\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Encounterlogs/Lydias Odd Encounter Sr Deacon 240604

Lydias Odd Encounter Sr Deacon 240604

Lydia's serene evening took a surreal turn when she succumbed to an unexpected slumber in her cozy apartment, her plans to hit the town abandoned for reasons unknown. As she drifted into sleep, the familiar mundane scene of her living room dissolved, giving way to a dreamscape eerily reminiscent of the romance novel she had been reading. This world, however, was not of her own making but rather a meticulously constructed fantasy meant to ensnare her consciousness by a dream stalker. Within this illusion, luxurious surroundings and a mysterious figure crafted from her deepest desires beckoned her, promising an escape drenched in temptation and allure. Yet, as Lydia ventured deeper into the dream, the initial enchantment gave way to a creeping sense of unease.

Despite the visceral attraction she felt towards the androgynous figure dominating her dream, Lydia couldn't shake off the feeling that something was profoundly wrong. The dream's seductive grip began to falter as Lydia's inner strength surged, her subconscious warning her of the danger lurking beneath the veneer of fantasy. The realization that her vitality was being siphoned through this deceptive paradise instilled a resurgence of willpower within her. Rejecting the promise of eternal bliss as a frightening stasis, Lydia's determination to flee took hold. With a visceral effort, she wrenched herself away from the tantalizing yet malicious entity and ran. Through sheer force of will, she navigated the nightmare landscape, her departure from the fantasy accelerating her awakening. Gasping for breath, Lydia jolted awake in her apartment, the dream stalker's illusion shattered by her escape, leaving her safe but drained, with the remnants of the dream fading as reality firmly reasserted itself.
(Lydia's odd encounter(SRDeacon):SRDeacon)

[Mon Jun 3 2024]

In the Comfortable Living Room of Apartment 101
This is a comfortably furnished living room, with shiny wooden floors and cream-colored walls. Various seats dot the space, including a large couch in front of the TV. The walls are decorated with framed drawings, mostly black and white sketches of the woods around Haven. There are shelves with books and a few potted plants. One corner is taken up with a small kitchenette, complete with a small fridge and a stainless steel counter.

It is afternoon, about 86F(30C) degrees,

(Your target is attacked by a dream stalker who subjects them to their greatest fantasies in the dream world in order to keep their body passive while it's energies are fed upon. They need to, possibly with the help of allies entering their dreams, resist the temptation long enough for other allies to find them or for them to wake up.
Lydia is dressed up to hit the town, but somehow she got diverted from her plans, perhaps deciding she wasn't feeling in the mood after all. And so she is lying back on her couch, legs dangling over the side, as she idly leafs through a romance novel she's read several times before.

Reading the same thing she'd run through a few times already, the pages of the book feel familiar underneath Lydia's fingers. A knowing page that's been dog-eared here; a crack in the spine along the section she likes to read through the most often. But there's nothing new or exciting to keep the interest for too long and whatever suddenb malaise has come across her to sap her interest in going out it's soon tugging at the heaviness of her eyelids as well. In the end, it's a thing that will begin to see Lydia begin to doze off as her less than active consciousness struggles to find reasons to stay awake even if it is in the middle of the day.

Lydia blinks a few times, the sense of sloth that's been dogging her all day starting to settle in for good. She lets out a deep sigh and shrugs a bit, letting the book drift from her fingers. She kicks off her shoes and curls up on the couch with her eyes closed, not bothering to change or stumble to the bedroom.

Heavier and heavier is the feel until suddenly Lydia doesn't feel tired at all anymore. But things seem different, and it may be a place she's touched upon before of course. The more shadowy realm of the Dream and Nightmare, it seems that something has drawn her into this place as her guards have let down. Even as this dawns on her, the shifting shadows and the shape of the world and reality around her it begins to melt and meld around her.

Lydia slowly opens her eyes again and blinks as the strangeness shifts around her. She shakes her head, trying to clear the sleepiness from it as she slowly gets to her feet, trying to figure out whether she is dreaming with a deep frown on her face.

