Lynettes Odd Encounter Sr Ritsuka 250219
In a dramatic and otherworldly reminiscent tale of battles both physical and ethereal, Ritsuka, a character shrouded in supernatural elements, finds herself trapped by a syndicate with intentions as dark as the cell she is confined within. Her initial methodology is one of cunning and brute force, utilizing her abilities to summon a golden flame followed by transforming into her fox form to attempt an escape. This maneuver is not without its setbacks as the syndicate members outside her cell quickly catch on to her actions, inciting a chase filled with gunfire and desperation. Her escapade is a thrilling race against time, bullets grazing her, and the pursuit tightening around her.
The narrative takes a decisive turn when her own kind, bearing rifles and tactics superior to the syndicate's brute force, step in, tearing through the enemies with precision and turning the tide in Ritsuka's favor. The intervention of these unexpected allies not only highlights the intricate network of alliances within this mystical world but also showcases Ritsuka’s significance within these complex hierarchies. The story concludes on a note of fleeting victory and contemplation, as Ritsuka, now at the safety of the treeline and back among her own, must decide the next course of action against those who dared to confine her. The narrative weaves through themes of power, loyalty, and the undying quest for freedom, all encapsulated in the fearless and formidable spirit of Ritsuka.
(Seamus's odd encounter(SRRitsuka):SRRitsuka)
[Tue Feb 18 2025]
In a comfortably appointed master bedroom
Masculine elegance radiates from every corner of this stately bedroom. The walls are painted in a light shade of mist grey, providing a calming ambiance that is perfect for relaxation. The bed, made of sturdy ash wood, sits in the center of the room, dressed in crisp grey sheets and adorned with a silver comforter.
The room is filled with subtle details that showcase the owner's refined taste. A vintage armchair is placed in the corner, inviting one to sit and enjoy the warm glow of the electric fireplace. The floor-to-ceiling bay window is framed by thick curtains made of a luxurious, heavy grey fabric that pools at the floor.
It is afternoon, about 34F(1C) degrees, and the sky is partly covered by dark grey stormclouds.
The ghostly figure looks a bit confused at Seamus, until he starts onto and into laughter, too. Though his is far more of a mockery than one who finds any of it silly or ridiculous. "No, we are weapons. And angel are of course real, kid. Why don't you give a part of your life to me to help finish their mess? I'll even point you in the right direction- kill them all and chant my name, and I shall be right there with you. I'll reward you... Money, a virgin, any... single... thing... you want." He smiles, putting up a more business-like composure, though it really does not fit for this particular demon at all. He has a more rowdy and violent bearing.
Takeshi really fucks up, and tries to snatch Lynette as she is getting pummeled over because of him. He can grab her, and for a moment he thinks he is going to land onto his feet. Turns out, Takeshi is not one to practice such complex maneuvers at all, and in the last moment, he topples over, with Lynette landing atop of him. She on the other hand, if she puts out her feeler, can feel that it goes on further towards the south. There is a weird, fiery thing that she can sense, thin, veiled, barely tangible, a singular thread that leads to the south to something that is somewhere far in the north, but it is stronger here, easy enough to conclude that the source lies further south.
Takeshi eats shit! Sliding across the ground on his stomach and chest with Lynette sitting daintily on his back!
Lynette would decide to keep her eyes closed for a little while longer after all. She would press her face into the back of Takeshi, hoping it'd all be over soon.
Instead she found herself airborne. "Tank!" She screams, flipping until an arm grips onto her waist firmly. It was hard to keep track of what was happening from that point on, but next thing she knew Lynette was on his back on ground. "F... fuck me.. do you even have a license?" She questions. It seemed the poor girl's legs had given out on her, Takeshi would not be moving for a minute. "I... I think that way, but I'm never getting on your bike again!" She announces, a slight tremble to her shoulders as she points in what seems like a random direction towards the south.
Lynette taps aggressively on Takeshi beneath her. "What the fuck was that?"
"So... What are you then? A crossroad demon?" Seamus pushes the creature until his cigarette is gone and he starts another one, flicking open is meremaid decorated brass zippo. "Hear to make me a deal? Shinny fiddle made of gold?" He takes a long drag and blows out the acrid black smoke. "I don't think you can give me what I desire most in this life eh?" He wedges the smoke between his lips and makes a rewinding motion, "I don't know much about this Twin Peaks bullshit that I seem to have stumbled headlong into, but I do know the laws of time and space. You can't rewind the clock ten years." He pauses then and sighs, "I don't want power, or money, or women. I want to undo the mistakes of the past." He wags a finger, "And don't you go getting into my head saying you can do that shit. Knowing your kind you'd rewind the clock but I wouldn't remember what happened so I would make the same mistakes over and over until I have lived a lifetime ten years at a time." He taps his head with his index finger, "I may be mad but I ain't stupid."
Takeshi looks over to a nearby tree where his bike was stuck ten feet up in the thing's branches, letting out a rough sigh as he realizes how much of a pain in the ass it was going to be to get the thing out. Later, though. For now, it was adventure time. He gets to his feet, brushing the leaves off of his front. His shirt was torn to pieces, and so was his stomach and chest! Blood pouring down his front. Takeshi held pretty calm look though, mostly just wincing with pain as if the serious injury was an annoyance. "Eh? I crash bike? What of it" He snips defensively, as if Lynette was the asshole for even bringing it up! As he talks though, Lynette would see the cuts and scrapes pouring blood already starting to knit themselves back together, fixing and forming into scar tissue that visually fades back to normal skin in practically seconds!
He bundles up his torn and bloody shirt as he makes his way over to the tree his bike was stuck in, mumbling under his breath as he hops up to grab a branch, pulling himself up just high enough to snatch the massive Nodachi strapped to the side of the bike and letting himself fall back down. "We go stop ritual. You know how do that, right?" He asks Lynette as he makes his way back over to her, tapping the Nodachi sheath to his shoulder, seeming to be expecting her to be doing the heavy lifting here in terms of actually fixing the problem. He was just the muscle, after all!
"You tend to get bloody a lot... don't you.." Lynette remarks at the wounds across Takeshi, watching as they do the same trick as earlier, knitting closed as if it never happened. Lynette would have to catch her jaw hanging open, trying to shake off any feelings of awe she had towards a jerk like him.
While Takeshi struggles with his bike, her eyes watch the tree line. "You're asking me if I know how to stop a ritual? What? You want me to distract... whatever the hell is happening... with my body or something? Aren't you supposed to be the expert here?" Nothing was making logical sense, but it seemed Lynette was starting to get used to the fact she wouldnt know what's going on. It was fine after all, everything around her always turned out exactly how it should. "I dont think we're alone, Tank."
