\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Encounterlogs/Fayads Odd Encounter Sr Morgan 240720

Fayads Odd Encounter Sr Morgan 240720

Fayad's venture to the hospital to visit Savannah, who was mauled by a werewolf, quickly turns south when he encounters state police officers interested in questioning him. Initially, his attempts to explain his presence with a bouquet of flowers for his girlfriend sound suspicious, leading to a confrontation about a misunderstanding involving Fayed in a money laundering investigation connected to the community center, not the hospital. Despite declaring his innocence and financial struggles, Fayad finds himself hauled in for booking. However, thanks to a solid defense from the state attorney and a mysterious call from the mayor, he is released without charge, only to return to the hospital, hopeful but still caught up in his turbulent Haven life.

The story then transitions to another night in Haven on Sidney Way, where Astrid, under the influence of an unknown perpetrator's mind control, attempts a mugging inspired by a twisted Robinhood logic. Her actions trigger a chaotic response from Freya, who transforms into a hybrid wolf, and Matthew, caught between concern and confusion. Freya's transformation and dominance over Astrid reveal the presence of a vampire's influence on her, stirring the predator in Freya. Despite Matthew's suggestion to hunt down the vampire perpetrator on Devilwood Street, Freya decides against causing more trouble, warning the group about the dangers of the full moon. The three decide to head back, with Astrid and Matthew reflecting on the perils of being unprepared on such a night, underlining Freya's struggle with her werewolf nature and the complex web of supernatural influences in Haven.
(Fayad's odd encounter(SRMorgan):SRMorgan)

[Fri Jul 19 2024]

In hospital room 2
This room is sparsely furnished, the sanitary white walls a perfect match
to the linoleum floor and the thin hospital sheets on the gurney that serves
as a bed. A small television mounted in the upper corner of the room is set
at a low volume, and a thin curtain bisects the room in an effort to afford
privacy to the occupant on the other side.

It is night, about 97F(36C) degrees, There is a waning gibbous moon.

(Someone has sent the state police after your target. Perhaps they're a real criminal or perhaps they've been framed, in either case it's up to them to get their arrest warrant handled and removed.
Please, what is Fayad up to on this fine and fabulous day in Haven?

Fayad is visiting Savannah and trying to give her flowers since she got mauled by a fucking werewolf but she's busy being linkdead.

While Fayad is off trying to impress Savannah, and she is welcome to join here, he finds himself making his way through the hospital until, he finds her room. Before he can enter he finds there to be a buzz in the air. Sharp eyes reveal uniformed officers milling about, asking questions, and one of them looks at him. Recognition?

Fayad hesitates, his head lowered as he attempts to make his way towards the recovery room with his bouquet of six white flowers in hand.

It's that serene sterile smell of the hospital that really makes it at home. Perhaps Fayad has a treasured memory of a hospital? Unlikely. Hospitals are oft such miserable places. Still, as he makes it to the door finds footsteps approaching him. Perhaps he might have slipped out had he wheeled around, but honorable man that he is, those flowers MUST get delivered. Alas, here he finds himself in the sight of the police. "Excuse me sir, we need to speak with you, stop there a moment?"

At least they are polite? Still, Fayad could probably make a break for it, but...he hasn't done anything wrong has he? Crimes? Against the law or god and nature? Probably not. Right?

Fayad pauses. "About what, officer?", he politely replies, staring up at him. The diminutive man surely doesn't look like any kind of thread. He takes refuge in being a Good Law-Abiding, Sick Friend Visiting, Short King.

The officer nods gently. "Just wanted to ask you some questions, nothing serious of course." He smiles curtly at Fayad and glances around, situational awareness. Strangely, these are state police, not local. Which is a mixed back. Less aware but...also less aware. "Do you mind telling me what you are doing here today?" He stares fixed at Fayad, wary.

Fayad lifts up the bouquet of white roses. "I'm, ah, visiting my ... girl...friend. She was...attacked by...dogs, recently," he offers, and then looks down at his shoes, shuffling his feet as if embarassed. "I always tell her not to walk by herself at night but it's so hot she just wants to get out of the house.."

He stares at Fayad for a few moments, studying him and he has the distinct impression that this police officer now thinks that Fayad is lying to him. A pity, he doesn't realize Fayad is just a dork. "Right. Understandable," he says, lying.

