Lilians Odd Encounter Sr Benjamin 250209
In the early hours before dawn in the town of Haven, Lilian becomes inexplicably drawn to the trending hashtag #SpringCleaning2025 on the MyHaven app, promoting an extreme purge of personal belongings, even those of sentimental value. Encouraged by #CommunityCouncilerSid, people are burning keepsakes and possessions in a supposedly liberating act, sparking an unsettling movement across town. As Lilian contemplates her own clutter, her phone heats up, mirroring her rising anxiety and the bizarre urge to join the frenzy. She becomes alarmingly aware of the widespread participation as the scent of burning clutter fills the air, suggesting a mass adherence to this disturbing trend.
Meanwhile, Leaf, a woman with an evident disregard for societal norms and personal property, is discovered by two men, David and John, as she scavenges for berries. Misunderstood and treated as a mere disturbance, Leaf responds with primal aggression when confronted. The encounter escalates as David, the more aggressive of the two, attempts to detain her with a baton and handcuffs. In a surprising twist, Leaf reveals her ability to transform into a mouse, eluding capture and leaving the men baffled and frustrated. Despite John's insistence on securing her with the help of a clinic, Leaf fully embraces her connection with the wilderness, evading societal control and asserting her freedom by seamlessly blending back into the natural world.
(Lilian's odd encounter(SRBenjamin):SRBenjamin)
[Sat Feb 8 2025]
In a quaint little dungeon
This room which likely was once a spare bedroom is not to bedroom nor so spare anymore. From wall to wall floor is made of a soft rubbery material which gives way to allow one to kneel in comfort.
The ceilings are high and set with solid rafters with frequent D-rings and hooks spread across the mahogany wood. In the center of the room, a single gleaming shibari hoop is suspended, spinning just slightly whenever the doors are open to allow in a stiff breeze.
On the sides of the room, various high quality equipment has been scattered artfully, each given it's own play space. A St Andrews cross takes up room on one wall, while an adjustable bench complete with stirrups takes up the center of another. There is a padded spanking bench set at waist height while in one corner of the room there is a small four poster bed for one to use or perform aftercare. Another corner is occupied with a small tiled area for water play.
It is before dawn, about 3F(-16C) degrees, and there are a few dark grey stormclouds in the sky. There is a waxing gibbous moon.
It is almost dawn in the town of Haven. The sleepy town of mist and shadows is barely awakening only the most ardent health nuts are beginning to rise, the most dedicated workers, the most desperate hourly employees. Monsters though, they are already awake aren't that in one form or another. Some insomniac or doom scrollers are on MyHaven and a new hastag is trending: #SpringCleaning2025 it seems to be associated with getting rid of the clutter in your life, cleansing, being free from the mess and troubles. Get rid of everything! It is being promoted by user #CommunityCouncilerSid. Given the popularity of the hashtag trend it makes an appearance on Lilian's phone.
When it does Lilian sees the initial pitch, the little brand art, the pictures of people in their homes with big trash bags full of their stuff... Stuff maybe they shouldn't be throwing away. Where are they throwing it away, oh burning it! It seems there is a secondary hashtag trending only amongst those that are doing #SpringCleaning2025 and it is #CleansingBurn2025 ... People are burning keepsakes, sentimental gifts, childhood toys, even personal hobby projects all in the name of less clutter. One might even say they are sacrificing them to this concept. #CommunityCouncilerSid replies to everyone posting pictures of cleaning and burning with encouragement and mantras about how much better their life is the more they cleanse, the more they burn, the more they clean away their attachments. The more they sacrifice.
Even Lilian is taken with the subtle urge to clean... Afterall she has so many things gathered over her lifetime and how much of it means anything to her? It's like a needle in her mind thin and pinpointed attacking an anxious nerve about being held back, being trapped, being cluttered from freedom. Whether Lilian deduces it's from the MyHaven app is up in the air, but the phone does grow obviously hot in her hand the longer she doomscrolls these complimentary hashtags the needle in her own mind continuing to needle her with these emotions.
Is that smoke she smells, sulfer? Should she look outside or open a window the aroma of burning wood, plastic, trash, clothing, all sorts of things wafts up to her supernatural sense of smell. Little smokestacks drift over Haven in the pre-dawn light that warms the horizon... Dozens, no tens of dozens. It seems to be spreading as more and more people are waking up... What is Lilian waiting for, she could be in on this HOT NEW TREND?!
