\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Encounterlogs/Seamuss Odd Encounter Sr Lenny 250208

Seamuss Odd Encounter Sr Lenny 250208

In a bleak New England afternoon, Seamus finds himself engaged in a conversation with a mysterious noir-esque woman in crimson, on a seemingly ordinary street. Their encounter quickly turns unusual as she invites him to her room at a nearby hotel. Despite the dreary and chilly setting, the allure of the moment leads Seamus to follow her, intrigued by the prospect of an encounter that seems straight out of a dream or perhaps, a classic film noir scenario. However, as their interaction unfolds within the confines of the hotel room, marked by the woman's transformation revealing only crimson lacy lingerie beneath her trench coat, the experience takes a surreal turn. Seamus soon finds himself waking up in his bed, feeling drained and exhausted, yet with a vivid memory of the dreamlike encounter, hinting at something far beyond the ordinary or explainable.

Meanwhile, in the town of Haven, Auri and Jess encounter a young woman inadvertently exposing supernatural secrets through her phone conversation at a public pool. With Haven's community at risk of exposure, Auri and Jess must contain the situation discreetly. Auri, ever enthusiastic, engages the girl with curiosity about vampires and giant rats, trying to distract and dissuade her from spreading her findings further. Jess, with a more direct approach, hints at the consequences of sharing such secrets but offers protection in exchange for discretion. The encounter paints a delicate balance between maintaining the veil over the supernatural world and indulging in the fantasies it inspires. In the end, the young woman is left uncertain but intrigued by the promise of unseen wonders, potentially swayed from her initial intent to expose the secrets she stumbled upon, thanks to the tactful intervention of Auri and Jess.
(Seamus's odd encounter(SRLenny):SRLenny)

[Fri Feb 7 2025]

On Prospect Street

It is afternoon, about 21F(-6C) degrees, and there are a few dark grey stormclouds in the sky.

(Your target is attacked by a dream stalker who subjects them to their greatest fantasies in the dream world in order to keep their body passive while it's energies are fed upon. They need to, possibly with the help of allies entering their dreams, resist the temptation long enough for other allies to find them or for them to wake up.
As Seamus makes his way down prospect street on his way to wherever he was going. He finds the streets quiet. There is a chill in the air that bites deep even through Seamus's trench coat and the dark clouds in the sky almost completely occlude the sun. Due to the time of day the street lights are not on so it might actually be a touch darker than it would be at night. The environment is dreary and unwelcoming, making one want to find a refuge of comfort as soon as possible. No sane person would want to linger on this street for long.

Seamus pauses outside the Trove, his original destination, and pulls out his pack of marlboros and his lighter. It is cold and dreary but he needs a smoke before going inside and lights up, pulling his coat tightly around him and his cap down tightly on his head. "New England winters," he grumbles in begruging disgust.

Coming down the street, a woman matching Seamus's athesthetic comes approaching except she's quite something. Her trench coat is crimson and tightly bound at the waist to show off her curves. She wears a red fedora as well that obscures part of her face. Her dark lock have been styled to cover half of her face. She looks and feels like a noir temptress, just a little unreal. Each footstep from her stilletos clicks on the side walk and gets louder as she approaches Seamus, when shes near she stops and with a sultry tone she says, "Got another?" in reference to his smoke.

Seamus looks a little shocked at that question. "Sure," he says and taps out one more, handing it to her, and then pulling out his brass zippo and gives it a flick, holding it out for the woman to light up with. "So what has you out on a morning like this?"

a noir style black haired woman in a crimson trench coat places the cigarette butt between full lips and leans in to catch the tip on the flame. She inhales to cause the ember of the tip of the cigarette to brighten temporarily. Then she leans back letting the smoke roll out of her nostrils. "Boredom." she tells Seamus, eying him with her one visible eye. She looks him over, top to bottom as if to size him up then says, "But perhaps less bored now."

"I bet," Seamus says folding the lighter away with a sharp click. He places his cigarette to his lips and takes a sharp pull, filling his lungs before he blows the smoke out the side of his mouth, away from the woman. "So you got a name? Or should I just call you Carmen?" He chuckles a moment at his little joke and holds out his free hand, "I am Seamus."

