\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Encounterlogs/Mikhaels Odd Encounter Sr Elanora 240621

Mikhaels Odd Encounter Sr Elanora 240621

Mikhael, a man accustomed to the more mundane aspects of his job, finds himself coerced into an unexpected adventure after a pair of inebriated police officers, Jenny and Joy, enlist his help under the guise of urgency. The trio arrives at a decrepit, abandoned house on the outskirts of town, believed to be at the heart of a series of mysterious disappearances plaguing the area during a bustling tourist season. The officers, unable to fully function due to their condition, delegate the investigation of the ominous structure to Mikhael, dubbing him an "honorary policeman" for the day. The house, encroached upon by the relentless grip of nature, exudes an aura of forgotten tales and dark secrets, setting the stage for a chilling exploration.

As Mikhael delves deeper into the abandoned residence, he uncovers signs of occult practices and forbidden lore, suggesting that the house serves as a secret congregation spot for The Destined Host, a group implicated in the town's recent vanishing acts. The presence of strange symbols, books on demonic entities, and remnants of rituals confirms the gravity of Mikhael's task. He is faced with unraveling the mysteries of The Destined Host's intentions and finding a way to thwart their sinister plans. The odd encounter, initiated by an impromptu partnership with law enforcement under less-than-ideal circumstances, thrusts Mikhael into a perilous journey through the shadows of the unknown, challenging him to put an end to the looming threat before it claims more unsuspecting victims.
(Mikhael's odd encounter(SRElanora):SRElanora)

[Thu Jun 20 2024]

In a Spacious, Suave Living Space with View of the Bay
This formal living room is spacious, a blend of modern luxury and historic tranquility. Dark wallpaper with swirling silver patterns adorns the walls, adding a touch of sophistication to the space, creating an illusion of expansiveness, serving as a central point in the penthouse, seamlessly connecting the hallways and foyer. Strategically placed indoor plants breathe life into the space, harmonizing with the abstract, refined decor.

Black, hard marble floors stretch elegantly throughout the apartment, lending an airy feel to the residence. The high ceiling, painted in a shadowy darkness, is adorned with clouded figures and warped shades blending seamlessly in a foreboding visual illuminated by a minimalist chandelier with cascading glass orbs that bathe the room in soft, ambient glow.

A glass balcony nestled between broad windows offers a scenic view towards the east, showcasing Haven's Bay framed by hazy blurs of old-growth forest. In the distance, the tempestuous Atlantic Ocean captivates with its restless waves, shifting from stony depths in colder seasons to coastal blues in warmer ones. Despite the open floor plan, the space exudes a sense of elevation, with steps on either side of the connecting hallway adding to its grandeur.

It is morning, about 69F(20C) degrees,

(Your target and their allies stumble upon a seemingly abandoned house while investigating a series of mysterious disappearances in the town. As they explore the house, they find signs of occult activities - a basement filled with strange symbols, a library full of books on demonic lore, and an attic containing remnants of dark rituals. The house turns out to be a secret meeting place for The Destined Host. The group must uncover what The Destined Host is planning and stop them before it's too late. They could also find a way to alert the authorities without putting themselves in danger. This encounter could involve combat, puzzle-solving, and elements of investigation.)
The morning sun slowly rises over the sleepy quaint town of haven. It is summer time. Which means the tourists are here in droves to sample the sometimes deadly swells at the beach and crowd into the bars and night clubs with little expectations of what 'other' they can find. Surely it's just a nice beach close to New York and Boston with a little bit of sand compared to the disgusting beaches that occupy most of the rest of America.

So it comes to no one surprise that with the influx of all the tourists parading into town, that one or two or three would disappear here and there. Only apparently someone had gotten a bit too... hungry and had disappeared a whole lot more.

Mikhael, who had been at his work at the Howl working some cushy protection detail work - thankfully indoors from the glaring heat of the summer had been hooked in by a couple of young HSD agents who had received some critical intelligence while they were giggling at the bar. They had looked around, begging everyone that they could find - which wasn't very many people at 7am and had turned begging puppy dog eyes on Mikhael.

Please please please! They had begged, telling him that it was a time critical mission and apparently everyone on that say at the HSD that could be spared had called in sick. They might have be able to find one or more of the tourists that had disappeared! Of course the girls had then dissolved into a conversation of wether it would be better to actually find them alive or not - since finding them alive would require an awful lot of brain washing, memory wiping and likely compensation in order for them to forget what had happened.

Still, they had somehow managed to persuade the man to go, likely with some promise of future assistance of the more .. bribatory kind from the police department and even kindly allowed the man to drive given they had both been drinking.

So that is how Mikhael found himself sitting in the drivers seat, in a police car with the police sirens on and the flashing lights and all as well as two, slightly tipsy - maybe slightly more than tipsy police officers.

Officer Jenny sat in the seat next to him, her hair dyed a luxurious green. It was tied in a ponytail behind her and of course it wasn't her natural colour she had reassured the man while he was driving. She had her passenger side reflector down and was busy reapplying her make up in the mirror - it was important to put on a good appearance to the public and she looked like she had been drinking all night - which she had. Eyeliner, mascara, all went on while Mikhael go to enjoy bullying every other car out of the way of the wailing police van. Bright green eyes blinked into the mirror as she applied the last of the mascara and then handed it behind her to her partner - Officer Joy. Officer Joy had her hair dyed a gleeful pink and it was currently up in double pigtails that looped in on each other. Vivid blue eyes winked at Mikhael from the backseat as he almost missed a pedestrian, "It's okay! You can go Faster!" She urges the man as he tears down main street, "It's an emergency after all!"

It is by some miracle of man or perhaps god when they finally screech to a halt infront of an abandoned looking shack far at the edge of town. The forest had already started to reclaim it, tendrils of vines and wreathing mist just trailing over the soil of the garden which was completley full of weeds.

The house itself was a dark, two story crumbling montrosity. The awning were all sagging. The roof on the second floor looked like it had collapsed in. Plants had factidiously made their way into the walls, breaking them down and it looked like one could see light through some of the brick from the other side.

"Oohhhhhh." Officer Jenny exclaims softly as she stared at the ruins of the crumbling house. She switches off the siren and shares at look with Officer Joy. "This looks dangerous..." She exclaims as she looks at Mikhael wide eyed. "Um... As a officer to the law whose been enebriated.... Enebrated... Eniabrated..." She seemed too inebriated to even pronounce the word properly. "I... think it would be better if you went in there... Um with Nurs- Officer Joy." She says with a definately nod of her head.

In the back seat, Joy was shaking her head too, "No I drank moooore than you remember? I had those shots off your belly button.... I'm sorry Mick.... Mike... Mikhael... Whatever your name was... I'm afraid we're going to have to make you an honorary police man today and uh... You're going to have to go down into that basement and check it out for .... Any survivors." Joy nods enouragingly as both officers turn pleading eyes over to the man in the hot seat. Literally.