Letting out a roaring laughter, the demon only settles it onto a vicious smile. Fangs show at the corner of his teeth, but they are not like those of vampires at all, less pointy, more curved. "If you want to change the past... you need to tread into the mist when someone paths." Whether this is reality or not, is a different question. Though it is commonly known that any of those that tread off the path, are never seen or heard of again. Without a singular exception on record and file. "I can open a path for you. All you ought to do is to draw some symbols here... with some of your blood. We will kill all those martyr fools! And you... will have your path."
The trail that Lynette can make out leads further and further into the forest, up, until in the distance, they can make out around eight people arguing. To Takeshi, they all bear a red aura, one of them carries a ritual dagger and they seem to be... arguing? There is shouting, but it is difficult to make out to Lynette, but Takeshi can hear the words, spoken in English "No! I deserve to be the first! I organized all of this! You are just some stupid asshole because you think you are wearing the big pants!" Yep, they are arguing. The ritual itself is visible, too. Markings around a central spot, drawn in blood. Similar to what one would typically imagine to be normal in such a way, a circle, symbols, and the blood, as well as differently colored candles. In the ground, at the center of the spot, lies a crumbled, red skinned body.
Takeshi glances around as Lynette mentions they're not alone. They were to his less refined sense. "Eh?" He prompts some elaboration
Seamus picks up his glass and goes to sit down next to the demon. He is silent for a long time, sipping the drink and munching on his sandwich. Turkey with lettuce and tomatos. "Well," he says silently before looking over to the demon again. "What do you want to do if you get out? Like... are you gonna have a drink, find a nice demonette, settle down, have little demon babies?" He motions to his plate, "Eat a sandwich?"
Lynette grabs onto the arm of Takeshi, tugging him closer to herself. Pressing a finger to her lips she would point ahead to the gathering deeper in the woods, exactly where the icky scent she noticed earlier was sorced from. "I... I don't know what they're saying, but they don't look happy. Are we supposed to be here?"
"Oh..." Takeshi mumbles under his breath as Lynette points out to him the arguing cultists "I see problem." He says as he ignores her attempts to shush him and makes his way over to them. Takeshi marches his way over to them, chest out and Nodachi tapped to his shoulder as he curls up his upper lip to give them his best possible Yakuza snarl! It would have been incredibly intimidating if the man wasn't 5'6.
"Eh? Bad guys think they big and tough, EH?!" He demands from them, fixing each in turn with a violent glare "Want to make trouble in Tsubaki no Tetsu territory, EH?!" He adds. They'd probably have no clue why anyone would think this part of the woods was territory of the Tsbuaki, assuming they'd even heard of them. "Want to do blood magic, EH?!" It seemed like he was just going to keep going, Takeshi attracting the attention of the eight /very armed/ figures as he gives the discordant mob a collective enemy to unify against! How incredibly kind of him!
Luckily, Takeshi completely ignoring Lynette's instructions to be quiet and trying to be a big damn hero would mean Lynette would be able to go relatively unnoticed and free to operate with impunity ...
"I... oh dear..." Lynette would grip a tree trunk with a deep sigh as Takeshi marches off to confront the woods weirdos head on. Fine then.
The goal here wasn't exactly clear, but the commotion of all that is Takeshi would probably be enough for Lynette to investigate further. She slips through the woods off the obvious path, creeping closer to the gathering from the sidelines. She attempts to peek around and gain an understanding of what exactly they were up to.
"First thing I am intending to do is to get that bottle of whiskey from you, kid." The demon states, smiling at Seamus again. That at least sounds genuine, the interest was there. With the rest, well, who knows, should one ever trust a demon or one of their descendants? Well, many do. "Then I'm going to find that bitch, Hilaina Strahd, who's turned on me and rip out her spine and feed it to her favorite pet experiment Novel. Paint a walk with her and his remains. There is this banker who still owes me a lot of money, and the Hand is always happy with having more females added to their infant heart farms. They're selling pretty well in the goblin markets, it's worth the investment. You could have a cut from it if you wanted." He looks around, and then gestures to the ground. "Draw a circle, kid. You will only benefit from this."
In the forest, which was definitely not Tsubaki territory, it being on the opposite side of the city in the inner forest, Takeshi reveals his presence, they all very much turn to him, and half-circle him with the one who was yelling not long ago saying "Or, how about-" This figure lets out a laugh that leans towards manic "We sACRIfice- this ChIld?" And another with a cleaner tone quite happily agrees "Let's see who's going to die first!" She sounds far too cheerful for this. "I hope it is me." Oh, a creepy smile shows forth through her lips.
Lynette makes her way around, now with them distracted, it takes her a moment longer to circle around them, but the source of the red line she had sensed definitely originates from the crumpled body. Maybe she could stab it a bunch of times, would that not be fun...? Or try something else.
Novel's name causes a slight twitch of recognition from his eyes but it quickly goes away. "Is that so?" he asks after a moment, "Infant hearts, eh? Goes with prisoner hands and eyes of newt I am sure." He wipes his mouth on a napkin, "You seen that meme that is like soup is just witchcraft?" Seamus twits his face a moment, "Are witches real too?" He sighs, "Suppose they are... Strahd... Like that D&D Module Curse of Stradh? Is she a vampire, because that would be... Ironic."
Novel's name causes a slight twitch of recognition from his eyes but it quickly goes away. "Is that so?" he asks after a moment, "Infant hearts, eh? Goes with prisoner hands and eyes of newt I am sure." He wipes his mouth on a napkin, "You seen that meme that is like soup is just witchcraft?" Seamus twists his face a moment, "Are witches real too?" He sighs, "Suppose they are... Strahd... Like that D and D Module Curse of Stradh? Is she a vampire, because that would be... Ironic." (fix)
Takeshi grins as the cultists start to circle around him, weapons drawn. His eyes look to the cultist at his left to the cultist at his right as he if he couldn't wait to get the violence started! "You're all about to see ..." He says as he holds his Nodachi sheath in front of him! He slowly, dramatically starts to draw the blade out of the sheath "... Why they call me Rengoku Kiba!" He growls before throwing his sheath away to the side, the thing clattering across the ground as he leaps into action!
