\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Encounterlogs/Konstantins Odd Encounter Sr Meridith 240527

Konstantins Odd Encounter Sr Meridith 240527

Konstantin's day at the Mandala Jewelry Designs store takes an unexpected turn when he stumbles across a peculiar piece of jewelry marked at $66, displaying an enchanting rainbow aurora under certain light. Determined to acquire the piece for a bargain, he haggles with the attendant, finally agreeing on a price of $50. Unbeknownst to him, this seemingly benign transaction attracts the attention of The Golden Shadow, a mysterious faction with interests in the supernatural potential of the artifact. Konstantin, focused solely on his purchase, remains oblivious to the deeper intrigue surrounding the artifact, completing his transaction with a no-nonsense attitude towards the suggested tip, and subsequently dismissing the conventional courtesy of recycling as he discards the packaging outside the store.

The story escalates quickly when Konstantin, now in possession of the artifact, is confronted by a woman flanked by two men, all bearing the insignia of The Golden Shadow. The woman, revealing herself to be Jane Smith, a mid-level operative within the cult, demands the amulet, offering to buy it for double the price. Konstantin, ever the negotiator, counters with a demand for $300, citing his need for a place to live and his unwillingness to relinquish the amulet without fair compensation. After a tense standoff, Jane agrees to Konstantin's terms, facilitating a transfer that turns a simple transaction into a potentially lucrative connection with The Golden Shadow. Konstantin, now richer and possessing a new occult contact, reflects on his first encounter in this foreign land, signaling the beginning of what promises to be a complex relationship with the shadowy organization.
(Konstantin's odd encounter(SRMeridith):SRMeridith)

[Sun May 26 2024]

In a Well-Appointed Lounge in Mandala Jewelry Designs
Awash with natural light, this palatial room is colourful and vibrant. Sheer, jewel toned silk panels drape along the ceiling, gathering like a tent around the ornate gold chandelier. The walls are adorned with art, ranging from Mughal tapestries to hand carved alabaster wall sconces, and the floor has been laid out in a mosaic of hand pained tiles with hand knotted silk rugs scattered about for comfort's sake. An arch to the north leads to the men's department, while the southern arch leads to the women's section.

It is afternoon, about 70F(21C) degrees,

(Your target comes across a seemingly benign artifact that is actually desired by The Golden Shadow for its potential to control supernatural forces. The characters need to decide whether to use the artifact for their own purposes, to destroy it, or to sell it to the highest bidder, all while under the watchful and dangerous eye of The Golden Shadow.)
It's the Jewelry store that Konstantin finds himself. It's a nice day, sun is shining, not a cloud in sight. A lovely day and fresh on the agenda is the work necessary to be taken as a sincere member of the Hand. Konstantin finds himself browsing the glass, a fifty fifty split of people buying jewelry for their significant others, and people quietly shopping jewelry for their less mundane purposes. The second group is his.

Though, during the course of this inspection, Konstantin finds a piece of used jewelry that catches his eye, a strange price tag of sixty six dollars and under a certain light, a rainbow aurora sparkles off it. There's something odd about that piece.

Konstantin cants his head a touch, running the underside of his tongue across the tops of his lower teeth pensively at he halts suddenly. He pauses and inhales slowly turning his dispassionate over towards the nearest attendant. He lifts a hand, trying to catch their attention. He is tired, somewhat, drained after a long journey here via plane and then very little sleep on the intervening night.

Konstantin says "What is this? Second hand? Tell me."
There's a quiet murmuring of ambiant noise in the store, an attendant which has been keeping an eye on Konstantin strolls over and nods her head. "Yes, it's a piece returned to us, a lovely one. The discount is rather severe, I didn't even..." She seems uncertain a moment but powers through. "Are you interested? I can ring it up for you." She smiles warmly. The piece is definitely unusual but the woman here doesn't seem to know? Perhaps she just works on comission.

Konstantin looks aside to the attendant, frow furrowing and gaze growing a touch firm. He gestures with a flick of his wrist. "I will buy for my sister. It looks okay.. but.. sixty six.. ", he begins, sucking his teeth and screwing up his lips, "Forty Five. I will buy it now." He states that as though fact; taking a rather forward tact with his negotiatons.

The woman hesitates some. She lets out a little breath, looks at the piece, considering it. "Fifty, and there is no returns on this piece," she offers in reply. Comission on forty five must be barely worth the time for her to ring it up. She smiles at Konstantin winningly. "It's lovely, I'm not even sure why it's marked so low," she offers, perhaps, sincerely wondering.

Konstantin nods firmly once after a few moments clapping his hands together before extending one to the attendant to shake on the deal.. because that's really important to him for some reason, as though if he doesn't do that the attendant might snake out on him after his EXPERT negotiations. "Yes, let's do it now. Do you take Visa?"

Konstantin immediately strides over towards the counter, leaving the attendance to take the piece, already snatching the card from his pocket. His scar-slashed lips purse slightly as he looks back the way he came

There's a little bit of back and forth. She looks at him warmly, unbudging, studying the firm man without hesitation. She nods gently. "Yes," she responds to someone clearly pleased. She strides over to fetch the piece, and there's hairs along her arm that raise as she does so. She doesn't seem to really notice, slowsteps back to set the piece on the counter for hom as she rings it up and offers the machine. Weirdly enough, there's a tip prompt? Probably a corporate policy to give the managers profit, somehow. That's how these things seem to work nowadays.

