\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Encounterlogs/Ritsukas Odd Encounter Sr Edith 250210

Ritsukas Odd Encounter Sr Edith 250210

The tranquil morning in the Moore residence is abruptly interrupted when Colton Moore spots a stern-looking state police officer approaching his front door. Without hesitance, he cunningly evades confrontation by sneaking into the adjacent Moore Woods, transforming into his wolf form. The officer, failing to make contact, leaves behind a document under Colton's door and retreats, evidently unaware of Colton's wolfish sleight. The woods then become a stage for unity and revelry as Colton, now a wolf, summons his kin—cousins, siblings, and friends—all morphed into their wolf forms. Their gathering is marked by excitement, a shared eagerness for adventure, and a communal sentiment against the intrusion represented by the police officer. This collective energy is palpable, with the pack's eagerness to engage in a chase, pulsating through the air, awaiting Colton's lead.

The climax of the story unfolds with the Moore pack executing a thrilling chase, driving the state police officer out of town. Their pursuit is a display of raw, communal power, weaving through the woods with agility and grace, their howls casting an ominous aura over the chase. The pack revels in the chase, their spirits unbridled, ensuring the officer's swift departure with her siren blaring, a testament to their intimidating presence. As the chase concludes and the pack watches the officer disappear into the distance, the exhaustion of the pursuit sets in. Shay, one of the younger wolves, embodies this fatigue and playfully requests a ride back on Colton's back. This endearing moment encapsulates the essence of the adventure—a blend of familial bonds, mischief, and the sheer thrill of the chase, leaving the Moore family's spirit undeterred by the fleeting scare of law enforcement.
(Ritsuka's odd encounter(SREdith):SREdith)

[Sun Feb 9 2025]

In The Heart of a Shrine House
Soft sunlight filters through narrow wooden slats along the ceiling, casting dappled patterns on the polished wooden floors. A branch of a tree seems to carry along just enough above one slat by the side, and some green, mistletoe, manages to just peer into the room. At the room's center is a low, circular table made of rich, dark wood, surrounded by zabuton cushions arranged with precise care. Hanging scrolls adorned with calligraphy of sacred Shinto prayers and natural landscapes line the walls.

In the northeast corner of the room rests a larger kamidana, its small torii gate framing the sacred space. Fresh offerings of water and evergreen sprigs sit before the altar, paying homage to the kami that protect the home. A subtle scent of burning sandalwood incense lingers in the air, and the rhythmic tinkling of a nearby wind chime adds a layer allows for an occasional peaceful sound.

An elaborate and expensive looking statue of a nine-tailed kitsune stands right besides the altar in a resting position. A small ball of golden light shimmers from between its ears and a bowl with dry rice stands besides it.

It is morning, about -9F(-22C) degrees, and there are a few dark grey stormclouds in the sky.

(Someone in Haven has found out about the supernatural and is freaking out about it. They're at risk of exposing the secret, hurting themselves, or hurting others. Your target and their allies are tasked with containing the situation.
Raina looks at Ritsuka and the foxfire that is gathering around her

Raina raina looks at Ritsuka and the foxfire that is gathering around her

Raina looks at ritsuka and the foxfire that is gathering around her "...well, knowing all of this, is certainly a lot to really take in" Raina took a deep breath and looks at Takeshi and then at herself "if he is an oni does that make me one as well?" she asked ritsuka and asked another question when Takeshi brought up a point she too has been meaning to ask which is kind of answered

Ritsuka smiles sweet as the golden foxfire is then drawn into herself. "No, it is rare usually... to awaken to it, usually once every few generations, but we could take a blood test to see if you possess it, and you are a lot less rowdy than he is." She places the mask over her gaze again. "He says you never wielded a weapon before, is there one you wish to wield and learn about? We can sort that out before we go. You will also need armor if you do not have equipment already."

Takeshi continues to frown but nods his head as someone explains that not all roles in the Tsubaki are combat orientated. He still seems somewhat upset, however. "Eh? Raina-chan really has to be part of the Tsubaki?" He complains before looking to Raina with a frown "No way." He tells her snidely "You'd never be a cool demon, like me." He leans in, his face right in front of the girl as he talks meanly to her! He leans back a little to give further context "The Hikanagi, are you know, have served Amaterasu since before written records." He informs her "What they didn't tell you is that Amaterasu has, throughout history, interbred the Hikanagi with both, what we could broadly call demons, and what we could broadly call angels. We've got a lot of different kinds of blood floating around. The family is a factory farm for the supernatural, and we've got all kinds."