He closes in on the first cultist in the blink of an eye, his blade already in the post cut position, pointed downwards diagonally to the ground as the cultist's chest explodes in blood from shoulder to hip, the open wound splattering Takeshi's chest and casually smirking face. Of course, this was exactly what the demon wanted, Takeshi further powering the ritual as he unwittingly provides the first 'sacrifice' required to power it! "Who next?!" He demands, looking over his shoulder at the rest with a wild, unhinged look to his eyes!
A body. The yuckiness is going from a literal body in a circle. Shit like murder was something Lynette was trying to get away from in the first place. Someone like Lynette should never have to get her hands dirty..
The ghostly demon does go through a temper flare, again, there is smoke. "How dare you try and make a mockery of me, kid?" He smiles, viciously again, drawing close into Seamus' face. "Witches are real, and is not my fault that stupid bitch has a name like some weird thing you know, kid. Come on, do it, draw the circle. You need a path to fix your fuck up, don't you?" He huffs out a breathe through his nostrils again. He does not seem to grow more vigorous, or stronger. And he can't really do anything to Seamus other than talk and look angry, and the demon knows this, too. "If you're going to be useless... Maybe I will come and visit you when they're decided on who they're going to kill first? Come on, don't make them waste our time and let's finish this?"
The eight ritualists exchange glances with one another. They are all knowing in the magical practice and ritualism, they are not simple humans or those supernaturals that are in the middle of truly awakening. They are already there and Takeshi is strong, but there is eight people. Just as he tries to make a strike, and the scene plays out in his mind, with a chest exploding... they circle more around him and surround him, there is now one in his back, and those in his back, are also quite aware of Lynette. One of them gives her a look and a laughter as they share "Look! Another one! Voluntary sacrifices!"
Takeshi managed to take one down by following the time old rule of "Attack before they do", but that had only taken one out of the equation and the answer to his question of "who's next?" was "all of us. At once." He's dragged down the floor by their collective mass and starts taking heavy boots to his ribs, thighs, arms and back as he rolls around trying to his best to protect himself! "Ah! Fuckers! I'm gunna kill you all!" He growls at them in annoyance as he starts kicking up at them!
Flailing back in equal measure, even on the ground Takeshi was still a menace! Managing to sink his teeth into the ankles one one of the cultist's as he slices at another with a backhand flailing swing of his sword, the long blade remarkably less useful in tight and compacted spaces like this!
Being spotted wasn't exactly in the plan, but Takeshi would be enough of a disturbance even with the group knowing she was there. Lynette would kick up a large branch, gripping it firmly between her hands. Rushing into the chaos, she takes the branch and closes her eyes, stabbing it down into the torso of the crumpled body.
Seamus considers the demon a moment and then drops the butt of his second cigarette into an ashtray and pulls out a third. "Walk me through the process. I draw a circle with what? Salt? Then light eight candles or some shit and wear a cloak with the hood pulled down chanting your name over and over?"
The demon makes to smile at Seamus, and then goes on to explain "You take blood. Punch someone up, fill a bag with their blood... then you draw the circle." The demon draws the image up in the air, it is not so much the pentagram, the image itself is more asian looking, Chinese to be specific, if Seamus can tell the different Kanji apart. Surrounding the singular kanji is a circle. "You step inside of it... and make an offering and request Zhang Gui- You chant the name three times, and make the request again and add some of your blood by slicing over your own palm and writing over the symbol a second time. Then you light three black candles." Oh, but this seems to excite the demon. "And finally you call out the name of someone you ha-" His form flickers, and disappears. There is the smell of ash and the swell of heat where he sat, just hovering in the air. Not for long, as that vanishes quickly as well. Just disappeared without another trace.
Just as the branch pierces into the crumpled body with an ugly sound, at first, she feels resistance as the stick tries to pierce its way in. Turns out, the body itself is... missing a lot. It's incomplete, and the resistance fades as the stick pierces further into the body, falling away to ashes. And it is the first smell that finds Lynette's nostrils, the smell of something that's been burned. Also the tip of her stick is on fire! Hot hot hot!
The ritualists, of course, do not look all too happy with it, they now really try to give Takeshi a beating, to knock him out. He would be stronger, if this was a fair fight, but this is not. The bite makes one of them yell out and then smash a foot into Takeshi's face. Fortunately, he has sanctuary, so knocking out may be the worst outcome he will soon experience here.
Seamus looks at the place where the demon was sitting and takes another drag off of his cigarette. "I gotta get out of this town," he mutters. "Or make some better friends." Blowing the smoke out of his mouth, he flips open his note pad, conveniently retrieved from his coat pocket and writes out Zhang Gui, circle, someone's blood, my blood, 3 candles, and hate. "Like Beetlejuice," he mutters and puts a period down with a heavy strike and crosses his legs at the knee. "No one would believe this shit if I told them. Twin Fucking Peaks."
The kick to the nuts finally seems to fold the man, Takeshi curling up with a pained wheeze as gets beat up! The cultists around him do their best Naranchia, Guido, and Leone impression as he covers his head and decides to just let his natural toughness and regeneration do the heavy lifting for him ... They would get tired sooner or later ... Hopefully
The kick to the nuts finally seems to fold the man, Takeshi curling up with a pained wheeze as gets beat up! The cultists around him do their best Naranchia, Guido, and Leone impression as he covers his head and decides to just let his natural toughness and regeneration do the heavy lifting for him ... They would get tired sooner or later ... Hopefully
Lynette hated the smell the most. She gags on it, or maybe it was the sight of a body so... deformed. "What the fuck is happening..." she groans. Her stick was in flames now, from poking through what she thought was a body.
She didnt quite have the luxury of thinking about it too hard. Right now Takeshi was being beaten bloody yet again. Out of the selfish knowledge that once they were done with him they may come for her, Lynette charges forward with her fire stick, aiming to slam it into the side of one of his many attackers.
Life continues as it is, Seamus has a contact in the hells now, should he ever wish to bring it forth. As for Takeshi and Lynette, they struggle, but there is still seven people, and they are not some weak throw-away humans, but those with the knowledge to fully create rituals. They are stronger than Lynette, more able, and about equal to weaker than Takeshi. Eventually... they both are put unconscious, only to wake at the side of the street somewhere with a headache. There is no signs of anything done to Takeshi, though Lynette finds her arm prodded at with several needles, someone was trying to take her blood. But they yet live, and their memories do not seem to have been tampered with either.
(Your target has been abducted by the syndicate for potential sale offworld, they must escape or stall their abductors long enough for their allies to be able to come rescue them before the transaction can take place.
Ritsuka was just talking to people, but then looks down to her phonee, and turns around and closes the door behind herself again, treading back into the kitchen. It looked important for a moment, probably something to do with the cult that needed a little bit more attention for a moment.