He shifts a bit and gestures. "Well, unfortunately, I'm going to have to delay you a bit, we have a high profile investigation, involving laundered funds. Can I get your name?" Laundered funds!? What laundered funds!

Fayad blinks rapidly. "Money laundering? In the hospital???", he asks, incredulous. "My name is Fayad al-Munaqadh, I- I live down at Elm Street."

"No, not in the hospital. The community center," the man explains. "Now, I'm glad you were honest, you matched the description, and we were told you might show up here. So, I'm going to have to ask you to come with me." The man seems quite serious about this, and the officers nearby aren't there for any other reason. Strange. Surely...did someone set him up? Hm.

While he could probably make it free, and his connections could make it free, perhaps he could chance going with them? Who knows, surely it's all some big misunderstanding.

Fayad scowls, drawing himself up to his full five feet in height. "If I'm laundering money there I'm doing a piss-poor job! I keep buying all the replacement furniture for all these people coming in and smashing things because they're pissed off, or high, or drunk, or all of the three! I've already reported this FIVE TIMES to the HPD and now I'm the one under investigation!?", he caustically rails at the officer. "I'm struggling to make my goddamn rent this month!" It's true! He has eight dollars in his bank account. Literally eight dollars.

A weapon is touched, the man takes a half step back. He doesn't clear it, but his tone is firm. "Sir, if you cannot calm down I will place you under arrest."

Cops, you know? Always trying to keep a short king down.

"We just want to take a statement, and collect some evidence, this will be much easier if you cooperate," he sneers, looking contemptibly toward Fayad.

Fayad waves his hand angrily. "Fine," he mutters. "Collect all the 'evidence' you want." Fayad knows for a damn fact there's nothing there. Gonthorian's been bleeding him dry with all of this cult bullshit, and he doesn't have a choice in the matter. He had to bum fifty dollars off Jordan just to not get evicted..

That's really the end of it. It's not a pleasant time, Fayad is hauled in, and ends up getting booked. A lie? From a cop? Lord. How can it be. Still, without anything but whatever lead they had, the case doesn't last long. The state attourney does a good job of getting him out, 'a regular pillar of the community' he insists, and a call from the mayor? Huhn, wonder who sprung that. Still, before long he finds himself a free man, if a bit manhandled by the whole experience. Hm. Now, who could it have been?

Questions for another time, perhaps.

He finds himself back at the hospital. Maybe after all of that his girl......friend might no longer be asleep? Huhn, well, a guy can dream can't he? Least he got another fun anecdote, in a sea of fun anecdotes that has become his haven life

(Your target has been mind controlled by another into acting as their agent in a crime, compelled to perform a robbery or assault for this other agent. It is up to their allies to arrive and stop the crime and try to uncover the criminal.
It's a hot night and a full moon out in Haven. Astrid is about to undergo a bit more misfortune than usual. But what were these three in the middle of doing, again, out on Sidney Way?

Freya turns back to Matthew and nods. Her teal eyes glance up at the full moon rising high in the sky, "Uh oh..." She mutters softly as she stops next to her bike, putting a hand on the seat. "You guys should probably go inside.."

Astrid has just stepped out of the Hometown Diner with Matthew, smiling at him as she gets to the street. "Do you drive?", she asks, before looking to Freya. "Oh crap! I almost forgot about that!"

Matthew squints slightly, his green eyes trailing up to the moon, then back between Freya and Astrid. "Uhhhhh... I do, but I didn't tonight.", he murmurs, drawing his arms close as he looks about.

Freya gestures to her bike, "Yeah Matt came over in Callie's car... Although the college isn't that far a walk...." She strokes her hand along the leather of her bike's seat, "Unfortunately my bike can only fit one other person."

The sidewalk is trod by a couple, who are on their way to the beach, dressed in fine swimwear. They stumble and laugh as they go, clearly a bit intoxicated and aiming to enjoy the rest of their night. The mane bearsThe woman of the pair is bearing a Gucci bag and other expensive accessories. As Astrid steps out onto the street, Astrid's eyes fall upon the brand name of the bag - and something snaps into place in Astrid's mind, a compulsion placed there earlier by what Astrid can barely remember as a hazy scene where a woman in a back alley stepped out and said the most intriguing words about taking such accoutrements, by as much force as was necessary, because anyone who bears gear like that doesn't need it. A modern-day Robin Hood. She'd be a hero. She just had to take them to Devilwood Drive afterwards..