Slightly ticking her chin up, the woman doesn't seem to understand the reference the man is trying to make. She gives a thin smile while she reaches up to pluck the cigarette from between her lips, "Wouldn't it be more interesting if we didn't know each others names?" she tilts her head slightly brow raising as she poses the question, "I'm only in town for a day, over at the Antlers there..Care to join me for a drink in my room?"

Seamus sizes up the woman for a moment, blinking when she doesn't get the reference, then looks around. Not seeing anything, or any one, that needs his attention, he nods and says, "Sure why not." He wedges his cigarette in the corner of his mouth, bogarting it, before motioning for her to lead the way.

With a pleased look on her face the noirette turns and begins to lead Seamus down the street. She keeps ahead of him and her hips sway with emphasis on their pleasant shape. Its not too far to Antlers from Trove, but even then it feels like it barely took any time at all to travel the distance. Before Seamus is even aware they are inside the antlers. Passing the desk and going up the stairs to one of the rooms. Its all a blur till they get into the quaint room.

Once inside the noirette unties the sash at her waist holding her trench coat closed and she turns to face Seamus, "You know how to be discreet yes?"

Seamus winks, "Of course. Decretion is what my clients value the most about me. That and my charming wit." He stomped the butt out of the cigarette on their way in, leaving it in the street like a heathen, but then again he wasn't going to bring it inside the antlers.

The woman removes her fedora to set it on the top of the coat rack. Then she clucks her tongue softly and tips her head to the bed to Seamus, "Sit." she says as she finishes undoing the sash at her waist. When it comes off her trench coat falls open. It's every mans fantasy, beneath is nothing but crimson lacy lingerie, she went out in public with only the trench coat and underwear it seems. She smirks, looking amused by this as she lets Seamus glimpse her. Its the kind of scenario that could only happen in ones dreams but it is happening now apparently.

"Well, I'll be," Seamus says shrugging out of his own trench coat and pulling off his cap, draping them over the back of the hotel chair before settling down into it, unbuttoning his jacket as he is told.

Everything is off. As dreams are prone to be. Nothing feels quite as good as the real thing, the room seems to change subtly everytime its looked at. But these things are very easy to miss when one isn't paying attention. More so for someone like Seamus who is unaware. The gritty details of the Noirettes dalliance with Seamus are up to the imagination and when its over Seamus wakes in his own bed. Exhausted, drained beyond what a mere bad sleep would account for. But in exchange he has a fond dream to think about.

Everything is off. As dreams are prone to be. Nothing feels quite as good as the real thing, the room seems to change subtly everytime its looked at. But these things are very easy to miss when one isn't paying attention. More so for someone like Seamus who is unaware. The gritty details of the Noirettes dalliance with Seamus are up to the imagination and when its over Seamus wakes in his own bed. Exhausted, drained beyond what a mere bad sleep would account for. But in exchange he has a fond dream to think about. (repost)

Seamus shakes his head when he wakes up and adjusts his clothing. "I need to get laid," he grumbles. In his view it must have just been that, mental urges repressed.

(Someone in Haven has found out about the supernatural and is freaking out about it. They're at risk of exposing the secret, hurting themselves, or hurting others. Your target and their allies are tasked with containing the situation.
Jess joined! There's like six people in there.

Auri is casually speaking of glowing jewels and spirits in the pool as she swims, a fluid kick of her legs and periodic serpentine swish of her arms, comfortable floating in the heated water as long untied hair flows around her.

Jess slips out of the pool, escaping the scantily clad with as casually as one can in an open space: by texting. "Is Liv your roommate?"

Auri blinks as her phone, left on the side of the pool, starts buzzing. She moves over to it, checking the screen. "Oh? Lisa? I think so. She said she wanted to be, but I haven't seen her since."

Auri called that over to Jess, having no sense of privacy.

Jess says "She mentioned she weren't in college yet, though."
It is just another calm afternoon in the town of Haven. Maybe a bit chilly as the last weeks of winter cling to the weather around, but the spirits seem to be high among the population, it is Friday after all, and even if it's still working hours, everyone is already looking forward to be let off the hook in just a couple of hours, creating some empty yet cheerful space in the streets and around the different shops.

For most students though, this is different, in that they've already been let off the hook for the weekend, classes finished either in the morning or just after lunch, very few still have any lessons to attend to, and thus places like the campus are the ones with people coming and going everywhere, enjoying their free time as best as they can. This seems to be the case for Auri and Jess among others, enjoying some time on the pool, probably as part of some scheduled activity organized by some of the student body.