There's a little bit of back and forth. She looks at him warmly, unbudging, studying the firm man without hesitation. She nods gently. "Yes," she responds to Konstantin clearly pleased. She strides over to fetch the piece, and there's hairs along her arm that raise as she does so. She doesn't seem to really notice, slowsteps back to set the piece on the counter for hom as she rings it up and offers the machine. Weirdly enough, there's a tip prompt? Probably a corporate policy to give the managers profit, somehow. That's how these things seem to work nowadays.

Konstantin is from europe, and about as interested in showing kindness to strangers as he is to hopping down a volcano's caldera. He skips the prompt and slaps his visa into place, completing the transfer with zero undue loss of cash. He is uninterested in engaging with the great American tradition of tipping retail employees, and clearly without a care or atleast with ignorance.

The employee seems at least as uninterested as Konstantin, if not somehow even moreso. She stifles a yawn, then returns an intense and sincere seeming smile. "Thanks so much!" She declares, wrapping it nicely, putting it in a beautiful if cheap ornate looking box, into a bag, and then hands it over to him.

Konstantin finishes whatever other business he has in the jewelry store, heading outside finally, he sets about to his next destination. What awaits the European tough guy today next?

A journey into the outside! Konstantin strides for the door. Barely a moment beyond reaching the outside, he tears the packaging apart and tosses it, wastefully discareded on the sidewalk just outside of the store. This guy is such a madlad he doesn't even recycle. He lifts the necklace, taking in the stone, ensuring it is just as garish and ostentatious as it first appeared.

The necklace itself catches his eyes, in the light it has a rainbow esque aurora. Nobody seems to notice, save the one or two looks for his truly barbaric display of littering. There's something about it, but he can't quite put his finger on it. Soon, he finds a trio striding down the busy daylit streets towards him. They give him a look, moving directly towards him. A woman, flanked by two men of relative even builds as Konstantin. He knows, broad daylight, they probably won't be able to do much of anything directly but, there's a chance to avoid them.

Konstantin is not one to move out of the way. His look is fairly emblematic of his involvment in certain questionable societal elements where he comes from. He tosses the chain back over his head and drops the chain about his neck, turning to admire his reflection in the shop window, completely disregarding the group of people heading his way. Looks pretty good. Looks expensive. That's what works. They love that.

They stop before her. The two men don't go to outright flank, but step to the side. Pedestrians cross the street giving them some peace but clearly observed. "You have something of mine," she says in a clearly annoyed yet controlled voice. The anger hangs on the edge of her voice but she's probably trying to be diplomatic. "I'll buy it off you, twice the price, deal?" she offers.

Konstantin turns towards the woman, raising his brow. He glances to the left, and to the right at each of them. He is familiar with criminal violence and can ceetainly catch when it might be coming to him. His right hand slips down the front of his leather jacket, sliding into his pocket where it grasps hold of something within; a roughly hand-sized object. "I have nothing for you. I come from the airport, I buy something for myself. Carry on." He fixes a cold grey-eyed gaze her way. The man is tense, having just arrived from Saint Petersburg recently, still not quite certain on how things work in Haven but absolutely dedicated to not being punked on the roadside when he has his strap in-pocket.

Konstantin currently has a somewhat injured leg, evident to anyone that watches him move for a while, walking with a slight limp that only fully manifests evidently when running

Konstantin finds the woman watching his move into his jacket. She's hardly bothered by the reaction but seems to know what it entails. She sticks a hand in her pockets and the men simply remain watchful and silent. "Konstantin of the Hand, or perhaps Hand to be. You purchased an artifact left for me in the jewelry store. A circumstance of Kismet perhaps, or the opposite considering that's brought me here before you." She taps her chin a little bit. "Or perhaps not so accidental." She furrows her brow and glowers at him. "Let's no play games, shall we?" she tells him. "I want it. I am going to take it, nicely or cruelly." About this time he might notice that she wears a symbol on a ring, the three do, but he isn't sure who it is exactly. Some society.

Konstantin flares his nostrils slightly and turns into her, his right hand's grip tight and overt now, his gaze fixed tightly on hers now. He makes an overt display of not looking at either of the guards, his steely-eyed glare burrowing hard into her own as he meets it. Wisely or unwisely, he stands resolute. "Big. Here; in public. I paid my money; you want this, I want my share too. Three hundred. I need to buy a place to live, you want you amulet, and you want to get it without involving the police. I met one of them; I know how things are. Neither of us win if I pull the trigger."

Konstantin said "your amulet", actualy

She laughs softly. "Fine," she says with a gentle wave of her hand. "Three hundred. You need not cause a scene here, we needn't get any uglier. A tidy profit for a simple transaction, wholly agreeable to us all. The Golden Shadow is more than happy to forget any ugliness, and instead recall that you were a savvy and agreeable individual." She smiles and produces from her jacket three hundred in bills to hand over to Konstantin. She extends her hand for the amulet.

Konstantin nods, reaching out with his left hand, palm offered with his right remaining right where it is. His ridiculous self-destructive leverage still clenched in his right, he nods slowly. "Uncle Konstantin. New here. I have a crew; small but very professional." He licks the front of his upper teeth, tilting an upnod again; "you need to find your way into somewhere; we can do it. The rest; all at reasonable prices. Nice to meet you."

She smiles, and trades information, allowing himself an occult contact should he choose to put the effort in. One, Jane Smith, a mid level operative in the doomsday cult of The Golden Shadow. She disappears soon after she obtains the necklace, and gives him his prize!