\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Encounterlogs/Selinas Odd Encounter Sr Trevor 240619

Selinas Odd Encounter Sr Trevor 240619

In the quaint and gently bustling cafe of Oh, For Heaven's Cake!, amidst an ambience painted with the tranquil hues of seaside turquoise and the earthy tones of cherrywood, Selina and Peyton found themselves ensnared in an unexpected encounter. Their morning, which had begun with intimate exchanges and casual conversation about their respective exploits, took a stark turn with the abrupt entrance of a disheveled, hooded figure. Marked by the crimson stains of a recent feeding—his first, as his demeanor of horrified guilt suggested—this young vampire inadvertently thrust the couple into the midst of his turmoil. Despite Peyton’s initial move towards self-defense, Selina opted for a tactful intervention, guiding the vampire towards a chance at redemption rather than immediate confrontation.

As the situation unfolded, Selina’s leadership steered the course of action; she skillfully navigated the delicate balance between compassion and pragmatism while Peyton, albeit hesitantly, took steps to officialize the vampire's arrest under the aegis of the Order. Through a blend of assurance and authority, they managed to secure the vampire’s peaceful surrender, albeit with his protests of innocence and accidental wrongdoing lingering in the air. This intervention not only mitigated the immediate threat but also echoed the complexities and responsibilities that come with power and knowledge in the supernatural realm of Haven. The story concluded with the Order taking custody of the vampire, leaving Selina and Peyton to resume the serenity of their morning—a poignant reminder of life's unpredictability and the shadows that dance just beneath the surface of normalcy.
(Selina's odd encounter(SRTrevor):SRTrevor)

[Tue Jun 18 2024]

In the cafe of Oh, For Heaven's Cake!
The brick wall behind the counter and display case has been painted a calming seaside shade of pale turquoise, breathing new life into the older building, with the remaining walls left their natural warm browns and deep reds. Thick dark wooden beams create a further focal point and add dimension against the brightly painted brick. Floors are laid with a dark, polished cherry hardwood, swept clean and left tidy. Natural light streams through the window panes on each side of the door, and turquoise fixtures on iron poles hang from the rafters to provide soft lighting at night.

The counter is made of a thick piece of cherrywood, with ironwork scroll detailing at each end. An old-fashioned register sits to the side to ring up customers, while three cherrywood swivel stools with low rounded backs and iron pedestals provide a place to wait on an order. A bistro style table for two is pressed next to the window for people watching and a gift shop is nestled into the corner beside the eastern door marked 'Unisex Restroom'.

It is morning, about 85F(29C) degrees,

(Your target and their allies encounter a vampire who has killed their first feeding victim, likely less than six months a vampire they are horrified at what they've done and wracked with guilt.
Selina is sitting with Peyton in the cake store in Haven, having already exchanged a lengthy hug and kiss before sitting down together to have a short, hushed conversation about their last day or so of activities. She is holding hands with Peyton on the table, openly, not too worried about homophobes or anything, if she even has a concept of such people existing. "I am glad that your work went well. I am not sure what all of that means, but if it works for you," she says, trailing off a little. She nods to Peyton then and says, "I did not do much, aside from the battle, so you were certainly more active than me, it seems." She seems amused by this, but also takes time away from staring at Peyton to check her surroundings every so often.

It's a relatively normal day in Haven. It's a bright, sunny morning. The cafe that Selina and Peyton are in isn't all that crowded. It's a great spot for a chat and some early morning cake or desserts, should one desire such a thing so early on.

All's calm, all's normal.

This is Haven after all, and that peace and calmness doesn't last very long - it's broken by someone, a hooded figure scrambling into the cafe. The state of them, if Peyton or Selina were to look over would be real right mess. There's a dark crimson stain on their front of their sweater, and as they swivel their head around the cafe, inspecting their surroundings that same colouring stains their lips. Rushing in, they pass directly by the table the couple is at, and find their own seat, beginning to pant, in what sounds like distress.

Peyton seems lost in Selina's eyes, or at least her general vicinity. She smile and giggles and relates the inane details of her modeling career as she sits demurely posed in her seat. "I really can't seem to catch a big break, but I am getting a lot of work." She says, a little airily. "I think the the battling is pretty significant, much more so on a global scale." She argues, scrunching her nose as she makes a little face at Selina. She squeezes Selina's hands in both of hers and comes to a realization. "We should order something." She realizes, why else would they have come to such a place.

"We should order something," Selina echoes in agreement with Peyton before looking over toward the counter. That's probably about the time she would see the hooded figure and the crimson stained shirt and face. She tips her head toward Peyton and asks, "Is there a good reason to be dressed like that here today?" She has to check, obviously, because who knows what sort of customs might exist in this world. And where she is from, a dude walking in covered in blood is relatively normal. Ish. She has to check in to make sure she is not over reacting or something first. She presses her lips together into a thin line as her pale blue eyes track the person across the store. She also scans the rest of the place to see who may have noticed or not and the reactions they give to help gauge how much she needs to get involved.