For Haven in the afternoon its a usual afternoon. The bleak stormy clouds threaten bad weather. The chill in the air prevents one from feeling comfortable outside. It's already rather dark so early in the evening thanks to the clouds blocking out the sun. For Ritsuka, its a normal day.
When Ritsuka steps away from the others and focuses down on her phone. She has no chance as a needle pierces her neck from someone who was laying in wait behind the door. Her struggle would be brief, the powerful tranquilizer drops supernaturals in seconds and Ritsuka is no different.@line
Then Ritsuka, sometime later awakens to her new surroundings, no telling how long has passed, or if she will be missed by the others she was with before.
For Haven in the afternoon its a usual afternoon. The bleak stormy clouds threaten bad weather. The chill in the air prevents one from feeling comfortable outside. It's already rather dark so early in the evening thanks to the clouds blocking out the sun. For Ritsuka, its a normal day.
When Ritsuka steps away from the others and focuses down on her phone. She has no chance as a needle pierces her neck from someone who was laying in wait behind the door. Her struggle would be brief, the powerful tranquilizer drops supernaturals in seconds and Ritsuka is no different.
Then Ritsuka, sometime later awakens to her new surroundings, no telling how long has passed, or if she will be missed by the others she was with before.
Ritsuka blinks a couple of times, though it has now been many months since the last time someone has tried, let alone with another mogul that has her turf so close to her home. She lets out a huff, and reaches for her neck to check for the presence of a collar - and then also down around herself for a hidden little button she keeps and presses it. The location is never the same, always changing, to disallow someone from easily locating it. And all it does, is to let her own, larger protection detail know and make them aware of a situation where she requires their help with.
Inside the cell, there is a distinctly bad smell to it. Urine mixed with body oder and grime. This place isn't cleaned between residents. It's no place for someone like Ritsuka. For normal ears, there isn't too much to hear. There is a subtle hum of an HVAC system but none of that precious heat makes it to the cell, it must benefit another part of the building while also indicating that the place is large enough to even have HVAC.
A pipe across the ceiling runs with the trickle of water occasionally when something draws water from elseware but seeing as there is no toilet here, the pipe running through must be an oversight, or this place was never originally a cell.
Pressing the discreet panic button does not give any outward response, maybe the distress will be detected by her bodyguards, maybe the signal wont penetrate the concrete walls. For now Ritsuka is left alone in the cell and given time to investigate or languish.
Seeing that Ritsuka's hands do not find a collar around her neck, she goes on to proceed into doing what seems to be the wisest. She is here, not with her blade or armor, but this, by far does not mean she is defenseless. She is a monster, and many fear her currently - for a reason. She opens her palm and draws up the golden flame into it, and there is a window. Of course there is, and that means that the window ought to be smashed. Then shift into her fox form, and then go on to escape. She is certainly far more flexible and smaller in that form, though even for Japanese standards she was very thin, and as someone who has already lost so much of her humanity, maybe she could just try and squeeze through. Who cares about a few little cuts when they can heal in just a little while?
She reaches around for the pipe, if it is not one of the ones too hot to touch, though by the look of it, it surely would not be, not in an ill kept place like this. At least this is she expects as she tries to rip at it and then, if she manages, ram it at the window.
So many tools at Ritsuka's disposal could make the difference. The attempt to blast the tiny window in the small place create a disorientating explosion that partially deflects back into the cell. The back-blast of an RPG in a small space can kill the average person, its no different when sorcery is used to blast the concrete around the narrow window. Fortunately Ritsuka can take a blow. The whole building shakes at the bang, and the window does explode outward to create a bigger hole, maybe not for a person, but maybe a shifter wouldn't struggle much.
After that Ritsuka rips the pipe out, spraying water from the broken portion but in turn she gains a blunt weapon to defend herself. Something she might need now that she's made such a noise.
For the first time there is a noise outside, shouting from multiple voices and a rush of heavy foot steps towards the heavy door, "Who didn't collar her? The fuckin' new guy?" one voice can be heard saying.
Regardless of whether the voices would come to her or not, Ritsuka was still without armor. She was empowered, by all the fear that's been surrounding her, all that so delicious fear. Of course it makes her stronger, more full of life, but it matters little with less in the defenses, and she is not trained with a bat, hammer or this rod. This is not so when she does shift, and as such she does. She still tries to slip out first, it's never worth bothering to fight with, a predator must try to be healthy, in order to predate. Not that that is so true for the Yokai, the supernatural, who heal quickly, though if she stays, they will just have to meddle with a predator when she can defend herself.
Creeking loudly, the heavy steel door swings inward to find the Fox and not Ritsuka scrambling through the opening. "Grab the neutralizer!" someone shouts. One syndicate henchmen storms into the cell and tries to grab Ritsuka(Fox)'s tail just before she slips out of grasp but he fails too.
Ritsuka finds herself outside a mid-sized building nestled deep in the woods, surrounded by nothing but trees but there is about fifty feet clearcut around her before she can seek the refuge of tree cover and she's not very quick.
The men inside can't squeeze out after her and are forced to rush for a side exit and file outside, giving Ritsuka(Fox) a few precious seconds to start fleeing.
The one thing that Ritsuka(Fox) possesses in this form, that she does not as a person, is the acute senses. Unfortunately she cannot really shift back just yet, she would certainly be significantly faster relying on her divine bloodline with getting away, but being a leopard would have not helped at all, though she certainly would have been faster. What she does possess, is her ability to path. But this takes a couple of minutes. On the other hand, what doesn't is pathing -to- a person, she peers around as she starts her dash into the forest, to see if she sees any creature, squirrel, bird- as long as they are not mid flight high in the air, that she can path directly onto to get closer and away into the forest. The weather is still cold, maybe she can disappear if there is snow, though she also knows that this form was not set out to be one for stealth and slinking away. But to fight and combat, to be what the shape someone would know her to be if they saw her shift with her other forms being secrets.
As men pile out of the building and get sight-lines on Ritsuka(Fox) they begin firing submachine guns. Puffs of dirt and grass explode around the fox, but she's a hard moving target to hit. Still the weight of fire increases as more men make it outside, at least half a dozen are opening up. A bullet nicks Ritsuka(Fox)'s fox ear. The gunfire makes it hard to focus on a small creature to path too.