(Someone has sent the state police after your target. Perhaps they're a real criminal or perhaps they've been framed, in either case it's up to them to get their arrest warrant handled and removed.
Leaf squats by a berry bush just off the road at Guardian lane. In the winter there is hardly anything left to pick, but she still tries to find the one or two berries that have been missed by the local wildlife. Plucking one, she eats it right away then she pokes her head over the bush to glance around to see if anything snuck up on her in that short time.
There's a crunching of leaves, twigs and forest debris coming from somewhere off to the southwest that interrupts the soft, expected sounds of the early morning forest. A murmured conversation between two drifts up, silencing the gentle twitter of bird song. As the crunching and snap of sticks gets louder, the words of two men, sounding most miserable, become distinguishable.
"They said it went this way, I don't fucking know. Brown haired woman, covered in twigs, throwing lumps of shit at the cabin down there."
A large hand drags back clump of bush to reveal Leaf, one large, looming face peering down at her.
"There. See John? I told you this WAS the right fucking path, you never trust me to track, I told you, I'm good at it!"
Leaf has no concept of personal property and would've thought nothing of stealing from local cabins and such. Especially since she's so hungry.
When the pair of men locate her squatting behind the bush she gets a deer-in-headlights look that quickly shifts to an immediate defense respones, she shows her teeth and growls like an animal at them. Her canines quite pronounced. Its a warning for them to not come any closer
A second face appears amidst the branches, slender, gormless and pale, his voice softer and more hapless than the grouchy tone of the first. This must be 'John' and, unlike the formidable, moody man to his right who's dressed in typical state trooper attire, his white collar and anally ironed suit jacket give off weaker vibes.
"Well.. well hello, now, now let's not be alarmed, we're going to have a little chat, nothing more," John tries to soothe the fur-wrapped woman.
The larger, police-dressed man points a formidable looking baton at the squatting female, snorting derisively as he aims his words at the man accompanying him, "Fucks sake. I don't know why they send you with me, the hell do I need social services for, it's not a fucking child, look at it, it's clearly a fucking adult and it can be thrown in a cell like one. I have leaves in my eyes and a twig stuck in my ass crack, can we just gather it up, drag it back to the car and throw it in detention so I can get my fucking coffee?"
Leaf's intense eyes flick between both men when they speak. Lacking comprehension in the words, but not the tone she seems far more wary of the man who shows displeasure at all this rather than at John who tries to be kind. The woman remains squatting there behind the bush. She puts her teeth away then begins to walk backwards while crouching, it looks a bit like a crab walk but its just done in effort to create some distance between her and the men without getting up to stand.
The snarling of Leaf's teeth certainly gives pause to the more restrained of the two men, a befuddled little grimace flickering across his face. "Perhaps we need a team on this one David.." he suggests, as he glances across to the trooper, a hand gently pawing at the bush to maintain his view of the young woman. "Like hell we do," David disagrees, using his baton to push the spikier parts of the berry bush downwards. A large, polyester-clad leg appears in the middle of the bush, a rubber-soled boot treading down on the bare branches as Leaf's withdrawal prompts movement from him. His words, when they come, are aimed at her, loud, aggressive and demanding, "I don't give a shit if you snap your little baby teeth at me miss, you don't get to throw handfuls of shit at good folks cabins. Especially not cabins of people who are paying for my wife's fucking botox because without that she is one ugly bitch." Reaching out, he makes a grab for Leaf, one arm, one baton in a scooping motion.
Leaf snaps as quick as a cornered animal and as ferocious as one. She aims to sink her teeth into the man's hand. It would be understandable even if she was just an animal but she is a human. Whether she manages to bite him, or scare him back she snarls and prepares to fight with her nails as claws and teeth as fangs, of which neither are quite well suited for self-defense.