Takeshi continues to frown but nods his head as Ritsuka explains that not all roles in the Tsubaki are combat orientated. He still seems somewhat upset, however. "Eh? Raina-chan really has to be part of the Tsubaki?" He complains before looking to Raina with a frown "No way." He tells her snidely "You'd never be a cool demon, like me." He leans in, his face right in front of the girl as he talks meanly to her! He leans back a little to give further context "The Hikanagi, are you know, have served Amaterasu since before written records." He informs her "What they didn't tell you is that Amaterasu has, throughout history, interbred the Hikanagi with both, what we could broadly call demons, and what we could broadly call angels. We've got a lot of different kinds of blood floating around. The family is a factory farm for the supernatural, and we've got all kinds."

Takeshi would however, take a moment to appreciate the drip "Eh ... Cool make, Obachan."

Takeshi would however, take a moment to appreciate the drip "Eh ... Cool mask, Obachan."*

Raina wonders someone question for a moment, she really never wielded anything heavier than books, so far but if she is plunging head first into the unknown, knowing how to fight seems like a good idea "well, i dont have any weapon or armor, i never thought i ever needed something like that and learning how to fight wasnt a hobby of mine either..." maybe she should have taken some lessons in martial arts....wouldve helped her right this very moment

Raina wonders Ritsuka question for a moment, she really never wielded anything heavier than

Raina wonders Ritsuka question for a moment, she really never wielded anything heavier than books, so far but if she is plunging head first into the unknown, knowing how to fight seems like a good idea "well, i dont have any weapon or armor, i never thought i ever needed something like that and learning how to fight wasnt a hobby of mine either..." maybe she should have taken some lessons in martial arts....wouldve helped her right this very moment

Ritsuka makes a small nod to Raina "I will give you a bow, a spare katana and the armor I would wear whenever I attend an operation. It is more designed like a kimono, but the inside layering is kevlar, protective. And we should spar every few days. You won't see progress quickly at the beginning, but if you keep on it, it will eventually happen and you will notice yourself improve quickly."

"A spear." Takeshi decides to answer on behalf of Raina "It's similar enough to the Onigari no Ryoken you use in the cotton cutting ritual that you'll know how to handle it." He explains to Raina "Just has like, a point, instead of a hoe head at the top."

Takeshi says "You wouldn't have a spear instead of a katana, would you, Obachan?"
Raina lets out a small smile, she looks like she is determined to prove her worth to the tsubaki or atleast try to. Raina thinks about it for a moment, she then nodded to herself and answered Ritsuka "a spear...a spear would do well actually" Raina is trying to use the training that she has been given up to this point, though it was just practice she is likely nowhere near as good with an actual weapon in hand.

"Alright, come along with me then, the two of you." Ritsuka quietly says, raising her hands to shrug. "Let's get you garbed up and buy the glaive; Takeshi-san, would you help Raina-san get into the armored kimono? I will just go on to grab it for the moment."

Takeshi nods his head, accepting the armored kimono, looking it over with squinted eyes as he tries to figure out how on earth they managed to work armor plates into a kimono. "Arms out to the side." He tells Raina, still seeming somewhat annoyed his lame, loser little sister was coming on his cool, badass monster hunting adventure to him as he closes in to start forming the Kimono around her, something Raina would be more than used to having done for her, though usually by her hand maid.

Takeshi with him* not to him

Ritsuka does go on to retrieve the armored kimono from her own room, and hands it to Takeshi before she makes her way out through the front door. She looks armed, but not armored and makes her way over to the avenue.