Though in the middle of all of this peace and enjoyment, as it happens in Haven, something has to happen to at least mildly disturb it, if only for a little while. Most people might not be able to hear it in a place like a pool, specially given the numerous people gathered around the place, and the talks taking place, but further to a side of the room, near the entrance really, in a corridor, there's a woman talking with a rushed tone into her phone.

"Yeah, I'm telling you I recorded it" Can be maybe heard from her, probably not a big deal, something any student could be talking about. Most of her body isn't even visible from inside the room, barely a side of her body, and the arm clinging to the phone and keeping it close to her ear, whatever it is, she had just found within this space "I told them I was a student- I knew something was up with this place... They have crazy talks about demons and vampires, wait until I show you" She hushes towards the device once more, casually speaking seemingly disregarding the idea that someone might catch on to her, after all, why would she? She has no idea that the supernatural is meant to be kept secret. Now, whether any of them can hear her conversation, unclear, will the two be able to do something about it before this escalates into something bigger? Or will they just either miss it or let it go and let it become something for bigger societies to deal with?

Auri gives a little yip of delight as she catches sight of the girl, moving grab the side of the pool, popping out with the enthusiastic vibrancy of a five year old arriving at her first big birthday "Did you say you have pictures of vampires?" she squeals, moving towards the girl. "Let me see? They are handsome like the movies? Or they are having weird noses and bald like... the other movies?" she asks eagerly.

"Ssshoot." Jess hisses under his breath, running a clawed hand through chlorine'd hair. Rising out of the water, stepping over his own shoes logo'd with the sword and scroll of The Order, he waves politely at the woman, unable to keep the wince off his face. "Excuse me ma'am..." Jess trails off as Auri pounces.

Jess strolls just a few feet, looming like a camp counselor watching kids play in turd. He sticks his hands on his hips for the support. "Are you.. Callin' another student?"

The woman standing by the entrance of the room jumps a bit startled at the sudden attention given to her, apparently thinking that stay just away enough from the sight would make her remain unseen. She nervously turns around to face both Jess and Auri, giving an awkward smile to them and muttering onto her pink phone, held against the side of her face "Uhm... I'll call you back in a bit"

She spits these words in a quick hurry before hanging up the phone and moving it behind her back, along with both of her hands, clearly tense at the questions, but more in the vein of someone that has been caught badmouthing rather than, well, making something that could cost you a visit to the clinic "Well uh- Yes! Another student, something like that- I'm new here..." And to the other girl, she clears her throat and adds "Well, no- Only someone talking about vampires, but- I have a video of this weird giant rat taxidermy on one of the classes and- Well- It's crazy, you know?"

Auri looks visibly dissapointed, crestfallen even "Ah, well giant rat is cool too. I guess." She murmurs, glancing back briefly at Jess. "She is talking to her friend, is rude to listen in!" she chastises with no sense of self-awareness evident whatsoever. Turning back to the girl she smiles brightly "If you show me giant rat, I will show you... Well, I have nothing to show you. But can I see giant rat?" she asks. "I just started here. People are loving vampires and magic men. It is almost so much as the old country, where they say witches come to steal children if they are bad." she says with a laugh.

"I'm a rude man." Jess decides sadly, but shakes off the afternoon dreary.

"We can go see live ones if it's interesting for ya. They ain't really gonna do anything but drive and eat ya, but they cain't do much to me."

Jess says "Did I say drive? I meant dive."
"Well, giant rats are not that cool- It's just..." The woman trails off there, it's clearly the reaction of someone unaware who has stumbled upon something they shouldn't see - It isn't excitement about what she saw exactly, but the fact that it was something impossible rather, or magical in the first place. But the woman's interest seems to rise up as Auri starts talking about magic and vampires once more, snickering a tiny bit and telling her "I can show you the giant rat...".