In this new vein, the world begins to re-arrange itself around her to resemble the landscape thematically of the romance novel she'd been reading. A world of Fantasy that draws itself around the images and subtle desires that lurk in the back of Lydia's mind to create her surroundings now. That this is a Dream quickly becomes apparent but it's harder to say if Lydia notices that these things are drawn from her, not created BY her. This is not her dream that she's been drawn into. And yet it is an appealing one! Away goes the apartment, replaced by dimmer romantic lighting and secluded clandestine vibes. A shape begins to coalesce a few feet away in the vague shape of a human being. Not yet discovered, this piece of the fantasy remains less formed. Is it enough to distract the woman, or has she grown wiser in the months passed?

Lydia slowly drifts through the lush suite she finds herself in, fingertips gliding along rich, velvet curtains. A quiet sigh escapes her at the suggestions of luxury edged with the spicy and forbidden--just the kind of setting to capture her attention, and perhaps make her linger for longer than she should, as she tries to espy the shadowy figure.

As Lydia focuses more on the figure here, it begins to take shape even as the woman's mind tries to do what the mind naturally does and fill in the blanks. What she wants to see, is what comes into being in that form. Lithe or bulky, tall or middling - attractive in all the right ways that tempt at those half-forbidden pleasures that draw and allure. "Come to me" a smoky voice comes. It doesn't come from the figure, but more like from everywhere and all around her. Like an echo in her skull or a voice from the heavens above pinning it down is impossible. A little bit of the fatigue that saw her end up her returns, like being slightly winded after exercise. Nothing she can't handle.

Lydia blinks a little as the figure shifts before her, turnign into something sleek and androgynous, but with a deadly, command authority. Lydia's utter weak spot, in other words. Slowly she starts to step toward the figure, the hypnotizing words vibrating through her skull, even as another part of her is starting to register the subtle wrongness of the dream.

Sleek and formless of a sort that shape strides toward her now with more authoratative steps in Lydia's direction. That background part of her definitely will be signalling at that wrongness, as each passing minute sees a little more of that tiredness come back around, a little more fatigue settling back in. "Sensational" comes that smoky voice, now more attached to that form that stands before Lydia directly now. A condifent hand reaches out to caress her face, grasping her chin with a firm but subtle grip as smoky half-formed eyes bore into her own. Just that gaze brings feelings coursing through her body, and it sets ablaze thoughts to race through her mind, thoughts it can feed and grow from. Just the one touch, and yet Lydia may feel weak in the knees! Attraction? Or something more dangerous?

Lydia lets out a quite little sigh as she leans into that touch, eyes flashing with dark desire. Her knees are already bending as if to instinctively sink to the ground at the being's feet. But she winds up with just one knee on the ground, like a knight taking their oath, when that frown returns to her face. Feeling weak comes naturally... but why is she so tired instead of excited? "N...no..." she murmurs slowly, starting to pull away from the touch.

"Do not fight .." That voice comes again, more insistent as Lydia begins to pull away from that creature or man? (woman?) The hand follows, trying to keep that contact with her as she begins to realize the sense and severity of the danger that's presenting itself. "Stay with me" the voice is commanding, demanding even as it tries to freeze Lydia in her tracks and keep her trapped in this delicious little bubble away from the rest of the world and her worries. "Eternal bliss ....."

The survivor in Lydia screams at her to run and never look back.

Lydia blinks a few times, closing her eyes as she hears the tempting words. And then, it is her anxiety that saves her. Happily Ever After was always somethng she ran from. A stasis that she's unreasonably afraid of. But this time, it is enough to startle her out of her drowsiness. She stares in horror at the half-formed behind in front of her and staggers back to her feet, trying to run off into the darkness, wherever it leads.

The further Lydia comes away from that shape, the less tired she feels. She can feel the weight of what's already been taken from her but she seems able to regain something as she runs from that offer of temptation and pleasure. Turning to run it's like the world shifts around her slowly, reluctantly. As she runs from that place, it can only do what comes naturally which is to return to the place it used to be. Like running through a tunnel, Lydia can only see the black and shapeless Nightmare stretching around her as he runs back to that place, HER place, her body. She can feel that shape chasing her ... chasing and reaching for everything she has left, offering everything she may ever want ... and then her eyes are popping open - a sudden gasp of breath fiulling her lungs as she jolts awake!

OOC: Thank you so much for participating I know this wasn't a super awesome prompt but I tried to keep it simple!

Looking around, Lydia will find herself there, legs half off and that romance novel strewn off to her side.