"That fucking bitch bit me?! What the fuck!" the asshole man cries, dragging his hand backwards, and for a moment he looks not just put out, but genuinely confused. He glances across to the suit-wearing fellow who is busily punching buttons into his older model phone, "See, David, this is not a simple 'arrest and detain' scenario, this young woman is going to be needing help, and assistant and a modicum of compassion." His call connects, "Yes, hello," he covers the mouthpiece, looking aside at his companion, he tells him, "See, the clinic never pick up on the first go, this is fate." He returns to his call, "YES! Hello, we do need that room after all. Yes. Yes restraints most definitely. Oh this one will be a lengthy stay I imagine, poor dear, very unusual,"
A chink of metal comes from the larger mans waist as he unclicks a pair of handcuffs from his belt, the sound punctuating his grunts and mutters. "Alright little bitch, you want to play this the hard way, we can do that," And with that he lashes out with an opened cuff, swiping it at Leaf.
Leaf dips below the lash of the cuff. Moving with unpredictable speed. She scoops up a handful of snow in the movement and throws it in the face of the larger man to momentarily distract him then by the time he looks again the woman is just..gone and a little mouse is scurrying across the top of the snow to find a bush to slip under to escape. The other non-aggressive man would probably see the whole transformation but if hes unaware he wouldn't know what to make of it.
Momentarily squeezing his eyes shut against the handful of snow, the trooper continues on his pathway with the cuffs outstretched. Swiping them downwards where he assumes the woman's arm might be, he finds nothing but air. Rubbing his free hand over his ruddy face, he clears his eyes, gazing back to where the feral little lady should be. "The.." He stares, mouth agape as his head twitches side to side, looking, searching for her.
"Where did it go?" he demands as he reaches back behind him to thump an irked hand at the side of John's arm, "John. Fucking John, get off the fucking.. where did it fucking go?" But John wasn't even looking, too invested now in his phone call, in his 'helping' the young woman by wrapping her in straight jackets and strapping her to a bed. By the time he looks around, there's nothing but a small movement in the forest litter, expected for a part of the woods with this much natural life blooming beneath the leafy canopy above.
"I.. oh no. Oh no! Did she run? Is that.. look, look through there, I saw movement. She's up there, we can still catch her David, go up there and I'll order the backup! WITH A STRETCHER THIS TIME!" John is pointing off to the northeast, excitement blooming in his voice, a contrast to the frustrated groan which emanates from David's gullet.
And then large, rubberized boots are stamping over the tiny, unseen mouse that hides below their eyeline, the sounds of the crunching and breaking of branches getting softer, along with the voices of the two intimidating figures that sought to steal Leaf(Mouse)'s freedom from her.
Leaf(Mouse) just camps out like any other mouse in the forest. She can slip through the smallest of openings and hide in any bush or under any fallen log. It's nothing for her to slip away entirely from the two men and migrate to the other side of the forest. Her forest. She only belongs here, not in some cell.
Meanwhile, Leaf, a woman with an evident disregard for societal norms and personal property, is discovered by two men, David and John, as she scavenges for berries. Misunderstood and treated as a mere disturbance, Leaf responds with primal aggression when confronted. The encounter escalates as David, the more aggressive of the two, attempts to detain her with a baton and handcuffs. In a surprising twist, Leaf reveals her ability to transform into a mouse, eluding capture and leaving the men baffled and frustrated. Despite John's insistence on securing her with the help of a clinic, Leaf fully embraces her connection with the wilderness, evading societal control and asserting her freedom by seamlessly blending back into the natural world.
(Lilian's odd encounter(SRBenjamin):SRBenjamin)
[Sat Feb 8 2025]
In a quaint little dungeon
This room which likely was once a spare bedroom is not to bedroom nor so spare anymore. From wall to wall floor is made of a soft rubbery material which gives way to allow one to kneel in comfort.
The ceilings are high and set with solid rafters with frequent D-rings and hooks spread across the mahogany wood. In the center of the room, a single gleaming shibari hoop is suspended, spinning just slightly whenever the doors are open to allow in a stiff breeze.
On the sides of the room, various high quality equipment has been scattered artfully, each given it's own play space. A St Andrews cross takes up room on one wall, while an adjustable bench complete with stirrups takes up the center of another. There is a padded spanking bench set at waist height while in one corner of the room there is a small four poster bed for one to use or perform aftercare. Another corner is occupied with a small tiled area for water play.
It is before dawn, about 3F(-16C) degrees, and there are a few dark grey stormclouds in the sky. There is a waxing gibbous moon.