Now the phone that was previously hidden behind her back, comes forth and she starts to quickly move between some apps and folders, her fingers only stopping upon listening to Jess. Her gaze lifting up to him and freezing, maybe some disbelief, maybe some nerves about the topic "Uh- No... I'm... I'm good with the taxidermy... Thanks" She says awkwardly before turning her phone around for Auri to see, the screen presenting the recording of what seems to be one lesson inside of White Oak, filmed from the corridor, just by the entrance, much like she had been standing here in the pool, as a professor shows the students the taxidermy of one of the rats, and goes on about some of it's dangers and how to survive their attacks

"Look, I'm as far from a teacher as a man can get." Jess starts, holding up a hand as a near oath, "but you should know that there's some awful folks out there that mean to keep this a secret, and I'm one of them. It's uhh.. It's not really so much a threat as a reality. Ya' won't get hurt if you send that file- but your friend will have someone she don't know in her room five minutes from now and I cain't promise they'll be as nice."

Auri looks crestfallen again. As if she was expecting bigger; maybe she was. "Oh, yes it is very big rat." she comments softly. "You do not see these in America much." she tries to perk up, smiling to the other girl with a visible attempt to energize that smile. "Though I am thinking this one might be..." she hesitates, as if not wanting to burst the girl's bubble. But after a long moment, she leans in close to whisper conspiringly "Is scam. Like at circus with lizard boys and giant hamsters. My cousin runs this, he has many strange taxidermies of dragons and monsters that he has stitched together."

Auri glances to Jess, laughing and clapping her hands "Oh, will he be cute? He can come to my room next. He is from government, yes? Like your other friends that are studying the aliens you tell me of?"

"Not as cute as me." Jess flirts on this business call, momentarily forgetting about the whole 'The World is a secret we keep by any means necessary.'

Auri giggles "Well, mayyyybe not then." she looks to the girl "Your friend can maybe do better I think. If you say you have seen alien, they send the cute ones instead I bet." she says with a confiding nod. "Oh, do not tell of big rats though, yes? Professor already has big head, brags all the time. He thinks he is buying find of a lifetime! Is just bunch of little rats stitched together, dumb boy."

The suspicion from the mysterious girl seems to rise upon listening to Jess, of course it would, though there's is once more some feeling of shyness, awkwardness or being taken aback by what he says, it is not outright a threat, but it very much is in the same scary nature as one. She clears her throat, trying to compose herself even if she's miserably failing to hide some of the tension in her stance and her voice "Look... I was talking to another student, you know..." She comments as if that would save her from it, after all, if people were sharing this in class, surely it was alright for students to know.

But some of those nerves are eased by Auri, even if the girl, seems equal parts skeptical of her statements, and let down by the realization that she might be on to something "But uh... Why would a teacher scam students and- And everyone is talking about vampires this, and demons that... It not like, you know... There's definitely..." She pauses to choose her wording carefully, in a way that would not give her away, even if she's pretty obvious by now, but that will also tell the evident that she's referring to "You know, there's things here- Weird things - Beyond scams"

giggles "Teacher is not scamming. Teacher is the mark. Probably one of my cousins I bet." she says with an impish gleam. "He is just passing on scam that tricks him. Oh? Yes, I have noticed! Everyone talks of these things here. It is so much fun. You should go here!" she says, letting on that she's figured out this girl isn't a student. "The food is good, and I bet you are very clever and get scholarship." Auri gives the girl a once over. She can't be that old if she's sneaking onto campuses she doesn't attend. "Is fun, and they have a beautiful pool, and I bet if you stay you can see a /Pretty/ vampire."

Jess doesn't have country wisdom for this play. He doesn't know where the game is, and he's lost the ball. Rather spinning a twin tail, he mentally steps back.

Auri tilts her head a bit, taking Jess words into consideration. Well she's certainly doing this the hard way if that's so.

The girl in indeed quite young, she might be around the eighteen mark if not a year or two younger, not too tall and a bit on the skinny side, with black hair gathered into twintails. There is a moment of thought as she listens to Auri, bitting up one of her nails, cheeks flushing a tiny bit, almost feeling dumb for falling for a scam that someone who has fallen for it is now propagating.

And the more thought she gives it, the more sense it makes. Giant rats didn't exist, and every teenager probably talks about demons and vampires. Maybe coming in from the outside thinking something was weird about the whole college from before got her to jump to conclusions, but she still seems uncertain of what to believe and what not, so she given her and Jess the vague answer of "I- Well, yes, maybe... It could be fun..."

"Sorry. Senior tasing." Jess hiccups through lingo, forcing a smile.