Our story begins, as many do on an arbitrary date. In this case, it is sunday morning in February in the year 2025. Though many tales begin with peace, some do not, and today's is yet one of the other kind-- One of those smaller stories that have the potential to set the scene for the days or weeks to come; A delicate thing that is more personable than not. So too our players, Ritsuka, Raina and Takeshi are gathered, as many heroes and heroins often do in such narratives, though in this case, it is not for great adventure. Oh for certain, the original intent was for one. Ritsuka, Raina and Takeshi were getting ready to don armor and enter the wider world, but as these things often do, a disruption is the catalist to prolong those original plans. In Ritsuka's serene shrine home, nestled on the outskirts of Haven, where the whispers of the natural world entwine with the supernatural, something quite unexpected is about to take place. As the sun rises, its soft rays trickle through the narrow wooden slats in the ceiling, the gentle light casting a soft mosaic of radiants and shadow that cavorts across the polished wooden floors. The air is crisp and cool, hinting at the chill outside, yet within the shrine, a warmth emanates from the spirit of reverence. Outside, the muted sounds of traffic hum from Forest View Drive-- vehicles whooshing past, their engines purring against the backdrop of the tranquil stillness. Occasionally, the faint honk of a horn punctuates the air, a reminder of the bustling town just beyond the trees. Yet, within the shrine, time seems suspended, cocooned in the tranquility of modernity's comforting blanket. To the west, the Tsubaki steadily grows, thanks to Ritsuka, and the protection of the kitsune eidolon who these three follow. Then, of course, as Ritsuka, Takeshi and Raina are prepping, the knock comes. The sound itself is muted, much like the traffic outside, though there is insistance to it. The sound of someone very much attempting to gain attention with haste.

Raina nodded, she wonders how does the armored kimono even work, seem like something quite hard to pull off or even make if she thinks about it...then again logic did get thrown out of the window mere moments ago, she should stop thinking about it sooner for the better.

Raina looks at Takeshi and raises her arms out, she remembers wearing a kimono a while back...it really isnt practical to move around in, but she should get used to it real quick "i really would rather have tamamo san help me wear it at this moment..." Raina looks nervously at Takeshi

Ritsuka is just about at the door and opens it. "Ohayo-" She says, certainly having a sheathed blade at her side, though she does call back to the others "I will also provide you my yami in a moment, Raina-san. And when we move out I can explain the proper procedure." And it is only then that she looks to whomever had knocked, if they hadn't yet run away, and then, speaks in English, looking them over.

Ritsuka says "I apologize, we are preparing to do a little hunting in the forest. Maybe today it will be a bear or deer."
"Yeah, well, Tamamo-san is still getting your stuff moved over so you're stuck with me for the time being" He grumbles to her as he pulls the kimono onto her, being much less gentle than her handmaid might have been as he tugs and pulls at the fabric, tightening it around her before finishing the job and sending her staggering forwards a couple steps with a clap on her ass "There you go." Takeshi tells Raina before looking over to the door as someone tries to gain entry, glancing over to Ritsuka next, seeming to figure it was best she met any guests. He makes his way over with a curiosity though, peering over his shoulder at the person trying to gain entrance! "Eh? Who's that?" He asks someone, talking in a language the man likely didn't understand

"Yeah, well, Tamamo-san is still getting your stuff moved over so you're stuck with me for the time being" He grumbles to her as he pulls the kimono onto her, being much less gentle than her handmaid might have been as he tugs and pulls at the fabric, tightening it around her before finishing the job and sending her staggering forwards a couple steps with a clap on her ass "There you go." Takeshi tells Raina before looking over to the door as someone tries to gain entry, glancing over to Ritsuka next, seeming to figure it was best she met any guests. He makes his way over with a curiosity though, peering over his shoulder at the person trying to gain entrance! "Eh? Who's that?" He asks Ritsuka, talking in a language the man likely didn't understand

Raina tumbles over a bit, this is very impractical she should really try her best to get used to wearing this, since...it is very protective "a guest?" Raina looks at Takeshi before peeking her head over to look over the unfolding situation, she is rather curious about what is going on in the tsubaki afterall.

Ritsuka does say back, in Japanese "I am not so sure yet. We are about to see."

