\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Encounterlogs/Gabriellas Odd Encounter Sr Jessica 240530

Gabriellas Odd Encounter Sr Jessica 240530

In the small, deceptively tranquil town of Haven, Gabriella encounters an unnerving presence in her dorm room one morning. Initially mistaking the sensation for her familiar companions, she soon realizes she's facing something wholly unidentifiable—a ghost with sorrowful eyes and fragmented memories, driven nearly insane. The spectral visitor communicates its plea for release through eerie, supernatural means, compelling Gabriella to act. She decides to aid the ghost, equipped with only her intuition and a mysterious, insistent pen, marking the beginning of an odd partnership aimed at finding liberation for the restless spirit.

Their peculiar journey leads them to the library in search of a ritual to free the ghost. However, as Gabriella uncovers the right text, the pen, charged with the spirit's essence, frantically vandalizes the page, obscuring the ritual with desperate scribbles and threats directed at Gabriella, culminating in a chilling, "You will die here." With quick thinking and a deeper understanding of her unintended companion, Gabriella opts for an alternative approach, binding the ghost to the pen itself. This improvisational ritual transforms the pen into a mildly cursed object, simultaneously containing the ghost's rage and ending its immediate threat. Leaving the possessed pen hidden beneath a bookshelf, Gabriella hopes to return to normalcy, while also ensuring no one else inadvertently suffers the ghost's wrath.
(Gabriella's odd encounter(SRJessica):SRJessica)

[Wed May 29 2024]

In Room Three

It is morning, about 71F(21C) degrees,

(A ghost with only fragments of memory that have driven them near insane is attacking your target. They must either defeat it or find a way to calm it down.
It's a calm, easy going morning in Haven, the weather is uncharacteristically nice for the small town. Gabriella appears to be in her sleeping clothes and in her room even as the day approaches noon.

But not all is as it seems in Haven, at any moment things can change and often do. For Gabriella gets a tingling sensation, the hairs on the back of her neck stand up and she gets the odd feeling someone is watching her. But the lack of evidence to that fact, leaves this as only an unconfirmed feeling.

Ten AM, actually past it: it is a little bit too late for Gabriella to still be in her dorm room, and with the shower still not taken. She might be skipping some of the morning classes, but she does not act in a hurry - in fact she's currently checking her e-mail on the phone, seated on the bed. She should find it odd that she didn't notice any temperature drop, but she's distracted with reflecting on the content of the email she got. "Shemra?", she asks quietly, speaking to herself, as she feels a presence, not yet realizing that it feels different, that either Shemra feels different today, or this isn't the dragon at all.

The room is still, but Gabriella feels a faint tickle on the back of her neck, like a cool draft. The air hums slightly, a barely perceptible vibration. Her phone screen dims momentarily, as if experiencing a brief glitch. A faint rustling sound comes from the direction of her desk, where a pen rolls off the edge and clatters to the floor. A shadow flits across the wall, just at the edge of her vision, so fleeting that she might have imagined it. The temperature around her drops by a few degrees. For anyone even remotely aware and magically inclined, it would be obvious that something is here. But no, it does not feel anything like Shemra.

Gabriella is puzzled by the glitch on her screen, and hunches forward, the thumbs of each hand used to press down against the edges of the touch panel and pressing down. Didn't she reseat it properly, when she disassembled her phone yesterday? But it all seems fine, and then there's the movement, and the dropping pen. No, there's something here... and something's not quite right. Her voice is edgier as she tries out a different question, "you're not Shemra, are you? I hope you're not Father Jay... but no, you wouldn't be." She worries a bit, which is visible in her lips.

Cool air grows noticeably colder, and the faint hum in the room becomes a low, unsettling whisper. Gabriella's reflection in her darkened laptop screen shifts, showing a translucent face overlapping hers for an instant. The shadow at the edge of her vision solidifies, taking the form of a young woman, her figure faint but unmistakably present.

The ghost hovers near the desk, her eyes wide with a mix of confusion and sorrow. She reaches out a hand, and the room's temperature drops even further. The pen on the floor begins to rattle, vibrating with an unseen force. This is distinctly not Shemra, instead its a woman clad in translucent white, possibly pretty but its hard to tell. The woman in white gazes at Gabriella as if waiting for the woman to react to her presence first.

Gabriella squints a bit, and does not try to turn around, in fact she tries not to blink, afraid to loose sight of the... ghost? Dreamwalker? The woman she sees - whatever she might be. Trying not to tense much, or to move, Gabriella decides to speak up. "Oh, sorry, I thought you were someone else..." Being polite can't harm, right? "You want the pen to write, is that it? Are you... mute?"

There is an unmistakable sensation of something pointy pressing down on Gabriella's forearm, the pen on the floor vibrates and upon Gabriella's skin, ink is deposited. It's not really more painful than someone writing on skin with a pen a little too hard.

"Free me." it writes, while the ghost hovers there with a pained, sorrowful expression. It does not seem to want to elaborate. The writing on Gabriella's skin remains right where it is. Just 'Free me'.