BANG BANG, suddenly ahead of Ritsuka(Fox) the treeline lights up with a pair of riflemen, not to shoot Ritsuka(Fox) but to come to her rescue, their shots are accurate and come by surprise to the men out of cover. They drop two men instantly, a third is shot in the back as he tries to run inside. The last three manage to get inside and pop shots from within the doorway, but its a useless gesture. Ritsuka has no problem pathing to her own men to get to safety of the treeline. She may wish to have her men exact revenge on the remaining assailants, or have an escort out of there.
The narrative takes a decisive turn when her own kind, bearing rifles and tactics superior to the syndicate's brute force, step in, tearing through the enemies with precision and turning the tide in Ritsuka's favor. The intervention of these unexpected allies not only highlights the intricate network of alliances within this mystical world but also showcases Ritsuka’s significance within these complex hierarchies. The story concludes on a note of fleeting victory and contemplation, as Ritsuka, now at the safety of the treeline and back among her own, must decide the next course of action against those who dared to confine her. The narrative weaves through themes of power, loyalty, and the undying quest for freedom, all encapsulated in the fearless and formidable spirit of Ritsuka.
(Seamus's odd encounter(SRRitsuka):SRRitsuka)
[Tue Feb 18 2025]
In a comfortably appointed master bedroom
Masculine elegance radiates from every corner of this stately bedroom. The walls are painted in a light shade of mist grey, providing a calming ambiance that is perfect for relaxation. The bed, made of sturdy ash wood, sits in the center of the room, dressed in crisp grey sheets and adorned with a silver comforter.
The room is filled with subtle details that showcase the owner's refined taste. A vintage armchair is placed in the corner, inviting one to sit and enjoy the warm glow of the electric fireplace. The floor-to-ceiling bay window is framed by thick curtains made of a luxurious, heavy grey fabric that pools at the floor.
It is afternoon, about 34F(1C) degrees, and the sky is partly covered by dark grey stormclouds.
The ghostly figure looks a bit confused at Seamus, until he starts onto and into laughter, too. Though his is far more of a mockery than one who finds any of it silly or ridiculous. "No, we are weapons. And angel are of course real, kid. Why don't you give a part of your life to me to help finish their mess? I'll even point you in the right direction- kill them all and chant my name, and I shall be right there with you. I'll reward you... Money, a virgin, any... single... thing... you want." He smiles, putting up a more business-like composure, though it really does not fit for this particular demon at all. He has a more rowdy and violent bearing.
Takeshi really fucks up, and tries to snatch Lynette as she is getting pummeled over because of him. He can grab her, and for a moment he thinks he is going to land onto his feet. Turns out, Takeshi is not one to practice such complex maneuvers at all, and in the last moment, he topples over, with Lynette landing atop of him. She on the other hand, if she puts out her feeler, can feel that it goes on further towards the south. There is a weird, fiery thing that she can sense, thin, veiled, barely tangible, a singular thread that leads to the south to something that is somewhere far in the north, but it is stronger here, easy enough to conclude that the source lies further south.
Takeshi eats shit! Sliding across the ground on his stomach and chest with Lynette sitting daintily on his back!
Lynette would decide to keep her eyes closed for a little while longer after all. She would press her face into the back of Takeshi, hoping it'd all be over soon.
Instead she found herself airborne. "Tank!" She screams, flipping until an arm grips onto her waist firmly. It was hard to keep track of what was happening from that point on, but next thing she knew Lynette was on his back on ground. "F... fuck me.. do you even have a license?" She questions. It seemed the poor girl's legs had given out on her, Takeshi would not be moving for a minute. "I... I think that way, but I'm never getting on your bike again!" She announces, a slight tremble to her shoulders as she points in what seems like a random direction towards the south.
Lynette taps aggressively on Takeshi beneath her. "What the fuck was that?"
"So... What are you then? A crossroad demon?" Seamus pushes the creature until his cigarette is gone and he starts another one, flicking open is meremaid decorated brass zippo. "Hear to make me a deal? Shinny fiddle made of gold?" He takes a long drag and blows out the acrid black smoke. "I don't think you can give me what I desire most in this life eh?" He wedges the smoke between his lips and makes a rewinding motion, "I don't know much about this Twin Peaks bullshit that I seem to have stumbled headlong into, but I do know the laws of time and space. You can't rewind the clock ten years." He pauses then and sighs, "I don't want power, or money, or women. I want to undo the mistakes of the past." He wags a finger, "And don't you go getting into my head saying you can do that shit. Knowing your kind you'd rewind the clock but I wouldn't remember what happened so I would make the same mistakes over and over until I have lived a lifetime ten years at a time." He taps his head with his index finger, "I may be mad but I ain't stupid."
Takeshi looks over to a nearby tree where his bike was stuck ten feet up in the thing's branches, letting out a rough sigh as he realizes how much of a pain in the ass it was going to be to get the thing out. Later, though. For now, it was adventure time. He gets to his feet, brushing the leaves off of his front. His shirt was torn to pieces, and so was his stomach and chest! Blood pouring down his front. Takeshi held pretty calm look though, mostly just wincing with pain as if the serious injury was an annoyance. "Eh? I crash bike? What of it" He snips defensively, as if Lynette was the asshole for even bringing it up! As he talks though, Lynette would see the cuts and scrapes pouring blood already starting to knit themselves back together, fixing and forming into scar tissue that visually fades back to normal skin in practically seconds!
He bundles up his torn and bloody shirt as he makes his way over to the tree his bike was stuck in, mumbling under his breath as he hops up to grab a branch, pulling himself up just high enough to snatch the massive Nodachi strapped to the side of the bike and letting himself fall back down. "We go stop ritual. You know how do that, right?" He asks Lynette as he makes his way back over to her, tapping the Nodachi sheath to his shoulder, seeming to be expecting her to be doing the heavy lifting here in terms of actually fixing the problem. He was just the muscle, after all!
"You tend to get bloody a lot... don't you.." Lynette remarks at the wounds across Takeshi, watching as they do the same trick as earlier, knitting closed as if it never happened. Lynette would have to catch her jaw hanging open, trying to shake off any feelings of awe she had towards a jerk like him.
While Takeshi struggles with his bike, her eyes watch the tree line. "You're asking me if I know how to stop a ritual? What? You want me to distract... whatever the hell is happening... with my body or something? Aren't you supposed to be the expert here?" Nothing was making logical sense, but it seemed Lynette was starting to get used to the fact she wouldnt know what's going on. It was fine after all, everything around her always turned out exactly how it should. "I dont think we're alone, Tank."