Freya takes a big breath and lets it out as the full moon's light bathes the street. It makes it seem brighter even in the street lights. Her teal eyes reflect the light, turning yellow as if an animal's does in the middle of the dark night. Her head tilts to the side and her neck cracks as she stands next to her bike. "It would be... a really really good idea if you guys went inside." She mutters as she bares her large canines. One shoulder tilts as the sound of howling filling the night and she gives a low growl deep in her throat. The shoulder shakes as if she's resisting the urge to do something...

Astrid smiles a bit more timidly at the lone back seat on the bike, and Freya's not nerdy enough to have someone cruising in a side car. "I'm not really sure if it's safe to leave one of us walking alone. It'd be like dangling a bone in.." She shakes her head and looks to the right, at the passing couple, and she starts walking along after them, softly murmuring, "That's the one... be able to give to dozens..."

Freya is surrounded by laughter and joy of the Naturals going from business to business, the night being hot enough that it's still popular to be outside instead of sweltering indoors, but the confines of the city suddenly feel horrifyingly restrictive. This is the rich section of town. It's clearly not the place to shift. But the synthetic scents of perfume, plastics, consumerism, it's at its strongest in the northeast section here, nearest the beach. Freya can smell someone's burning a tire as a bonfire this Friday night. What a horrible thing to do to the air. To the environment. It's maddening.

Matthew squints as he looks over to Astrid, tilting his head towards her as he studies her expression for a brief moment. "Everything alright? We were just heading back, remember?", he murmurs quietly to her with a lift of his brows, not quite sure how she'd respond, though he looks over to Freya with mute concern, drawing his arms closer still. "I.. I don't think that'd save us at this point.. We need to get to campus specifically..", he quietly observes, squinting about.

Freya's head tilts to the side as if she's distracted by something - scents in the air. Her nose wrinkles and she gives another low growl deep in her throat. Those eyes that flash yellow glance at Matthew's words and she seems to be struggling with something. Breaths are taken in and out. "Get. Indoors." She snarls as if a inch from losing control. There is another snarl as the headlights of a car cuts across the cul de sac of Sidney way and suddenly she's reaching down to yank off her shoes. Maybe she's going for a dip in the water?

Astrid continues to pursue the couple with the Gucci bag, not even hearing Freya or Matthew in their advice and warnings. "Hey! Come here, I gotta ask you something about that BAG!" She takes off running at the woman with the bag, diving at her to try to bring her to the ground.

Freya doesn't notice what Astrid is doing - yet. But the movement of her tackling the other woman to the ground does catch her attention. She turns around to watch, setting her boots on her bike where no one should bother to touch them.

"What the -fuck-, Astrid!", Matthew bitches as Astrid runs off after the woman, dashing at her and, perhaps if fast enough, around her to try and cut her off if only to figure out what exactly's going on.

Shrieking rings out as the bikini-clad upper class lady gets herself entangled in Astrid's flailing tackle. Astrid doesn't seem to quite be great at sports, but it's enough with her head start and sudden, inexplicable motions to stay one step ahead of Matthew. "Get the fuck off my girl!", the man says, turning around with utter surprise etched on his face. "What the hell are you doing?!" The bag scatters, leaving cosmetics littered across the pavement. One of them cracks open. The smell is so strong - roses of some kind, maybe, but tainted with chemicals - that Freya could easily think it's something absolutely no one could ignore, but it's only the case due to Freya's rather enhanced sense of smell at the moment. In reality, it's just normal perfume.

Don't people know not to run infront of predators? With a growl Freya sets off after the two and she cuts past Matthew, her bare feet pounding on the ground. She dives for Astrid, knocking the woman off to the side away from the woman being mugged. She smashes her head into Astrid's trying to knock the woman out.

"Give me the bag! You're too rich, we can give the money to people who need it!" Astrid shouts, trying to justify it all with Robin Hood logic, until Freya rams into her and that headbutt knocks her into a really heavy daze. She groans loudly all the way through her limp roll off of the couple, lands on her back, and lays there at Matthew's feet.