With how quiet the cafe seems to be, it's obvious at a glance that Selina is the first person to notice. Most fashionable people, would realize this is definitely not a normal outfit to be wearing in almost 30 degree weather. A baggy hoodie with the hood pulled up, comfortable blue jeans, and a large pair of boots. Obviously they're trying to hide themselves, as much as possible.

The panting sound from the table disappears, and it turns into a quiet sob. Yes, more clear signs of distress. The angle of where they sit, and the hood on makes it hard to make out the person's face.

Peyton leans to follow Selina's gaze, blinking huge doe eyes with alarm and glancing back to Selina. She shakes her head slightly, slipping her hand into her purse and wrapping a petite hand around an even more petite micro compact handgun. "No, not at all." She says, though she makes no further move to intervene, she spares a concerned look, clearing her throat slightly.

"Tut tut, weapons are last resort," Selina whispers to Peyton, shaking her head as she stares toward the now sobbing figure. She scans the place again to make sure no one is giving the hooded figure any more attention just yet. Then she stands up slowly from table, reluctantly letting go of Peyton's other hand in the process. She takes a deep breath then steps toward the figure and clears her throat, gesturing toward the unisex restroom through the eastern door. "You should clean yourself up a bit," she starts with, trying to bodily block the view of the red traces on the figure's clothes and face from others nearby.

Luckily, nobody still has yet to notice. None of the staff, or any of the other sparsely sitting individuals. Most everyone was probably waking up.. or well, it's the modern age. Everyone not a member of staff of this rather fine establishment, seems to be buried in their phones, all but the couple enjoying their time together.

That hooded figure lifts its head, revealing more of their face. They look young, youngish. But in Haven, that probably means nothing. A set of bright, emerald eyes peers up at Selina, tears staining his cheeks, and hanging off his lashes. "I.." he says, pausing a moment to take a breath to try and settle his emotions. "I killed someone." Despite the rather youngish look to them, the voice is rough, ragged.

Peyton does not draw her hand out of her purse, as she rises to flank Selina, a few demure steps behind Selina, keeping Selina between herself and the figure. She frowns and glances back out the window and into the street, moving a few steps that way to see if any commotion follows. "That's um, illegal." She says, as if for Selina's benefit, seeming a little scattered, put upon to have her morning thusly ruined.

Selina glances over at Peyton regarding the illegal comment then looks back to the hooded vampire. "Well, a confession is easier. I am not worried about legality, but I am certain my consort is," she says, slipping a hand over and into Peyton's to give it a gentle squeeze. She also uses that moment to fall back into the Nightmare and bring Peyton with her. In the next moment, she reaches out her free hand to grab the vampire and drag him rather involuntarily into the Nightmare with them. At least this way, whatever else happens, they no longer need to worry about being seen by the average humans possibly running around in Haven. The Council of Venice will also not be writing her any angry letters or sending assassins for her this way either. "If you give yourself up, it will look better to them," she offers to the vampire then, gesturing toward Peyton as if to let her take the lead on the whole arresting a supernatural perpetrator to hold lawfully accountable bit. She seems inclined to stay uninvolved unless the vampire makes things more difficult.

The act of being involuntarily yoinked into the Nightmare seems to be a sudden shock to the vampire. His head snaps up, darting from Selina to Peyton, then back to Selina where his eyes land on.

Despite looking at Selina, he seems to be talking to Peyton with the next comment, "I.. It wasn't intentional," he admits softly. It's not like the intention really matters. Though the fact it wasn't on purpose, well, it would be a manslaughter charge - probably, in most courts of law. "I don't know what I'm doing," the man sticks his tongue out, wetting his lips and sliding his tongue over those clearly obvious vampire fangs.

Peyton gives her head a slow, confused shake, "I'm not really, in my comfort zone here. Before I probably would have just covered it up or... Something.... I am not even fully initiated yet, I don't think this would be my area of expertise even when I am..." She says, whispering to Selina beneath her breath. She grabs for her phone as a lifeline, but of course, the Nightmare. She looks helpless.

"Covering up would be up to his society," Selina says to Peyton with a small roll of her shoulder. She looks back to the vampire and asks, "Do you even have one?" She did not catch a symbol as he went by, so it seems a reasonable thing to ask. She is not attacking the guy, so as long as he remains compliant, she will not have to be more forceful. "Either way, walking around bloodied in front of everyone is a bad idea. Confessing to murder is less so. What if someone heard that?" she says in an emotionally-detached tone, shaking her head a little. She gives Peyton's hand a squeeze then slips her free hand into her cardigan pocket to produce a set of electronic neutralizing cuffs. She holds them out to Peyton and says, "Put those on his wrists. Slip out of the nightmare in the bathroom, call some Order people to come get him. They can handle the rest from there."