Letting out a roaring laughter, the demon only settles it onto a vicious smile. Fangs show at the corner of his teeth, but they are not like those of vampires at all, less pointy, more curved. "If you want to change the past... you need to tread into the mist when someone paths." Whether this is reality or not, is a different question. Though it is commonly known that any of those that tread off the path, are never seen or heard of again. Without a singular exception on record and file. "I can open a path for you. All you ought to do is to draw some symbols here... with some of your blood. We will kill all those martyr fools! And you... will have your path."
The trail that Lynette can make out leads further and further into the forest, up, until in the distance, they can make out around eight people arguing. To Takeshi, they all bear a red aura, one of them carries a ritual dagger and they seem to be... arguing? There is shouting, but it is difficult to make out to Lynette, but Takeshi can hear the words, spoken in English "No! I deserve to be the first! I organized all of this! You are just some stupid asshole because you think you are wearing the big pants!" Yep, they are arguing. The ritual itself is visible, too. Markings around a central spot, drawn in blood. Similar to what one would typically imagine to be normal in such a way, a circle, symbols, and the blood, as well as differently colored candles. In the ground, at the center of the spot, lies a crumbled, red skinned body.
Takeshi glances around as Lynette mentions they're not alone. They were to his less refined sense. "Eh?" He prompts some elaboration
Seamus picks up his glass and goes to sit down next to the demon. He is silent for a long time, sipping the drink and munching on his sandwich. Turkey with lettuce and tomatos. "Well," he says silently before looking over to the demon again. "What do you want to do if you get out? Like... are you gonna have a drink, find a nice demonette, settle down, have little demon babies?" He motions to his plate, "Eat a sandwich?"
Lynette grabs onto the arm of Takeshi, tugging him closer to herself. Pressing a finger to her lips she would point ahead to the gathering deeper in the woods, exactly where the icky scent she noticed earlier was sorced from. "I... I don't know what they're saying, but they don't look happy. Are we supposed to be here?"
"Oh..." Takeshi mumbles under his breath as Lynette points out to him the arguing cultists "I see problem." He says as he ignores her attempts to shush him and makes his way over to them. Takeshi marches his way over to them, chest out and Nodachi tapped to his shoulder as he curls up his upper lip to give them his best possible Yakuza snarl! It would have been incredibly intimidating if the man wasn't 5'6.
"Eh? Bad guys think they big and tough, EH?!" He demands from them, fixing each in turn with a violent glare "Want to make trouble in Tsubaki no Tetsu territory, EH?!" He adds. They'd probably have no clue why anyone would think this part of the woods was territory of the Tsbuaki, assuming they'd even heard of them. "Want to do blood magic, EH?!" It seemed like he was just going to keep going, Takeshi attracting the attention of the eight /very armed/ figures as he gives the discordant mob a collective enemy to unify against! How incredibly kind of him!
Luckily, Takeshi completely ignoring Lynette's instructions to be quiet and trying to be a big damn hero would mean Lynette would be able to go relatively unnoticed and free to operate with impunity ...
"I... oh dear..." Lynette would grip a tree trunk with a deep sigh as Takeshi marches off to confront the woods weirdos head on. Fine then.
The goal here wasn't exactly clear, but the commotion of all that is Takeshi would probably be enough for Lynette to investigate further. She slips through the woods off the obvious path, creeping closer to the gathering from the sidelines. She attempts to peek around and gain an understanding of what exactly they were up to.
"First thing I am intending to do is to get that bottle of whiskey from you, kid." The demon states, smiling at Seamus again. That at least sounds genuine, the interest was there. With the rest, well, who knows, should one ever trust a demon or one of their descendants? Well, many do. "Then I'm going to find that bitch, Hilaina Strahd, who's turned on me and rip out her spine and feed it to her favorite pet experiment Novel. Paint a walk with her and his remains. There is this banker who still owes me a lot of money, and the Hand is always happy with having more females added to their infant heart farms. They're selling pretty well in the goblin markets, it's worth the investment. You could have a cut from it if you wanted." He looks around, and then gestures to the ground. "Draw a circle, kid. You will only benefit from this."
In the forest, which was definitely not Tsubaki territory, it being on the opposite side of the city in the inner forest, Takeshi reveals his presence, they all very much turn to him, and half-circle him with the one who was yelling not long ago saying "Or, how about-" This figure lets out a laugh that leans towards manic "We sACRIfice- this ChIld?" And another with a cleaner tone quite happily agrees "Let's see who's going to die first!" She sounds far too cheerful for this. "I hope it is me." Oh, a creepy smile shows forth through her lips.
Lynette makes her way around, now with them distracted, it takes her a moment longer to circle around them, but the source of the red line she had sensed definitely originates from the crumpled body. Maybe she could stab it a bunch of times, would that not be fun...? Or try something else.
Novel's name causes a slight twitch of recognition from his eyes but it quickly goes away. "Is that so?" he asks after a moment, "Infant hearts, eh? Goes with prisoner hands and eyes of newt I am sure." He wipes his mouth on a napkin, "You seen that meme that is like soup is just witchcraft?" Seamus twits his face a moment, "Are witches real too?" He sighs, "Suppose they are... Strahd... Like that D&D Module Curse of Stradh? Is she a vampire, because that would be... Ironic."
Novel's name causes a slight twitch of recognition from his eyes but it quickly goes away. "Is that so?" he asks after a moment, "Infant hearts, eh? Goes with prisoner hands and eyes of newt I am sure." He wipes his mouth on a napkin, "You seen that meme that is like soup is just witchcraft?" Seamus twists his face a moment, "Are witches real too?" He sighs, "Suppose they are... Strahd... Like that D and D Module Curse of Stradh? Is she a vampire, because that would be... Ironic." (fix)
Takeshi grins as the cultists start to circle around him, weapons drawn. His eyes look to the cultist at his left to the cultist at his right as he if he couldn't wait to get the violence started! "You're all about to see ..." He says as he holds his Nodachi sheath in front of him! He slowly, dramatically starts to draw the blade out of the sheath "... Why they call me Rengoku Kiba!" He growls before throwing his sheath away to the side, the thing clattering across the ground as he leaps into action!
He closes in on the first cultist in the blink of an eye, his blade already in the post cut position, pointed downwards diagonally to the ground as the cultist's chest explodes in blood from shoulder to hip, the open wound splattering Takeshi's chest and casually smirking face. Of course, this was exactly what the demon wanted, Takeshi further powering the ritual as he unwittingly provides the first 'sacrifice' required to power it! "Who next?!" He demands, looking over his shoulder at the rest with a wild, unhinged look to his eyes!