The heavy thud of insistent knocking echoes through from the gate doors to Ritsuka's kitchen all the way through to the shrine, each strike resonating with urgency that pierces the air like a warning bell. The sound is precise and deliberate, a rhythm that demands attention-- And now, as if the very walls could feel the weight of the moment. Ritsuka pauses by the door,, Takeshi and Raina catching up for their hunting trip, as one might expect. As the door creaks open at Ritsuka's touch, the chill of the morning air sweeps in, carrying with it the scent of damp earth and pine from the forest that permiates all aspects of Haven life, mundane and supernatural both. In the courtyard stand three formidable figures, each a testament to the grit and resilience that Ritsuka demanded from her allies. Three women from the Iron Camellia, clad in muted fatigues that blend seamlessly into the forest backdrop, exuding that quiet strength of oppressed women now free. Sheathed blades gleame ominously at their hips, while retractable batons hang at the ready, and the weight of rifles rest comfortably on their shoulders, a declaration of intent for any who threaten their new home. Their leader stepps forward with a practiced grace, a bow deep and respectful-- a gesture that transcended their American roots, forged in the fires of loyalty and gratitude towards Ritsuka and the freedoms she granted them. These are not just soldiers but sisters in arms, bound by the shared scars of past battles fought in the shadows of Haven. "So," the leader begins, her voice steady yet laced with urgency, "weve got a situation." The words are clipped but clear, the gravity of her tone matching the weight of the chill in the february air. "A group of college students from Boston was camping in the forest, and theyve stumbled into something they shouldnt have; A convocation of dryads from the other." As she speaks the air thickens around the three, Ritsuka, Takeshi and Raina, the tension palpable. "Worse than that, they have cameras and they saw /everything/. And none of my women have any skill in hypnotism." Behind her, the forest loomes like a silent sentinel, trees bending and swaying as if whispering secrets of ancient magic-- And of course, ancient and secret magics are what is needed to resolve this situation, as so many things are in Haven.

Takeshi raises his sword up to his shoulder, the impractically oversized Nodachi still in it's scabbard as he rests it there, looking the three women up and down. He gathers quickly enough that these are friends of Ritsuka and looks between her and them as they explain the situation. "Eh? Campers?" He asks, with a raised eyebrow before shrugging. "Why bother hypnotism? Give me location, I make them quiet." He says before grinning a dangerous glimmer in his eyes as he remembers a quote from an old movie he once saw, looking to Ritsuka with a pleased look on his face "Dead men tell no tales, you know."

"Can use our comms to let me know in the future," Ritsuka quietly answers, making a brief, thoughtful nod. "If it is recent amnesia will work, if it is a bit longer ago, then it wouldn't. But I'll prepare some alchemical substances for situations like this in the future." She does roll her eyes and glances at Takeshi "Sanctuary, baka. Murder is heavily penalitized on the whole group by Venice. Do not kill anyone here."

Raina raises her brow, she wasnt going to open her mouth to say anything, observing the situation with a quiet understanding that the supernatural is largely a secret and that whatever is going on has the chance to completely breach that secret, still, hearing about dryads and such is a bit suprising. Raina quickly grabs Takeshi and shook him still being silent to actually listen to the conversation instead of interjecting with dangerous opinions.

Takeshi says "Eh ... Right ... Yeah ... Sanctuary ..."
Takeshi sags his shoulders with a disappointed sigh

Raina says "so that is what a sanctuary is..... "
The courtyard is a tapestry of muted colors, where the gentle rustle of leaves dances with the soft whispers of the morning breeze. The air is thick with the heady scent of winter flora, scents of pine floating in from the forest as the chill air gusts. Shadows stretch across the cobblestones this early in the morning, though the sun is cresting now, and those grow slim, as though the supernatural were retreating from Ritsuka, Takeshi and Raina, continuing to create that mosaic of dark and light, though this time in shades of green and gold against the grey sky, pregnant with impending rain. Standing before the shrine-- The modest structure adorned with intricate carvings of nature-- the three Iron Camellia women exude their trained air of quiet authority. Their expressions solemn, eyes reflecting concern and determination. The leader, a woman with sharp features and an unwavering gaze, steps forward once more to more fully address Ritsuka, her gaze sweeping over Takeshi and Raina before returning to their leader, her voice carrying a hint of urgency as she addresses the asian woman in her kitsune mask."The three campers who witnessed the dryads... theyre in the security building now," she begins, her tone measured yet laced with an undercurrent of tension. The others nod in understanding, their posture alert, ready to absorb the gravity in Ritsuka's orders. "Their cameras have been confiscated, but if they attempt to keep or wipe the footage..." She trails off, leaving the implication hanging in the air like a storm cloud, the weight of it palpable. A chorus of rustling leaves punctuates her words, the trees surrounding the courtyard seeming to lean in, eavesdropping on the unfolding drama. The soft chirping of winter birds begins to fill the silence, a reminder of incroaching nature, as the leader continues, "They were streaming live. If that footage gets out" Her voice drops, a shared recognition of the potential chaos that could ensue rippling through the group. "We will contact you over coms in future. We paniced." the leader of the three women admits, the three exchanging looks as they each salute to Ritsuka's point. "For now though, what are your orders ma'm?"