"H-hey," the bloodied-vampire man begins. It seems his sadness and his guilt has turned to confusion, or, is turning to confusion at the situation. "Cuffs? Really?" There's a brief baring of his fangs - this one seems a little more threatening. Even though he said he had no idea what he was doing, he does understand what hand cuffs are. "I don't really plan on going somewhere with either of you, or that Order of yours. I didn't mean to kill them! I was just feeling weak."

Peyton seems to be also insecure here, and he addresses her, "Can you put those away? We can just talk, maybe?"

Peyton edges towards the figure, past Selina, and she holds forth the cuffs. "Just put these on, they might help you think more clearly." She says, opening the cuffs and smiling reassuringly. Uncertain or not Selina's plan seems enough to go on, and her lack of confidence falls to the wayside in favor that. "There will be plenty of time for talking, I'm sure." She soothes.

"Her way is certainly more pleasant than mine. Hurt her, and I will have to revisit that pain back upon you," Selina says to the vampire with a roll of her shoulder once more. She nods to Peyton as the blonde steps toward the vampire to make the Order arrest. She keeps a clear line of sight on the vampire, anticipating some shenanigans as the impending arrest comes into focus for the creature. "If you feel regret and go in willingly, like I said, it will be easier on you," she reminds the vampire coolly, even as the air temperature in the Nightmare corner of the cake store starts to drop a degree here and there slowly around her.

Those emerald green eyes of his seem panicked now, he's in a very bad situation, one that he clearly wasn't expecting to be in. His eyes dart from Peyton to Selina, then to Peyton, a pleading look in his face. Let him go. They seem to see.

If this vampire was stronger, perhaps had any idea of what he was doing he might put up more a fight, might lash out - but, no, that's not the case. The man's shoulders slump in defeat, and offers up his wrists.

"Fine, okay, whatever." Resignation. Absolute resignation now. No longer does it seem like he's going to be a threat.

Peyton makes a sympathetic sort of sound, bolstered as much by Selina's threats as the vampire's suddenly more passive stance. "Yes, this is for the best." She says, firmly. She is very quick with the shackles, if she meets no resistance, a touch of preternatural speed closing the final step and making her tennis skirt go woosh, and quick hands moving to clap the manacles shut.

"There you go. Your first Order arrest," Selina says to Peyton, stepping forward to pat her on the back. She motions toward the eastern door and says, "You can step out there and call some Orderites to come get him. I'll watch him." She folds her hands together then in front of herself and regards the vampire for a long moment, letting Peyton go do her thing. "You'll be fine. The Order will investigate, have a trial, condemn you for murder, then see if you can be rehabilitated into not being a corpse factory," she explains impassively to the vampire, her face coolly neutral in expression. "And it is certainly better than what the Temple would do to you," she adds as if there is, in fact, a worse option than even her own way of handling him.

As the manacles are clasped on his wrists, the vampire begins to pull his wrists apart, like he's going to be able to break out of these shackles so easily. "This.. isn't right," he says a moment later. "The both of you. I didn't *DO* anything!" Selina's explanation really seems to have shaken him, with her describing what's actually going to happen now. "It wasn't MY fault they died. It just happened. Just let me go, and we can forget about this."

Peyton makes a vague face, and goes diving through the wall into the bathroom, admiring herself briefly in the mirror before she pulls herself through. She checks for any missed calls or texts before she phones it in, resisting the self-soothing urge to check her social media. As the call rings through, she she negotiates the conversation somewhat uncertainly. "Yes umm, a killer vampire. I cuffed them... Oh, For Heaven's Cake, yes, the bathroom." She says.

"Yes, yes, save your blood-tinged tears for the trial," Selina says, shaking her head before clamping down a hand on the vampire's shoulder. "All vampires kill eventually. Learn from this experience. Learn how to mitigate it," she tells him simply before hoisting him up and starting him toward the bathroom. She does not seem inclined to push him through the mirror just yet, but she keeps an eye on Peyton and holds him there until the Orderites can arrive to take him off her hands. All the while, she maintains that cold exterior and glacial expression on her face.

As the vampire sits in silence, listening to Selina's speech, he's clearly thinking things over. Maybe he's going to attack? Maybe not.

Eventually, though, a few Orderites come through the door next to Peyton, working their way in. "Okay," they state, in a normal, chill tone. "We'll take it from here, pass him off here."

It'd be an easy push for Selina, to shove the vampire man through the mirror and into the Orderite's hands.

That'd be the end of it. Selina and Peyton could go back to their morning, undisturbed.