rattling exhalation, resigned to his new nightmares.

OOC: Thats a wrap! Thanks for accepting! Head down when you're ready and if you need a summons somewhere, let me know!