A body. The yuckiness is going from a literal body in a circle. Shit like murder was something Lynette was trying to get away from in the first place. Someone like Lynette should never have to get her hands dirty..
The ghostly demon does go through a temper flare, again, there is smoke. "How dare you try and make a mockery of me, kid?" He smiles, viciously again, drawing close into Seamus' face. "Witches are real, and is not my fault that stupid bitch has a name like some weird thing you know, kid. Come on, do it, draw the circle. You need a path to fix your fuck up, don't you?" He huffs out a breathe through his nostrils again. He does not seem to grow more vigorous, or stronger. And he can't really do anything to Seamus other than talk and look angry, and the demon knows this, too. "If you're going to be useless... Maybe I will come and visit you when they're decided on who they're going to kill first? Come on, don't make them waste our time and let's finish this?"
The eight ritualists exchange glances with one another. They are all knowing in the magical practice and ritualism, they are not simple humans or those supernaturals that are in the middle of truly awakening. They are already there and Takeshi is strong, but there is eight people. Just as he tries to make a strike, and the scene plays out in his mind, with a chest exploding... they circle more around him and surround him, there is now one in his back, and those in his back, are also quite aware of Lynette. One of them gives her a look and a laughter as they share "Look! Another one! Voluntary sacrifices!"
Takeshi managed to take one down by following the time old rule of "Attack before they do", but that had only taken one out of the equation and the answer to his question of "who's next?" was "all of us. At once." He's dragged down the floor by their collective mass and starts taking heavy boots to his ribs, thighs, arms and back as he rolls around trying to his best to protect himself! "Ah! Fuckers! I'm gunna kill you all!" He growls at them in annoyance as he starts kicking up at them!
Flailing back in equal measure, even on the ground Takeshi was still a menace! Managing to sink his teeth into the ankles one one of the cultist's as he slices at another with a backhand flailing swing of his sword, the long blade remarkably less useful in tight and compacted spaces like this!
Being spotted wasn't exactly in the plan, but Takeshi would be enough of a disturbance even with the group knowing she was there. Lynette would kick up a large branch, gripping it firmly between her hands. Rushing into the chaos, she takes the branch and closes her eyes, stabbing it down into the torso of the crumpled body.
Seamus considers the demon a moment and then drops the butt of his second cigarette into an ashtray and pulls out a third. "Walk me through the process. I draw a circle with what? Salt? Then light eight candles or some shit and wear a cloak with the hood pulled down chanting your name over and over?"
The demon makes to smile at Seamus, and then goes on to explain "You take blood. Punch someone up, fill a bag with their blood... then you draw the circle." The demon draws the image up in the air, it is not so much the pentagram, the image itself is more asian looking, Chinese to be specific, if Seamus can tell the different Kanji apart. Surrounding the singular kanji is a circle. "You step inside of it... and make an offering and request Zhang Gui- You chant the name three times, and make the request again and add some of your blood by slicing over your own palm and writing over the symbol a second time. Then you light three black candles." Oh, but this seems to excite the demon. "And finally you call out the name of someone you ha-" His form flickers, and disappears. There is the smell of ash and the swell of heat where he sat, just hovering in the air. Not for long, as that vanishes quickly as well. Just disappeared without another trace.
Just as the branch pierces into the crumpled body with an ugly sound, at first, she feels resistance as the stick tries to pierce its way in. Turns out, the body itself is... missing a lot. It's incomplete, and the resistance fades as the stick pierces further into the body, falling away to ashes. And it is the first smell that finds Lynette's nostrils, the smell of something that's been burned. Also the tip of her stick is on fire! Hot hot hot!
The ritualists, of course, do not look all too happy with it, they now really try to give Takeshi a beating, to knock him out. He would be stronger, if this was a fair fight, but this is not. The bite makes one of them yell out and then smash a foot into Takeshi's face. Fortunately, he has sanctuary, so knocking out may be the worst outcome he will soon experience here.
Seamus looks at the place where the demon was sitting and takes another drag off of his cigarette. "I gotta get out of this town," he mutters. "Or make some better friends." Blowing the smoke out of his mouth, he flips open his note pad, conveniently retrieved from his coat pocket and writes out Zhang Gui, circle, someone's blood, my blood, 3 candles, and hate. "Like Beetlejuice," he mutters and puts a period down with a heavy strike and crosses his legs at the knee. "No one would believe this shit if I told them. Twin Fucking Peaks."
The kick to the nuts finally seems to fold the man, Takeshi curling up with a pained wheeze as gets beat up! The cultists around him do their best Naranchia, Guido, and Leone impression as he covers his head and decides to just let his natural toughness and regeneration do the heavy lifting for him ... They would get tired sooner or later ... Hopefully
The kick to the nuts finally seems to fold the man, Takeshi curling up with a pained wheeze as gets beat up! The cultists around him do their best Naranchia, Guido, and Leone impression as he covers his head and decides to just let his natural toughness and regeneration do the heavy lifting for him ... They would get tired sooner or later ... Hopefully
Lynette hated the smell the most. She gags on it, or maybe it was the sight of a body so... deformed. "What the fuck is happening..." she groans. Her stick was in flames now, from poking through what she thought was a body.
She didnt quite have the luxury of thinking about it too hard. Right now Takeshi was being beaten bloody yet again. Out of the selfish knowledge that once they were done with him they may come for her, Lynette charges forward with her fire stick, aiming to slam it into the side of one of his many attackers.
Life continues as it is, Seamus has a contact in the hells now, should he ever wish to bring it forth. As for Takeshi and Lynette, they struggle, but there is still seven people, and they are not some weak throw-away humans, but those with the knowledge to fully create rituals. They are stronger than Lynette, more able, and about equal to weaker than Takeshi. Eventually... they both are put unconscious, only to wake at the side of the street somewhere with a headache. There is no signs of anything done to Takeshi, though Lynette finds her arm prodded at with several needles, someone was trying to take her blood. But they yet live, and their memories do not seem to have been tampered with either.
(Your target has been abducted by the syndicate for potential sale offworld, they must escape or stall their abductors long enough for their allies to be able to come rescue them before the transaction can take place.
Ritsuka was just talking to people, but then looks down to her phonee, and turns around and closes the door behind herself again, treading back into the kitchen. It looked important for a moment, probably something to do with the cult that needed a little bit more attention for a moment.
For Haven in the afternoon its a usual afternoon. The bleak stormy clouds threaten bad weather. The chill in the air prevents one from feeling comfortable outside. It's already rather dark so early in the evening thanks to the clouds blocking out the sun. For Ritsuka, its a normal day.