Raina looks over at Ritsuka for her orders

"We'll just leave the internet part of it to Venice, should be easy enough to claim this is some latest engine thing for a video game, there is some very impressive videos out there that makes me think it is real until I realize much later." Ritsuka quietly says, shaking her head, before her eyes look back to Takeshi and Raina "Takeshi-san, Raina-san. Coming along? This will be standard procedure to how we handle people that came into the know who should not, and is the go to method across the world." She reaches up and removes her mask, and then also the sun-glasses that lie under them.

The sharp-featured leader of the Cammelia exchanges a glance with her subordinates when Takeshi makes his point of simply eliminating the college students, though in spite of the practicality of it, they wait for Ritsuka's orders.

Takeshi blinks as he looks over to Ritsuka "Eh? I'm not coming?" He protests, holding his Nodachi over his shoulder, not seeming to realize why that might make Ritsuka less enthusiastic to bring him along on such a delicate operation ...

Ritsuka shakes her head briefly. "I think this is something Raina-san is better to know and learn about right now."

Raina looked at Takeshi briefly before looking back to Ritsuka and nods "ill try not to burden you" her first foray to this part of the world, well better this than anything else honestly, she began following Ritsuka and once again looks at Takeshi "well...we seem to be going to do more talking than swinging a sword, something that you really excel at" honestly she was actually looking foward to see her brother do his thing, he seemed very enthusiastic about it too, must be cathartic and fun.

Takeshi looks *exceptionally* upset about Raina being declared more capable than him to handle this, but that's something to unpack another day. He leaves in a huff!

The chill air permeates everything; It gusts, and in that, it rustles hair and clothing alike, the impending quiet before the storm, where a grim duty must be done by Ritsuka, Raina and the Iron Camellia. Ritsuka's shrine home doors swing closed behind her, the sound abrasive in the near quiet of sunday morning, and the slight traffic of those traveling from Haven through Wailer Road and beyond. As the five now cross the courtyard, Takeshi having decided to remain behind, the three women fall into step around Ritsuka and Raina, and in no time, they have crossed the yard and the shrines to either side, then traversed the main length of Forest View Drive, entering the district of Tsubaki Avenue. As they do, two teams-- Groups of four Iron Camellia women step from the security building and into the forest. "The teams going to deal with the dryads." the sharp faced woman informs Ritsuka and Raina. The pine and decay scents drifd through, the reminder of the city so near, and yet, here, there is only the wild. Hearts thundering, breath misting before them Ritsuka, Raina and the three women reach the security building, and find what they came to seek; The four college kids are typicle american. They arn't even really dressed or equipped for a normal forest, let alone the supernatural one. Still less with the mist rising and faling erratically today. It truly is fortunate that they were found by Ritsuka's women and not any monster they couldn't escape from. Then of course comes the actual task. Ritsuka is able to provide the kids with the amnesia required, and it seems to take. The students equipment is gathered, Venice is informed, and the footage is dismissed as a hoax along the lines of the Blare Witch project. Ritsuka and Raina are able to deal with the situation cleanly and quietly, and all returns to normal.

Give me a few minutes to run to Forest View and I'll summon you both. Thank you for taking part.

(Someone has sent the state police after your target. Perhaps they're a real criminal or perhaps they've been framed, in either case it's up to them to get their arrest warrant handled and removed.
This fine early-February morning in Haven brings with it dreary dark stormclouds in the sky, and a refusal of the sun to shine through them while Colton works(?) in the unkempt yard - which could really use some cleaning up, just for the record. To prove the point, a gust of chilly wind blows through and sends a couple of beer cans rattling across the ground, clinking and clanking.