It is almost dawn in the town of Haven. The sleepy town of mist and shadows is barely awakening only the most ardent health nuts are beginning to rise, the most dedicated workers, the most desperate hourly employees. Monsters though, they are already awake aren't that in one form or another. Some insomniac or doom scrollers are on MyHaven and a new hastag is trending: #SpringCleaning2025 it seems to be associated with getting rid of the clutter in your life, cleansing, being free from the mess and troubles. Get rid of everything! It is being promoted by user #CommunityCouncilerSid. Given the popularity of the hashtag trend it makes an appearance on Lilian's phone.
When it does Lilian sees the initial pitch, the little brand art, the pictures of people in their homes with big trash bags full of their stuff... Stuff maybe they shouldn't be throwing away. Where are they throwing it away, oh burning it! It seems there is a secondary hashtag trending only amongst those that are doing #SpringCleaning2025 and it is #CleansingBurn2025 ... People are burning keepsakes, sentimental gifts, childhood toys, even personal hobby projects all in the name of less clutter. One might even say they are sacrificing them to this concept. #CommunityCouncilerSid replies to everyone posting pictures of cleaning and burning with encouragement and mantras about how much better their life is the more they cleanse, the more they burn, the more they clean away their attachments. The more they sacrifice.
Even Lilian is taken with the subtle urge to clean... Afterall she has so many things gathered over her lifetime and how much of it means anything to her? It's like a needle in her mind thin and pinpointed attacking an anxious nerve about being held back, being trapped, being cluttered from freedom. Whether Lilian deduces it's from the MyHaven app is up in the air, but the phone does grow obviously hot in her hand the longer she doomscrolls these complimentary hashtags the needle in her own mind continuing to needle her with these emotions.
Is that smoke she smells, sulfer? Should she look outside or open a window the aroma of burning wood, plastic, trash, clothing, all sorts of things wafts up to her supernatural sense of smell. Little smokestacks drift over Haven in the pre-dawn light that warms the horizon... Dozens, no tens of dozens. It seems to be spreading as more and more people are waking up... What is Lilian waiting for, she could be in on this HOT NEW TREND?!
(Someone has sent the state police after your target. Perhaps they're a real criminal or perhaps they've been framed, in either case it's up to them to get their arrest warrant handled and removed.
Leaf squats by a berry bush just off the road at Guardian lane. In the winter there is hardly anything left to pick, but she still tries to find the one or two berries that have been missed by the local wildlife. Plucking one, she eats it right away then she pokes her head over the bush to glance around to see if anything snuck up on her in that short time.
There's a crunching of leaves, twigs and forest debris coming from somewhere off to the southwest that interrupts the soft, expected sounds of the early morning forest. A murmured conversation between two drifts up, silencing the gentle twitter of bird song. As the crunching and snap of sticks gets louder, the words of two men, sounding most miserable, become distinguishable.
"They said it went this way, I don't fucking know. Brown haired woman, covered in twigs, throwing lumps of shit at the cabin down there."
A large hand drags back clump of bush to reveal Leaf, one large, looming face peering down at her.
"There. See John? I told you this WAS the right fucking path, you never trust me to track, I told you, I'm good at it!"
Leaf has no concept of personal property and would've thought nothing of stealing from local cabins and such. Especially since she's so hungry.
When the pair of men locate her squatting behind the bush she gets a deer-in-headlights look that quickly shifts to an immediate defense respones, she shows her teeth and growls like an animal at them. Her canines quite pronounced. Its a warning for them to not come any closer
A second face appears amidst the branches, slender, gormless and pale, his voice softer and more hapless than the grouchy tone of the first. This must be 'John' and, unlike the formidable, moody man to his right who's dressed in typical state trooper attire, his white collar and anally ironed suit jacket give off weaker vibes.
"Well.. well hello, now, now let's not be alarmed, we're going to have a little chat, nothing more," John tries to soothe the fur-wrapped woman.
The larger, police-dressed man points a formidable looking baton at the squatting female, snorting derisively as he aims his words at the man accompanying him, "Fucks sake. I don't know why they send you with me, the hell do I need social services for, it's not a fucking child, look at it, it's clearly a fucking adult and it can be thrown in a cell like one. I have leaves in my eyes and a twig stuck in my ass crack, can we just gather it up, drag it back to the car and throw it in detention so I can get my fucking coffee?"