When Ritsuka steps away from the others and focuses down on her phone. She has no chance as a needle pierces her neck from someone who was laying in wait behind the door. Her struggle would be brief, the powerful tranquilizer drops supernaturals in seconds and Ritsuka is no different.@line
Then Ritsuka, sometime later awakens to her new surroundings, no telling how long has passed, or if she will be missed by the others she was with before.
For Haven in the afternoon its a usual afternoon. The bleak stormy clouds threaten bad weather. The chill in the air prevents one from feeling comfortable outside. It's already rather dark so early in the evening thanks to the clouds blocking out the sun. For Ritsuka, its a normal day.
When Ritsuka steps away from the others and focuses down on her phone. She has no chance as a needle pierces her neck from someone who was laying in wait behind the door. Her struggle would be brief, the powerful tranquilizer drops supernaturals in seconds and Ritsuka is no different.
Then Ritsuka, sometime later awakens to her new surroundings, no telling how long has passed, or if she will be missed by the others she was with before.
Ritsuka blinks a couple of times, though it has now been many months since the last time someone has tried, let alone with another mogul that has her turf so close to her home. She lets out a huff, and reaches for her neck to check for the presence of a collar - and then also down around herself for a hidden little button she keeps and presses it. The location is never the same, always changing, to disallow someone from easily locating it. And all it does, is to let her own, larger protection detail know and make them aware of a situation where she requires their help with.
Inside the cell, there is a distinctly bad smell to it. Urine mixed with body oder and grime. This place isn't cleaned between residents. It's no place for someone like Ritsuka. For normal ears, there isn't too much to hear. There is a subtle hum of an HVAC system but none of that precious heat makes it to the cell, it must benefit another part of the building while also indicating that the place is large enough to even have HVAC.
A pipe across the ceiling runs with the trickle of water occasionally when something draws water from elseware but seeing as there is no toilet here, the pipe running through must be an oversight, or this place was never originally a cell.
Pressing the discreet panic button does not give any outward response, maybe the distress will be detected by her bodyguards, maybe the signal wont penetrate the concrete walls. For now Ritsuka is left alone in the cell and given time to investigate or languish.
Seeing that Ritsuka's hands do not find a collar around her neck, she goes on to proceed into doing what seems to be the wisest. She is here, not with her blade or armor, but this, by far does not mean she is defenseless. She is a monster, and many fear her currently - for a reason. She opens her palm and draws up the golden flame into it, and there is a window. Of course there is, and that means that the window ought to be smashed. Then shift into her fox form, and then go on to escape. She is certainly far more flexible and smaller in that form, though even for Japanese standards she was very thin, and as someone who has already lost so much of her humanity, maybe she could just try and squeeze through. Who cares about a few little cuts when they can heal in just a little while?
She reaches around for the pipe, if it is not one of the ones too hot to touch, though by the look of it, it surely would not be, not in an ill kept place like this. At least this is she expects as she tries to rip at it and then, if she manages, ram it at the window.
So many tools at Ritsuka's disposal could make the difference. The attempt to blast the tiny window in the small place create a disorientating explosion that partially deflects back into the cell. The back-blast of an RPG in a small space can kill the average person, its no different when sorcery is used to blast the concrete around the narrow window. Fortunately Ritsuka can take a blow. The whole building shakes at the bang, and the window does explode outward to create a bigger hole, maybe not for a person, but maybe a shifter wouldn't struggle much.
After that Ritsuka rips the pipe out, spraying water from the broken portion but in turn she gains a blunt weapon to defend herself. Something she might need now that she's made such a noise.
For the first time there is a noise outside, shouting from multiple voices and a rush of heavy foot steps towards the heavy door, "Who didn't collar her? The fuckin' new guy?" one voice can be heard saying.
Regardless of whether the voices would come to her or not, Ritsuka was still without armor. She was empowered, by all the fear that's been surrounding her, all that so delicious fear. Of course it makes her stronger, more full of life, but it matters little with less in the defenses, and she is not trained with a bat, hammer or this rod. This is not so when she does shift, and as such she does. She still tries to slip out first, it's never worth bothering to fight with, a predator must try to be healthy, in order to predate. Not that that is so true for the Yokai, the supernatural, who heal quickly, though if she stays, they will just have to meddle with a predator when she can defend herself.
Creeking loudly, the heavy steel door swings inward to find the Fox and not Ritsuka scrambling through the opening. "Grab the neutralizer!" someone shouts. One syndicate henchmen storms into the cell and tries to grab Ritsuka(Fox)'s tail just before she slips out of grasp but he fails too.
Ritsuka finds herself outside a mid-sized building nestled deep in the woods, surrounded by nothing but trees but there is about fifty feet clearcut around her before she can seek the refuge of tree cover and she's not very quick.
The men inside can't squeeze out after her and are forced to rush for a side exit and file outside, giving Ritsuka(Fox) a few precious seconds to start fleeing.
The one thing that Ritsuka(Fox) possesses in this form, that she does not as a person, is the acute senses. Unfortunately she cannot really shift back just yet, she would certainly be significantly faster relying on her divine bloodline with getting away, but being a leopard would have not helped at all, though she certainly would have been faster. What she does possess, is her ability to path. But this takes a couple of minutes. On the other hand, what doesn't is pathing -to- a person, she peers around as she starts her dash into the forest, to see if she sees any creature, squirrel, bird- as long as they are not mid flight high in the air, that she can path directly onto to get closer and away into the forest. The weather is still cold, maybe she can disappear if there is snow, though she also knows that this form was not set out to be one for stealth and slinking away. But to fight and combat, to be what the shape someone would know her to be if they saw her shift with her other forms being secrets.
As men pile out of the building and get sight-lines on Ritsuka(Fox) they begin firing submachine guns. Puffs of dirt and grass explode around the fox, but she's a hard moving target to hit. Still the weight of fire increases as more men make it outside, at least half a dozen are opening up. A bullet nicks Ritsuka(Fox)'s fox ear. The gunfire makes it hard to focus on a small creature to path too.
BANG BANG, suddenly ahead of Ritsuka(Fox) the treeline lights up with a pair of riflemen, not to shoot Ritsuka(Fox) but to come to her rescue, their shots are accurate and come by surprise to the men out of cover. They drop two men instantly, a third is shot in the back as he tries to run inside. The last three manage to get inside and pop shots from within the doorway, but its a useless gesture. Ritsuka has no problem pathing to her own men to get to safety of the treeline. She may wish to have her men exact revenge on the remaining assailants, or have an escort out of there.