\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Encounterlogs/Joels Odd Encounter Sr Legion 240304

Joels Odd Encounter Sr Legion 240304

Joel's journey into the embrace of sleep, characterized by a comforting release from the day's trials and tensions, swiftly transitions into a sinister encounter within the dreamscape. Initially, his slumber is invaded by a mysterious, venomous entity - a dreaming spider which injects its venom into Joel, weaving a deceptive veil of dream-induced ecstasy. In this fabricated dream, Joel finds himself intimately entwined with a blonde woman, an emblem of desires unattainable in the waking world, oblivious to the spider's energy-draining fangs at his neck. The dream spirals deeper into pleasure, with the woman's presence offering a temporary respite from reality, yet an unsettling undercurrent begins to pervade Joel's subconscious.

As the dream progresses, Joel's suspicion and unease grow. The idyllic facade begins to crumble when he notices the eerie, eight-legged form controlling the woman and the unsettling sensation at his neck. The dream, once a sanctuary of desire, shifts into a nightmare, revealing its true nature as a prison constructed by the spider to feast on Joel's vital essence. In a desperate attempt to escape the increasingly horrifying dream, Joel recognizes the frightening reality of his situation, marked by the apparition of the woman's spider-like features. Despite the lack of exits and the surreal, endlessly morphing corridors of his nightmare, Joel's frantic efforts to evade capture signify a climax of terror and desperation. The spider, having feasted to its satisfaction, retreats into the shadows of the waking world, leaving Joel to plummet through the abyss of his own fears. This harrowing experience culminates in Joel's abrupt awakening, haunted by the visage of the woman he desires, now forever marred by the spider's eldritch aspect, symbolizing a profound disturbance that lingers beyond the confines of the dream.
(Joel's odd encounter(SRLegion):SRLegion)

[Sat Mar 2 2024]

In The upstairs hallway

It is night, about 43F(6C) degrees, and the sky is partly covered by dark grey stormclouds. The area is wreathed in mist. There is a waning crescent moon.

(Your target is attacked by a dream stalker who subjects them to their greatest fantasies in the dream world in order to keep their body passive while it's energies are fed upon. They need to, possibly with the help of allies entering their dreams, resist the temptation long enough for other allies to find them or for them to wake up.
Falling asleep is an exquisite pleasure for Joel, a gentle release from the day's burdens as he sinks into the welcoming softness of his bed. The initial restlessness gives way to a serene calm as his body nestles into the perfect position among the pillows and blankets, the day's worries dissolving into the background hum of his own steady breathing. Joel's thoughts meander freely, untethered by logic, in a soothing prelude to dreams. A comforting warmth surrounds him, not just from his bedding but from an inner peace that settles over him as his muscles relax, easing into the mattress's supportive embrace. This gradual surrender to sleep is marked by a delicious drowsiness, a promise of the tranquility that lies just on the edge of consciousness. As Joel crosses into sleep's domain, the complexities of life momentarily fade away, leaving a quietude that rejuvenates the spirit, making the simple act of falling asleep a nightly return to a state of pure contentment and rest for him.

Joel has been through a day of tensions, of delights fraught with disappointment, holding the hopes of other, potentially even more tormenting delights. So in this uncomfortable state, he sinks into the welcoming embrace of sleep with a deep relief, letting all the worries and uncertainties of the world fall away for the moment.

And then there is is -- dreams, drifting, in Joel's slumber. What he doesn't know is that some awful dreaming spider has crept inside his bed. Is it real? A figment? Who knows: it's blue and white, and the sleeping form of the young man can't feel it as it crawls across its scalp. The sleeping form of the young man registers perhaps only a little the way its fangs sink inside Joel's flesh, and now its many eyes watch his dreams.

What are those dreams? What pleasant, idyllic scene confronts the young man. With the spider's venom inside Joel's veins, his dreams turn pleasant, even ecstatic, as the mechanism of its magic draw Joel towards deeper, happier slumber.

Joel stirs in his sleep as the venom enters him. In his dream, the vision focuses on a girl. So often the case. A blonde young woman, who on some level is denied to him in the waking world. But right now he is sitting with her on his lap, arms wraped around her in a confident, even possessive manner, staring raptly at her playfully smirking face.

The woman in Joel's dreams wraps her arms around him, cuddling him close, leaning into his embrace. She whispers in his ear, telling him, "Joel. I'm so glad to be here." There's perhaps a little uncertainty, for behind her blonde locks are eight hairy legs like puppeteers, controlling her in Joel's dream. Even as the spider watches, though? It feeds. Vampire-like, the fangs sucked inside the back of Joel's neck are slowly, inexorably draining energy from him. Right now -- for now -- he doesn't know.

Joel gives a slow little grin as he murmurs "I'm glad you're mine," with a darkly suggestive edge to his voice, a confidence he rarely gets to display when waking. His hands grip her a little tighter, jsut savouring her presence. And yet there is just the faintest tilt of his head, the faintest little instinct that something about her demeanour is not what he's expecting.