Leaf's intense eyes flick between both men when they speak. Lacking comprehension in the words, but not the tone she seems far more wary of the man who shows displeasure at all this rather than at John who tries to be kind. The woman remains squatting there behind the bush. She puts her teeth away then begins to walk backwards while crouching, it looks a bit like a crab walk but its just done in effort to create some distance between her and the men without getting up to stand.
The snarling of Leaf's teeth certainly gives pause to the more restrained of the two men, a befuddled little grimace flickering across his face. "Perhaps we need a team on this one David.." he suggests, as he glances across to the trooper, a hand gently pawing at the bush to maintain his view of the young woman. "Like hell we do," David disagrees, using his baton to push the spikier parts of the berry bush downwards. A large, polyester-clad leg appears in the middle of the bush, a rubber-soled boot treading down on the bare branches as Leaf's withdrawal prompts movement from him. His words, when they come, are aimed at her, loud, aggressive and demanding, "I don't give a shit if you snap your little baby teeth at me miss, you don't get to throw handfuls of shit at good folks cabins. Especially not cabins of people who are paying for my wife's fucking botox because without that she is one ugly bitch." Reaching out, he makes a grab for Leaf, one arm, one baton in a scooping motion.
Leaf snaps as quick as a cornered animal and as ferocious as one. She aims to sink her teeth into the man's hand. It would be understandable even if she was just an animal but she is a human. Whether she manages to bite him, or scare him back she snarls and prepares to fight with her nails as claws and teeth as fangs, of which neither are quite well suited for self-defense.
"That fucking bitch bit me?! What the fuck!" the asshole man cries, dragging his hand backwards, and for a moment he looks not just put out, but genuinely confused. He glances across to the suit-wearing fellow who is busily punching buttons into his older model phone, "See, David, this is not a simple 'arrest and detain' scenario, this young woman is going to be needing help, and assistant and a modicum of compassion." His call connects, "Yes, hello," he covers the mouthpiece, looking aside at his companion, he tells him, "See, the clinic never pick up on the first go, this is fate." He returns to his call, "YES! Hello, we do need that room after all. Yes. Yes restraints most definitely. Oh this one will be a lengthy stay I imagine, poor dear, very unusual,"
A chink of metal comes from the larger mans waist as he unclicks a pair of handcuffs from his belt, the sound punctuating his grunts and mutters. "Alright little bitch, you want to play this the hard way, we can do that," And with that he lashes out with an opened cuff, swiping it at Leaf.
Leaf dips below the lash of the cuff. Moving with unpredictable speed. She scoops up a handful of snow in the movement and throws it in the face of the larger man to momentarily distract him then by the time he looks again the woman is just..gone and a little mouse is scurrying across the top of the snow to find a bush to slip under to escape. The other non-aggressive man would probably see the whole transformation but if hes unaware he wouldn't know what to make of it.
Momentarily squeezing his eyes shut against the handful of snow, the trooper continues on his pathway with the cuffs outstretched. Swiping them downwards where he assumes the woman's arm might be, he finds nothing but air. Rubbing his free hand over his ruddy face, he clears his eyes, gazing back to where the feral little lady should be. "The.." He stares, mouth agape as his head twitches side to side, looking, searching for her.
"Where did it go?" he demands as he reaches back behind him to thump an irked hand at the side of John's arm, "John. Fucking John, get off the fucking.. where did it fucking go?" But John wasn't even looking, too invested now in his phone call, in his 'helping' the young woman by wrapping her in straight jackets and strapping her to a bed. By the time he looks around, there's nothing but a small movement in the forest litter, expected for a part of the woods with this much natural life blooming beneath the leafy canopy above.
"I.. oh no. Oh no! Did she run? Is that.. look, look through there, I saw movement. She's up there, we can still catch her David, go up there and I'll order the backup! WITH A STRETCHER THIS TIME!" John is pointing off to the northeast, excitement blooming in his voice, a contrast to the frustrated groan which emanates from David's gullet.
And then large, rubberized boots are stamping over the tiny, unseen mouse that hides below their eyeline, the sounds of the crunching and breaking of branches getting softer, along with the voices of the two intimidating figures that sought to steal Leaf(Mouse)'s freedom from her.
Leaf(Mouse) just camps out like any other mouse in the forest. She can slip through the smallest of openings and hide in any bush or under any fallen log. It's nothing for her to slip away entirely from the two men and migrate to the other side of the forest. Her forest. She only belongs here, not in some cell.