Beyond the chirping of birds and the occasional laughter of children - and the even more occasional yelling of a Moore Mother:tm: - there's the sound of a car pulling up into his driveway, gravel crunching underneath tyres, and Colton's front door being knocked on, not long after. A glimpse around the side of the house would reveal it to be a stern-looking woman with a no-nonsense bearing Colton would recognize as someone of authority - and the state police jacket gives her origins away easily. At least she's not banging too loud, or threatening to tear his door down. The only sound to be heard is another knock-knock-knock followed by, "Mister Moore? Open up."

Well, it's a good thing Colton was out back and not in the house. He doesn't even need to stick his head around the trailer to know what he wants to do here: he slinks low, creeping just a little further, a little further, a little further to the south before he's swallowed up by those glorious Moore Woods he lived right next to. Good luck getting a car in here to chase him around, Mister Policeman. His emotions thrum in his chest, echoing out to the other Moores; alarm, mischief, that special flavour of disdain that applies just to the cops. He glides behind a tree, stashing some of his clothes beneath bushes before his flesh melts away into the russet coat of his wolf form, and he lopes deeper into the woods. Perhaps his pack would join him soon, and they could have some fun chasing the police around town.

Knock. Knock-knock. Knock-knock-knock, Miss-not-Mister Policeman goes again, waiting a beat, then two, then three. "Colton Moore?" comes her voice to Colton(wolf)'s ears, sounding more impatient than anything else now. Still, there's no attempt made to knock his flimsy door down. Instead, she just exhales out a sigh, sounding annoyed, and leans down to slide something beneath his door - he can probably look at whatever-it-is later when he's feeling more human.

For now, the woman makes to move back to her vehicle -- and then pauses when she hears the rustling in the trees. There's a look over her shoulder, scanning the Moore woods nearby with suspicion.

It's a Sunday, so that means there's no school for the non-delinquent kids to be at. Colton(wolf)'s emotions are felt most vividly indeed, and it's only a matter of seconds before there's a whole gaggle of teens-wolves thrumming with excitement and mischief making their way out of another section of the woods, roughhousing it up with each other, bumping and nudging and play-biting as they make their way over to Colton(wolf) excitedly with tails wagging. There's his cousin Shay, and little Jim even if he's not quite little anymore - not to be confused with big Jim who's not here but definitely bigger - and his older brother Remy and-- well, there's a lot of them, and Colton(wolf) knows them all. The point is, they're all staring at him now with ears pricked up and tails wagging back and forth and excitement writ all over their wolvish features and he doesn't need to be pack to pick up the sheer intensity of chase???? chasechasechase?? Play?!?!?! emanating over his way, just waiting for his go-ahead in the most impatient of ways anyone did ever wait; one of them nips at his leg playfully, and another all but clambers on top of him now that he's in his smaller form.

Colton(wolf) duly tussles with a couple of his cousins for a few moments, but there's only so much time to fit the warm-up in. Once he sees the cop lady's car pull out of Westhaven proper, he rushes to keep abreast of it from his spot in the woods - and with as many of his family following as possible. He lets their numbers swell for now; let the lot of them spill out onto the road and truly chase her out of town once she was on one of the lonelier roads. Still, he lets out a quieter howl as he runs, letting the ominous call echo out to spook the target of their chase. Maybe they'd get lucky, and the cop would notice their shapes passing between the trees a little early. Then she'd really have time to get scared.

If the poor cop had been given a chance at all, she could've just explained that she was here to ask a few innocent questions, and have been on her way in ten minutes; alas, 'tis not the case, and the poor woman instead seems to notice something is amiss on her way out south of town. There's a slowing of her car as she reaches out a hand to adjust the rear view mirror, peering out into the darkness of the forest while she drives along the empty road--

Right in time for all the wolves to come spilling out, following her car. There's a widening of her eyes, visible in the mirror, before she slams her foot on the accelerator and just about zooms out of town, siren blaring the entire way.

The kids follow as far as they can before they get too tired, the thrill of the chase carrying them halfway out of town themselves upon swift lupine feet, until they stop to watch the woman drive off into the far distance.

Shay wants a ride on Colton(wolf)'s back on the way back, because she's tired now. This is what he gets.