Freya pounces ontop of Astrid pinning her to the ground as the violence, the scents of night all prove too much for her. She throws her head back and starts to howl as fur spills from her body, her mouth lengthing in to a wolf's maw. But not a full wolf. A hybrid wolf whose claws sinks down pinning both of Astrid's wrists in one, large, clawed hand. The rest of her body sits on Astrid's chest as she howls.

Matthew lets out a gasp as someone dives at Astrid and the woman being mugged, dashing to close the distance to ensure someone doesn't hurt Astrid beyond that initial blow, a stern look on his eyes as Astrid lays on her back before him and someone, a brief, furtive glance given towards the former with concern right before the latter pins her down and begins her transformation, and he freezes, not seeming to know what to do at this point - paralyzed in analysis.

Matthew lets out a gasp as Freya(hybrid wolf) dives at Astrid and the woman being mugged, dashing to close the distance to ensure Freya(hybrid wolf) doesn't hurt Astrid beyond that initial blow, a stern look on his eyes as Astrid lays on her back before him and Freya(hybrid wolf), a brief, furtive glance given towards the former with concern right before the latter pins her down and begins her transformation, and he freezes, not seeming to know what to do at this point - paralyzed in analysis.

Astrid yelps when she's pinned, already apologizing to Freya(hybrid wolf) as the immense fear of her strength and aggression flood her mind. She stares up too preoccupied with her weak squirming beneath the woman, and then the hybrid wolf after the terrifying shift, to worry about that Gucci bag now. "Oh my god! Oh my god!" She stares up with the look of prey in eyes that should have belonged to a predator, and she trembles vividly under Freya(hybrid wolf).

The shrieking only intensifies - the man turns and attempts to run into a nearby alleyway, leaving his girlfriend sprawled out on the pavement. Chivalry's dead when you can just buy a new girlfriend, it seems. She blinks up in shock at the giant wolf, too terrified to move by the sheer killer instinct Freya(hybrid wolf) is radiating, before she realises she's not the one being pinned down and crawls sideways like a crab to try and stumble to her feet and get the fuck out of here herself.

Freya(hybrid wolf) doesn't even seem to notice the mugged people running or crab walking away. She's way too busy howling to the moon, joining in the song of the wolves that echo through the night in Haven. People were warned. Her claws squeeze down on Astrid's wrists slightly - it must hurt although not with bone crushing strength as she finally lets the last strains of her howl leave her throat. Her head lowers and that muzzle presses against Astrid's nose. Hot breath from between very sharp, much larger than usual teeth and fangs breaths on Astrid as she growls down at the woman. "What do you think you were doing?" She growls, her voice very low and gravely, sounding more like a snarl than words spoken.

Astrid arches up a little bit in her squirms to try to get out of the painful wrist hold. "Aaaah!" Her pained cry is cut off when Freya(hybrid wolf) bears down on her, face to frightening face. "I don't know!", she blurts, "I saw the bag and I just knew I was supposed to grab it and take it to her! Please aaah! Y-You're hurtning me!"

Matthew breathes in, and out, slowly from his nose, apparently trying to calm himself in a moment that's anything but. He's frozen in stance, trying to be ready for whatever might or might not happen - whether he'd know himself able to actually do anything, or that he'd rely on some unguided reflex is anyone's guess. His gaze falls on Astrid with quiet concern as he looks between her and Freya(hybrid wolf), though he doesn't seem to think the latter will hurt her grievously at this point, which puts him -slightly- more at ease.

Freya(hybrid wolf)'s face is pressed to someone - that wolf muzzle with all it's sharp teeth ever so close to her face. She growls and snaps those teeth together, splashing Astrid's face with her saliva at the talk of a 'her'. "Who... is this her?" She growls as she turns her head to look at the bag that was still next to them, it's contents spilled everywhere. With a snarl, she reaches out her other clawed hand and tosses the bag far across the beach trying to get rid of that disgusting perfume scent. There is no relief of her wrists and Freya(hybrid wolf) stays put on Astrid's chest.

Freya(hybrid wolf)'s face is pressed to Astrid's - that wolf muzzle with all it's sharp teeth ever so close to her face. She growls and snaps those teeth together, splashing Astrid's face with her saliva at the talk of a 'her'. "Who... is this her?" She growls as she turns her head to look at the bag that was still next to them, it's contents spilled everywhere. With a snarl, she reaches out her other clawed hand and tosses the bag far across the beach trying to get rid of that disgusting perfume scent. There is no relief of her wrists and Freya(hybrid wolf) stays put on Astrid's chest.