Gabriella looks down at her new 'tattoo', frowns a bit as she thinks. After a moment, she sighs, and nods, starting to devise a plan in her head already. "Are you able to come with me to the library? It isn't far, and there's a book there with a ritual I can do to free you... I don't know it by heart - I've told the new librarian already it would be cool to get access to ebook versions of them, but- anyway... you're able to follow me?" She moves now, leans to open a drawer from her desk, picks up an 'Oracle' notepad and opens it to a blank page - thinking that if the ghost wants to write, there's a better place to do so.

Rattling noises out as the pen shakes. The ghost seems to fade out of sight but is still most definitely felt as a presence. There is no verbal reply nor writing performed on paper or skin to give an answer to Gabriella. But the woman feels that the presence is going to allow Gabriella to attempt her plan.

Though something else tells her she must take the pen with her. Just an overpowering feeling, something unexplainable.

Gabriella picks up her orange 'Ubuntu' pen without hesitation, clicking its top to retreat the tip. She glances around, and in an impulse decides she will be allowed five or so seconds: she picks up a loose little dress from one hanger and slides it carelessly over her head, covering her pijamas with it. She does not spend any time picking up shoes, but she does put on her bower slippers on her way towards the dorm room's exit. "Let's go", she says, and going is what she does, if nothing stops her - leaving her dorm room and going just like that straight to White Oak' library.

Most students are in class and so the grounds are quite empty. Upon Gabriella's arrival in the library she only finds a few students in various private desk doing study hall. No one pays her any real attention. The pen someone carries feels heavy and hot. A focal point to whatever spirit follows along. The spirit appears to want to remain discreet and doesn't do anything to draw attention to Gabriella.

Most students are in class and so the grounds are quite empty. Upon Gabriella's arrival in the library she only finds a few students in various private desk doing study hall. No one pays her any real attention. The pen Gabriella carries feels heavy and hot. A focal point to whatever spirit follows along. The spirit appears to want to remain discreet and doesn't do anything to draw attention to Gabriella.

Gabriella holds the pen with care but unconspicuously. She knows where to head towards - the book she came here to pick up is not hard to find. She is not supposed to take it off the library, but she does not even try so either - instead, she looks around, peeks here and there on the areas between shelves, and slides to a reclusive corner where most people don't go to. Sitting down, she quietly mutters, "alright, let's find the right ritual..." The book is opened, the index consulted: she looks for 'banishment'.

As Gabriella finds a quiet place to go through the book, the pen in her grip gets hotter and vibrates. When Gabriella reaches the page she is looking for a line is crossed through 'banishment' and then a moment later a hasty scribble of 'Gabriella' is written across the margin, then it is repeated in a corner, the movements are frantic. 'Gabriella' Gabriella' 'Gabriella' over and over, the pen never touches the page but ink spills across it to write Gabriella's name over and over, starting to obscure the steps to the banish ritual though the woman has a few moments before its totally unreadable.

Gabriella is confused, puzzled. "Wait!" she wimpers, trying to pull the pen away from the book, trying to read the instructions in the meantime, but mostly trying to figure out what's going on. "Isn't this the one you want?" she whispers, now managing to keep quiet. "Don't.. if it's not, just tell me what is it!"

"Die DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE" starts to get scrawled all over the page of the book, overlapping with the text of the page and also the writing of 'Gabriella' that was previously placed everywhere. It's nonsensical, panic'd. Full of rage. The ink thickens into bolder lines as if someone is pressing a pen down with some force. It is unrelenting. The page is quickly getting ruined.

Suddenly it stops, the page flips to the next undamaged page as if by gust of wind then a carefully written line begins to get scrawled on the page "You will die here." it writes along the top of the page.

Poor Gabriella, she likes her pen. Liked. First, she was frustrated, surprised, a bit annoyed. But then, with the idea that she might end up dying here? She just reads one other ritual - that one she knew already more or less, but fortunately it is one the page right next to the one that is now all scribbled. Gabriella tries to let go of the pen, and recites aloud the ritual she reads - a binding ritual. "Free no more, to roam as you wish, here you will stay, bound by a leash!" Simple but effective- if Gabriella does indeed manage to cast this ritual, it is supposed to have an instant effect.

It's relatively quick and painless as Gabriella utters the last words of the ritual. The presence seems to suck out of the room and into something..something to be bound to. It turns out the spirit becomes bound to Gabriella's pen. Trapped within, forever a mildly cursed pen. To hold it is to feel a hint of madness, to write with it is to make spelling errors and grammatical mistakes without thinking about it, inserting words such as DIE and KILL into paragraphs. To write a test with such a pen would be a great mistake for ones grades. But other than that, the pen is harmless, bound with a spirit until it is either excised or thrown away. With the threat taken care of, Gabriella is free to go about her day.

Gabriella spends almost one minute just... waiting, making sure all is well, but... it seems so. She does not touch the pen, and eventually, when she decides she's free to go, and that she did manage to tuck this ghost in the section of 'someone else's issue', she moves her foot just to kick the pen, which ends up under one of the bookshelves. When will it be found? Tomorrow? In a decade? Who knows, she does not care. What she does care is about the book... She looks around, and not seeing anyone, she decides to rip the page of the book where her name is. No one should accuse her of vandalizing a library book... Leaving the book where it is, but closed, taking the ripped sheet away with her, she rushes away, back to her dorm room.