"Tell me how much," the blonde girl asks Joel -- she's teasing him, really, pressing herself to the young man. As she does, it's as if the spider seems to rub its forelegs together, and then for a moment, in the dreamscape, Joel is able to catch a glimpse. Something is wrong. Something here is wrong. It starts with a feeling, that the blonde in his dreams isn't acting just right, and then it seems like an itch on dream-Joel's neck.

Joel exhales deeply "I'm... so glad to have you all to myself..." he starts, and then falters. Somehow, the words don't ring quite true. Something about the idyll feeling too... simple and perfect for his somewhat complicated psyche. And the girl's reactions also somehow don't feel quite teasing and challenging enough. He blinks, turning his head to glance past her, even as his hand comes up to touch his neck.

There's a glimpse of something when Joel turns his head -- he sees it, then. For just a moment, just an instant, there are eight, beaded like black jewels, peering out from the wall like strange wallpaper. He only needs to blink, in the dream, and then it's gone. The blonde girl is pressing forward -- when Joel sees the eyes, she tries to distract him with a kiss, but it's all too wrong. It's way too eager, too forceful, pressing with too much clumsiness against the young man's mouth.

No. No, this is wrong. This is all wrong.

Joel is briefly distracted by the kiss, taking it with an eager gratefulness, before once again the lack of some other quality startles him out of the moment. He pushes her back from him, gasping a little, trying to focus on the memory of the horrible spider face. "What..."

"What?" the blonde girl asks Joel. She's entirely confused, even quiet and happy as she smiles at the young man. "I don't know what you're talking about," she tells him. "Kiss me again?" There's something itching, now, at the back of dream-Joel's neck, and the sense of wrongness is growing. Is she wrong? No. She can't be. She can't be, right?

Joel blinks a little "Uh... wait. Can't you... did you see that?" he murmurs, trying with some difficulty to tear his gaze from her and look behind her again, while his hand clasps his neck, looking for the source of that unpleasant itch.

Turning, the blonde girl asks, "Did I see what?" She's looking around, now, with confusion, scanning the room. Her blonde hair means her features are turned away from him, for a moment, until she turns back -- and when she does, she has eight spider eyes. It's some momentary horror that strikes deep in the pit of Joel's stomach before she is herself again. "I think you're just tired," she tells him. "Why don't we go to bed and I take care of you?"

Joel starts again, feeling his stomach heave for a moment. This time his desire is not enough to lureh im back in. He knows what he has seen. "You're not..." He grimaces, trying to look around for a door, even as his hand keeps pawing at the itching spot of his neck.

"I'm not what?" the girl asks, tilting her head with some confusion. Outside, the spider's legs are moving -- it's some weaver, trying to tighten the skeins of fate around Joel's head, trying to gather from him all of the energy it can while it does everything it can to keep him in the dream. The girl gets agitated, she reaches for him. "Let's come to bed," she says, urgent. "I'll do that thing you like," she promises. "Come on."

Joel blinks "That thing... you haven't..." he grimaces and lunges forward, pushing her to the side. "This is wrong!" he calls out in mounting panic, running past her, looking for an exit from the strangely undefined place he finds himself.

There's no doors here. Just hallways. The blonde girl is pursuing Joel, now, but she has eight eyes again, and when he looks back at her? Her mouth. Her mouth isn't those perfect, kissable lips -- no, it is full of spider mandibles, moving in constant, terrifying chittering movements. She's running after him, and nowhere here are there any doors, just strange, white hallways. If they have decorations, it is mounted insects, dragonflies and butterflies with wings pinned to boards.

Joel is running fast now, trying to escape the false woman, the web of corridors, the grisly trophies. He grasbs one of the board of pinned butterflies from the walls, flinging it behind him to slow her pursuit.

Faster and faster Joel runs, and the spider thing -- the woman, the woman of his dreams, she's getting closer. "Stop running!" she calls with that mandible-mouth. "Stop running, and we'll go to bed and I'll do that thing you like!"

As Joel grabs the board, tossing it behind him, it shatters into a hundred shards of broken glass and twisted insects. Panic is almost impossible to escape as the spider woman staggers through the board's remnants, still pursuing.

Out in the world, the blue and white spider is growing fat, like a tic that has gorged itself too far.

Joel stumbles a little as he feels a hint of weakness shoo through him. He keeps dragging things from the walls and throwing thme behind him, occasionally throwing him against a wall in the hope of finding some unexpected weakspot in this labyring before continuing his seemingly doomed flight.

In the real word, the spider, gorged, detaches its fangs from Joel's neck. It starts to crawl away, its distended, too-fat belly wiggling -- except that it is not blood it drained. Whatever liquid jellied essence it took from the young man was something more primal, full of more terrible energy, and its mandibles move with low joy as it slips back into some crack in the wall.

As it goes, the corridors fade to white -- and then Joel is falling. Falling, falling, falling in some impossible terror from one formless sky to an equally unknown ending.

Joel screams in terror as he fall into the nothingneess, trying to grasp at something, anything, willing himself to be elsewhere, anywhere...

...anywhere, anywhere, anywhere. Just before the bottom hits, Joel wakes up. He has a headache, a terrible splitting headache, and when he closes his eyes he sees the vision of the blonde girl he desires so much, except that her eyes and mouth belong to a spider.