Perfume fills the air as the bag cracks against a rock in the sand. It's a miasma, now, instead of a singular identifiable scent, but at least it's farther away. Much farther away. It'll soak into the silicon of the beach and be gone, eventually. In the window of the Hometown Diner, Freya(hybrid wolf), Matthew and Astrid may be able to see one of the horrified waitresses with phone in hand, up to ear, probably doing something like calling the HPD. Or animal control.

Astrid squeaks and flinches, trails of saliva dripping down on her forehead and cheeks, slowly trailing to the sides of her face and then pooling down to her neck and the back of her head. She stops squirming as much, solidly pinned by Freya(hybrid wolf) and pressing her thighs together tightly now. "I d-don't know! I... met a woman in an alley on the way there," she spills, just blabbing about the woman to Freya(hybrid wolf) so easily in her wavering vocal tones. "She said to be violent but I really don't like that I... I was supposed to go for bags like that a-and bring them to devilwood drive I... I think but it's all... h-hazy! Please don't hurt me, Freya, g-god I'm gonna piss myself!" she admits, blushing from her own admission while her tears trail down to meet the saliva pool beneath her neck.

Matthew stands his ground, his eyes flitting towards the diner with a hint of worry for -everyone- involved at this point, though he seems at the same time aware of the importance of finding this perpetrator. A furtive glance is spared towards Freya(hybrid wolf), then the diner, then back to her and Astrid. "The perpetrator's probably on Devilwood then. We could figure out who's behind you feeling that way.", he observes, squinting, before mouthing the word 'go' to Freya(hybrid wolf) - "There's probably people coming.", he whisper-yells. "See if you can evade the popo and find the perp at the same time." There's no certitude to him, really, that the wolf that is Freya(hybrid wolf) can understand him, and yet he tries to relay these instructions regardless.

Freya(hybrid wolf) lets up the pressure on Astrid's wrists - slightly. She's no longer crushing Astrid's bones but she's not letting the other woman go either. Her muzzle is pulled back over her teeth to bare them as she leans down to sniff at Astrid as if trying to find the scent of this 'other' woman now. Her cold wet nose sniffs from Astrid's forehead to her ear, "If you pee yourself. I might have to throw you into the ocean. I don't like the smell." She snarls next to Astrid's ear. "So don't." Freya(hybrid wolf) is a wolf that talks, hasn't Matthew realized that yet? Those very intelligant teal eyes turn to Matthew but there is a haze to her eyes as if there is a rage or madness about as the moon looms up high in the sky. She throws her head back to howl again.

Astrid presses her thighs together tighter than before, making an effort to look away from Freya(hybrid wolf), but she can't do it for more than a glance at a time until the sniffing starts. "I'm... t-trying!", she promises, still trembling more from having just been sniffed so close. The howl makes her tense up and flinch, and soon she squirms under Freya(hybrid wolf) again, glad for the lessened pressure but still trying so hard not to freak out under her. "Thank you for letting me breathe! I should have listened to you and stayed inside! Oh god I'm sorry, I never wanted anything to go like this!"

Rot. Freya(hybrid wolf) does manage to smell some sort of feminine stench upon Astrid that doesn't match the rest of Astrid's sensual profile - and it gives off the vague impression of rot. Vampire's been here. Worse than any perfume, worse than any pollution being expelled into the atmosphere. The main predator of creatures like Astrid - pathetic, useless cattle that are best set upon suicidal missions, the more lucrative the better, on the vague chance they'd end up succeeding. It's likely that the source thought it'd be funny to cause fear as much as they thought they'd actually get any returns from Astrid mugging anyone.

Freya(hybrid wolf) snarls down at Astrid as the woman underneath her squirms. Her nose sniffs a few times as she seems to pick up a new scent from Astrid. Filthy vampires. Her head is thrown back to do another howl and the wolf doesn't seem to like Astrid squirming underneath her very much. Her hand tightens again down on Astrid's wrists even as she turns back into a human - no less strong, infact even stronger than she was before. Her clothing settle back into place as if she had never shifted and she snarls harder. "Filthy vampire." She snarls as she continues to sit on Astrid's chest, not trying at all to take her weight off the woman underneath her. Her free hand pokes Astrid's nose, "Stop being lured by those fang girls next time." She snarls as a warning.

Matthew exhales, eyes turning up to the moon, then back to Freya(hybrid wolf) and Astrid, contemplating and yet unsure; a furtive sniffing is given off if only as the smell of the miasmic perfume irritated him somewhat, though he puts it out of mind as he watches the pair closely, letting out a perhaps relieved sigh as Freya(hybrid wolf) transforms back into a more human form.

Freya(ooc) needs to test something

Astrid yelps squeaky as hell at the snarl, turning her head as another drip of saliva hits her ear. She remains a trembling mess under Freya the whole time she's still mounted like that, and she suddenly trembles beneath beneath the beast, grunting and groaning at first and then howling out very unlike a wolf, and in pain from the wrist squeezing instead. "Ow owww I d-didn't know! I b-barely knew werewolves were a thing!", she explains in her scared, wavering fluster of a voice. She flinches with the poke and squeaks again. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!"

Freya 's teal eyes stare down at Astrid as if she's not convinced but she finally gets to her feet. Her neck cracks and she turns her head towards the moon up in the sky. "Time to go hunting for vampires." She snarls at Matthew, her voice still low and gravely. Her nose lifts in the air and she starts to sniff around if trying to see if the vampire is still around.

Tracking. The scent does lead off in the direction of Deadwood Street. But considering that's almost three blocks away, it'd take a concerted effort for Freya to find who's been fucking around with her acquaintance Astrid. The real question is, does Freya bring Astrid and Matthew along, or are they left behind on Sidney Way as dead weight? Or does Freya simply decide not to go hunting after all?

Astrid curls up on her side on the ground, shuddering as much as she was when Freya first pinned her down. She stares at the sidewalk wide eyed, taking a moment to try to calm down after that shocking experience. "Oh my god I... I never thought anything like this... O-Oh my god." She's not completely cracked from all this, but she's shocked as hell to say the least. She gets sat up, and then seconds later gets to her feet, stepping quite a bit closer to Matthew that to Freya, even trying to put him in the middle. "I should have stayed at the house tonight..."

Matthew squints, his eyes turning off to the horizon; his shoulders tense when Freya snarls at him, and yet - perhaps from instinct or training, he doesn't jump, though his expression can't conceal a tinge of nervousness in those eyes of his. Nonetheless, he looks cautiously towards Astrid, as if assessing her to see if she was alright after Freya rose from her. "What would you have us do then..?" he wonders quietly, appearing content to take his position between the two.

Freya stares up at the moon for a moment, the giant orb in the sky reflected in her teal eyes that glow yellow in the darkness. She cracks her neck again as she gets to her feet, leaving Astrid in the sand not even offering her a hand up. "It's probably not a good idea to go tromping through town." She growls, turning back to Matthew and Astrid. "There are wolves about." Her fangs show in a obvious grin at her own joke. "The two of you should really get walking towards Campus. Walk. Don't run. Running triggers instincts..."

Astrid nods a few separate times while Freya speaks, listening intently to the instructions with her wide eyed look still prevalent in the moment. The joke doesn't exactly get a good reaction from her, and she trembles again, looking down the road. "I... am n-never coming out on a full moon again."

Matthew exhales quietly from his nose. "I'm never coming out unprepared on a full moon again.", he resolves after Astrid - there's a semblance of frustration in that statement, as he puts his gaze stern and forward on the road before him. "Let's go.", he quietly decides on with a dip of his chin.

Freya's lick flicks out to lip at her chops as if she can still taste that t-bone from earlier. "I did warn you all." She murmurs in a low growl. "The call of the moon is strong.." She sighs out a breath, "Even I can't work on full moon days." The words imply that her control might be slightly better than most on this night... but still, the woman seems to be on a very short leash. "There is no preparation." Her teeth bare at Matthew, "But just know most of us try very hard not to tear people up. And it is damn hard." She throws her head back and starts to howl again, in human form.

Astrid nods at both Matthew and Freya, adjusting her Halloween Town themed gloves first, and then her tube top, which in all this was very very close to a wardrobe malfunction. "Oh crap we gotta get back! The roasts are gonna burn!!"

Matthew exhales slightly from his nose. "Let's go.", he repeats, after Astrid with a lift of his brows.